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<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Location Name:''' Likelihood</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Black Shroud:''' Very High</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Location Name:''' Likelihood</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Thanaland:''' Moderate</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Location Name:''' Likelihood</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Coerthas:''' Moderate</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Gyr Abania:''' High</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Ala Mhigo:''' Low</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Gridania:''' Very Low</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''La Noscea:''' Very Low</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Limsa Lominsa:''' Very Low</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Ishgard:''' Very Low</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Ul'dah:''' Unlikely</li>
<li style="background-color: #A7C3E8; padding: .5em; border-radius: 5px; border-left: 10px solid #3D4E5C; margin: 5px;">'''Far East:''' Unlikely</li>
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Revision as of 13:30, 23 September 2021

This Page is under construction until the release of Endwalker


Weiss Loire

Weiss Loire Viera 2.png
"The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim."
_Forest Name _Sigurd Eruyt / Sigurðr Eruyt
_Gender _Male
_Race _Viera
_Clan _Rava
_Birthplace _Golmore Jungle
_Residence _Wanderer
_Guardian _Thaliak Icon.png Thaliak, the Scholar
_Nameday _25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
_Age _30, but looks 25
_Height _184,5cm
_Weight _80KG
_Job or Occupation _______
_Hobbies _______
_Maritial Status _It's a secret
_Sexuality _Demisexual
_Alignment _Chaotic neutral
_Server _Cerberus

General Information

Weiss Loire, real name Sigurd Eruyt ( Sigurðr Eruyt), is a young Rava Viera hailing from the Eruyt Village on Golmore Jungle. A former Wood-warder, Sigurd was able to go through the bloody rite of passage and survive to become a warrior for his tribe, keeping watch over its domain and the forest surrounding it. For years he followed the laws of the Viera and the Green Word to heart, however as time went by he started feeling unease as whispers of passerby’s spoke about the current events of the world.

Despite this he would continue to adhere by the rules of his people and protect the forest, until the faithful day he faced a Voidsent who was targeting a zone of the village domain for its aether. More Wood-warders were able to arrive on the scene to serve as a backup, however they were too late to avoid the incident that made every animal present perish but Sigurd, the Wood-warders themselves, and a single juvenile Chocobo. Although they were successful at making the twisted being perish, unknown to them a fragment of its essence made its way into Sigurd’s body leaving behind a mark that was easily mistakenly as a curse left from the fell beast. This occurrence was the starting point of his adventure, when Sigurd decided that in order to avoid placing the Village and the forest in danger he would leave in a journey to look for a cure for his curse. Until then he would be deem dead for everyone.

When he left Eruyt Village, he took pity of the Chocobo he saved and took it with him, affectionately calling him Boko. As many moons came and went, the Viera met many people of different casts and races, especially after reaching Eorzea in order to get away from the clutches of the Empire, and soon adopted the moniker Weiss Loire for himself, as his Forest Name was as good as dead. Little by little the presence of the Voidsent would try to make its way to the Viera mind, however if he was able to resist this overpowering presence in his body or succumb to it, it’s something the future is yet to reveal.


A young Viera, from the Rava, clan with dark skin, thick, shoulder-length, silver-white hair, light blue eyes, and long ears which are covered in white fur with speckles of black fur at the tips. Weiss most often wears above his lean and toned build the typical outfit of the Wood-warders in his homeland, which adorns his right shoulder, forearms, and leg-wear in a metal adorned with filigree, and a brownish short-shirt that reveals his stomach. Underneath, he wears a pair of cedar-colored baggy pants with interconnecting black belts, filled with adornments, which rests above a white fur sash wrapped around his waist along with a pair of brownish fingerless gloves. Finally, his sollerets, which cover the lower part of his pants, have a claw-like design at the toes.

When not wearing his traditional Wood-warder clothing, he can be seen wearing clothes of a similar fashion, not only out of personal preference but also out of convenience so it doesn’t get in the way of duties such as hunting, battling, or scouting his surroundings. Despite this, he won’t deny the use of a different kind of fashion if appropriate for the occasion or if he feels in the mood to do so.


Personality Traits

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  • Personality
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An introverted, Weiss presents himself as a sarcastic and scathing, serious, self-possessed, sardonic, moody, and cynical, who does not smile often nor breaks his stoic and stern demeanor. Preferring efficiency, he dislikes "small talk", cutting his sentences down to the bare minimum needed to get a point across, or usually uses "whatever," for want of the current topic to be dropped, often following with changing the subject. As such he is rarely the one to speak first, letting the others do the talking, preferring to usually offer his knowledge and insight in relevant situations. Although taciturn and seemingly cold, beneath the surface, due to coming from a closed society he is socially awkward, being well-intentioned but unsure how to carry himself in conversations, having difficulties expressing himself.

He is nonetheless kind-hearted and caring, having concern for his companions and empathy for some of his enemies, but to protect himself and due to being wary of strangers, Weiss has become reserved and prefers to keep his emotions locked up, choosing to examine the world with realism and logic. This combined with what he learned back when he used to protect the forest, made his outlook on life somewhat cynical: as far as he's concerned, the strong survive and the weak perish, and that's just the way it is. That doesn't mean he is heartless, as he does care about his companions, but doesn't show it the same way most people do. Instead, he believes in "tough love" by pushing others to be stronger to ensure they can look after themselves. On the other hand, when he starts to open up with his companions, even if a little, and if he feels they are getting overenthusiastic, he uses sardonic quips to jolt them to their senses as he prefers to approach situations rationally, with a collected and confident attitude, and plan out the objectives to ensure that what is necessary gets done instead of just rush blindly to the objective.

Tidy by nature, he prefers cleanliness; he cleans to alleviate stress. He dedicates free time to the watch the forests nearby, protecting its denizens from beasts, and teaching them self-defense. Weiss was also one of the few Male Vieras to recently question their beliefs on objective terms.

Philosophy & Ideals

Philosophy and ideals go here.


  • Quirks
  • Go
  • here.

On Hand



Ravel Keeper Spear Icon.png
Keeper’s Spear
A Spear made out of Alder wood that was entrusted to Weiss, by its previous owner, when he assumed the mantle of a Wood-warder. It’s a light yet durable weapon that doesn’t weights on him nor reduces his mobility.

    Wanderer’s Bow
    A bow also made out of Alder Wood. Contrary to his Spear, however, this weapon wasn’t passed on to him and instead was bought when his old bow broke.








            Eorzean map.png

              Blue Sketchbook.png


                  Change of Clothes:



                      Combat & Weaponry


                      Main Weapon


                      Experience Log

                      Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that Weiss has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what he has been up to.

                      • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.
                      Likes Dislikes
                      • Rain: The sound of Raining has a calming effect on the Viera. Sometimes he even enjoys being soaked by it as it lets him think more clearly.
                      • Animals: As a former Wood-warder, Weiss enjoys the company and seeing new kinds of animals without disrupting their habit without a good reason.
                      • Sightseeing: Ever since he had to leave Golmore Jungle behind, Weiss got fond of sightseeing in new places. The fewer people hanging around those places, the better.
                      • Horror Stories: Ever since he was a small Viera that Weiss was fond of hearing scary stories. Although they had the desired effect (scaring him), the boy’s heart was always jumping with excitement to hear more and new stories of all kinds of spooks and horror.
                      • Sleeping in the Wild: Even though Weiss loves a good comfortable bed, he wouldn’t think twice if he got the opportunity to sleep under the watchful eyes of the sea of stars above.
                      • Dense Forests: As they remind him of Golmore.
                      • Untidiness: Being tidy by nature, he dislikes seeing untidy places.
                      • Entitlement: He dislikes people who feel entitled, be it to get help from others, who assume they deserve something without working for it, etc.
                      • Voidsents: After his first encounter with one, he came to dislike the creatures.
                      • Garlean Empire: Having heard histories in his village about how the Empire tried to expand to Golmore (without success), hearing whispers from passerby’s about what they have been up to, or even witnessing how they acted ever since he left Eryut Village, Weiss can’t stand the Empire. He understands there might be good people in its ranks, but in general, hates them almost as much as a Voidsent.
                      • People with destructive whims: As Wood-warder he had to deal with numerous people like that who tried to disrupt Golmore Jungle.
                      • Noisy People: From people who are loud and noisy to people who can’t stay out of other people's business.
                      • Bustling Cities: The sound, the movement, even the people on it, are some of the things he can’t take for long. Not only due to feeling uncomfortable but also because all the excitement and noise are too much for his ears.
                      Skills Education
                      • Farming: Having lived in the forest mostly on its own, Weiss has come to learn how to farm his food, with a respectful way towards the environment he is in, to sustain himself.
                      • Survival: Another set of skills learned from his violent upbringing when he was subjected to the brutal rite of the Wood-warders. He also had to learn how to Hunt, Scout, Camouflage, and use all the means around him, from scavenging, to identify poisonous and edible plants and fungi, for its survival.
                      • Swimming: He knows how to handle himself even around the most vicious types of waters and can hold his breath beneath them for quite some time.
                      • General Education: Before his coming of age, Weiss was taught alongside other Viera kids on Eryut Village about a variety of subjects, including but not limited to language and its nuances, numbers, socialism, history, and about the Golmore Jungle and its traditions.
                      • The Way of the Wild: After his coming of age and been taken by his father and all the male Vieras to the wild to go through the Wood-warders rite of passage, Weiss came to learn on his own about the wild through trial and error to survive. Despite learning back in the village the theory about it, nothing was compared to experience it first-hand.
                      • Fighting: Even though back in his village days he was taught how to defend himself, it wasn’t only after he was able to pass the rite of passage for the Wood-warders that he would learn how to fight. He was taught how to use a Lance, a Bow, a Scythe, and he even his body in case he didn’t have a weapon at hand. He also got taught, very roughly, how to use a sword and a dagger, but it wasn’t something he dwelled properly like the previous mentions weapons.
                      Strengths Flaws
                      • Nightvision: Although not able to see in complete darkness, his eyesight is well-developed for a low light situation.
                      • Acute Hearing: His ears are sensitive to sounds that wouldn’t be heard by normal people.
                      • Speedy Built: His body is built for speed, making him faster than most but weaker in strength when compared to others.
                      • First aid: Although not a healer, Weiss can easily get a quick salve out of plants and fungi as he knows those who have healing effects, poisonous effects, etc.
                      • Keeper of Secrets: As he doesn’t like to dwell in drama or other's affairs (with some exceptions), everyone who tells him something can be assured he won’t tell it to others as he couldn’t care less. This extends to his secrets as he feels like he doesn’t have to tell others what he is or isn’t planning.
                      • Adaptability: As long as it’s not a place full of people such, as a big bustling city, the Viera can easily adapt to his environment. This is something he is especially good at if it’s on a forest or a jungle.
                      • Observant: Something he learned to be back when he was a Wood-warder. Weiss used to observe the environment around him to access the situation he was in or to evaluate if someone would soon act against the forest.
                      • Loner: Even though he is capable of forging friendships or even team up with people to achieve a common goal, Weiss has a hard time opening up even to people who he considers close friends.
                      • Uncommunicative: Preferring efficiency, Weiss dislikes “small talk” cutting his sentences down to the bare minimum. Although it’s rare hearing him say more than what’s necessary, it doesn’t mean he is incapable of holding long conversations or even giving a speech, however, it’s something he rather avoids doing.
                      • Hasty: If he feels something is wrong or looks suspicious he tends to act first and ask questions later. This is something he got from his time as a Wood-warder as it was necessary to act as such to maintain his village out of warm’s way.
                      • Social Awkwardness: Even though he is well-intended with his actions he doesn’t know how to express himself in a social environment which leads his words to sometimes sound harsher than what he means to.
                      • Cynical: A cynical by nature, he tries to see the world with realism where the strong survive and the weak perish.
                      • Emphatic: Even with his entire cold and distant front, Weiss is capable of feeling empathy towards others, even against his enemies which sometimes can place him in a hard situation. This is one flaw he is well aware of and tries his best to bottle it up.
                      • Blunt: He believes in though love and doesn’t hold back in speaking his mind plainly, even if it’s to point out someone’s flaws, be it about his enemies or even his friends.
                      Fears Favorites
                      • Endangering his Village: He would do anything to keep his village from harm’s way, even from himself.
                      • Voidsent: Not from Voidsents per se but the destruction they are capable of bringing to the realm, after witnessing the devastation one has left behind just trying to feed itself in a disruptive way towards Golmore Jungle and its denizens.
                      • Branded: Being branded a Voidsent due to having been, what he thinks, cursed by one.
                      • Forging Connections: Not understanding what effects his encounter with the Voidsent has left on his body, he fears creating close connections that might be hurt down the line as he tries to get rid of the Voidsent presence from his body.
                      • Food: Juicy Fruits.
                      • Drinks: Water.
                      • Favorite Color: Cyan

                      Early Life


                      Notes about the character's childhood go here.


                      Notes about the character's adolescence go here.


                      Notes about the character's adult life go here.

                      Recent Times

                      Notes about where your character has been the last few months go here.

                      Common Uncommon
                      These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
                      • "Common Rumor" - Rumor Source
                      • "Common Rumor" - Rumor Source
                      • "Common Rumor" - Rumor Source

                      * Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

                      These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
                      • "Uncommon Rumor" - Rumor Source
                      • "Uncommon Rumor" - Rumor Source
                      • "Uncommon Rumor" - Rumor Source

                      * Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

                      Rare Player Character
                      These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
                      • "Rare Rumor" - Rumor Source
                      • "Rare Rumor" - Rumor Source
                      • "Rare Rumor" - Rumor Source

                      * Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

                      These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*

                      * Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue.

                      Relationship Status Key

                        Newrelate positive.png Positive Standing    Newrelate neutral.png Neutral Standing    Newrelate negative.png Negative Standing
                        Newrelate trusted.png Trusted
                        Newrelate physical.png Physical Attraction
                        Newrelate romantic.png Romantic Attraction
                        Newrelate relationship.png Significant Other
                        Newrelate business.png Business
                        Newrelate uncertain.png Uncertain/Puzzled
                        Newrelate deceased.png Deceased
                        Newrelate enemy.png Enemy/Rival
                        Newrelate npc.png NPC
                      Inner Circle Family
                      • Newrelate positive.png Friend Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Friend Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Friend Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Family Member Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Family Member Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Family Member Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      Friends Acquaintances
                      • Newrelate positive.png Friend Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Friend Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Friend Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate positive.png Acquaintance Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate neutral.png Acquaintance Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text

                      • Newrelate negative.png Acquaintance Name
                        Newrelate trusted.png Newrelate physical.png Newrelate romantic.png Newrelate relationship.png Newrelate business.png Newrelate uncertain.png Newrelate deceased.png Newrelate enemy.png Newrelate npc.png

                        Show text



                      Likely Locations Affiliations
                      • Black Shroud: Very High
                      • Thanaland: Moderate
                      • Coerthas: Moderate
                      • Gyr Abania: High
                      • Ala Mhigo: Low
                      • Gridania: Very Low
                      • La Noscea: Very Low
                      • Limsa Lominsa: Very Low
                      • Ishgard: Very Low
                      • Ul'dah: Unlikely
                      • Far East: Unlikely
                      • Affiliation: How the character is affiliated.
                      • Affiliation: How the character is affiliated.
                      • Affiliation: How the character is affiliated.

                      RP Hooks

                      • Hook Name

                        Description of hook.

                      • Hook Name

                        Description of hook.

                      • Hook Name

                        Description of hook.

                      Acceptable RP Unacceptable RP
                      • In-game & Discord RP.
                      • One on one & group settings.
                      • Mature & dark themes.
                      • Character Driven.
                      • ERP or romantic relations.
                      • Concepts that disregard existing lore.
                      • Serious injury or even character death without prior discussion.
                      • RP with overpowered (WoL levels) or self-insert characters.

                      Player Info

                      I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask for it.

                      I don’t have any preference regarding RP Themes, as long as they are coherent with my character. Nor do I mind doing quick RP that doesn’t affect my character (nothing of it will be counting for my character progression. It will be as if it never existed to hum) since I understand that there are people who just like to make RP without being stuck to a story.

                      I’m sorry if any of those things seemed hard, or if I gave the impression of being a real jerk, but there are things I don’t agree with and I prefer to state them from the start in order to avoid miscommunication or any sort of troubles.

                      My Policies

                      • Unannounced Role Play

                        Since my wife (Mari Loire) doesn’t do RP, if I’m with her please avoid starting RP on the spot. I like to spend most of the time with her when she's logged in and since she doesn't do nor isn't interest in RPing I don’t find it fair for her to find herself dragged into something she is not fond of. I’ll only be open for RP when I have the RP tag on.

                      • No ERP

                        I will never agree with doing ERP (even vanilla ones), permanent character death, or rape plots.

                      OOC Character Info Links
                      • Lore Adherence: I spent sometime reading the lore and asking other people for a second opinion and even though, in my opinion, everything on it is in the game lore, there is also the possibility that I may be wrong. Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt.
                      • Miscellaneous: There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors, or if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
                      • Contact: You can DM me through discord; Weiss#5320
                      • Player Info: EU player, GMT+1.
                      Wiki Info Credits
                      This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.

                      Last Updated: September 21, 2021

                      Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!

                      This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people: