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<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#666666;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''WEIGHT...'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;padding:0px 5px;"> 195 ponze.</font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#666666;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''WEIGHT...'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;padding:0px 5px;"> 195 ponze.</font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#666666;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''ORIENTATION...'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;padding:0px 5px;"> Pansexual (Male Preference)</font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#666666;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''ORIENTATION...'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;padding:0px 5px;"> Pansexual</font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#666666;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''ALIGNMENT...'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;">Type 4 [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticNeutral Chaotic Neutral].</font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#666666;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''ALIGNMENT...'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;">Type 4 [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticNeutral Chaotic Neutral].</font>
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: <div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#585350;font-family:Georgia;">Meallaire Sergenaux is a Wildwood Elezen who originally hails from the Black Shroud, but who has traveled across much of the world.  She has held a number of occupations in her considerably long life, spends much of her time traveling and learning what she can about Eorzea, but more specifically, ancient culture and civilization.</div></div>
: <div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#585350;font-family:Georgia;">Meallaire Sergenaux is a Wildwood Elezen who originally hails from the Black Shroud, but who has traveled across much of the world.  She has held a number of occupations in her considerably long life, spends much of her time traveling and learning what she can about Eorzea, but more specifically, ancient culture and civilization.</div></div>
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Revision as of 10:07, 15 September 2016



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... MAH-luh-ruh SE-rjnoh

BIRTH NAME... Meallaire Sarrasin.

NICKNAMES... Mea, Meall, Alli.

RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... Appears 31ish.

NAMEDAY... 22nd Sun, 4th Umbral Moon.


Other Statistics

BIRTHPLACE... Gridanian.


RESIDENCE... Sergenaux Manor, Ishgard.

OCCUPATION... Aetherfist.

PATRON DEITY... Nymeia, the Spinner

HEIGHT... 6 fulms, 6 ilms.

WEIGHT... 195 ponze.

ORIENTATION... Pansexual

ALIGNMENT... Type 4 Chaotic Neutral.

General Information
Meallaire Sergenaux is a Wildwood Elezen who originally hails from the Black Shroud, but who has traveled across much of the world. She has held a number of occupations in her considerably long life, spends much of her time traveling and learning what she can about Eorzea, but more specifically, ancient culture and civilization.

Ethereal, confident. Ambidextrous, right-handed preference when writing. One major scar (face), many minor (body).
Hair & Eyes
Her hair has carried a variety of styles and shades over the years, having started out her life with platinum blonde hair that lightened to white during her youth. She tends to bounce between black with strands of white throughout, or straight white when she's not feeling up to coloring it. She wears it to just about her shoulders, sweeping forward to frame her face gently, giving her as close to a distinguished appearance as one might find her in. She doesn't bother binding it up, and expressions of frustration will find long fingers tangling in her hair and tugging. Her eyes are a steely shade of silver, though when she was younger she wore thin alchemical lenses of differing colors, either as part of a disguise or costume she wore, or simply for variety because her own eyes had so little color. As she's aged, she's ceased this practice for the most part, unless needed for infiltration of somewhere.
Physique & Markings
Standing at six fulms and six ilms, Meallaire is tall for a woman, even an Elezen, and is a scant two ilms shorter than her husband and partner. Physically she's stockier than some Elezen, with a heft to her body that is a mixture of curve and muscle, the former much more apparent at first glance than the latter. She's grown more slender over the years, though her weight maintains because of the physical regimen she follows, easily half again as heavy as most women of her height and size. Facially she appears mature, but not old, looking to be in her early thirties. This youthful appearance is somewhat superficial, as the woman has easily seen more than the usual years of an Elezen of age, a lifespan is attributed to some damn fine alchemical work, and the ability commonly known as the Echo. She bears a single scar on her face, stretching up over her left eye and ending in the middle of her cheek. She has numerous smaller scars across her body, representing a life full of accidents, conflict, and the little things that leave their marks on us.
Hygiene & Attire
While she won't hesitate to get dirty, and even bloody, she prefers being clean a majority of the time. She carries a strong scent of evergreen and roses around her, beneath the smell of whatever other plant or alchemical mixture she happens to have been working with most recently. She does her best to wear clothing that is in excellent shape, but her attire is as varied as anything else about her might be. When in combat with a sword she prefers heavy plate, when utilizing her martial arts she prefers flexible leather armor that doesn't inhibit her movements, and when working spells she prefers robing with pockets and pouches to carry all of the components and other miscellaneous items she might need during the course of her work.
Worn Items of Note
A simple silver band with an ornate multicolored gem, her bond ring.
A single stud piercing through her tongue, made of highly polished gemstone.
Positive Traits Negative Traits
• Affectionate
• Confident
• Intelligent
• Honest
• Loyal
• Patient
• Aggressive
• Blunt
• Contemptuous
• Cynical
• Mistrustful
• Prejudiced
Psychological Profile
In her youth she was a very quiet and studious intellectual who mostly kept to herself, the primary company in her life her father, aunt and the voices of the Elementals. Age has turned her serious, though she maintains an open-mind within certain subjects. She's an eager student to anything she hasn't yet learned, taking in knowledge about people, magic, combat, tradeskills, and ancient history with an ease that explains her current level of intellect.

A lifetime littered with loss and sorrow has left its mark on her, with two of her five children buried in the ground, and a shroud of melancholy that drapes around her when left to her own introspective thought. When her family is involved, she's a very dedicated and affectionate individual, albeit also very protective, sometimes to the point of sheltering her loved ones. Though it takes quite a bit to rouse her to action, when she gets going, she's a very hot-blooded woman who has a cynical streak a mile long, and a sharp tongue to go along with it. That said, those who threaten her family find her to be quite fierce, as she shifts gears from an individual who prefers to rationalize everything, to someone who is suddenly flinging fists and spells in their direction with equal levels of ire and cold logic.

With her youth spent traveling, she has a deep wanderlust that keeps her moving, with few places becoming 'home' for more than a year or two at best. Regardless of the almost nomadic lifestyle that she and her husband live, she'd drop all of her travels to come to the aid of those she cares for. Despite all of her growth and the changes she's undergone, some things will never change: she considers herself neither a villain nor a hero, but is capable of turning herself into either if pushed to it.
Smoky, warm and lilting, Mea's voice is exactly what one might expect from a grown woman, with the mannerisms to match. She speaks with a very even tone, rarely raising her voice even when angry, or highly emotional. Her accent is difficult to place, a cultured voice with a mostly indiscernible mixture of tones and words gained from her years of travel across the world. When incredibly upset, her voice comes across with a thicker brogue, one that makes her much more difficult to understand. Her singing voice is similarly husky, the kind of rich sound that makes one think of quiet bars with piano music flowing, or mothers cradling their infants and singing them to sleep in low tones.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Meallaire has strong opinions and views, and her philosophical outlook tends to be just as strongly opinionated. As a woman who lives an open and relatively free lifestyle with her husband, she understands that free will and choice are extremely important in life, but just as important is maintaining that free will for others. As such, she does her best not to shove her attentions, affections, or interest on an individual who is unresponsive to her in any way.

Her age has given her a unique perspective on life and the way many people live it. Many consider themselves good or evil, but she knows that life can't be quantified down into black or white, good or evil, and instead is fleshed out and flourishes only when the many shades of grey that lie between the darkness and light, between the two absolutes, is explored.

When it comes to mannerisms, she has a few consistent traits to her. She's incredibly loyal when someone gains her trust. She does her level best not to make any promise she doesn't feel she can keep, even if that promise happens to sound rather outlandish at the time. She won't hesitate to teach anyone else who asks after her about any of the knowledge she's gained over the years. And she'd give up absolutely anything to protect her family, even her own life.
❄ Wandering the Shroud.
❄ Inclement weather.
❄ Night time.
❄ Children.
❄ Herbal cigarettes.
❄ Reading.
❄ Flavorful food.
❄ Cooking.
❄ Music.
❄ Nature.
❄ Dishonesty.
❄ Zealotry.
❄ Extreme heat.
❄ Morbols.
❄ Laziness.
❄ Indecision.
❄ Politics.
❄ Blood Currants.
❄ Pettiness.
❄ Being abandoned.
❄ Dancing.
❄ Magic.
❄ Crafting.
❄ Science.
❄ Diplomacy.
❄ Cooking.
❄ Healing.
❄ Medicine.
❄ Martial Arts.
❄ Swordplay.

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Aether, Intelligence, Strength
Above Average: Endurance, Willpower, Wisdom
Average: Charisma, Dexterity, Speed
Low: Defense
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Conjury, Healing
Expert: Barriers, Ice
Average: Lightning, Arcanima
Novice: Fire, Astromancy
Weapon Training
Mastery: Hand-to-hand, One-handed Swordplay
Expert: Magic Infusion, Staff
Average: Guns, Two-handed Swordplay
Novice: Archery, Axes, Polearms
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Acrobatics, Blind-fighting
Above Average: Field Medicine, Mimicry, Tactics
Average: Parkour, Riding, Tracking
Poor: P. Ranged Attack, Ranged Defense
OOC Note
When it comes to unavoidable combat RP, I'm willing to go with either Dice, or Freeform, depending on what's decided on by those of us fighting. That said, I prefer freeform, and use what is referred to as an "interrupt" style of RP combat, in that when an action is performed, a description of the effects it would have is included. It is then up to the other individual to defend against the action and/or mitigate the effects as they're described. Don't hesitate to send a /t if you have questions, or are uncertain about a specific action performed in a battle.

Artistry & Tradeskills

An extended lifespan has given her a critical eye, attention to detail, and quality that one might expect to find from a master craftsman. She considers her strongest points to be botany, gardening, alchemy and cooking, though she has dabbled in each craft equally, looking to use the skills she has learned in a complimentary manner. In Eorzea, she sought out membership with each guild in order to maintain her level of capability, and indeed, improve upon techniques drawn from other places.
Alchemical Cooking
Meallaire has the most experience with cooking. She tends to cook with an elegant flourish, and favors candies and cakes, but she can make just about anything, ranging from traditional Eorzean dishes to the more unique cuisine of Othard, and indeed, lands far beyond. But take away her fancy pots and pans, and she's just as happy cooking over an open fire with a simple metal pot and fresh spices. She's more of a personal fondness for savory rather than sweet. She did undergo training at the Bismark, to learn how to appropriately and adequately prepare traditional Eorzean cuisine as cooking can often change over the years, and she spent a great deal of time out of Aldenard. Her specialties are small chocolate candies, filled with cream and fruit, a sort of cordial cherry type dish, which she makes with a number of both sweet and sour fruits. This has more recently expanded to include Ishgardian cuisine as she spends more time in the area, and even some rare Dravanian style dishes, when she can locate appropriate sources for the information.

To go along with her skill at cooking, Meallaire is also an alchemist of no small amount of skill. She crafts natural and magically based philters, draughts, and elixirs, all of which she offers for purchase. She also creates experimental potions and drafts, finding new ways to push the envelope with her creations. One of the ways that she utilizes her alchemical cooking is in taking the sting, as it were, out of some of the more nasty tasting potions. She has also used these methods to make unique treats, such as delicate spun chocolate creations, and frozen sweet cream made into tiny dots of flavor which melt together to become a rather delicious whole.

Probably Meallaire's greatest hobby, the cultivation of plants and new subspecies of flora is one of the things that the woman prides herself on. Through careful study and experimentation, she has begun growing plants that are often not found in Eorzea proper, typically for personal use and never shared with others except in the form of an ingredient used in one of her many concoctions or tinctures, or as part of an herbal tea.

Meallaire is a very private individual, and while she is likely to explain bits and pieces of her history, no one individual should expect to get all of the details out of her until they're very close. Some details she'll share freely, others she guards close to her chest as secret.
Since Character Creation
Starting Again, Again...
Abandoning their assumed personas to claim, or rather, reclaim their traditional Eorzean names, the pair along with their youngest child settled into daily life in Ishgard after moving north and abandoning their estate in Ul'dah to their twin sons. That was short-lived however, as wanderlust did what it often did with the two, and both Meallaire and Jeulerant began traveling again, sometimes with their daughter traveling with them, or more often left behind with her other caretaker and guardian, Vierdyn.

Advancement & Progress
Long discussions with her husband led Meallaire and Jeulerant north, past the outskirts of Dravania, and up, into the clouds high above, where the once abandoned facility of Azys Lla lies. Explorations and delving deeper and deeper into the facility lay bare uncomfortable truths and hidden secrets of the Allag Empire. Donning a mask and throwing herself wholeheartedly into a lifestyle of research, she's once again begun tinkering with things better left alone.

As if that is at all surprising to anyone who knows her.

Relationship Status Legend

Lost Contact
Jeulerant Sergenaux ( )
While not her first love, A'rklonn is the love of Glioca's life, and the one person in all the worlds that she'd willingly walk into the Void for if something happened to him. Despite whatever other relationships they have had, Glioca and A'rklonn have a long and lasting bond that has carried them through trials, tribulations, and the birth of their four children. While she does not openly say so frequently, she both envies her husband for some of his life experiences, and admires him for his endurance and persistence despite all the ill that has happened to him during his similarly long life. She could think of no one else she would choose to spend her life with, and considers him, as she calls him frequently, the other half of her heart and soul.
Vaelenant Sergenaux. ( )
One half of the twins, Vaelen is the more impulsive of the two. There is no doubt that shehas a more open affection for Vaelen than Aelden, if only because of the time spent together in Vae's youth. The two regularly engage in physical training together, with her passing on some of her sword techniques to Vae, and Vae constantly challenging and pushing her harder as she grows more and more proficient with physical combat with a weapon.
The other half of the twins, Aelden is the more sedate and laid-back of the two boys. Mea and Aelden are not as close, though they have similar hobbies and interests (the study of magic, especially). She often sets Aelden to task at magical research and development of his own style of combat. Despite this lack of closeness, she loves her son very much, and hopes that one day he carves out his own niche in the world. She is glad however, that Aelden and his father share the kind of close bond that she and her son cannot.
Anthya Sergenaux ( )
Adopted Daughter
She adores Anthya, one of the eldest of her adopted children. The affections between the two are often warm, sometimes teasing, sometimes competitive, but most often cooperative, especially in regards to scholarly pursuits. They share a love of books, tea, and continual expansion of knowledge. Though they don't often get to spend much time together, what time they do spend in one another's company is a continual game of one-upping one another with the information they've gleaned during their time apart, with Anthya constantly striving to catch up to the older Elezen's experiences.
Ellemeare Sergenaux ( )
Adopted Daughter
The most recent of her adopted children, and in fact, one of the last of them, Ellemeare is a girl that they met by circumstance, who has quickly become a treasured part of the family. She's one of the most recent that A'rklonn and Glioca have adopted. She finds the girl to be intelligent and intuitive, if a bit easily embarrassed. The two share a great affection and warmth. There is a definite physical side to their relationship, and perhaps a bit of a romantic side as well, though that isn't the focus of their relationship.
Solane Sergenaux ( )
The most recent addition to the family, born on the 21st Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon, under Nald'thal, Solane was named in part after Selaine, Mea's mother. Solane is the last addition that the pair plan on making, with no thoughts of children in their future. She is growing rapidly for an Elezen child, despite being a touch premature at the time of her birth. She is mostly healthy, however, and that was what concerned her parents the most. Neither of them know what the future will hold for her, but they hope to see her grow and develop, to become something wonderful in her own time, though that is many years away.
Vierdyn Faucaux ( )
No one is quite sure where the male Duskwight came from, only that he's often found at her side. He's a very quiet individual, and a solicitor who sometimes works handling delicate legal matters for Meallaire. While the relationship between the two isn't precisely romantic, there is a very deep bond there, and it's obvious that the two are lovers, with Jeulerant's blessing.
Aedan Steelweaver ( )
Mea met Aedan at a party hosted in the Goblet, and the two know one another through Katja, who is no longer part of the family. She finds the man to be interesting, and there is definitely a budding friendship between the two of them, with banter passed easily back and forth between the pair. She hasn't bothered to hide her physical attraction to the man, but that isn't unusual given her preference for taller males with whom she can see eye to eye. He has an easy manner to him that Mea can appreciate, and the two have shared several long conversations about their lives, forging a much deeper friendship, one that Mea is thankful for.
Syranelle Ironleaf ( )
The pair of them first met a number of years ago, when Syranelle was still young. Meallaire, spent time training at the hand of her mother, Vivenne. For seven years the two were thick as thieves. When Meallaire departed quite suddenly, called into service for Gridania, the two lost contact, and have only recently reconnected. She knows the woman is likely cautious of her, and she cannot blame her for being rightly guarded. She hopes that they can once again grow close as time passes.
Mistalv Arroway ( )
She met Mistalv through Aedan, who arranged a meeting between the two women. She has a lot of respect for the blind monk, and under her tutelage is thriving in her new training. With the two of them both adepts at combat, many of their spars devolve less into sparring, and more into an exchange of styles, techniques, and many long conversations between the two about everything from their original homes to plans for the future. Mea pledged herself into helping train new Fists, and Mistalv pledged to help teach Mea their ways and control of her gates. The relationship between the two is mutually beneficial.
R'tahz Tia ( )
Mea met R'tahz at his wedding to J'karu Rhome, after being given an invitation by an elderly gentleman in Coerthas. Curiosity prompted her to attend, and the two are only casually acquainted, though she got a very positive first impression of the male.
J'karu Rhome ( )
Mea met J'karu at her wedding to R'tahz, after being given an invitation by an elderly gentleman in Coerthas. Curiosity prompted her to attend, and the two are only casually acquainted, though she got a very positive first impression of the woman.
Abelaire Delacroix ( )
Student ?
An odd Duskwight male that Meallaire met in the wilds of the Dravanian Hinterlands while gathering reagents for potion making, the man caught her somewhat unawares and was attacked for his trouble. A fortuneteller, Meallaire was both amused and surprised when he asked for her instruction on manipulating the elements as she did. She agreed, and sent him off into meditation. He will either learn, and flourish, or fail, and she'll never see him again. Either way, his presence should make for a good diversion.
Tallera Weaver ( )
She met Tallera through her husband, and the two had an oddly close relationship despite the amount of time they spent distant from one another. She respects Tallera's grasp on magic, and she knows that there's a definite attraction to her on the part of the Hyurian woman, and in the past she was happy to indulge. Her greatest concern with Tallera is usually whether she's eaten whatever day she sees her, and if she's taking proper care of herself.
Selaine Friont ( )
Selaine passed away when Meallaire was barely five summers old. She felt the loss quite deeply, despite having almost no memory of the woman that her father mourned so deeply. Still, her loss was incredibly impacting in Meallaire's life, as it was her sickness and death which eventually drove her toward Conjury, and similarly influenced her into mothering others, as she didn't have one herself.
Jeulerand Sarrasin ( )
Jeulerand did his best to care for his daughter after the loss of her mother. He was lost to skirmishes in the Twelveswood with Ala Mhigo when Meallaire was fifteen summers old. His loss was felt very deeply by the girl, and she fell into a depression for a number of years, before finally departing to Othard.
Cirenelle Friont ( )
After Jeulerand passed away, Meallaire stayed with Cirenelle, who attempted to pull the girl from the deep depression that overtook her at his loss. She saw the girl off to Othard, and didn't see her again until Meallaire returned. By that time, the woman was on her death bed, and she passed not long after.
Valistaux Sarrasin ( )
Valistaux was the first son born to Meallaire and Vandor, and grew up in Doma. Much like his parents, he's used magical means to extend his lifespan, along with the woman he eventually married, Esirelle, a girl that Meallaire and Vandor adopted during their travels around Othard. The two have a single daughter, Charinelle. She recently received word that Valistaux and Esirelle were killed in conflict with Garlean soldiers.
Esirelle Sarrasin ( )
Adopted Daughter
Esirelle, is a Duskwight girl that Meallaire and Vandor adopted while in Othard. She was young, and had ended up coming across the ocean as cargo in a slaver ship. The pair purchased the girl outright, and adopted her into their small family. She grew up alongside Valistaux, and no one was surprised when they eventually fell in love. The two have a single daughter, Charinelle. She recently received word that Valistaux and Esirelle were killed in conflict with Garlean soldiers.
Siduris Sargonnai ( )
Adopted Son
Siduris came to the family through odd circumstances, via the woman who would become his wife, Alupia, who was also intimate with Vaelen and Aelden. When the group split, Alupia abandoned the family, with Siduris staying behind. She was closer to the younger man than she had been her adoptive daughter and had a very deep respect for him. She keeps his broken shield tucked carefully away with her more prized possessions. She hopes that he wanders somewhere still, not dead, but living a better life. She may never know the truth of it.
NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Oh, the lady w'the white hair? Brings us bread some mornins'. Gives 'em to us after havin' us haul a couple little boxes across town. Anyroad, she's nice enuff." — Ul'dahn Refugee.
"Always orders the same thing. Jenever, she calls it. Smells like a bloody Starlight Tree. An' wot's with that little flask o'hers? Red liquid, spikes the drink all the time. Bad enough she doesn't just call the stuff Gin. Hmf." — Quicksand Barmaid.
"Sure, I've seen her around. Every time she drops by the Knight. Rarely drinks, barely eats, just listens for hours at a time, 'fore leaving again, that sword on her hip. Always looks cold when she goes out. Not chilled, you know, just... cold." — Patron at the Forgotten Knight.
"That shop of hers sure does have a variety. I found some new books, a rouge for my lips, and these little wrapped candies that were to die for!" — Ul'dah Citizen.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She's got an inventive mind, and a drive to constantly push the boundaries of what we think is possible. She'll go far, of that I'm certain." — Severian.
"We see her a lot down in the Brume. Blankets n' bread, warm words n' healing. Don't seem to mind getting dirty in a dustup when someone says a foul word to her neither. Always just patches 'em up afterward n' goes back about her business." — Brume Rat.
"I used to see her visiting the Lifemend Stump. Same day and bell every week, always carrying a flower. Then suddenly she just stopped, haven't seen her in a few weeks. Not certain what the story there was, and I never thought to ask." — Wood Wailer.
"She's always stopping by when she's in Gridania, looking for some new clipping, or a sampling of seeds. She spends a lot of time sketching and writing about the things we bring in, adding them to some or another book she's working on." — Gridanian Botanist.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Glioca? Diligent with her study, but something about her sets me on edge. Those eyes of hers are too old to belong to someone that young." — Cocobuki, Thaumaturge's Guild.
"Someone told me she was a lady of the evening. Can you imagine the shame of it?" — Ishgardian Noblewoman.
"She definitely knows how to work a piece of wood to an exquisite finish, that's for certain." — Beatin, Carpenter's Guild.
"Miss Meallaire? Healed us even when others in Gridania ignored us. Said she didn't care about the Elementals, just about helping those who needed it. Saved my son when no one else would. I don't care what anyone else says about her, she cares, and that's more than most." — Ala Mhigan Woman.
"Sometimes two souls love each other to a point that they lack an adequate way to express it. It becomes easier to express any number of other emotions instead. I see that, when I look at Meallaire and Jeulerant." — Argenia, Wise Woman.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Just because I know a little magic doesn't mean I'm the one you should watch out for. Everyone worries about me, but she's the scary one. I do so love that about her." — Jeulerant Sergenaux.
"Oh... yeah, she came to our wedding. I can't really say I know them that well. Er, no, I don't rightly know why they were there. But! Anyroad. She seemed well enough, a bit unusual and mysterious, but kind and pleasant in the way you'd expect of someone who holds herself with that kind of poise." — J'karu Rhome.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Meallaire travels all across the world, and can be found in a variety of locations, though a few stand out more than others.
The Shroud: High.
Gridania: High.
Goblet Residential District: High.
Thanalan: High-Moderate.
Ishgard: High-Moderate.
Ul'dah: High-Moderate.
Coerthas: Moderate.
Dravania: Moderate.
Tailfeather: Moderate.
Mor Dhona: Moderate-Low.
Limsa Lominsa: Low.
La Noscea: Low.
She has made a number of connections across the world in her travels.
Gridania & The Shroud: Meallaire is still a Gridanian citizen.
Conjurer's Guild: A conjurer in her youth and a hearer, Meallaire sometimes serves in a formal capacity for the guild.
Gladiator's Guild: Meallaire has since broken her affiliations with the Gladiator's Guild in Ul'dah.
Doma, Othard: Despite being born and raised in her early years in Gridania, much of her adult life was spent in Othard in and around Doma, and so she very much considers Doma her 'home'.
Ishgard: Meallaire has strong ties to Ishgard, including the Sarrasin Estate, the family manor which one belonged to her grandfather, a lesser noble whose title has now fallen to the wayside.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that Meallaire carries on her person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png Glio ring.png Glio knife.png Sackicon.png Glio herbs.png Glio journal.png Glio quill.png Inkpot.png Glio rations.png VialIcon.png Glio alchkit.png Glio medkit.png Glio candy.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Eternal Bond Ring: Resting on the ring-finger of her left hand, this ring rarely leaves her person, but when exceptionally nervous she fidgets with the ring, spinning it on her finger.
Belt Knife: A simple knife affixed to Mea's belt in most of her traveling outfits, a general all-purpose kind of blade that she keeps clean and sharp.
Leather Satchel: An item that has been with Meallaire for quite a while, this larger leather satchel is soft from wear but also from the obvious care given it by its owner. It contains a number of different items, including a secondary tied coin purse with three hundred gil meant to serve as emergency coinage for airship fare in the event that she gets stuck in any particular place.
Herb Sachet: Mixed Teas - Among these are three blends, wrapped in a sectioned scroll case meant to keep the flavors from mingling. Among them she has a calming tea, an invigorating tea, and a tea meant for an upset stomach.
Journal & Ink: A simple journal that contains a number of images of herbs and plants, along with a few pressed samples of different herbs, as well as various sketches of human anatomy and skeletal structures. These sketches have notations in short-hand along the sides and the pages have seen obvious and frequent use. A small black vial rests with the journal, tightly capped, and beside it a crow feather quill.
Travel Rations: These rations are wrapped tightly and tied off in parchment paper, and are a mixed of dried meat, grains and meal, and dried fruits, enhanced with an alchemical concoction to preserve it for longer journeys.
Unassuming Vial: This vial contains a liquid of unknown origin, which Meallaire often adds to any drinks she's having in any public locale. It's only purpose is to test a liquid for unsavory additions, and the liquid inside turns black if these concoctions are detected.
Tied Satchels: These satchels are coded by color, and Meallaire can usually tell which bag is which in a hurry and not by sight if needed, usually by the stitching on the side and the fabric its made from.
Alchemical Remedies: Various alchemical concoctions, mostly in smaller vials meant to supplement Meallaire's healing as needed. Among them are smelling salts, an antidote, a hi-potion, a single ether, and a double dose of eye drops.
Medical Kit: This medical kit contains bandages, twine, thread, needles, a small scalpel, numbing salve, a powdered painkiller and an antiseptic and is primarily used for treating small wounds and such on the go.
Wrapped Candies: A small assortment of some of the candies that Meallaire makes, most of these are either flavored or coated in chocolate, and kept cool with an ice crystal stuffed in among them to prevent melting. The flavors she usually carries with her are almond, honey lemon, mint, orange and rolanberry.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask. There are certain things that I prefer to mitigate in her story because of the anguish she's already been through in her backstory.
I will play all RP themes from dark, serious and mature (violence, sexuality, torture, murder, conflict, drug / alcohol use) to the more light-hearted, humorous and simplistic, as long as it makes sense in the course of the RP. Plots that range from long-term to one-shots, elaborate and large-scale to minor and frivolous. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat, ambushes, assassination attempts, rivalries, friendships, romantic or sexual tension, coarse language and morally unclear subjects are all welcomed.
Ask about mutilation, permanent scarring or symbolic markings, long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Temporary character death. Significant mental tampering or programming. Anything dramatically character-changing or that might render her unplayable for a prolonged period of time.
I won't play permanent character death. Permanent maiming or any crippling that prevents her from functioning independently. Rape/kidnap/torture plots. Random ERP that occurs outside of organic interactions.
RP Hooks
Meallaire has done and seen a lot in her history. While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ She spends a lot of time in the Shroud and one may wander across her either singing, hunting, fishing or taking clippings from plants.
■ She lived a large part of her early adult life in Doma, and is fluent in the language, and familiar with their cooking methods.
■ She speaks with an unfamiliar almost blended accent that isn't quiet Eorzean, and has been cultivated over the years of her life.
■ Among some of the things she is capable of, she is a cook, gardens and grows a number of herbs, including recreational herbs, and also brews a number of different liquors.
■ Meallaire is a teacher as well as a healer, and enjoys imparting her knowledge to anyone willing to learn.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
First, thanks for taking the time to read my wiki! I'm the voice of reason and terrible creative mind behind Meallaire. I've been RPing for over half my life, and love the hobby. That said, I do have a few extra things to note. First and foremost is that I know Meallaire is opinionated and has some pretty extreme viewpoints, but that's not necessarily reflective of me as a person. I always expect and try myself to maintain a clear IC / OOC division in RP. Meallaire's feelings and my feelings are separate. I prefer clear lines of communication with whomever I'm RPing with, and those I'm RPing with should always feel free to send a /tell to clear up any questions.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt.
■ Aetherfist (martial arts/spellcaster combo) is a nod to Mystic Knight, from older Final Fantasy games, and has been developed through role-play.
■ References to white magic mean conjury, and black magic mean thaumaturgy.
■ Meallaire is advanced in age, but appears young thanks to conjury, alchemy, and the echo.
Miscellaneous Information
Concept: Meallaire's original 'concept' is sourced from a lot of different material, including video games, anime, literature, and Celtic mythology.
Classes: 60 Conjurer, Monk & Paladin / 60 Alchemist & Culinarian
Server: Balmung
Timezone: US Player; CST (UTC -6)
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Somewhat IC Tumblr (18+): Zoetic Grimoire
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe Meallaire either in part, or as a whole. Her background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as Meallaire's story changes. It was last modified on March 16th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave all link-backs and credits intact if you use this template.
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse.
■ Tabling, more formatting & bits by/from Suen Shyu.