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Revision as of 12:25, 10 September 2017

 Mona’a Khursu
The Honest Thief
Gender Male
Race Miqo’te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Unknown/Ul’dah
Server Mateus
Age Late Teens
Deity Oschon the Wanderer
Orientation Demisexual/Homoromantic
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer-for-hire, honest thief
Nameday 11th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon

An amnesiac who remembers little to nothing of his past, Mona’a is a free-spirited honest thief and adventurer who goes whichever way the wind blows, helping those in need while hoping his travels will bring him closer to the truth of who he is.

Where is your character often found?
Anywhere and everywhere, most often roaming the streets of Ul’dah or fishing/loitering on the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa.

Does your character keep up with politics, or do they not really care?
In so much as it benefits his thievery, since it’s often the well-to-do and many times political types he’s stealing from.

Free Company
Mona'a isn't affiliated with a Free Company at this time.

Current Inventory

Last updated: September 7th, 2017

- Mythril baselards. He woke up with them.
- Ars Almadel grimoire that he looted from a dungeon.
- Weathered grimoire that he woke up with. It has his name scrawled inside in a hand he doesn't recognize. He stares at this when he's feeling sad, but it often leaves him frustrated.
- Braised pipira. Yummy fish.
- Grilled trout. More yummy fish.
- Mugwort carp. All the yummy fish.
- 10 pots of jet black dye. Gotta stay stylish!
- Gysahl greens for his black chocobo, Phantom.
- Various types of fish bait and fishing gear.
- Lockpick and various other infiltration tools.
- 20 high potions, 5 sleeping potions, 5 ethers
- Many small, sparkly trinkets, from rings he doesn't wear to shiny stones he found on the ground, small colorful bottles and pieces of fancy broken weaponry, tiny boxes, figurines, and a few more expensive, bejeweled items he decided to keep after stealing from someone he deemed undeserving.
Always stylish!

Height: 5 fulms 2 ilms

Weight: 125 ponz

Complexion:  Light to medium

Hair:  Black with white streaks

Eyes:  Blue

Face:  Mischievous baby-face—pinchable cheeks, big blue eyes, tiny button nose, full lips almost always in a smile

Body type:  Slim, but rather toned for his age thanks to how active he is

Voice:  Kenichi Suzumura as Zack Fair

Smells like:  Sea water, fish, coffee

Mona’a is very small, only 5 fulms and 2 ilms, with a soft baby face and button nose that make him look even younger than he is. His big blue eyes are very expressive, easily betraying his real feelings no matter how he might try to hide them, and a bright smile is never far from his lips. In fact, it’s rare to see him not smiling in some fashion. When he laughs he doesn’t hold back, putting his whole body into it. His laugh can be considered either obnoxious or adorable. (Most likely obnoxious.)

His black hair is streaked with stark white, and doesn’t seem to know what it wants to do—lay flat or fly away. He’s not all that concerned about it, but his prominent cowlicks are sure to annoy anyone who might try to tame them. His tail is quite long, slightly fuzzy, black with a distinctive white tip. This is a distinguishing feature some use to pick him out in a crowd, and its restlessness can be distracting.

He’s partial to monochrome colors and muted blues, so most of his clothing is either some shade of gray, black, or blue, with the occasional red, yellow, or gold accent thrown in for style. He tries to be as stylish as possible while also dressing practically for his night job—thieving—and his day job—adventuring. He prefers clothes that cling because loose clothing could get hung on something during a swift get away; he despises clothing designed for mages because he thinks robes and tights are "too girly". He never goes anywhere without his daggers on his hips and a grimoire in his bag, though sometimes he switches the weapons out depending on where he’s going and what type of situation he anticipates he’ll be in. Generally, if he’s going dungeon diving he’ll take his grimoire for the added support of a pet, but any other time he uses his daggers.

AKA the cutest optional outfit

Mona'a has a jagged, roundish scar on his upper chest, just above his heart, and a much larger gash-shaped scar on his inner right thigh. He can't remember how he got them so they make him extremely uncomfortable and he hates looking at them. When he goes swimming he always wears long white trunks and a loose cropped, striped vest to cover them.

Having no past, Mona’a lives for the present and is optimistic about the future. Curious and clever, cheerful and fun-loving, he’s easy to approach and easy to get to know. There’s not a single intimidating thing about him, unless you consider his chattiness and straightforward attitude intimidating. He doesn't mind discussing his lack of a past, nor does he hesitate to ask about another person's. In fact, at first glance he seems to have no shame at all. Sometimes he will even go so far as to invade personal space until he's told not to.

The one thing he gets visibly uncomfortable talking about is arcanima and summoning. Because he doesn't remember how he knows the art to begin with, the act itself makes him nervous. The arcanists he knows are all very passionate and scholarly, but Mona'a is nothing at all like them. Reading and studying are boring to him; he prefers learning from experience. The only reason he continues practicing at all is because he feels a strange need to, almost like it's his duty, a duty that must be upheld no matter what.

He can be a bit of an obnoxious show-off sometimes, but this is mostly a front to hide his fear, which there is a lot of. Fear of never finding out who he is, fear of finding out he’s someone bad, fear of being alone, and a fear of failure and inadequacy—these are things he tries to cover up and hide from even himself. It’s fairly easy, too, but in moments of solitude—especially by the ocean—he gets lost in thought and painfully lonely. His severe loneliness makes him seek out attention and affection from others. So far it’s mostly just attention, but should anyone show him affection he would latch on in a heartbeat while denying he’s attached at all. In a lot of ways he's like a lonely puppy. He’s easily embarrassed by this and doesn’t want to admit how needy he is. He also develops much stronger attachments to men than women—particularly Seekers—and can be quite the flirt if given the chance, though this is often misplaced.

If one manages to get close enough to Mona’a to see beyond his cheerful front, they will find a sensitive, anxious young man who’s desperately lonely and afraid. This also makes him painfully empathetic, to the point where he will cry over another's misfortune, or if another person is crying. This can be comforting or just make things worse, depending on the individual. He also suffers from night terrors. He has one recurring nightmare, but the only thing he can remember when he awakens is another Miqo’te male whose face is in shadow, telling him to run before pushing him off a ledge. Needless to say, these dreams are very unsettling. There are times he avoids sleep as long as possible just to avoid the nightmares. Normally an energetic kid who loves to smile, lack of sleep makes him extremely temperamental and often puts him in a daze where he can’t do much of anything. Mona’a cherishes a good sleep, but it’s hard sometimes when there’s no guarantee the sleep will be good.

All in all he's a sensitive soul who needs to be handled with care, but doesn't want to admit how emotionally weak he can be.


■ Boastful
■ Loud
■ Blunt
■ Overly sensitive


■ Loneliness
■ Failure
■ Enclosed spaces
■ Pitch dark
■ Ghosts
■ Fish going extinct


■ Stealth
■ Finding/stealing things
■ Extremely agile and flexible
■ Surprisingly strong for his size
■ Exceptional night vision
■ Pretending to be happy


■ Restless tail, never stays still
Obsessed with fish
■ Gets excited over shiny or colorful things, including people with particularly striking eyes


■ Fishing
■ Napping
■ Watching the sea
■ Running from the authorities


■ Fish
■ The sea
■ Shiny things
■ Seeker of the Sun boys
■ Attention and praise


■ Overbearing people
■ Injustice
■ Insomnia
■ Nightmares
■ Trying to remember
■ Criticism
■ Loud noises
■ Voidkin


Favorite Color: black, red, gold
Favorite Food: Fish of any kind
Favorite Drink: Triple cream coffee
Favorite Scent: Fish, the sea, musty dungeon smell
Favorite Place: High places, anywhere near the sea, Ul'dah because it's so shiny and golden

Battle Style

Mona'a is extremely agile and quick on his feet, dodging and attacking from positions left unguarded are his primary method of fighting, and he's a dead shot with throwing knives. He's very acrobatic, even outside of battle; if he doesn't land on his feet then he must be seriously injured. Now that he's learning the art of ninjutsu, mudras have made his style literally flashy, much to his pleasure. He can be a tiny little badass when it comes to melee combat (one should avoid commenting on it lest it inflate his ego, though); however, the opposite is true of his casting ability. Being a restless person by nature, he can't stand still when using arcanima, and without a solid stance his casting is sloppy. Despite being smart enough and tactical enough to master the art, his lack of interest makes him a weak caster.


Mona’a always has a pair of daggers equipped and throwing knives on his belt, and he’s very efficient with them. It's easy to dismiss him based on his appearance, but his agility and small size can make him a surprisingly dangerous opponent. He also keeps a grimoire in his bag, but he only uses it for the support of pets when going into dungeons.


Arcanima and a few white magic spells are the only things he really knows, but he’s pretty good with them when he applies himself. Also ninjutsu, if that counts; because he enjoys it, he's becoming adept at it, though not so much that he doesn't bunny, sometimes a lot depending on circumstances.


Because he likes shiny things, Mona’a has taken up goldsmithing. These skills are also handy when it comes to making tools for infiltration, and it’s good for his fine motor skills, another skill needed to be a good thief. He's also started to learn the culinary arts so he can make proper meals of all the fish he catches.

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Mona'a is the only son of a very traditional Moonkeeper family, where he had one mother, an older sister, and younger twin sisters. He was a runt and never very skilled at archery, mostly because he simply disliked it. His mother never wanted a son and made sure he never forgot it; though not physically abusive, she was cold and unsympathetic, as was his older sister. Only his younger sisters seemed to care for him, but they were always quick to choose their mother’s side, too young to know better. Mona'a grew up feeling unloved and unwanted, but the outside world was an overwhelming and scary place, so he never wanted to leave. The Miqo'te men who visited were usually civil, but never particularly kind or warm towards any of the children. Some paid him special attention simply because he was a boy, crudely telling him someday they may meet again on the road and be able to share stories of the women he met when he was grown. Being a sensitive and intelligent child, he knew better than to be pleased with this attention.

Teen Years

Mona'a didn't want to leave home despite how he was treated. He was afraid of being alone, because he thought no one would ever want him and he would be alone forever. It's often customary for a young male to be taken under the wing of an older male when first leaving home, and only when the younger male is ready, which is usually in their late teens. However, uncaring as always, he was forced out by his family and left to fend for himself in the depths of the Black Shroud at the tender age of 12.

Lost and alone, Mona'a managed on his own for a few months, but in his loneliness he became reckless and was grievously wounded when he took on an antelope stag far larger than him. He very well could have died if he had not been found by a wandering Sunseeker—A'khira Tia.

For several weeks A'khira treated Mona's wounds and nursed him back to health. It was the first kindness he'd ever been shown, and he quickly imprinted on A'khira; when taken to Gridania in the hopes of finding work at a guild so that A'khira could continue his journey, Mona'a refused to let him go. Clinging to him and crying, it was difficult to say no to one so young and innocent, and knowing of Mona's past, A'khira gave in and decided to let Mona'a travel with him.

Only a few years his senior, A'khira became as a big brother to Mona'a. He taught Mona'a everything he knew about the wielding of dual-daggers, and as A'khira studied the art of arcanima on his own, Mona'a copied him and studied it as well, despite disliking how cerebral it was. To this day Mona'a still dislikes it, but he continues to do it because he remembers the feeling of making A'khira proud when he accomplished something he had been struggling with. On the other hand, he found fighting with daggers fun, and his small size leant to a talent with the blades that rivaled his mentor's. Together the two traveled, never settling in one place or making close ties; all they needed were each other.

A'khira had a strong sense of justice, cultivated from the way he was treated in his own tribe. Being an outcast, he took it upon himself to always help those in need, and he passed this down to Mona'a. The two of them took great pride in helping, no matter what the helping required. They would do anything short of murder.

Of course the adventurer lifestyle brought with it many dungeon "excavations," which to Mona'a were the most exciting things of all. It was thrilling and rewarding, exterminating terrible monsters and looting ancient ruins, though it often disappointed him they couldn't keep their treasure due to their lifestyle. It was during one of these dungeon crawls that their lives were torn apart.

The two encountered a voidsent, a massive terrifying creature that distorted the aether around it. Knowing they stood no chance against the beast, A'khira told Mona'a to run, shoving him away, hoping to act as a distraction, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. In his panic, he didn't notice they were standing near a jagged ledge where the floor had caved into a deep chamber below, and he unintentionally pushed Mona'a over the ledge. Mona'a was only saved because a tear remained where the creature had entered, and he fell through into the void. Realizing with horror what he had done, A'khira fought fiercely for his own life, so that he could save Mona'a from whatever fate he had just literally pushed him into. He won the fight, but the tear had disappeared, and with it, so had Mona'a.

By some miracle as yet unknown, Mona'a survived, and instead of being lost in the void or completely destroyed, he fell out the other side and landed on a different Hydaelyn. Whether it was the trauma of the ordeal or the void itself that robbed him of his memories, his personality, talents, and values remained. It's only thanks to his upbeat nature he has been able to continue alone in his amnesiac state, though without A'khira he's awkward and has a difficult time adjusting.

Besides memory loss, it's unknown at this time if he suffers any lasting negative effects from passing through the void.


Barely an adult now, Mona'a continues to do what he and his brother did: help people in need. Over the years spent with A'khira he developed a talent for getting in and out of places swiftly and quietly. He realized this after taking a job—an offer to help someone get back a priceless family heirloom stolen by brigands. He got such a thrill out of sneaking in and out of their hideout without being caught he decided to take more stealth jobs, until he started doing them without compensation, observing those around him and listening to rumors to find his marks. He doesn’t believe in wanton stealing to sate one’s own greed (though he does love a nice shiny trinket or two) and takes the most pleasure out of stealing for the benefit of others. He learned the ins and outs of the major city-states, the best escape routes and vantage points for spying. As time went on he grew more and more bold, stealing from members of the Syndicate to help refugees and taking back boatloads of loot stolen by pirates while sabotaging their ships.

He sees no wrong in what he’s doing, and thinks anyone who considers it so doesn’t have their priorities straight. As such he has no qualms admitting to being a thief—hence an "honest" thief. He's even started learning the art of ninjutsu to improve his techniques, and has attempted to make a name for himself in the underground as "The Black Cat". Sadly, it hasn't exactly caught on yet, and the few who have heard of the name have twisted it into something completely different than the image he wants to portray. Instead of a cool gentleman thief, they seem to think he's a dangerous psychotic with homicidal tendencies.

Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

“I’ve never seen him eat anything that’s not fish or fish-shaped. He eats so much fish he’s going to turn into one!— various potwatches and fishmongers
"I heard him talking to his chocobo like it was his brother. No, really, he called the bird his brother." — Horizon merchant
"He seems like a well-meaning child, but he needs to learn how to mind his own business." — Carline Canopy patron
"Ya always know when that young’un’s 'round ‘cause his laugh's so godsdamned loud!" — Drowning Wench patron
“You mean to tell me he’s older than 13??” — various citizens

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"I caught him napping on my roof one day. He just looked so peaceful I left him alone.“ — Goblet resident
"Ever’time I see him he’s down on the decks fishin’ or starin’ out ta sea. Seems like a lonely lad if ye ask me.“ — Lominsan fisherman

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"The Black Cat? Yeah, I heard of him. Wouldn't wanna cross him neither. He'd slit his mama's throat for a nickel." — jaded middle-aged adventure
"I heard he got caught stealing from a member of the Syndicate but somehow escaped!" — Ul'dahn citizen
"A heavy fog had rolled in that night but I know it was him I saw crying alone near the Sisters. It was right after a guild meeting, he was hugging his grimoire like it meant life or death. I've never seen a more heartrending sight, to witness a child so brilliant and self-assured reduced to tears shortly after receiving the highest praise for his achievements.” — Arcanist guild member

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
"Insert rumor here." ~Name
💑 In a Relationship     Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Family      Good Standing     Neutral     Poor Standing    Deceased

Person A: A blurb about a person.

Person B: A blurb about a person.

Dates are included mostly for me so I can keep track of things. However, feel free to use them as references for character journals.

Notable events are divided into arcs, so that you can easily find new info on each arc.

An Example Organizational Tab

(1/1-1/2) An Example Table

(Status: Complete) (Who was Involved: Person 1, Person 2)

Write about your important event here.

(Credit is due to Endel Blanche for the idea to add in this tab!)

Potential Plot Hooks
■ He will take any adventuring job.
■ He will steal for others for free.
■ Loves fish and fishing.
■ Scared of ghosts.
■ Show him something shiny.
■ Be a Seeker male.
■ He's cute, sweet, and affection-hungry, talk to him about anything and he’ll be happy someone’s giving him attention!

What I am looking for/interested in:

  • Mona’a needs friends! But I’m always down for a good romance, too! Mona’a needs love more than anything; platonic or romantic or familial, he’s in a place where he needs companionship, and the closer that person can be the happier he will be. How easy it is to get to that point will depend on your character, but expect special interest if you have a Sunseeker boy. Because of his love for his forgotten brother, he has an intense fascination with Seeker males, especially wandering tias, and craves their attention above all others. When it comes to girls, due to his past he can find them intimidating and tends to act a little more reserved and guarded.

What I will NOT RP:

  • No permanent death, no permanent injury or disfigurement. I've never RPed fighting but I'm willing to give it a go. Mild angst is fine if it has a happy ending. I won’t do anything too heavy, I prefer fluff. ERP is fine if that sort of relationship develops. A word of caution though: romantic relationships take time, but because of his neediness he's likely to feel things intensely very quickly, and gets his heart broken easily. He definitely requires patience to deal with on many levels.



[Chaotic Good], [Wistful Amnesia], [Just Like Robin Hood], [Good Feels Good], [Stepford Smiler], [Walking The Earth]

About the Player:

Hello there! I’m Po, long time RPer and writer who enjoys video games of all kinds. I love me some good rock music and I cuss like a sailor. (I’ll keep it to a minimum unless my partner is the same though!) I’m probably really old and I refer to my characters and myself collectively as “we”.

You should know that I have pretty severe anxiety on top of a mood disorder and another chronic condition that prevents me from working, so online interaction can be difficult for me. It’s more difficult for me to initiate than to respond, so if you’re interested, please don’t be afraid to send me a /tell! It’s highly unlikely I’ll approach you first no matter how much I might want to meet you. That said, my schedule is very irregular and I can drop off the grid for weeks at a time. I beg your understanding.


This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.

Other Stuff

  • OOC notes. For extra fun, write at 3am.
■ Mona’a was originally created as an experiment that I unexpectedly became extremely attached to, so if you think he bears a resemblance to a certain other video game cat, you're probably right. He’s very much his own character though, especially his personality.
■ I linked it directly on the page but the rumor "he'd slit his mama's throat for a nickel" is an iconic line from the original English translation of FFVI, where Edgar is telling Locke who Shadow is. I just wanted to use it as a cheeky FF reference, but it also has the same meaning for Mona'a as it did for Shadow: a few people may have heard some seriously off-the-wall remarks that led them to believe he's basically the exact opposite of what he is. (And using "nickel" instead of "gil" is just part of the silliness of the reference, please don't take it too seriously.)
■ Because of his misplaced feelings for Seeker of the Sun males, Mona’a gets a crush on every Seeker he sees. So if he’s seen your Seeker boy? He’s crushed on him.
■ Just because his feelings for Seekers are misplaced doesn't mean a romantic relationship is out of the question! Or that it's only Seekers he's interested in. He will take attention anywhere he can get it.
■ It is impossible to overemphasize how much Mona’a loves fish.
■ He is a tiny bit scared of ghosts. Just a tiny bit!!
■ He may or may not have a height complex.
■ He has the bad habit of unintentionally making bedroom eyes.
■ Songs: [Roundtable Rival] and [Something Wild], both by Lindsey Stirling. (This will definitely be updated as I find more songs!)