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</td><td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Georgia;"><h3><span class="mw-headline" id="WEAPON"><span class="mw-headline">
</td><td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Georgia;"><h3><span class="mw-headline" id="WEAPON"><span class="mw-headline">
<div style="padding:10px 10px; background: #SECONDARY COLOR;font-size:14px;color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px silver;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-family:Georgia;"><center>Auras</center></div></span></span></h3>
<div style="padding:10px 10px; background: #SECONDARY COLOR;font-size:14px;color:#ffffff;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px silver;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-family:Georgia;"><center> - </center></div></span></span></h3>
<div style="font-family:Georgia;padding:10px 15px 10px; background: #eeeeee;"><p>Though it takes considerable concentration and energy, Erdene can put forth strong auras to protect nearby allies, bolstering their resilience and tolerance for pain or adding an extra punch to their spells. Curiously, this is at its strongest in grassy areas, and weakest indoors.</p></div>
<div style="font-family:Georgia;padding:10px 15px 10px; background: #eeeeee;"><p>(TBA. She may or may not be looking into other forms of magic at the moment...)</p></div>

Revision as of 07:28, 8 December 2017

 Erdene Iriq
Erdene 250.png

Gender Questionable
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship None
Age Early-mid 20s
Occupation Herbalist
Affiliation Esoterica


Erdene Iriq is a displaced Xaela herbalist, medicine-maker, and witch. Following a disastrous emigration from the Steppe and several years of solitary wandering through unfamiliar lands, she was taken in as a ward of the Esoterica free company. She presently serves as the company's gardener, as well as assisting with its various ventures.


While tall for an au ra woman, Erdene is nonetheless tiny by most standards. A stretch of easier living has softened her shape only slightly, and she's still a flexible creature of lean muscle and efficient, slightly uncanny motion. She does possess a certain measure of grace, but it's something deliberately cultivated in spite of growing up gangly, and it has far more in common with a fighter's agility than anything classically ladylike. Her large eyes are harshly slanted and dark--violet against black--and her facial structure is sharp and delicate, often lending an unsettling, fey cast to her expressions. She usually wears veils and bandanas, which help to counter this somewhat. A lifetime spent outdoors and years of grief and stress have both taken their toll, and a close look will show hints of ageing around her eyes that better suit someone five or ten years older.

She has almost nothing in the way of natural scarring; the only one is a thick, ragged line that almost completely encircles her right thigh. Her face is decorated with several grooved and inked scars that form harsh, sharp lines and serve to make her facial structure seem all the more alien. A curious set of glowing aetheric tattoos can be found winding around her torso and limbs, though they're normally invisible to the naked eye.

Her hair, a massive collection of fluffy ringlets, is always kept in braids. Naturally white, she keeps it coloured a vivid turquoise-and-blue. It's often strung with charms, jewels, and flowers.


There is more good in choosing the lesser of two evils than in praising your morality and doing nothing while the greater one burns everything to the ground.

A closed book, stoic in public and often pensive in private. This isn't helped by the coverings often worn over the lower half of her face, making her expressions all the more difficult to read. She's often hesitant to speak as well, not yet fully confident in her grasp of Common and reluctant to come off as stupid. Around those she's closer to, she speaks less stiffly and hints of a mischievous, affectionate soul seep out in her manner. She is attentive and gentle by nature, preferring to express her fondness for others by deed rather than word. She possesses a strong stern streak, though it's as rare as it is harsh.

She is not as openly aggressive as her heritage would lead some to expect; most of that stereotypical Xaela fire is put to internal use, combating a pervasive sense of defeat and despair. The end result is someone placid and weary, much of her emotional strength drained by a private battle. She remains functional and level-headed in the face of horrifying events, but seemingly innocuous things can skew the odds and make her remarkably upset… and one way or another, she always pays for it later.


Spooky stuff. Anything about ghosts, spirits, or elementals will pique her interest.

Pretty rocks. Crystals, gemstones, jewellery--Erdene loves all of this, to the point of being avaricious.

Blackhearted humour. Her sense of humour is abominable, though she rarely uses it out of courtesy.

The Songbirds. She's a big fan.


Innocent idealists. Their morals do not mesh gracefully, and Erdene is deeply uncomfortable around 'delicate' sorts, repressing much of herself for fear of setting them off.

Super sweet things. She was slow to add sugar to her diet, and still doesn't like it in excess.

Flirting. As much as flattery appeals to her vanity, Erdene is intensely uncomfortable with being viewed in a sexual light and seldom reacts kindly to this. She's more likely to leave than explain herself.

Intrusive or mothering behaviour. She reacts very poorly to anyone trying to mother her or ask questions about her private life. This behaviour is perhaps the fastest way to ruin her opinion of someone.


Xaela brawn. The strength of a highlander woman packed into a tiny frame. What even are Xaela.

Spooky serendipity. She has eerily good luck when dealing with anything related to spooks and spirits. Malevolent spirits seem to avoid her for whatever reason, and some of the tattoos on her body serve as wards against possession.

Herb lore. If it's got leaves, she will either find it or grow it.

Empathy. Erdene is hypersensitive to the flow of aether, and uses this to help her diagnose injury and illness. Spending more time around someone will hone her ability to 'read' them.


Aether sickness. She's got it bad. This will cripple her if she's too close to something like a crystal deposit.

Aetherburned. Though some of her tattoos help her channel aether, they also exacerbate her natural sensitivity to it. She takes increased damage from magic, especially damage-over-time effects and magical illnesses.

Money. She can make gil just fine, and circumstance keeps blessing her with strange windfalls, but she's a complete idiot with it and always spends it immediately.

Dubious sanity. She's functional, but one may occasionally catch a glimpse of what a mess the workings of her mind are these days.

Low immunity. Growing up in a secluded tribe did not prepare her mediocre immune system for the gross superbugs of Eorzean cities. She gets sick easily and takes pains to avoid it.


This is a list of the items that Erdene usually has upon her person, though she often carries other things as well. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: Sept. 15 / 2017.

  • Cherry-blossom keychain: A cute cloisonné keychain with the Songbirds logo stamped onto the back. There's a single key on it, and it might be cursed.

  • A straw: An atrociously complex and obnoxiously glittery curly-straw. Usually blue, sometimes purple.

  • Linkpearl: It's covered in strange etchings and hovers right by one of her horns... though it's easy to miss when she's wearing a lot of jewellery, which is often.

  • Gil purse: There's seldom a lot in there--just enough to make a few minor purchases.

  • Candies: One tin containing homemade herbed caramels or pastilles to ease coughing, one tin of ordinary mints or anise sweets.

  • Business cards: Two sheaves. One set has her name, profession, and contact information. The other is marked only with a frowny :( face and the words 'bugger off' written in ornate script.

  • Smoking stuff: A little pipe with a flower-shaped bowl, and a pouch of some strange mix of incensey-smelling herbs.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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