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| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"I... Ain't want to talk about it."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;"><b>Character's Thoughts:</b> <i>"I... Ain't want to talk about it."</i></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;">Enla's former lover and mate who has grown more and more distant to her with each passing moon. Though she recognizes that the distance is based on mutual factors and that no one is entirely blameless, she still cannot help but feel hurt over how things proceeded. At present it's in flux whether or not the two are even still together, though the way Enla speaks these days lends an air of finality to the situation.</div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;">Enla's former lover and mate. Though she recognizes that the distance is based on mutual factors and that no one is entirely blameless, she still cannot help but harden herself all the same. At present it's in flux whether or not the two are even still together, though the way Enla speaks these days lends an air of finality to the situation.</div>

Revision as of 20:24, 16 May 2016




BIRTH NAME... Enla Kertuh


PAST ALIASES... Wailer Kertuh

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... 29. 18th Sun of the 4st Astral Moon.

ORIENTATION... Predominantly Heterosexual

MARITAL STATUS... It's complicated.


NATIONALITY... Kertuh Clan of the North Shroud

CITIZENSHIP... Gridanian, has visas for both Ul'dah and Limsan residency.

FAMILY... Too numerous to count.

RESIDENCE... A rented room in the Mists.

OCCUPATION... Herbalist, Midwife, former Wailer.

PATRON DEITY... Menphina, only recently returned to practiced devotions.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 1 ilms. 114 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Tends towards being Neutral.

"And what do ya want?"


Add things here.


There truly is not much to say about the woman, very little truly marking her apart from the rest of the crowd in any one respect. With a slightly crooked nose -the remnants of a break long since set improperly-, ears that appear far too large for her own head, the very beginnings of laugh lines at the corners of her lip, and a decently average oval shaped face that mark her features as somewhat odd but nothing that would truly draw your eye. All save for one, that being her remaining eye. Where it had once been faintly unpleasant to look upon when beheld at a close distance, covered in a thick cloud-like film that tells a tale of something gone terribly wrong.

Yet for all intents and purposes, one would find that against it all the Miqo'te does not begrudge her current existence, offhandedly joking with others that her ravaged eye probably only serve to draw attention to her other features, such as her hair and skin. She is most likely wrong in regards to most people, but for the sake of argument it is clear that the woman does seem to take some measure of pride in her overall grooming. Her amateurishly cropped neck length hair is one of the few instances to the contrary however, it's dual-toned strands sharply pronounced and giving off the impression of a black cat having been smudged liberally with dust and soot. In spite of it's sloppy appearance, she wears it proudly, often found running her hands through the knife cut tresses with a warm smile upon her face - as if she were remembering someone. By contrast her tail is a long, monstrosity of black fluff, and can often be found swishing to and fro in time with her moods and flights of fancy. Each is carefully groomed, though it's clear that at a certain point of the day the Miqo'te gives her tail up as a loss due to it's extremely fluffy nature.

Lastly, her body while of average height has a small pronouncement of muscle tone. Not enough to be anything more than someone who does a small amount of resistance work, but enough that she isn't left flailing in the wind in spite of what she might say to the contrary. It's clear that though she would stand no chance in a game of strength against most other hardened individuals, she has enough to hint at perhaps some capacity in those regards. Even if it only means that she can lift some crates of the smaller variety and keep up with her companions if a march is called.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Enla possesses only one eye, the other having been forcibly carved from it's socket. The now empty socket bears a litany of scar tissue marking this occurrence. Yet one would never see it for how well her eye patch tends to cover the aftermath.
Her ears are cut up and look as if they have been run through a shredder. They no longer possess any definite tip like you would see in others of her race for this very reason.
The remaining eye she has is the color of curdled milk and is covered in a thick film that makes her pupil almost impossible to see.


The Keeper woman is as flippant as they come, her various smirks and grins showing wide and easily upon her face whenever she engages in conversation. One would get the sense that in spite of her near constant brevity lays a rather thoughtful individual, her actions sparking clearly with whatever depths of emotion she is feeling at any given time - all laid bare to those who take the time to actually learn her habits. Every tail swish, every ear pin, every curl of the lip is part of a larger picture - each action slowly building up the sums of a whole until she becomes no harder to read than if she were a child. Yet, she does not seem to care about this fact for the most part, rarely taking the effort to keep her extremities from emoting her inner most thoughts that many other Miqo'te would take a form of pride in. She is who she is, regardless of how others might view her.


Equal Treatment. She rather abhors being treated like spun glass for her disability and respects those who return the sentiment.
Banter. Good luck getting this Miqo'te to shut up, especially when she figures you for a decent verbal sparring partner.
Having a Purpose. After flitting about for so long with only the pity of others to sustain her and without a purpose, having one of her own now is something she enjoys immensely. She never wishes to return to the days when she lacked in conviction and need of something to accomplish.


Gridania. Everything about the place sickens her at this point in her life. If she never returned to the Shroud she would die a happy woman.
Remaining Idle. For the same reason she needs a purpose, staying put for too long tends to wear upon her patience quite fiercely.
Slavery. Working in a clinic in the underbelly of Ul'dah saw her privy to many of the city's secrets, many of which helped her develop a healthy hatred for slavers and all of their ilk.


Spear Work. While her blindness renders her former occupation to little more than a hobby, Enla greatly enjoys performing katas with her newly bought spear when given half the chance.
Herbalism. A hobby that is quickly turning into a side job, Enla's desire to regain her eyesight gave way to a new hobby that she takes great pride in.
Observation. Picking out smells and sounds at an even greater efficiency due to her reliance upon the two senses for everything she does.


Heightened Senses. Her senses have had to compensate for her lack of sight, making her sense of smell and hearing rather sharp.
Decently Muscled. Months of extensive training have paid off, giving Enla her former muscle tone from her days as a Wood Wailer. Though it provides less in strength than it does in stamina and ability to hold out during a fight.
Intuitive. Enla has a habit on picking up what others might not wish to say or even discuss. Though whether or not their translates into proper intelligence depends upon whom you ask.


Blind. She cannot see an attack coming for rather obvious reasons and is also a liability on the battlefield for this reason.
Rash. Has very little filter, and will often say whatever is on her mind regardless of the necessity or how wise such actions might be.
Poor Bedside Manner. Very much believes in being proactive when it comes to healing, but to the point that she's likely to cut off your leg without a second thought if it'll save your life by any measurably degree. Also has a nasty habit of aiming for someone's head with her staff if they complain too often about the job she is doing. In this, she is not your ideal healer in spite of her growing proficiency.


Regaining her Sight. Self explanatory really.
Finding a Purpose in Life. At present the conundrum presented by the Stars seems to fit the bill rather nicely.
Living by Her Own Rules. Thoroughly sick of listening to others, Enla makes her own paths and rules as she goes along - refusing to be beholden to anyone.



At current Enla is not much of a fighter due to her blindness, and is mostly shunted to the rear lines in order to provide support if she joins a skirmish at all. Yet that does not mean the former Lancer is defenseless or in any way something to be taken for granted. With months of training under her belt to regain her former muscle tone and a perchance for fighting dirty she is not one to be messed with on a whim. Though one would also have to wonder just how effective the small Miqo'te would be if she were to ever truly regain her sight, thus casting off the biggest handicap she has when presented with a situation that might lead to bloodshed.

Notable Quirks

Satchel About Her Waist. Enla carries a satchel with her at all times when out and about. While it contains various effects one might typically ascribe to a typical Eorzean, it also contains many combat related devices that she uses to help turn the tide in her favor. Most notable of these are a vial of flesh eating acid, a leather hide bag filled with finely ground glass shards, several smoke bombs of various sizes, and sleeping gas. Because of the latter, she also possesses an oil cloth rag within the confines of the satchel as well to help cover her face. .
Cedar-Living Wood Walking Stick. A remnant from her years within the Conjurer's Guild that she's rather loathe to dispose of, even though she hates the very idea of using it. The living focus has served her well as a walking aid for many years now and can still be called upon to twist the whims of the Elemental's when the need arises. It also pulses with an odd sort of power, as if slightly unshackled from invisible bindings. Enla is at this point, unaware of this.
Several Daggers. As stated, while Enla is a walking target given her weaknesses, she has done her best to turn some of the tide in her favor through sheer preparation skills and downright trickery. She has daggers stuffed into various parts of her clothing at any given time, though you can be sure that she will always have a skinning knife within her boot even if she might come to lack any other similar weaponry at a given point in time. She isn't skilled with these daggers and they merely exist to help her get out of a situation quickly while the element of surprise is on her side. If one were to turn them upon her she would be little more than a sitting duckling.
(Rare) Steel Lance. Finish later




Section Name


Section Name


Recent Times

Due to her own selfish pride and overconfidence, Enla found herself on the receiving end of some rather unwanted attentions during a recent trip back to Ul'dah to secure supplies for the Ishgardian war effort - though in truth it was merely an attempt to ensure that a specific someone would not end up on the receiving end of scalped supplies while he was working there. The boiling cauldron that was the merchant's city, it's refugee populace at the breaking point with the torrent of rumors surrounding an ill fated night in the Promenade and the loss of their potential benefactor Teledji, caused tensions to rise between those who had nothing to their name and those who were trying to secure supplies to send northward. It all came to a head one crisp afternoon, with Enla attempted to send the first of the wagons northward and being confronted one final time by a particular pack of refugees who saw no other recourse but to bully their way into garnering some way to continue living. Insulting their pride one final time and refusing to aid them without proper compensation on their part, either in the form of bartered goods or their services to pay off the debt, Enla found herself on the receiving end of the fury of a group of thirty individuals. While the majority focused upon removing the goods from the wagon she had painstakingly placed together, their leader decided to take the petite Miqo'te out of the equation - raising her off the ground by her long ponytail and punching into the side of her skull for good measure as a means of immobilizing her further.

Not being one to simply allow herself to be manhandled, and with her head swimming so much that she could barely focus upon sensing the entire situation, Enla did perhaps the stupidest thing she could have done in that situation. Reaching for the knife she had been forced to carry by her clinic workers since she had returned to Ul'dah and this entire situation began, she stabbed out at the man before swiftly severing her hair to escape from his grasp and attempt an escape. It was all for not, however, as his foot crashed down into her ribs during her descent back to the ground - sending her sprawling onto the ground and at the brute's utter mercy. Not content to simple smash her head in, and with her desperate pleas upon her various link pearls for aid, he broke her fingers clean through but going for the knife she had discarded in the fall. Then, with his compatriots looking on in smug satisfaction, he began to carve out her left eye - her screams of pain music to his ears as he took his time carving the gelatinous surface bit by bit - chunk by chunk - until all that was left was a bloodied socket and pits of flesh strewn about her now blood soaked face.

Aid did indeed arrive shortly after, with Liliana Nazareth doing her best to heal most of the bleeding until the Miqo'te - disoriented and in shock from both the head trauma and the pain - could be safely evacuated to the Goblet where the rest of her wounds could be treated. Yet the damage was done, her entire body slumping over in shock even as her compatriots - rallied by her earlier distress calls - slaughtered their way through the refugees as if they were yesterday's wheat. Both her eye, and her dignity now lay in tatters upon the cobblestones of Ul'dah - and it is anyone's guess as to when the latter at least might be regained.

The next day Nicholas Graveshire, having been one of the people she had accidentally toggled upon the linkpearl in her haste to garner help from the Fireborn and the one person she wished to keep away from Thanalan at all costs, broke into the barracks of the Fireborn where she was being kept - disoriented and in shock over both the call he had received and the sight that greeted him when he finally found the object of his worry. Sickened by the fact that she had put him into danger, she tried to push him away, only giving in to her own selfishness on the matter when it became apparent that he would not leave her side without the kind of fight she was incapable of giving in her sorry state. The stress of the two days finally caught up with the woman, breaking down into choked off sobs as her feelings for the man became clearer in addition to her selfish desire to keep him close in spite of the danger his actions had put him into by coming to find her. Currently they are staying close to each other, Enla recovering as best as she is able given how low she had been laid by the incident, but taking comfort in the fact that he would remain nearby - if not in the same establishment.

Eventually however staying in Thanalan was to be too much of a strain for either of them to bear given Nicholas' criminal record and wanted status within that region at current. With the aid of Domri Blackblade and several others they slowly snuck their way out of the Goblet and into the relative safety of the Mists, staying at the former's home and residence as they licked their respective wounds within the relative safety that the Limsan city state could provide. It was there that Enla slowly came to terms with her actions and the consequences as she saw them, forcing herself to mature rather than sink into a paranoia fueled despair. It was this that brought the blind woman to realize just how much of a liability she was with her stubborn refusals to seek aid for her condition, and with a grim sort of determination she eventually asked Nicholas to heal her eyesight - swallowing a good chunk of her pride for good in the very process of relating such a request.

The procedure took place in a wispy field overlooking the hills above the Mists, the sun setting peacefully behind them as they prepared to potentially reverse the entire process and bring Enla back into the world of the seeing. Forcing the aether out of her body before pressing his own all back in at once and nearly dying in the attempt, the pair were somehow able to break a portion of the grip that the illness had enacted upon her vision. Thus turning the formerly diseased eyes their former shade of orange, repairing even just a tenth of what had been taken away all those years ago. While not a perfect healing, the effort allowed Enla to once again see in some capacity. Her entire world now made up of blob like shapes of color and fuzz, where once there was only blackness. Due to her lacking of an eye, however, her depth perception is forever ruined and immediately she began to struggle to enact the most basic tasks after ferrying Nicholas back and caring for him in his own hour of need.

In the past few months the two only continued to grow closer as Enla continues to struggle to regain her former mobility and skill sets, the pair taking one night each week to etch runes upon her face to slowly continue the process that Nicholas' near sacrifice had begun. It remains to be seen just where these paths may lead them as rumors of war and bloodshed slowly trickle down from the North, Enla's wanderlust slowly building with each passing day as she continues to bide her time and expanding her horizons.

Over time however it became clear that the magic had a limit on it's effectiveness, slowly returning her eye to it's former state in spite of everything they tried to prevent it from doing so. Now blind once more, Enla is more determined than ever to regain her former capabilities - even though the passage of the past few months had not been kind to her and Nicholas' relationship. Separated for now due to work related needs and their own individual stubbornness, it would be fair to say they are on a break of sorts. One that Enla has a feeling will never come to an end, though she refuses to admit to it even as the weeks without contact continue to accumulate.


Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Theula'sae Kertuh, Brother. ( ) - Murderin' Asshole.
Character's Thoughts: "Swiving waste of space. I won't be party to what he does and his little games."
Their once prosperous relationship has long since soured due to his actions towards her and others. To say Enla despises him would be putting it mildly, though the feeling is not reciprocated. Incidents in their past have proven far harder to ignore than the other might prefer, though Enla is glad to finally be rid of her wayward brother.
Karu'tan Moui, Father. ( ) - Dearly Departed.
Character's Thoughts: "I miss him..."
A roving male who left the confines of tribal society to make his own fortune. Although the union between Theula and himself was short and utterly frivolous, he could not bear the thought of the two children that the coupling produced nor his former flame to be left to starve. In exchange for arranging that the tribe would be settled for the winter he took both Theula'sae and Enla with him back to Gridania, where the roving male tried his hardest to be the best father that he could towards the two frightened kits. It must have worked, for both of his children still mourn his passing years later and do their best to integrate into Eorzean society in accordance with the examples that he set for them. Deceased.
Theula Kertuh, Mother. ( ) - Old woman.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't rightly care either way."
Exchanged her parental rights over both Theula'sae and Enla, her two youngest at the time, for the good of her tribe - bargaining with their father over custody in a deal that ultimately garnered their small little tribe enough food to survive the coming winter with excess stores and two mouths less to feed in the process. While Enla respects her mother for the hard choice that had to be made, she has no desire to ever meet the woman again.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Nicholas Graveshire, It's Complicated. ( ) - "Sultana"
Character's Thoughts: "I... Ain't want to talk about it."
Enla's former lover and mate. Though she recognizes that the distance is based on mutual factors and that no one is entirely blameless, she still cannot help but harden herself all the same. At present it's in flux whether or not the two are even still together, though the way Enla speaks these days lends an air of finality to the situation.
Domri Blackblade, Friend. ( ) - "The Boss".
Character's Thoughts: "Ain't too please with him right now, but I ain't got much against him either. He's a good boss."
Domri runs the mercenary company that Enla happens to work for, and while they two have one had a few passing interactions Enla has always been respectful to the Ala Mhigan. With that said however, they definitely need to have a talk about more recent events revolving his significant other.
Virella Douront, Best-Friend. ( ) - "Vi."
Character's Thoughts: "Wicked smart tongue."
An Ishgardian woman that Enla has up until recently only had dealt with in passing. For some reason they seem to get along quite well when they actually deal with each other on a one on one basis, leading to a more relaxed friendship than one might expect from the two women. Having delivered Virella's child and being there for her during the long months when Domri was missing, the two have become closer than ever and lean on each other when things get too tough. Though she would never admit it unless under distress, Enla trusts Virella with her life.
Z'attana Mitnu, Old-Friend. ( ) - "Atty."
Character's Thoughts: "Ain't sure what happened to her honestly, then again ain't really been around myself."
A friendship that has since fallen to the wayside, Enla none the less carries fond memories of the Seeker.
Garen Ashe, Former Boss. ( ) - "Commander."
Character's Thoughts: "Wonder how he's doing."
Her former Commander within the Fireborn and frequent source of banter, though most of it is on Enla's part. Enla respects the hulking warrior and tends to avoid holding her tongue, as with most of the Fireborn, when in the same general vicinity.
Liliana Stone, Friend. ( ) - "Bosette."
Character's Thoughts: "I'm still liable to yell at her iffin I see her. Lovely woman but bloody hells."
Enla is extremely fond of Liliana, to the point where she dropped everything when she learned of Lily's most recent pregnancy and rushed to help her deliver her latest child. With that said however she never holds back with the woman, leading to some rather interesting exchanges. Such as her snippy attitude during said event due to Lily and her husband thinking they'd be able to deliver a risque pregnancy without assistance. She's never letting them live that down.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
■"That Keeper woman doesn't seem to focus on anyone when she speaks. It's rude is what it is! I don't care if she's blind! She should turn her head like a proper person!"
■"I'm telling you! I was laid out flat by a healer! She was this pint sized thing and all it took was a second before she had her bloody staff making friends with my skull. Said she'd just as soon give me a concussion rather than let my leg rot away due to infection. Bloody witch, she was! It wasn't even that bad!"
■"I hear she can often be found training with a spear in front of the Storm Mercenary Group's house."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
■"Heard she was a Wailer way back when. Got kicked out too for some reason."
■"Absolutely hates kids it seems. Yet she willingly allows herself to be made into a babysitter without too much fuss. Tends to drug the tots though."
■"Bitch hits hard for something so tiny!"
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
■"She's somewhat of a soft touch behind all her sneers and pride."
■"Seen her smiling softly while playing with her cats, thinking no one was the wiser. She ain't all she appears to be I reckon. Not a nice lass by any means, but not putrid either."


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"For a blind person, she can go toe-to-toe an' keep up pretty well compared t'yer average idiot in Ul'dah." — Nicholas Graveshire.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.


Hang On!
Artist: Plumb
Origin: -
Context: -.
Exceeding Love
Artist: Suikoden 3 OST
Origin: ^
Context: -.



Player Note
I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. They must remain separate at all times if we are to RP together, especially on an extended basis and I reserve the right to end interactions should this be impeded upon. I've been burnt heavily by people mistaking IC care and OOC friendship and attention with romantic regard and honestly I don't wish to go through another such debacle once more. If my character dislikes yours that does not mean I hold the same sentiment. If my character loves yours that does not translate to me feeling the same for you, though I might feel a platonic equivalent. I am not my characters and they are not me. Respect this and we shall get along famously.
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
Ask about Death, rape, and maiming plot-hooks. I am willing to do almost all of them, but these need a special reason to be initiated - especially the first two. I have no issues with my characters being maimed however and only require a brief talking to for it, so long as fair play is established and the offender accepts retaliation is likely.
I won't play Anything where the above rules are not observed.
Little Tidbits:
If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me! I don't bite! I can get pretty into RPing out consequences however and while I do my best to make sure permission is had and everyone is comfortable I'm not perfect. If you have a problem speak up.
This is a broad statement for all my characters, but I have a hard limit of at least three months before I'll allow my character to enter a relationship. A good friend mentioned their own rule regarding this and I greatly respected the idea of it, so I'll be putting it into practice myself. I've been burned far too many times by hasty RP relationships and want to make it clear from the get go so there is no misunderstanding. If your character is trying to romance my own, be prepared for it to take awhile.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
-Enla was a former Wood Wailer in service to Gridania. While she has not served in years, long standing members would most likely have seen her milling about once or twice - perhaps even been put on shift or drill duties with her.
-In accordance with the above, she was a former citizen of Gridania and due to her father's influence strove to properly integrate herself into the society there once she and her older brother were taken in. Your character might have seen her one day, perhaps at the markets or the tavern. Or, they might have seen her more recently as she tends to make monthly trips back to catch up with the friends she left behind.
-Those who strove to learn the arts of Conjuration in recent years would doubtlessly have at least seen her within the Stillglade Fane, perhaps even recently as well as some of the friends mentioned above were students there as well.
-They might have overheard someone talking about, or had a friend experience, her particular 'methods' of healing - where she'll essentially break your ankle to save your leg. Because of her association with the Fireborn, perhaps members of other companies within the Immortal Flames experienced this first hand on joint ventures.
Character Lore Adherence
Information in this Wiki is Lore Compliant to the best of my knowledge. Information that has been changed to better fit with the lore of XIV will be listed below as necessary.
No changes required.
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe the character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
This section is still a work in progress.
Layout Credit
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera, inspiration from D'lyhhia Lhuil, and more edits by Glioca Sargonnai. Please leave the link-backs if you use or modify the template. (Thank you so much for letting me use this!)