W'eleneil Bernd
W'eleneil Bernd is a want to be airship captain (and pirate) who hails from Ul'dah's markets and deserts. Outwardly jovial and welcoming of all things, W'eleneil holds a ruthless and bloodthirsty quality to her that many only see as she ends them. While she wields a bow, she favors the savagery of daggers, befitting one of the Wolf clan. Also she happens to have a fear of floating rocks and ents. Possibly giant toads as well. Something about the giant mouths.
[hide]Appearance & Personality
W'elen is an average sort of Miqo'te. She's neither incredibly tall nor incredibly built for her race, though she does match most males in height. Dark blue hair adorns her head, ears and tail, and bright sea green eyes stare out from under her bangs. She has a set of light blue tattoos on her nose and the sides of her face, and tends to keeps her face free of makeup and other face paints. She's not quite lethe; more muscle hides under her armor and light skin than is noticeable at first glance. W'elen is strong though, evident by her heavy shots with her bows, and firm strikes with her daggers. Oddly enough, she tends to not tan very easily, turning red more often than not.
W'eleneil is a Miqo'te of roughly twenty summers and native to Ul'dah; her parents were traveling merchants selling alchemic wears and silks. She’s always been an adventurous sort, picking up basic abilities with daggers at a young age to try to help defend the cart at a young age. She’s brave, but has an irrational fear of floating rocks and ents. The latter because she once almost got consumed by one as a smaller child. W'elen will freeze up around ents, and slowly backpeddle or hide behind someone - regardless if the person she’s hiding behind is actually an effective shield (ie, Lalafell). Giant toads seem to trigger the same reaction. Probably something to do with the giant mouths.
Against anything else, she doesn’t falter and tends to start out with making snide comments about the creature’s mother. A great choice for an archer, yes, let’s antagonize the thing so it attacks her. It is rather comical to watch her kite buzzards around, taking pot shots when she can. She’s still a little young and naive, and hasn’t been jaded by her adventures yet. Generally cheery and generally optimistic, she focuses when in combat (provided it’s not with an ent). W'elen tends to discount her own ability, saying she still has much to learn in the ways of archery and as a thaumaturge. The Miqo'te came into her magic a few summers after she left her parents to take up adventuring and formal archery training. She’s not the best, and her aim leaves something to be desired, but she’s trying.
Underneath it all though, she ends up being too blaise, and too careless. If her target is in the middle of a collection of buzzards, she’ll take on the whole group just to kill the one mark. She leaps off cliffs and the tops of stares, and generally seeks thrill for the rush of excitement it creates in her. When her bloodlust is high, she looses all sense of herself and bloodies anything that moves against her. The finer points of alchemy are lost on her, and she thinks she can just will for it to do what she wants. She doesn’t have much in the way of people skills, and ends up being crass for the sake of being crass. W'elen either doesn’t let anyone in, or let’s someone in way to fast. There is no in between. She also tends to just do things for the sake of doing them; she joined the Storm Guard because it sounded interesting and the temptation of sailing, not because she was loyal to the Admiral or anything.
Combat Style
She fights with a ruthless style, lacking most of the flair and acrobatics of other fighters. Each arrow sinks into it's mark, and she slashes with the intent of dismembering. She prefers daggers, yet has almost bound herself to the bow for reasons she will not divulge to anyone. What "martial" training she has is purely street fighting and a style that makes no sense to anyone but her. W'elen's a team player, but can get competitive and start keeping count of kills.
W'elen was born to W'alya Strom and Bernd Nunh among the summer heat just outside of Ul'dah during a merchant caravan. Her first steps were taken while her mother sold alchemic wears under the cloth tents in Horizon, and her first words were spoken while her father was bartering silks away. Their clan was of average size, though the merchants kept to themselves. W'eleneil was introduced to the rest of the clan sometime around her fifth summer; she doesn't remember much except that it was entirely too hot and she had to wear itchy clothing. She showed little perchance for alchemy or tailoring, and was taking under her uncle for more combative teachings. Trained both in bow and daggers, W'elen helped protect the carts with the other guards at the age of ten summers. It kept her out of trouble, for the most part.
The middle of her teenage years saw the Calamity hit. While her parents and clan were spared, the resulting chaos and turmoil split the merchant caravan into splinters. It became apparent around this time that whatever her uncle had been teaching her had bred a savagery within her. In the panic following the Calamity, W'elen was sent into a raging bloodlust and massacred the caravan's chocobos, as well as two of the drivers. She was detained for twenty four moons within the Wolf clan grounds, enduring intense punishment and reeducation. She came out of it solely an archer, ever forbidden from wielding blades again. Her face was also adorned with light blue tattoos -- it's suspected these are what keep her from falling back into that savagery, as they hold aetheric energy, however small. Once released, she decided to take up arms with a Grand Company, to use her skills for a purpose. She chose the Maelstrom, primarily because they had ships and she'd never really experienced the ocean before.
Presently, she's enlisted with the 81st Foreign Levy and prepping for whatever awaits her in the future.
♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Platonic Love ♥ Sexual Attraction ● Good Standing ● Poor Standing
Rumors and Tidbits
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
Special Abilities
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