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: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Body:''' Small. He easily looks to still be in his middle teens, and certainly doesn't look like a highlander.  
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Body:''' Small. He easily looks to still be in his middle teens, and certainly doesn't look like a highlander. While he certainly has muscle, his body looks malnourished and almost frail.  
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Skin:''' Dark and what would be clear if not for the smears of colour across his face - reds and orange, golds and metallic tinges accented with kohl where the keeper applied pigments without looking in the mirror very long. Maybe he simply liked the addition of the colours standing out stark against his skin? If one were to peer down the neck of his robes, though, the flesh would be hardly so clear and unmarred - more a tangled web of scars and open wounds in various state of healing...it'd be very difficult to catch that, though.
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Skin:''' Very pale, and often hued with a nearly sickly pallor. Some days he looks better than others.
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Hair:''' Unkempt. A tangled mess when it's not sheared short. The uneven mop is a dirty blonde-brown all mixed with earthy reds - like the kid rolled in some red clay rather than took a bath...
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Hair:''' Unkempt, uneven. At the moment he keeps it a light purple with the back cropped short and his bangs overly long. He seems to have cut it himself.
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Eyes:''' Very bright; very big.  
: <font style="color:#174038;" size="3">¦</font> '''Eyes:''' Also pale, not much color to them. The closest match for a term is a light grey-brown.  
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<td style="vertical-align: top;font-size:9pt;font-family:Georgia;">

Revision as of 06:55, 27 June 2016

Abeodan Silverbrand
~The Littlest Ala Mhigan~



¦ CURRENT ALIAS... Abbie, Ab

¦ BIRTH NAME... Abeodan Hawthorne Silverbrand

¦ RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Highlander (doesn't look it)

¦ GENDER...  ?

¦ AGE & NAMEDAY... 19 y/o
17th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon


¦ RELATIONSHIP STATUS... single - for the best probably


¦ NATIONALITY... Ala Mhigan

+ Iron Vale - Apothecary & Botanist (Goblet, w.5 p.50)
+ Little Ala Mhigo
+ Has been seen near a house in the Coerthas Western Highlands

¦ OCCUPATION... Professional Botanist, frequent Drug Dealer. Will punch for money.

¦ PATRON DEITY... Nophica, the Matron
follows no real religion, less focused on the 'twelve'

¦ HEIGHT... 5 fulms 4 ilms

¦ WEIGHT... 108 Ponz
(visibly underweight, sickly, malnourished)

¦ ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Evil (Three)


Brash, Determined, Paranoid, Excitable, Aggressive, Attentive, Vain
Small Botanist here to punch. Abeodan is everything the opposite of the small, assumedly voiceless boy he was thought to be when he first turned up in Little Ala Mhigo with his mother Gelva, and his older brother Thorben. Still constantly watching, steadfast, on a situation, he's grown quite loud when he finds his voice, and he's grown a personality to match it. He feels all around capable of surpassing any wall he meets, and is all too eager to take the first obstacle down with his fists, reveling in the idea of violence and fighting despite the tenderness he shows around plants.

Also despite his love to plants and plantlike creatures, Abeodan has a not-so-mild bias against Beast Tribes and animals, these feelings extending somewhat less intensely to Miqo'te and Au Ra, as well as dragons. He won't hesitate to verbally abash anyone fitting the 'animal' mark in the area, and coupled with his pure adoration for violence, things can quickly escalate out of hand, given the right (or wrong) circumstances.


¦ Plant Life. -- Does it have leaves? Roots? A stem? Is it green? Does it have petals? Does it live off water and sunlight? Yes or no, Abeodan devotes his life to plant matter, and thoroughly loves all kinds.
¦ Plant-based Creatures. -- Even more than simply 'plants', his feelings escalate when the plant in question can move and mumble and thrive, like a tiny (or not so tiny) beast. Mandrakes, Morbols, Kidragoras, etc! He loves them all.
¦ Oranges. -- The best fruit.
¦ Fighting. -- The kid will hop dead on any chance for brutal fighting and bloodshed, given he isn't currently somewhere like the Sandsea (the guild house of the Riskbreakers and his self-proclaimed best friend), or his sickness isn't flaring up. If he can't participate himself, he'll watch. He adores it.
¦ Poison. -- Abeodan only recently started to use poison actively in his fighting, but he's been using it to protect his personal belongings since long before he left Little Ala Mhigo. The only thing more useful, he thinks, are plants themselves.
¦ Jewelry, gems. -- Growing up cut-off from all realms of wealth, his first experience with fine jewels fascinated him to a near-obsession, even though his poverty-stricken lifestyle doesn't quite support a luxury like this. Recent events have done little to scrub him of this.
¦ Pale colors. -- Pales, pastels. Its only recently that he's quit dying his hair a desaturated version of every color under the sun, and settled on a pastel purple.
¦ Small, Dark Areas. -- When he feels bad Abeodan will very often hide himself that would probably make anyone else extremely claustrophobic. They're also his first place to hide in the event of danger. His room stays dark, small, and cluttered, he fits easily into closets and cupboards, and he's even been known in the past to merely vanish in the shroud, escaping pursuers into a pre-dug hole or shallow tunnel.
¦ Magitek. -- Its cool, its bright, its shiny, it glows, it can shoot people. Sure, its Garlean. But in Ala Mhigo /everything/'s Garlean. Might as well utilize the technology freely, while its still an option. At least, that's the way he sees it.


¦ Meat. -- Abeodan is a Vegan, through and through. This does little to help his current malnourished state.
¦ His Sickness. -- Falling ill by the plague passed around in Little Ala Mhigo upon his first year in being there, aged 10, Abeodan recovered, but has ever since carried an illness that wears on body and mind. He tires quickly, and finds he can't travel far, or fight for extended amounts of time.
¦ Animals/Beast Tribes. -- He has a few choice words that start at "disgusting" and branch off into much more impolite tables, his hatred for these two things extending only slightly less intensely to the animal-aspected Spoken of Eorzea (Miqo'te and Au Ra).
¦ Imprisonment. -- He's flat out terrified of this, actually. He's been to jail before once. He'll probably get himself killed before he ever goes back again.
¦ Alcohol. -- Tastes bad, muddles the mouth, and muddles the mind. He has enough troubles with things like speaking and focus as it is, and he certainly doesn't need anything that makes it any harder to get his body to work.
¦ Silence. -- Abeodan personally enjoys being quiet and listening, but areas that are entirely dead of sound distract and unsettle him. His childhood was filled with the noises of distance riots and machines, and a quiet place feels grave like, to him - much more like the desert caves of Thanlan's Ala Mhigan Refugees. If he needs to think or clear his head, he'll go to a crowded place, like a tavern or market.
¦ Talking. -- As an after effect of his upbringing back in Ala Mhiogo, Abeodan has severe problems with speech that can often render him entirely unintelligible. Even if he can understand himself perfectly well, he knows other's can't, and even if he can't quite see where they're coming from, he loathes the idea of speech, speaking usually only to defend himself or when conversationally necessary.
¦ Mor Dhona. -- When the Ala Mhigans sought refuge, they were cast out and stuck in place where they all got the plague. When lizard tailed dragon people sought refuge (granted, through a bunch of hyur posing as stand ins, but still), they were given a city. He hates the city almost as much as he hates them, and he'll voice it.
¦ Piercings/Scars/Deformities. -- Any marr on the body, no matter how small or large or prevalent, is viewed as ultimately disgusting. He won't touch, but he'll definitely laugh and scorn.

H A B I T S  &  S K I L L S


¦ Odd speech/trouble talking. -- Kid talks weird.
¦ Lying. -- Abeodan lies frequently and semi excessively. Despite being a terrible liar with a million tells, he usually seems to, oddly, get entirely away with it. This can probably be attributed however to the fact that nobody has a clue what he's saying.
¦ Touching his face. -- As this is one of the most prevalent tells for his lies, and he lies frequently, he's also touching his face frequently, most often poking at his cheek or stuffing finger joints between his teeth.
¦ Rambling. -- Usually in a mutter, while trying to re-explain himself in the most clearly defined way, Abeodan will talk in a circle of words, most times only muddling the meaning of his sentences even more.
¦ Fidgeting. -- Abeodan wears a set of random trinkets on his belt (old magitek, broken jewelry, etc) with which he very often toys and jingles.
¦ Tends to have more respect for Women than Men. This tends to the extreme, with a very certain 'anti men' undertone saturating all of it.


¦ Plants!. -- Runs a shop. Will grow anything, legal or not.
¦ Poisons. -- Herbal based. Frequently uses them in both fighting and material defense.
¦ Tracking. -- But not hunting...he can barely use a bow.
¦ Reading/Writing. -- Both in common and a couple other languages. His writing is awful, barely legible to anyone other than him, writing in an odd scrawl, lines uneven and filling every spare space with text, drawings and notes.


¦ Body: Small. He easily looks to still be in his middle teens, and certainly doesn't look like a highlander. While he certainly has muscle, his body looks malnourished and almost frail.
¦ Skin: Very pale, and often hued with a nearly sickly pallor. Some days he looks better than others.
¦ Hair: Unkempt, uneven. At the moment he keeps it a light purple with the back cropped short and his bangs overly long. He seems to have cut it himself.
¦ Eyes: Also pale, not much color to them. The closest match for a term is a light grey-brown.
¦ Clothes: Ziv'ir adores ornate clothing - finds the ul'dan fashion particular pleasing (though his sense of what is attractive leaves much to be desired). What the keeper tends to wear is very often ill-fitting, worn out, oversized, covered in strings of bone/beading/baubles or whatever he has found that is also pleasing and attached to the clothing.
¦ Jewelry: Gold and metals are something the miqo'te keeps in large supply - wearing string in excess around his neck and having little cords hanging from the pierced rings in his ears, among other things. Rings that clearly don't fit the boy's fingers roll from side to side on bony digits and bracelets are clasped around his arms. If he's going to spend money on anything that isn't for his craft it's some tacky looking bit of jewelry.

¦ Distinguishing Features: The miqo'te has round little ears wiggling up from the mess of hair all pierced through with metal. Both his ears and tufted tail are that of a lion.
¦ Other: A number of tattoos are painted across Ziv'ir's face, though it is hard to tell given the smears of colour he places over his skin regularly. | The poor boy's chest is a tangled mess of scars and uneven flesh as though something is trying to force its way out from beneath. The skin seems ready to split open - though he is very much unwilling to let anyone glance for more than a moment of even that.
extra bits

¦ Demeanor. Ziv'ir is...pleasant and friendly. The manner in which the miqo'te tends to present this is often off putting, though. There is a lack of social grace in how he speaks and interacts - even how he shifts his expressions. The boy seems innocent enough but there is something so awkward that makes you not really want to stand next to him least it rub off on you or make someone of a better status glance with nose turned up. .

¦ Spirituality/Religion. While incredibly willing to accept a variety of non-conventional beliefs, Ziv'ir tends to lose interest very quickly if one lingers on too long on the more strict aspects of religious teachings. Be it because of a lack of understanding on the topic or simply desire to move onto something new, these subjects are not his favourite when rigid. Anything he does believe in tends to be more a matter of folk religion and long held beliefs that were passed down to him from family. While he doesn't seem willing to speak on where he learned a lot of things he's interested in sharing what. [This for the most part does not include topics of the void, though he is very very fascinated, likely to an unhealthy extent given they were not something he was taught or warned against when much younger.] .
¦ Politics. Something more akin to clan dynamics are what the keeper tends to put things into to order in his head whether he means to or not. What goes on in the cities goes on in the cities - and he really doesn't enjoy being in the cities for very long, at least not the middle of the city. .



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
? Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
¦ "One."
¦ "Two"
¦ "“Three”"
¦ “Four.”
? Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
¦ "One."
¦ "Two."
¦ "Three."
¦ “Four.”

? Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
¦ "One."
¦ “Two.”

? Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
¦ Feel free to add your own rumors here!


  Color Key
  ? In A Relationship: romantically involved with this character.
  ? Romantic Attraction: romantically interested in this character.
  ? Sexual Attraction physically interested in this character.

  ? Platonic Love/Family: considers this person family.
  ? Friend: considers this person her friend.
  ? Friendly Acquaintance: considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

  ? Good Standing: has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
  ? Neutral: has no specific feelings about this character.
  ? Bad Standing: has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

  ? Dislike: doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
  ? Hate: consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
  ? Fear: is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
  ? Rivalry: consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

  ? Family Member: This character is related by blood.
  ? Business: This character is either an employer, employee, or coworker.
  ? Deceased: This character has passed away.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but isn't fully aware of it yet.

  One ( ? ) - Nickname
  Two ( ? ? ? ? ) ( NPC ) - Nickname or Title
  Three ( ? ? ? ) ( NPC ) - Nickname or Title
  Four ( ? ? ? ) ( NPC ) - Nickname or Title
  Five ( ? ? ? ) ( NPC ) - Nickname or Title

R E L A T I O N S (PC)

  Abeodan Silverbrand ( ???? ) - Nickname or Title
  Eruantien Valandiel ( ? ? ) - Nickname or Title
  Aran'sae Dia ( ? ? ) - Nickname or Title
  Ashelia Riot ( ? ? ) - Nickname or Title
  Gargarlan Cloclolan ( ? ? ) - Nickname or Title
  Reretha Retha ( ? ? ) - Nickname or Title
W R I T I N G / M U S I C


Stories are in chronological order.

Nothing Here Yet

Notes on Art

Too lazy to put art links up yet~ Good reason for them to not be up, yeah?

even more serkets.

C H A R A C T E R    M U S I C
Notes on Music.

¦ Theme Song:
¦ Other Songs:
Conversation 16 | Ask Me Anything | A Thin Line | Cocoa Hooves | (more to be added soon)
¦ Voice Claim:

Template was created by Bancroft Gairn, then adapted by Xheja Rajhera. Tabs and expanded bits added by Unnamed Mercenary. Expanded further then by D'lyhhia Lhuil and then edited further with a lot of additions by me!