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Revision as of 14:02, 11 August 2018

Ethan Locke
The Brawler

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Ethan Banner2.jpg
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BIRTH NAME: Ethan Locke


RACE: Hyur


AGE: 25


ORIENTATION: No Preference




OCCUPATION: Brawler - Resistance Scout

PATRON DEITY: Rhalgr the Destroyer

ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good [1]


TUMBLR: shadowborne-ffxiv.tumblr.com

<tabs plain style="width: 1280x1024px; margin-left: 0px; font-size:12px; font-family:Georgia; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.8; color:#43413d; font-size:12px; font-family:Georgia; letter-spacing:0.2em; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;"


Height: 6 fulms 1 ilms

Weight: 190 ponz

Complexion: Sun-browned

Hair: Raven black

Eyes: Steel Grey

Tattoo: Tattoos appear to cover a majority of his body, all interwoven in intricate detail.

This young man was quiet and subtle, more slender in frame and stature he barely challenges those of his kin, tempered at just about average. He seemed to pay little mind to those around him, nor does he appear to draw any particular attention to himself, blending into crowds or darker corners, his expressions hidden beneath heavy cowls or hoods in avoidance, bright grey eyes the only noticeable feature within the shadows, observant, calm and calculating.

His stark and ever present youth often comes as a surprising contrast to his personality, bordering on androgynous in nature, though his features are often masked by the stubble that adorns his chin and his hair, often appearing unkempt yet in a manner more flattering than that of complete disregard. His unruly raven locks tend to hide most of his expressions, though it is not uncommon to see a subtle grin tugging at the corners of his lips, but behind each grin there lies a shadow. Within those calm grey eyes an intensity, a flicker of anxiety and momentous despair. His lean form is most often enveloped in detailed leather armor. The darker leathers would cling to his lean frame, fastened into place with multiple straps and belts criss-crossing here and there, the tight fit leaving little to the imagination. His most prized pair of blades were well detailed, and bore a sheen that spoke volumes of his dedication to care.

Beneath the sturdy armor a series of intricate tattoos line his body. The markings coil all about his form ending just above his jaw, at the inside of his feet and the center of his palms. The markings themselves seem to vary from those of sacred symbols to the esoteric. Beneath these tattoos and over other portions of his body the faint sheen of scarring can be seen, ragged and telling. He was not one foreign to the sight of battle nor its pains and consequences.


Alcohol: Nothing takes the edge off quite like a pint of beer or a shot of hard liquor and Ethan often finds himself partaking in order to dull whatever pains or thoughts seem to plague him.
Fighting: Punching the daylights out of something or someone is his favorite pastime and stress-reliever and if he is not found defending someone else's honor with his fists, he'll likely make a point to do so in the pits later.
Good Company: While he does not appear to go out of his way to strike up something as innocent as a conversation, when caught in good spirits he is often very approachable if not even jovial, especially when in the company of those with a similar sense of humor.


Arrogance: There is nothing quite so annoying as one that is overtly full of themselves, at least in Ethan's opinion. His patience tends to wear quite thin when in the company of such individuals.
Thugs: Those that make ends meet by taking advantage of others are the lowest of the low and Ethan does not have to think twice before showing them exactly what he thinks of them.
Liars: Ethan is slow to trust others for a reason and if he manages to catch someone in the middle of some form of deception, he is very unlikely to bother with them again in the future.


Resourceful: Being the tail end of a running joke for most of his young life, Ethan often had to find less practical means with which to get ahead. Employing tactics learned through training as a scout, coupled with the more brutal methods of dirty brawling, one way or another he will find a way to turn the tables in his favor.
Reliable: While his methods may be unorthodox and a little devil-may-care, there is a determination about Ethan, if not a certain stubbornness to ensure that he fulfills any and all promises. Keeping everything in one piece, including himself, might be debatable.
Altruistic: There is a kindness to Ethan that seems to know no bounds and he will often be found sticking his neck out for people that he does not even know. Should he find anyone in need of aid or being harassed by unsavory types, he will be the first to step in.


Short-tempered: Even in his youth, Ethan was usually the one to strike first and ask questions later, often goaded into action by those youths twice his size. The tendency persists into adulthood and should things take a turn or irritate him, his fists get a little itchy for a fight.
Reckless: The devil-may-care attitude is as much a part of him as it is a way of life and what is life without a little risk? While known as a talented scout with worlds of patience on the job, his knack for going the extra mile, or digging a little too deep, tends to bury him a little too far over his head.
Impulsive: Be it a flirtatious smile or a cry for help, Ethan will be on his feet and in the middle of the action without so much as a second thought, at least until reality begins to sink in.


Hand-to-Hand Combat: Through life as a refugee and with some guidance from those who sought to aid him, Ethan kept his own head by fighting for everything he believed in. Smaller than most of the children his own age, Ethan was often looked down upon, heckled and bullied and forced to find his own means to stand up for himself. He learned to take his own disadvantage and turn it upon its head, utilizing his smaller size in the form of increased agility for swift strikes and evasion that shaped him into the formidable fighter he is today.
Reconnaissance: In his youth, he had a knack for getting his nose where it didn't belong, overhearing conversations and poking around dangerous territory. With time he developed and refined his discretion and, upon coming of age, his strengths were put to the test through rigorous scouting missions on behalf of the resistance.


Resilience: Rigorous training has imbued Ethan with increased fortitude, allowing him to last through long missions with little to no rest. Similarly this also enables him to withstand some injuries without so much as a complaint.


Pit-fighting: With a thrill for a challenge and the welcome release that punching someone mercilessly happens to give him, Ethan often finds himself in the center of several official and unofficial fights as a means to unwind.
Reading: While uncommonly rare, should chance have it that a book happens to come into his possession, Ethan will gladly set aside the time to peruse.


PTSD: Recent developments have left their mark on the young man, inflicting him with intermittent insomnia, panic attacks and resorting to violence, often triggered by high stress situations or familiar experiences.
Scars of the Past: Previous injuries seem to have rendered Ethan with certain detriments and he appears to favor one arm over the other, often experiencing painful muscle lock and spasms if too much strain is placed upon his left.
Ruthless: When drawn into a fight, Ethan becomes emotionally charged to the point where it becomes nearly impossible for him to stop.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Name is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Name is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Name is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Name considers this person family.
Friend: Name considers this person his friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Name considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Name has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Name has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Name doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Name consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Name is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Name consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time he gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Name.
Business: This character is either an Name's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Name isn't fully aware of it yet.


Kaelan ( NPC )
To say their relationship was unorthodox would be putting it lightly. The two were often inseparable and yet could not be any less alike. Kaelan's more brash nature and thirst for adventure often got them into trouble more times than Ethan could count but the connection was undeniable, albeit short-lived given the man's untimely death.
Mia ( NPC )
The small Miqo'te caught Ethan by surprise after she seemingly snuck into his room at the Drowning Wench, once he learned that she was employed at the tavern his suspicions lessened... and while he remains wary of the girl he cannot deny that he finds her company remarkably uplifting if not amusing.


Scott Sullivan
If ever there was a man that reminded him of himself, it was Scott. More frequent interactions have found the pair in rather familiar territory, finding various commonalities between them despite the drastic differences in their own life pursuits. Being able to speak with one whose inner thoughts seem very near his own has been a welcome relief for Ethan as he begins to realize that he is not truly alone. Though their time spent together has been relatively short, there are no doubts in Ethan's mind that Scott knows him far better than any other and that the same is likely true for him. He takes profound comfort in the man's presence and cannot deny the passion between them, a passion so great that he has wholly devoted himself to Scott, curious of where the road might take them together.
What could have turned into a rather poor judgment call on Ethan's part, had the man been decidedly devious, took a turn for the better. Over time Ethan has come to appreciate the connection he has developed with the alluring and mysterious man, though there is little he truly knows of him the opportunities that their association has presented to him may very well have paved the way to a whole new life. That is something he will not soon forget.
Savona Drake
Never had he encountered a woman quite so open, vibrant and full of curiosity. It was almost hard to keep up with her enthusiasm and by the end of their conversation, Ethan could only sum it up into one thing, he was completely and utterly perplexed though doubtlessly intrigued by her. There was a kindness about her that seemed to know no bounds as she welcomed him into her home and prepared one of the best meals he'd had in quite some time. While circumstances have since seen them on separate paths, he finds himself wondering after her well being time and again.
A chance introduction through an equally recent acquaintance saw these two at the same table and Ethan came to discover that they shared some heritage. Being of Ala Mhigan descent, he finds himself interested in what more he might learn from the man, should they happen to meet again.
The two managed to spark up a conversation whilst enjoying one of Ethan's favorite pastimes, watching people beat the piss out of each other. Though their encounter was relatively brief, Ethan found that he rather enjoyed the company and certainly would not pass up another opportunity to meet the man.
Fate seemed to draw the two to the same stretch of bar in the Drowning Wench and, while Ethan enjoyed what little conversation they did have, both were ultimately focused on providing aid to a rather intoxicated man. Given the circumstances Ethan was quite relieved to have someone of her expertise and apparent kindness close at hand and he would certainly not be adverse to speaking with her again provided the opportunity.


Long Story Arcs - Long Term Role Play: With a history of developing many long term storylines, some going back as far as 10 years, these tend to be my absolute favorite and I am always looking for those of a similar mind looking to make a lasting tale.
Short and Sweet: While long term may be my preference that will not keep me from enjoying the welcome diversities that short term acquaintances have to offer! From tavern escapades to bumping into someone in an alley, all provide fantastic opportunities to make great connections.

Mature Content: As one interested in leading some dark and dramatic tales I would be remiss not to mention that I am open to such things. Content of a graphic nature from violence(gruesome battle, torture, abuse etc), coarse language and romantic relations are fair game so long as they make sense for the story. Have any concerns whether or not something will fly? Feel free to ask me first!

Not Acceptable

Perma-death/Maiming: Unless the details have been previously discussed on an OOC basis, I will not accept nor recognize any attempts on the life of my character, or those that would result in permanent injury.


This template is composed of elements created and modified by the following: Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte as well as N'hadiya Khei, originally adapted from Bancroft Gairn, Xheja Rajhera, Atreus del Alumet, Suen Shyu, Glioca Sargonnai, D'lyhhia Lhuil, Faye Covington, Parvaneh Shadi'ra, Lucaell Tareth'eian.