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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Geralt Bellevieux,</b> <i>Once Betrothed</i>.  <b>(</b> <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">✝</font> <b>)</b> - <b>Knight of my Heart.</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>Geralt Bellevieux,</b> <i>Once Betrothed</i>.  <b>(</b> <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">✝</font> <b>)</b> - <b>Knight of my Heart.</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;"><i>"I look for the day we meet in the Halls of Halone."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;"><i>"I look forward to the day we meet in the Halls of Halone."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;">As passionate their relationship, was short it ended up to be, a curse Virella seems to be suffering from. The son of a minor house got slain by the Dravanian Horde a sennight before they were supposed to be wedded. His father committed suicide after his last heir fell. Virella still writes back and forth with Geralt's mother though, even after she found out about the rumours surrounding Virella. When Virella visits Ishgard's lichyard, she always ending up spending too much time in front of his grave. She still has the sword and shield the man had in his hands when he died, refusing to get rid of it by any circumstance.</div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;">As passionate their relationship, was short it ended up to be, a curse Virella seems to be suffering from. The son of a minor house got slain by the Dravanian Horde a sennight before they were supposed to be wedded. His father committed suicide after his last heir fell. Virella still writes back and forth with Geralt's mother though, even after she found out about the rumours surrounding Virella. When Virella visits Ishgard's lichyard, she always ending up spending too much time in front of his grave. She still has the sword and shield the man had in his hands when he died, refusing to get rid of it by any circumstance.</div>

Revision as of 16:11, 1 April 2016

Astrologer, Thaumaturge, Mother

Ishgard's Lost Daughter

"Of the Sky, From the Sky, For the Sky."


Vital Information

BIRTH NAME... Virella Douront

NICKNAMES... Vi, Vivi, Firesprite, Madame

RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood

GENDER... Female

AGE... 29

NAMEDAY... 22nd 27th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon

MARITAL STATUS... It is complicated

Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Ishgardian

CITIZENSHIP... Ishgardian

FAMILY... Douront

RESIDENCE... Mist, Rudra's Storm

OCCUPATION... Mercenary Company Leader, Mother

PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury

HEIGHT ... 6 fulms, 3 ilms

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual

ALIGNMENT... Lawful Evil

General Information
Virella Douront is a Wildwood Elezen from Ishgard. Originally raised to be an Astrolger, the woman desired a more active role on the battlefield and thus turned to Thaumaturgy in her spare time. However as the time passed, Virella found herself in a position she'd never imagine to have; leading the mercenary company former belonging to her supposed dead lover, while taking care of their son.
Appearance & Personality

Being shut away in the Observatorium towers, and her studies often lasting from the early evening till the early morning, it is safe so say Virella doesn't have much in the way of a tan, being as pale like many native Ishgardian elezen. The most colourful features upon her face are her freckles, two bright green eyes and some usage of make-up; this all being framed by long thin hair, usually braided at the back. She stands at an average height for one of her kind, a physique fitting for a more scholarly type - she has little in the way of muscle. If anyone were to see her without clothes, she has a noticeable scar on her stomach, and one on her right upper leg.

As any loyal Ishgardian woman would, she heeds to the saying 'pure as peridot' and dutifully wears a peridot ring on her right hand. Next to this she wears a mythril ring to express her unity with her people's everlasting crusade against the Dravanian Horde. Even if her hairdo often does not allow it to be seen, she seem to be fond of wearing a pair of simple golden earrings. In truely mad Ishgardian fashion, she has the three spears of Halone carved within her right wrist.

When found within the Ishgard reaches, she dresses according to her job as an astrologian. Despite not being overly keen on her large pointy hat her fellow astrologians tend to wear, she only equips it within the cold reaches of Coerthas. Fingerless gloves is another thing she only seems to wear when the cold gets to her. But if one may find her outside her job's attire, she could easily pass for your typical tavern wench. A simply dress, leather corset and a smile to go with it all, she blends in as easily between a crowd of elezen commoners.
A far cry from a quiet wallflower, Virella seems to boast with self confidence. From the often spotted cheeky smile upon her lips, to the ways she walks, she almost seems to dare people to take an issue with her outgoing personality, especially within the reaches of Ishgard. Being far from shy around the other sex, Virella seems to revel in the attention of elezen men, and rumour has it her behaviour around them often ends up in what is borderline acceptable within Ishgardian society; and even worse when to be found outside Coerthas or Ishgard.

But this all is of course when one were to meet her in a situation it would allow her to behave as such. When she is on duty, whether it is star gazing, making calculation or doing anything else what requires her attention as an astrologian, she's drop dead serious, and far from easily swayed from the tasks bestowed upon her.

Despite not being overly keen on other races and nations as a whole, she tries to judge people onto an individual base. Her curious nature often gets the best of her in any case, and in the end race, nation and gender seems to matter little to her while she tries to pry as many things from people's lips. Although while being somewhat laid back, especially so for one with Ishgardian roots, insults directed to the Church, Archbishop or Halone are met with everything but kindness. She has the tendency to be overly zealous, like many other from her city-state, and would defend her people's ways with her dying breath. Non-Ishgardians tend to be insulted in one way or the other if Virella does see the chance for it, seeming to be taking a large amount of pleasure out of insulting Ala Mhigans especially.

Mostly of the time pleasant elezen to be around, eager to strike up a conversation, whether it to be a serious one, or just mindless chatter. Politics, however, are best left out.
Worn Items of Note
Peridot Ring
An elegant silver ring
A pair of golden earrings
A leather band around her neck
❄ Gossip
❄ Music
❄ Magic
❄ Jewellery
❄ Reading
❄ Dancing
❄ Apples
❄ Ishgard
❄ The Dravanian Horde
❄ Au ra
❄ Heretics
❄ Snow
❄ Unclear skies
❄ Swimming
❄ The Orthodox Church
❄ Heat
❄ Thaumaturgy
❄ Arcanima
❄ Astrology
❄ Arcanum
❄ Archery
❄ Sewing
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Non-Combat Abilities

Astrology: Having been taught from a young age how to read the stars in favour for Ishgard's war with the Dravanians, Virella can predict easily where attacks of the dragons will be next, if given time to study the stars of course.
Maths: Tying in with her former job as an Astrologer, Virella has a knack for maths. Puzzles, formulas and the like including numbers are something Virella doesn't shy away from.
Provking: Virella is very, very talented at making people's blood boil. No really, don't take the bait.
Combat Abilities

Thaumaturgy: Her first and last love, Virella loves Thaumaturgy in whatever way she can grasp onto it. Whether used defensively or offensively, it is her first and foremost school Virella falls back to when forced into combat. Whereas she isn't capable of casting anything Black Mage related, she does not have qualms with such individuals. Whereas she mostly has been taught in Ishgard how to wield this particular type of magic, she has been spotted around the Guild in Ul'dah as well.
Arcanum: Due to being an Astrologer, it was an easy task for Virella to pick this skill up. Boredom during the pregnancy of her son, and the Arcanist Guild being a skip away from the house in Limsa she was staying at, Virella frequented the Guild in question as often as her feet would allow her to walk.
Conjury: A very minor skill for Virella. At the very best she can pull off a basic healing spell.
Astromany: As Ishgard forbade the Sharlayan way of magic, it did not stop Virella from getting her hands onto books on the subject in secret. However she knew better but the openly flaunt her skill. Not that is as much as a skill as it is mere knowledge, as the magic in particular is not something she actively uses.
Archery: Yet another 'skill' she picked up during her pregnancy, when people claimed casting any sort of magic was an unwise thing to do. Whereas her books pleased her greatly, there was still a want to do something. Picking up an old bow, Virella taught herself archery to a degree. Not that she is any good at it, given she needs a still standing target and amply time to fire her arrow. However having the sight and hearing Wildwood Elezen possess, she has a slight racial advantage at best one similar trained archers of other races. More a hobby than anything else.
OOC Note
Due to Virella's stance and attitude in life it is perfectly acceptable to hit her, magically or by other means, for her comments if you feel that is the suitable for your characters. Do keep in mind though, I do take in account the guards are a real thing in cities and the like, so Virella will mostly, if not only provoke others when she has the law behind her.

Merecenary Company

Rudra's Storm is a Free Company operating from the city state of Limsa Lominsa. Known for its preference of quality adventurers over quantity the Company is known for taking difficult often lengthy work with high rewards than short; low paying jobs.

With the current master of the Company Domri Blackblade engaged in a lengthy levequest overseas the Companies administration has fallen to Virella Douront; whilst the Adventuring wing is headed by Scarlet Heath.

A quirk of Rudra's Storm in comparison to other Free Companies is its utilisation of a 'Network' linkpearl. giving it access to a vast range of capable Adventurers whom are often themselves not members of the Free Company itself; but rather hold the status of associate member of the Companies Adventuring wing.

Relationship Status Legend
Family Platonic Love Relationship Attraction Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure Enemy
Non-Player Character
Adun Blackblade, Son. ( ) - Sheltered Halfbreed.
"Everyone is equal underneath the Fury's gaze, and those be damned if they tell me different."
That Adun came into the world due to Virella's stupidity seems to matter little to her. However there is a sense of guilt in terms of breathing life into the halfbreed, simply knowing the child will not have an easy life due to its mixed heritage. Virella tends to keep her son out of sight from public, and if she needs to take the child out, she tends to cover its ears to avoid awkward stares and looks towards the direction of the child and herself. It is safe to say Virella struggles with the stigma surrounding raising a halfbreed, not to mention the fact the child reminds of her lost Ala Mhigan lover on top of that, what makes the situation all the more painful for her.
Ferdinant Douront, Father. ( ) - The Old Knight.
"Even if my mother was the cause of tearing me out of the family, I know he still loves me, and I still love him."
Virella and her father always got very well along, even he wasn't the scholarly type of sorts. She preferred being around the old knight a lot more than her mother for certain. When she was still a child, he would always come home, telling her stories about the brave men and women he fought with, something what ended up inspiring Virella to devout herself to the Holy war once she got older.
Alessa Douront, Mother. ( ) - The Ever Demanding One.
"Mother... had other plans for my life, and when I didn't want to dance along with her tune, she shut me out."
Alessa was the driving force behind the children she had with Ferdinant. Whereas he would spend his time playing with all five of them, she was the one who made sure they did their work. The elderly Elezen always was a smart woman, although had a bit of a terrible temper, who some of her children, including Virella inherited in turn. Not that Alessa harbours a hatred towards Virella, she simply could not live with the shame of seeing her child with a Highlander, and Ala Mhigan at that, so instead shut her daughter out.
Leodaire Douront, Oldest Brother. ( ) - The Knight Dragoon.
"I should have avenged him when I had the chance. Even that I failed to do... I miss him..."
The brother she was the closest with. Despite their age difference, Virella has very fond memories of the Dragoon. The man would always try to get home quicker in order to see his sisters, who all three adored him. Perhaps it where the stories Virella loved hearing, or the candy he would sneak in for her, but ever since can remember she'd loved her brother. Sadly enough his life came too swiftly too an end when he was slain by Matthrian in combat before Virella's very eyes. Till this very day, Virella every so often still visits her brother's grave to place the Dragoon's favourite sweets there. She owns his broken Gae Bolg.
Alexandre Douront, The Other Brother. ( ) - Knight with a Temper.
"My brother has the same temper as my mother, however I do not think he holds any ill feelings towards me, but sooner towards Blackblade."
Alexandre is the brother Virella rarely saw, the man finding his duty to the Holy See more important. Just as with her oldest brother, there's a noticeable agegap between the two. However it is not to say the two dislike one another, just with the contact Virella's mother broke, so did her link to her ever so busy brother do.
Theresa Allaire, The Older Sister. ( ) - The Snobby Sister.
"Never liked her, and never will. Her children are adorable however."
Ever since the two were old enough to fight, they did. This all continued into adulthood, and neither of the two have grown out of it. Whereas her sister was meant to be a priest, the rapid amount of children she got prevented her from continuing her duties properly, and instead devoted her life to her children.
Lyandrelle Douront, Inquisitor and Sister. ( ) - The Reserved Sister.
"Despite what she does for a living, Lya was always the most reserved and polite one."
Of all the children Alessa had, Lya was the one who ended up looking the least like her, and took more after their father. Reserved, quiet and politically skilled, she had skills the rest of Alessa's children only possessed to a certain degree. Oddly enough she made for a good Inquisitor, however Virella isn't certain how well she is doing with the current uprising in Ishgard, or so she has been told.
Geralt Bellevieux, Once Betrothed. ( ) - Knight of my Heart.
"I look forward to the day we meet in the Halls of Halone."
As passionate their relationship, was short it ended up to be, a curse Virella seems to be suffering from. The son of a minor house got slain by the Dravanian Horde a sennight before they were supposed to be wedded. His father committed suicide after his last heir fell. Virella still writes back and forth with Geralt's mother though, even after she found out about the rumours surrounding Virella. When Virella visits Ishgard's lichyard, she always ending up spending too much time in front of his grave. She still has the sword and shield the man had in his hands when he died, refusing to get rid of it by any circumstance.
Poofles, Griffin. () - The Overly-Friendly Bird.
"I hated Poofles when Domri got him. Then he turned out one of the two living reminders of Blackblade when he disappeared on me..."
At first Virella did not like the Griffin by any means, however when Domri vanished into thin air, she was forced to take care of it. At first she did it with reluctance, but these days Virella actually adores the creature, and not so much just tolerates it due to it being her former lover's pet.
Player Character
Domri Blackblade, Father of Adun. () - The One Who Got Away.
"I am not certain hearing of what fate would hurt me more; that he walked out onto his son and myself, or that he died."
After contact got broken for for Moons on end, Virella has little trust in their story ending on a happy note. Prone to either start weeping, or stick her head in the sand and pretend everything will be fine, Virella is terribly conflicted on her feelings towards the man, not knowing whether to wait and pray for his safe return, or simply move on once more.
Enla Kertuh, Best Friend. () - The Sass Squad.
"Of all people, she was the one who was always there for me."
While these two should have not gotten along by any means, it appears Virella and Enla oddly enough found a good friend in one another. Whether Enla is helping Virella with her sorrows, dragging her out for drinks, or simply joining in on sassing towards the first victim they come across, Virella is eternally grateful for meeting the woman. That Enla is a Miqo'te and Ishgardian seems to matter little to her, what is a very rare thing for the Elezen in question.
NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Talented Astrologer that one. — Durendaire Temple Knight.
"Pure as Peridot she claims, well let me tell you, if there is any woman who insults the saying it would be Douront." — Ishgardian Citizen.
"Temple knight got her with child, or so the rumours go." — Patron at the Forgotten Knight.
"Never seen without that Ala Mhigan pet of hers. Such a shameful display that an Astrologer like herself degraded herself to consort with such a savage being." — Observatorium Astrologer.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I heard this particular rumour that the child that she's carrying is of that Ala Mhigan beast of hers. May Halone have mercy upon their souls." — Ishgardian Patron'.
"Alessa's children may have blue blood running trough their veins like herself, but there is nothing noble about them." — Ishgardian Noble.
"Appears to have lost that Highlander of hers. Probably took a run for it as soon he figured out they couldn't hide their indiscretion any longer." — Gate Keeper to Ishgard.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Woman's cursed. All her lovers left her or died on her. Stay away from her I tell you." — Ishgardian Astrologian.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"She reminded me of a wounded chocobo. I want her to be the heroine of my next ballad." - Lucaell Tareth'eian
"One part snark and two parts pride, if I had ta make a guess, which is mighty progressive for a Frosty. She's smart though, wouldn't even consider measurin' her short." - Barengar Armsbreaker

RP Info

Location & Probability
The various locations Virella may be found.
The Mist: Extremely High.
Limsa Lominsa: Very High.
La Noscea: Very High.
Ishgard: High-Moderate.
Ul'dah: High-Moderate.
Thanalan: High-Moderate.
Coerthas: High-Moderate.
Ishgard: Moderate.
Mor Dhona: Moderate.
Dravania: Low
Tailfeather: Low.
Gridania: Low.
The Shroud: Low.
She has made a number of connections across Eorzea, some formal and some not, as well as having her own organizations and such.
The Holy See of Ishgard: Having fled from the rumour mill, Virella remains yet loyal to Ishgard.
The Observatorium: They but have to ask, and Virella would rejoin her fellow Astrologians at the Towers in Coerthas in a heartbeat.
Rudra's Storm: With the disappearance of Domri Blackblade, the burden of leadership has fallen onto Virella's shoulders.
The Arcanist Guild: A place Virella is still often spotted.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that Glioca carries on her person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png Glio ring.png Glio knife.png Sackicon.png Glio herbs.png Glio journal.png Glio quill.png Inkpot.png Glio rations.png VialIcon.png Glio alchkit.png Glio medkit.png Glio candy.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Eternal Bond Ring: Resting on the ring-finger of her left hand, this ring rarely leaves her person, but when exceptionally nervous she fidgets with the ring, spinning it on her finger.
Belt Knife: A simple knife affixed to Glioca's belt in most of her traveling outfits, a general all-purpose kind of blade that she keeps clean and sharp.
Leather Satchel: An item that has been with Glioca for quite a while, this larger leather satchel is soft from wear but also from the obvious care given it by its owner. It contains a number of different items, including a secondary tied coin purse with three hundred gil meant to serve as emergency coinage for airship fare in the event that she gets stuck in any particular place.
Herb Sachet: Mixed Teas - Among these are three blends, wrapped in a sectioned scroll case meant to keep the flavors from mingling. Among them she has a calming tea, an invigorating tea, and a tea meant for an upset stomach.
Journal & Ink: A simple journal that contains a number of images of herbs and plants, along with a few pressed samples of different herbs, as well as various sketches of human anatomy and skeletal structures. These sketches have notations in short-hand along the sides and the pages have seen obvious and frequent use. A small black vial rests with the journal, tightly capped, and beside it a crow feather quill.
Travel Rations: These rations are wrapped tightly and tied off in parchment paper, and are a mixed of dried meat, grains and meal, and dried fruits, enhanced with an alchemical concoction to preserve it for longer journeys.
Unassuming Vial: This vial contains a liquid of unknown origin, which Glioca often adds to any drinks she's having in any public locale. It's only purpose is to test a liquid for unsavory additions, and the liquid inside turns black if these concoctions are detected.
Tied Satchels: These satchels are coded by color, and Glioca can usually tell which bag is which in a hurry and not by sight if needed, usually by the stitching on the side and the fabric its made from.
Alchemical Remedies: Various alchemical concoctions, mostly in smaller vials meant to supplement Glioca's healing as needed. Among them are smelling salts, an antidote, a hi-potion, a single ether, and a double dose of eye drops.
Medical Kit: This medical kit contains bandages, twine, thread, needles, a small scalpel, numbing salve, a powdered painkiller and an antiseptic and is primarily used for treating small wounds and such on the go.
Wrapped Candies: A small assortment of some of the candies that Glioca makes and sells at her shop, most of these are either flavored or coated in chocolate, and kept cool with an ice crystal stuffed in among them to prevent melting. The flavors she usually carries with her are almond, honey lemon, mint, orange and rolanberry.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask. There are certain things that I prefer to mitigate in her story because of the anguish she's already been through in her backstory.
I will play all RP themes from dark, serious and mature to the more light-hearted, humorous and simplistic, as long as it makes sense in the course of the RP. Plots that range from long-term to one-shots, elaborate and large-scale to minor and frivolous. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat, ambushes, assassination attempts, rivalries, friendships, romantic or sexual tension, coarse language and morally unclear subjects are all welcomed. Basically, give me your roleplay!
Ask about mutilation, permanent scarring or symbolic markings, long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment; basically anything what will have lasting impact on her mentally or psychically.
I won't play forced permanent character death.
RP Hooks
Glioca has done and seen a lot in her history. While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
The Holy See of Ishgard: Having fled from the rumour mill, Virella remains yet loyal to Ishgard.
The Observatorium: They but have to ask, and Virella would rejoin her fellow Astrologians at the Towers in Coerthas in a heartbeat.
Rudra's Storm: With the disappearance of Domri Blackblade, the burden of leadership has fallen onto Virella's shoulders.
The Arcanist Guild: A place Virella is still often spotted.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
Thanks for reading my wiki!
Character Lore Adherence
I try to be as lore abiding as I can with my characters..
■ Retcons:
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Mostly OOC shenanigans about my character, Virella and Avelyn both [1]
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works.
■ [Something something] Trope Description

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as Glioca's story changes. It was last modified on March 16th, 2016.
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse.