Liliana Stone

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Liliana Stone
Grandmaster of Medicine
LilyStone Highlander.png

The neverending pursuit of knowledge treads a fine line between noble and otherwise ill-boding causes. In the end, one will cast themselves to either side.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Li-lee-ah-nuh Stone

NICKNAMES... Lily, Lils, Bossette, Boss Lady, Captain

RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Midlander (uses a Highlander model)

GENDER... Female

AGE... Unknown

NAMEDAY... 10th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual


Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Doman, but considers herself full-blooded Sharlayan.

CITIZENSHIP... Sharlayan

FAMILY... Parents deceased, unknown Doman family members. Has a husband, Garen Stone, and daughter Roysia Ashe-Stone. Has effectively adopted two Au Ra girls, Crest and Jade, and currently has a son on the way.

RESIDENCE... Lavender Beds, inherited family home in Shirogane

OCCUPATION... Doctor, Strategist, Allagan Historian and budding Technician.

PATRON DEITY... Menphina according to the calendars, but she does not consider herself religious.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 6 ilms. Unknown weight.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral/Chaotic Good

General Information
A simple reprieve is often necessary.
Lilac White with blue lowlights Pale Chubby, curvy Varies, often very measured/paced
Tall and square-shouldered Left A major scar across her left shoulder, and one across her left side under her ribs Beauty mark under the right corner of her lips Latest Ishgardian fashion; very elegant, flowy things.
Hair & Eyes
Liliana has deceptively long hair, and it is unknown whether she uses glamour prisms or magic to change the length at any given time--or if it is simply the power of Eorzea's foremost aesthetician, Jandelaine. Normally she keeps it in a braided pony, in a style reminiscent of her husband's ancestral homeland of Ala Mhigo, but she is often found experimenting with different looks to suit her mood. Her eyes, lilac in color, shift in saturation depending upon the weather or her mood as well, either an almost steely lavender or a bright violet. When channeling aether, they tend to light up blue with the force of her magic.
Physique & Markings
She has the physique of one of two typical types of mages--the kind that partake overmuch in the food they like. While definitely having shed a few pounds, Liliana is still slightly overweight, but most of the padding resides in her legs, hips, and upper chest area. Corsets do wonders for waist training. Her only non-scar markings are a beauty mark under the right corner of her lips, and very faint sketchings across her skin. One would have to catch her in the right light to see them completely, but there is a shimmer to them. Liliana has two scars that she doesn't like to talk about. A heavy scar dances across her left shoulder, ending at her armpit on either side, and looks to be caused by a sharp blade of some kind. Another, more jagged one, looks to have been ripped across the left side of her waist, just below her ribs.
Hygiene & Attire
As a doctor and generally concerned with her overall looks and well-being, Liliana prides herself on a good hygenic routine, bathing at least once, sometimes twice a day depending, and nourishing her skin with herbs and natural lotions. She created her own little bath "gems", the inspiration taken from her carbuncles, and uses those as well after a rather harrowing day. Her scent can be described as mostly "clean"--nothing too heavy, very lightly herbal or floral. Unlike most of the mercenaries under her and her husband's command, Garen himself included, she prefers to wear elegant, flowy dresses and corsets, and is completely inundated with the latest in Ishgardian fashion. Aside from that, a good, fashionably functional pair of boots and thigh-highs are the cornerstones of her wardrobe.
Psychological Profile
Outwardly, Liliana is a thorough thinker, and comes across as a diplomat for the guild at large; oftentimes, she is in talks with Grand Companies that come calling for Fireborn's services, and what she lacks in frugality and thriftiness--something her husband has in spades--she more than makes up for with level-headed politics. However, behind those calculating eyes is a woman who has seen more than her fair share of devastation and experienced even then some herself, and she holds with her crushing survivor's guilt and PTSD from cataclysmic events in her life.
Her voice is very measured, very paced, as if she is consciously taking steps to keep herself from getting exciteable or talking over everyone's heads. She has a habit of using a heavily expanded upon vocabulary, and often loses people in a conversation if she doesn't catch herself. She appears as the calm one between her and Garen, and offers a more levelheaded insight to things.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
"Facts before faith" has been her motto for years, and she abided by it stringently. As a historian, and a doctor, and overall a student of knowledge, having the facts before blindly diving into things has kept her head above water thus far. She sees the forest for the trees, but also cares about the smaller details. Anything that is left in the grey area is unacceptable for her, and she will go as far out of her way as necessary to solve any puzzles left undone.
● Sweets -- specifically, macarons are her absolute favorite
● Knowledge, and anywhere it can be gleaned
● The scent of old books, a library, dusty pages
● Gardening
● The ocean, or wide expanses of deep water. She's thalassophobic.
● The abuse of anything literary
● The Black Shroud
● The conjurers of Stillglade Fane--she doesn't get along well with them, after all these years.
● Strategist
● Doctor, specializing in both magic and mundane techniques
● Archmage
● Historian