Veil Iriq
■ BIRTH NAME... Veil Borlaaq ■ RACE & CLAN... Au Ra; Xaela; Iriq Tribe ■ GENDER... ♂ ■ AGE & NAMEDAY... 52; 16th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon ■ ORIENTATION... Bisexual ■ RELATIONSHIP STATUS... Married, Separated |
■ CURRENT RESIDENCE... Nomad ■ OCCUPATION... Bounty Hunter/Mercenary ■ PATRON DEITY... None ■ HEIGHT... 7' 1" ■ WEIGHT... 250 Ponz ■ ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good |
- ■ Spirituality/Religion. Veil doesn't have much opinion on faith. There are gods. There are ghosts. There is an afterlife and there are a thousand angry skeletons waiting for him to get there. And certainly, one day, he will get there. All of this is indisputable, so he sees no reason in any emphasis or argument on faith.
- ■ Politics. Having been away from the world for quite some time, he knows little about the technical talk of political figures. His views on justice are as thin as 'if someone wants to kill you, you probably did something wrong', and he tries to keep his thinking that way.
Expand Strength ( 15 )' |
He does his best to stay in top shape and top physical condition while he can, often working out and maintaining the upkeep in most of his muscles. There's a point, though, when there's only so much you can reach when ranked against others with younger bodies, and others with all of their limbs. He's strong, he can lift quite a bit, and a hit will damn hurt. But he's not going to be the city's top brawler anytime soon*. It just isn't his alley.
Expand Dexterity ( 17 )' |
Veil isn't agile, or graceful, but reflexes have saved his life in more than one occasion. More than twenty, probably. Add that in to the gift of mechanical legs, and he has little problem barreling through tight corners and fancy footwork. In short, a dance with him will be clunky, but when a bomb goes off, he'll be the first to the floor.
Expand Constitution ( 18 )' |
You've got to have a form that can withstand a lot to reach his age, and his status. The man is rarely sick from his upbringing on the road, and his stamina and endurance are his best two traits when it comes to the physical. Sure, with metal legs, he can run for quite a while regardless. But if he had working ones, he'd be running for quite a while all the same. At an average pace, albeit.
Expand Intelligence ( 13 )' |
Veil is average in intelligence. He's smarter than some, not as smart as others, and largely, he puts more of his focus on skill above bookwork. He does have his significant navigating skills to aid him in this, as well as his expertise with magitek. But he's no braniac, and he certainly isn't going to waste his time in a game of Kharaqiq.
Expand Wisdom ( 12 )' |
Veil is educated and wise within his own fields. He knows the rules and laws of bounty hunting, of a criminal life. He knows the best of gut instinct and when to take chances, when to pull risks. When somebody's no good and has nothing good on their mind. He's 'street savvy', in that sense. But as soon as those walls are dropped and he's facing, instead, the civilized world, things start to get pretty dead in the water. He knows very little about people or societies, and especially in Eorzea, he really shouldn't be left alone in a few select parts of life. Certainly don't take him to your monterist parties.
Expand Charisma ( 10 )' |
Falling in line with his skills in wisdom, its been a long, long time since Veil's been around common folk. He isn't so good at talking to them. Not in the slightest.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category! ◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
Stories are in chronological order. Nothing Yet Notes on Art Nothing Yet |
Notes on Music.
❇ I came from forum rp, so I type a lot, and place rp priorities above game content priorities, so I rp a lot. I like to consider myself a heavy roleplayer, and while my first choice is usually to type things out in /em, i have no problem moving to party or linkshell. I'll also move there myself the moment things start to take a more graphic route (gorey shit, etc) because I am a descriptive writer and nobody wants to see that nonsense, man. Nobody.
❇ For Combat in Roleplay:: I honestly try to avoid rping combat because I'm not too confident with my ability to write it, but with my characters being the way they are that doesn't really pan out. While time to time I trust rp with people, I prefer dice rolling, using my dice at my desk or a site called roll20 where rolls are able to be viewed easily by others in a format. I don't really like xiv's roll system because the numbers are too big and the randomization is too high (most games will roll twice and take an average of the two, but xiv just uses one number), and skews things too much. ❇ Concerning Romance RP:: I'm 0% good at romance and neither are my characters. If you're seeking romantic interaction with my characters, by all means let me know and I'll see what I can do, but I like things to happen naturally. Its not a likelihood for that to work out icly as a love/love relationship (though its been done before), so please don't worry if it doesn't. ❇ There MUST be a clear separation between IC and OOC when rping. Insults, flirting, violence or talking about characters isn't meant to be personal (ooc). What happens in roleplay is usually best to stay there.
Unless otherwise stated, all information below is OOC knowledge. Some of these things might be good for possible RP hooks, though, and if you would like to set something up in advance with characters - or have some Prior character connection due to anything with the character just let me know!
If any issues occur within rp (something my character does is uncomfortble to you, you have an issue with how an action or situation takes place, etc.) just let me know OOCly. Please don't make veiled comments hoping I will catch on. I won't. I promise I won't. I don't pick up on that. If the situation is reversed, I will simply say something pretty fast - don't like to let things fester. That all said standard hard-limit no-no stuff and things I love are:
- ■ Do: --- Mature themes, violence, light or heavy gore, black magic shit, weird shit, fluff shit
- ■ Ask: --- Sexual shit, permanent maiming or debilitating/lasting damage, situations that would somehow physically or supernaturally tie or bind my character to yours
- ■ Don't: --- Permanent character death (without probable cause), anything up in the ask section without you asking me, I think that's it
Template was created by Bancroft Gairn, then adapted by Xheja Rajhera. Tabs and expanded bits added by Unnamed Mercenary. Expanded further then by D'lyhhia Lhuil and then edited further with a lot of additions by Ziv'ir Ashal!