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===<div style="font-family:garamond;font-size:larger;padding:5px 10px;background-color:#8ac989">Occupation</div>===
===<div style="font-family:garamond;font-size:larger;padding:5px 10px;background-color:#8ac989">Occupation</div>===
Self-made business woman, having toxicology as her main trade, she also dabs perfectly in herbology, biology and zoology perfectly.
Self-made business woman, having toxicology as her main trade, she also dabs perfectly in herbology, biology and zoology.
Never having studied it in any official institution, she is self-taught and simply learned by the method of trial and error.  Unfortunately, errors in this line of work can be deadly and she was at death’s doorstep more than once. At first suffering greatly and sick for entire weeks as her body had to defeat the poisons but at the same time it drove her to find the cures much faster and she’d use herself as a guinea pig.
Never having studied it in any official institution, she is self-taught and simply learned by the method of trial and error.  Unfortunately, errors in this line of work can be deadly and she was at death’s doorstep more than once. At first suffering greatly and sick for entire weeks as her body had to defeat the poisons but at the same time it drove her to find the cures much faster and she’d use herself as a guinea pig.

Revision as of 03:09, 24 December 2016

Gridania-transparent.png Shin Nelhah
"Toxicologist by trade, professional smartass by nature"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridanian
Age 28
Occupation Toxicologist
Guardian Deity Menphina, the Lover
Affiliations The Silver Sigil Guild (TSS)
Server Balmung


Shinnan Sehlo Nelhah, which is her full name but simply goes by Shin, is a Gridanian toxicologist, passionate people-hater and sadist. Holding two names, which is already odd, she never revealed to anyone the fact she even holds a second name.

Spunky and arrogant beyond belief, this Keeper Miqo’te bends all stereotypes of her species as well as scholars alike. A sharp tongue and never shy to express her opinion, she will shut people up within a matter of seconds. Accompanied with her quick temper and know-it-all attitude, it’s best to stay clear of her unless she finds some interest in someone which honestly it's almost impossible. She is more likely to scold and insult people off than helping despite her profession, as she has little love for people overall, finding them to be the biggest vermin to ever exist. She's business first, and pleasure later, usually one who prefers to be on her own and sees friendships as little more than a humerous distraction.

She prefers to utilize her words as a weapon, and is known for a sharp, silver tongue, always one to enter an argument, not really win however, even if others are left in a state of rage. She's blunt, witty, rarely kind with her words, but in the end she gets things done.


From the beginning, anyone can tell what distinguishes Shin most: her arrogance.


She will always approach people with a high-and-mighty attitude and very often as if trying to show them that they are vermin when compared to herself. Teasing and pushing buttons to the limit, few people can stand to even be in her presence and that suits her just fine. Snarky and insulting, she does not hold back her thoughts and speak with zero filter, quickly letting people know if she hates them or accepts them. Only select few seem to have ever managed to break that wall; and once they do, Shin can prove to be a very valuable and devoted friend. She will put them above anything else, even her own safety. Once someone manages to befriend her, which there are very few people indeed, she will be a very good friend to them. Granted, the teasing and annoying is still there but she tones it a bit down, or at the very least, she won’t bring up personal matters. However, it is not unheard of for her to tease her loved ones even more, as if it were her way to show just how close she is.

A woman with a thirst for unlimited knowledge, she can often be found reading a book in the garden of her guild or actually sitting at her desk working, or perhaps even sleeping at it as she is a workaholic. Perfectionist to the death, she will never half-ass anything and will do her utmost to satisfy herself as well as others when she promises to deliver.

When in some fight, she becomes ruthless and won’t hold back any punches. Stubborn to the death, she won’t ever just give up even though she knows she would lose. When it comes to her friends, she will gladly put her life on the line for them. All in all, she is a mystery for the ages and only the most patient people will ever learn of her softer side which she conceals very well. A rather emotional woman but with a hard shell around her like a protective barrier. So far, only three people managed to get a taste of what it is to talk to a loving and caring Shin; it definitely sounds alien and even to her it is odd, as she is not used to showing it.

Despite the good and bad in her, she has a very explosive nature and can have raging fits if truly annoyed. It appears to be beyond her control as she is very quick to lose her temper and loses all rational thinking, reduced to a livid and enraged individual. It is best to stay clear of her then unless one knows precisely what words to use to calm her down. A bad joke or a tease gone too far may very easily send her into a fit in the blink of an eye.


Shin is of very short in stature if not even one of the shortest Miqo’te to exist in the entire realm; a thing that annoys her greatly as people won’t take her seriously at first and is the source of lots of teasing. A relatively slender build accompanies her stature, making her perhaps even frail looking but visibly healthy.

Short, often messy, ginger hairs tied into two braids or simple buns at the sides of her face, and with freckles adorning her cheeks, she is often harassed about her looks and it drives her crazy, immediately hating anyone that makes any comment about her visually. Vibrant mint green eyes also make her a stand out despite the fact that she always wears glasses due to her very poor eyesight. Without her glasses, she sees absolutely nothing. Her vision literally like a painting that had been splashed with a bucket of water or two. In her ears, she always has simple small hoops, either silver or gold as she finds such to be the most comfortable.

Always wearing black clothes usually consisting of long skirts and long sleeved shirts, she also sports a pair of black gloves which she uses to hide all the snakes bites and scars from her work, not wanting to alarm anyone or give any wrong impressions. Apart from the bite marks, she also has a very large scar over her right shoulder, and people can notice that she cannot lift her right arm too high.

Her legs and arms are always covered and she never shows a lot of skin, her robes often going all the way up to her neck; however, it is not because of any issues with her image, she simply prefers such style and has no desire to show people her skin anyway. At times, she wears trousers due to work but her favourite are still long skirts, reaching all the way to her ankles and a top consisting of a shirt and a jacket over it. Always a belt at her waist with many pouches and flasks; always at the ready to assist or gather things even out and about.

CloseupShinNelhah.jpeg Shockedshin.jpeg Sideshinglasses.jpeg


Self-made business woman, having toxicology as her main trade, she also dabs perfectly in herbology, biology and zoology.

Never having studied it in any official institution, she is self-taught and simply learned by the method of trial and error. Unfortunately, errors in this line of work can be deadly and she was at death’s doorstep more than once. At first suffering greatly and sick for entire weeks as her body had to defeat the poisons but at the same time it drove her to find the cures much faster and she’d use herself as a guinea pig. Absolutely covered in bite marks and other bruises over her hands and arms, they are the only visual proof of her profession which she hides anyway under a pair of black gloves. The other thing that she benefited from the poison hunting is her immune system which is absolutely resistant to all poisons and illnesses.

Being at the peak of her success, she now provides her services to all clients who visit her office, regardless with what end her poisons or cures may be used. She offers secrecy as her top priority and won’t ever care to ask for whom or for what she is giving dangerous substances. Currently she supplies mostly the army, all of the Grand Companies and also private customers; with potions, poultices, poisons and many other innovative inventions of hers.


Although lately, trying to find any extra occupations, she turned to the lab where she started developing some explosives. Rather harmless and mostly small bombs containing gas but she is merely starting, finding a certain fascination with the technology that Satomi Hakase takes care of, and she found herself wanting to learn more. Being inept with anything involving aether, and weak physically, technology is her only source for any sort of protection and she is gradually getting better at it, making more dangerous explosives and working towards becoming a pyrotechnician on the side. She is not selling yet her inventions but slowly is applying them in some handy situations.



  • If going out to eat or simply looking for a snack, fruit is the first thing she will turn to and genuinely adores
  • Sweets are like her kryptonite and she will gladly munch on any sweeties she can get her hands on
  • Good Lominsan wine is sure to loosen her up and get her to chat
  • An intelligent conversation. It's probably one of the only ways to get her to lower your guard and like you
  • Lalafells. She respects the small people and sees them as proof that size doesn't matter.


  • People who have no goals in life and are a waste of life
  • Dangerous heights that might definitely be the reason of death if one were to fall
  • Deep water, and with currents, it's the worse as she is utterly terrified of it
  • People making fun of her looks in any way, state, or form
  • Cute things that induce nausea just by looking at them
  • Spicy or overly fragrant food, which she simply cannot stand with her sensitive Miqo'te taste buds


  • Books being an escape from everyday dull life, she often indulges in some good books; mostly about some complex topics
  • Enjoys long walks, hiking, and being away from big cities, indulging in the silence of nature far away from stupid and useless people
  • Loves riddles and any other games that stimulate the brain; the witty ones being the best entertainment
  • Her biggest pass-time is annoying other people and checking just how much it takes until they break under the pressure


  • Fast learner with the ability to teach self. Adoring to know more about anything and everything, she will pry and want to learn all there is about others as well as the world that surrounds her.
  • Knack for manipulating a conversation with her silver tongue. Whether it’s intimidation or manipulation, she knows the right things to say and how to pry to get what she wants, almost always holding the control of a conversation.
  • Has a very good memory for the smallest details and will gladly remind people of things past, usually those things being their mistakes


Known to all Rumours

  • "She's a bitch"

Common Rumours

  • "She can be nice... if she likes you which is most likely not going to happen unless you're a Lalafell"

Rare Rumours

  • "I once saw her smile... Had no idea she was capable of that..."
  • "Saw her drowning once... or maybe that was wishful thinking?"

PC Rumours

  • "Mmm... I think she's about to leap over the bar and strangle you" - Ririfu Rifu
  • "She is one to always get you into trouble... but then you keep coming back for more... I just can't get enough"- Naoh'to Maimhov
  • "Ahh, Mrs Grumpy? No one likes her"- Solheh Volthi


Love Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing     Failed Relationship

Love Interests

Sini'to Shadar (30)

A chance meeting at the most ridiculous gathering for outrageous music and drinking, Shin found this priest and they started to converse, far away from the loud crowds. It took very little to see that they had a lot in common and she quickly developed immense respect for the man. Their interests clicked, and so did their likes and dislikes which shocked her but pleased her greatly. Over the next few days, they grew even closer and even opened up about their pasts to each other, a thing that Shin never did with newly met people but it felt just right with him. Sini'to proved that he didn't mind her snarky personality and even seemed to enjoy it, which puzzled her and made her want to know more about him despite imposing on herself to not approach men any longer in any way, especially romantic. He finally he asked her out the day before Starlight; and on Starlight, she told him she agreed. Ever since then, the two are inseparable and always pushing each other’s’ buttons but the love they have for each other is clear to anyone no matter how weird the couple. Shin adores him above anything but she'd never admit that to him or anyone.


Adham Hadad (15)

A lad she found in the streets of Ul'dah begging for money. He approached her asking for spare gil and she decided to take him to the market area and paid for all he needed. Over the days to come, she brought him food and blankets, always staying to talk and enjoy each other’s company. Gradually, he grew attached to her and she noticed it. Seeing great potential in the lad, she took him to Vylbrand Academy where she was working at the time and he became a caretaker. Little did she know that in the following days he asked her to marry him. Adoring the boy as a son, she refused.

Ririfu Rifu (18)

Meeting this little Lalafell in the Quicksand of all places, she couldn't help but feel the need to help the girl and approached her at the counter of the bar. The girl was rather shy but after talking for longer, she immediately opened up and showed to have a very sweet and lovable disposition. The two girls met almost every day in the Quicksand until Shin invited her to attend the Vylbrand Academy as a student, to which Ririfu agreed. Ever since then, the two have been inseparable.

Seseli Seli (36)

An acquaintance from the Vylbrand Academy, she met Seseli through Ririfu as the two started dating. Always watching over them and vouching for them. Alas, after a few months Seseli came to her heartbroken and said that things ended. Offering a shoulder to cry on and ears to listen, they grew close very quickly and Seseli found a very good friend in Shin, so good, she asked her to date. Unable to tell her that she wasn’t interested, she lied to her and said she wasn’t ready.

Noir Velacia (20)

One of the very first people that Shin met when she arrived to Thanalan, this bubbly and cheerful girl approached Shin through one of her ex-lovers and would always invite her for dinner at their Free Company. Having nothing better to do and being offered a free meal, she’d agree. Over food, the two would talk and get to know each other. Until today she cannot explain why she got to like the girl so much but her genuine personality was simply impossible to hate. They went on a mission once and Noir had saved Shin’s life, making her indebted to her forever.


Satomi Hakase (25)

Alchemy teacher and apothecary at the Vylbrand Academy, the two met within the great halls of the institution and something just clicked. Shin had a hard time tolerating the girl’s constant talking and shyness and not to mention her odd quirks; but gradually warmed up to her. Even though she was an odd ball, she was gifted and Shin could respect that. They often worked together in the laboratory, each one doing her things or even together as they were the only ones to ever use it. The amount of times that they got into trouble was too much to even count.

Dietrich Dracht (30)

Thaumaturgy professor at Vylbrand, Shin met him even before he joined the academy at a celebration in Ul’dah. The man immediately made quite the impact as he was so elegant and well dressed, his manner of speech making her gag and want more. He earned her respect quickly and she sees him as an equal if not even, perhaps, a superior. Their relationship was strictly professional and she’d always assist him when needed.

C'kayah Polaali (31)

A recurring customer of Shin’s that never seems to have enough, either of her poisons or her. Met the man before the Quicksand, he was quick to make use of her skills and requested her to duplicate some poison that would translate pain into pleasure. No matter how odd the request, he paid well, so she did it. At the same time, he was quick to try and convince her to try out the potion with him, wanting to sleep with her, something that she refused but he keeps bringing up during every visit when he comes to restock on it.


O'rahn Kevelan (19)

This young lad rubbed Shin the wrong way immediately the moment she stepped through Vylbrand Academy's doors. She couldn’t justify why this spunky redhead immediately fell into her ‘most hated’ list, but they were at each other’s’ throats since the beginning. Fiery and snarky, he’d always have something to tell her and it would tick her off immediately and send her into a rage, trying to pick a fight with him. They always act like true brother and sister. Even though Shin does look after him behind his back, she despises him with a passion and the feeling is definitely mutual.

L'dhala Tia (36)

Approaching the man by accusing him of getting her friend Ririfu drunk, a fight broke out instantly, thus their relation is not very good. The way the man speaks and acts just sends her overboard, genuinely thinking he is retarded or has some sort of weird lisp that needs fixing. She avoids him at all costs as the mere sight of him makes her blood boil.

Failed Relationships:

Aelfred Sigmundsson (35)

One of the very first people she met as she stepped into the Quicksand for the very first time. This loud-mouthed brute Hyur knew his way around the city and gladly offered her a helping hand in learning the ways in Thanalan. Over time they grew close and he became her very first lover and she was quite happy with him, but the romance was short lived as she found out that he was cheating on her from his secret lover who also had no idea of Shin. She quickly left the man and shut herself out from any men.

Lofen Melocuil (26)

Charmer anda flirt, the Miqo’te detective swept her off her feet in her msot vulnerable moment and used her for his own pleasures. She only discovered after a long time that he was already engaged to another woman. Distraught, she sought out the woman and tried to apologize to her, explaining that she had no idea even about her existence but it only made things worse. Eventually, Lofen abandoned his lover and then his visits to Shin’s office became much more frequent, as he’d use these visits to let loose some steam, but it took her little time to understand that it was a toxic relationship and she ended it despite having still some feelings for the man. Once again, she just left the public eye for some time to be in peace and to deal with her solitude.

Naoh'to Maimhov (32)

Hard working, devoted and famous gladiator in the Gladiator's Guild in Ul’dah, they met in the Quicksand over some drinks and in the middle of that, decided to have a walk where things quickly escalated and they ended up sleeping with each other that very night. A one-night fling turned into a long term romance as the two even talked about moving in together and perhaps starting a family. Naoh’to, however suddenly left one day, leaving her a note that he’d be back eventually. Weeks turned to months and no news was received until he finally came back, penniless and a drunkard with nothing to show for and no future. It turned out that he had met his ex-lover who had contacted him because she was pregnant with his child from before he even met Shin. The poor man had no idea what to do and his options were limited. Thus, heartbroken but with no choice, Shin let him go.

Vezh'a Yhumuzhah (23)

Shin met this Miqo’te early on when she first came to Ul’dah and they had immediate chemistry for each other but it never flowered into anything, the two remaining friends if not even mere acquaintances. After being left by Naoh’to and shattered, Vezh’a decided to give it a try and after all these years of a normal friendship, asked her out. She refused immediately and wouldn’t even speak of starting any relationship but over time, gradually, she warmed up to the man and got used to his presence in her life, realizing that she did have some sentiment for him. Finally, she agreed. Time went by but she quickly understood that she’d never be able to give him what he wanted and she came went to him and explained this, telling him that she will leave him. He did not take it well and they broke up on very bad terms.



Born in the Shroud in Bentbranch to an agricultural family with four older brothers, she was always the odd-ball which did not necessarily enjoy what her family was dedicated to. Big terrains of fields belonged to her family and working in them was the daily routine for her parents and the eldest brothers with a couple employees.

From the beginning, it was clear that she wasn’t going to follow in the family tradition and she did everything to displease her parents and those around her like a rebel. Stuck-up and certain of herself, she quickly gained the reputation of headstrong even as a child and needed to be involved in absolutely everything involving the community.

Teased and annoyed by her brothers due to being the only girl in the family apart from her mother, she quickly grew a backbone and a short temper, snapping at every little annoying word or complaint sent her way, often exploding in utter rage; a trait which remains until today. Due to her brothers’ influence, she grew up to be a tomboy and has little love for the fine ladies in society or the girly lasses. Slowly growing older, she was finally told that she’d have to work in the fields and her immense rebel phase set in as she’d wake up early morning and go to the woods where she sat for hours on end, merely enjoying the calm and nature surrounding her. It created a certain respect for nature, and at the same time, hatred for people.

Leaving the Shroud

When she came of age and got the opportunity to leave the family home, she immediately did without thinking twice, cutting all ties with her past to start anew. On very rare occasions communicating via letters, but even then her relations with her family is cold. She never speaks of her family until this very day.

With time, she started to study herbalism as she traveled the realm, nature being her one love where she felt she truly belonged and enjoyed. Quickly, the hobby became a passion and she got into it professionally. People would think that she would study more biology or zoology but she got into toxicology; creating anti-toxins, poisons and other applications for medicine for those that could not afford help at first. The reason for this, she will never reveal and she keeps it to herself but perhaps the right person might convince her one day to reveal this secret.

Gradually, Shin made a name for herself in the community in the Shroud and was outdoing herself in her work. And yet, it wasn’t enough for her. Dreams of grandeur and wanting to do more was her main drive as she slowly made plans to leave the Shroud and move to a bigger thing, a bigger calling.

Working day in and day out, she’d make all she could to surpass her rivalry and be the best she could but it came with a price as her health would deteriorate, making her a rather feeble woman with close to no strength at all in her body. She ignored all the signs of exhaustion and pushing onwards, she finally set her goals on Thanalan and one day just packed her most essential things and left. The desire to help people and challenge herself brought her to Ul’dah where she is residing until today. Life there was definitely different than in the Shroud but she adapted fairly quickly to the bustle of the infamous trade city. Most of her time, anyway, was spent out in the desert collecting poisonous plants, animals and anything else she can get her hands on to satisfy her thirst for more and be the best in her trade. Workaholic to the death.

Making A Name In Ul'dah

Her first time away from the Shroud, Shin adapted quickly to the arid lands of Thanalan but not to the bustling life that filled the immense streets of the great city. It made her reconsider and even think about returning but that thought quickly disappeared as a chance meeting with a certain mercenary Hyur, Aelfred Sigmundsson made her change her mind. The man was kind enough to offer her help in establishing herself in the city and showed her all the ropes to it. With his guidance, she quickly found a place to live in and would slowly make a name for herself by helping refugees and the poor in the slums of Ul’dah.


Over her time in Ul’dah and already having a comfortable life and living quarters, she ran into a boy in the streets, Adham Hadad. Approached by him and asking her for gil, she took him to the market in the city and offered to pay for anything he needed and the boy did just that, immediately bonding with Shin quickly and he was the very first to do so. Every day, apart from tending to those in need, she’d put Adham Hadad as her top priority and provided for the boy, bringing him anything from food, to blankets and even books to educate him as she’d sit with him and read to him, also teaching him to read and write. During this period, her relationship with the Hyur also grew and the two became a couple, him being her very first lover. It was a huge thing for her and she was content by how things were looking. She took in Adham Hadad to live with her and even told him that he’d help her gather herbs as he was from the area and was knowledgeable. The boy outshined and did more than she even expected and she grew to love him as a son.

Aelfred Sigmundsson, however, was cheating on Shin and she discovered that from the woman with whom he was sleeping as this one had no idea either about Shin herself. Upset, she cut off contact with the man immediately and was convinced she’d never allow anyone to step into her life and built a wall, her snarky attitude and annoyance to all people starting to develop during this period. Adham Hadad, at the time, noticing how depressed she was and how salty about life overall, would try to fill her days with joy but it never helped. Weeks, months, a year went by and the boy finally proposed to Shin, telling her flat out that he wanted to have children with her and it left her dumbfounded. The age difference was the first thing that came to mind but also, her love for him was purely motherly. She told him off gently but he still clung to the dream of being with her, but it was never going to happen.

Shin quickly started to drown her worries at the bottom of a bottle, visiting the Quicksand regularly where she’d write up on her journals and her research, planning out her expeditions with Adham Hadad.

Many people came and left and some of the most memorable was Vezh'a Yhumuzhah a young and friendly Miqo’te man with whom she felt she could actually talk about anything and not be judged. Their acquaintance lasted shortly as he ventured out North and they kept no contact with each other after that. Indulging further in the bar-life and loathing it, she crossed paths with a charming Miqo’te man who worked as a detective, Lofen Melocuil. Not in need of his services however, she told him off but he kept pursuing her which she found annoying and he’d be met with her awful attitude that developed over this time of grievance. His perseverance paid off however as he got her during her most vulnerable moment ever to date and she fell for him. The relationship purely sexual on his part while she genuinely believed he cared for her.

Couple months passed and she learned from him that he was engaged to another woman by the name of Chee Smith. Absolutely crushed, she couldn’t wrap her head around it and lost her mind. Enraged and feeling absolutely guilty, she sought out the woman and offered her most sincerest apologies, aware of how much it hurt to be cheated upon as she had been through the same. Chee Smith took the news very badly and things only went downhill from there. Shin distanced herself from the Mi’qote couple immediately, not wanting to be the reason for an eminent break up.

Absolutely soulless at this point, Shin’s nature grew stone cold and she refused all people. Her temper lost within a matter of seconds and mentally unstable. She even distanced herself from Adham Hadad, feeling that she failed as a role model to the boy and not wanting him to see her suffer. Apart from her personal life, she still did a solid living and had a stable income. But deep down, she was unhappy.

And this is when faith smiled upon her and her lousy luck. A man sat at her table in the Quicksand and introduced himself as Naoh'to Maimhov. A hard-working gladiator in the Sands in Ul’dah, he was proving to be a very pleasant chat and he briefly managed to make her even look away from her writing. Talking all evening, he decided to show her some of the fauna personally outside of the walls of the great city. Talk turned to flirts, and flirts into making love in the bushes.

This brief and fleeting happiness, only made Shin want to close herself more but the man came back the next day, offering her help with her research and even simple things as carrying groceries. It pleased her greatly but she didn’t get her hopes up. After a good few months, it became apparent that the two became a couple and were having a good life with a very good income as Naoh'to Maimhov made himself a name in the Sands and became a renowned gladiator.

At the Quicksand, she also met an old friend of Aelfred Sigmundsson, Noir Velacia a cheery girl that no matter what, was intent on becoming Shin’s friend; something she wasn’t too keen on happening. But the girl was incredible stubborn and after a good few months, she managed to break her walls. Shin often goes to Noir Velacia when seeking advice or mere simple talk as she is not really a smart one. Also, Ririfu Rifu, a charming and absolutely adorable Lalafell caught Shin’s eye at the Quicksand and so they engaged in conversation. They met every single day in the bar and they quickly grew a mutual respect and close-knit relationship. Shin always had an affinity with Lalafells and she genuinely enjoyed their company.

Teaching at Vylbrand Academy

Becoming a known toxicologist and medic, having also a stable personal life, Shin indulged in the peace and quiet. Having Ririfu Rifu and Noir Velacia as a constant source of joy and also Adham Hadad who helped her out, she couldn’t complain. But a chance meeting with Seren Sian and aether professor at a known academy in La Noscea called Vylbrand Academy, offered Shin a job after seeing what she was capable of after accidentally drugging Ririfu Rifu. Having a stable life and no new thrills, Shin accepted the offer.

Stepping into the dignified position of a professor without any experience, Shin managed to excel and met all expectations but still bent many rules. Laid back and uncaring for the majority of the students, she quickly became one of the, if not the most, hated teacher in the entire institution. With her background and her natural skills, she became a biology teacher and would often take out students into the field as she genuinely believe that a more hands-on approach would benefit them more. Her classes were never given in a classroom as she found it a complete waste of time. In her free time, she indulged in the laboratory with Satomi Hakase, a fellow professor but of alchemy. This is also when she met the thaumaturgy teacher, Dietrich Dracht, a very merchant from Ul'dahn. Apart from him, she got very close with one of the main guards of the academy, Nonoqano Roroqano, a Lalafell that seemed to have a very close relationship with Shin and they’d often go out to drink and talk behind students backs. Many rumours circulated that there was more than mere friendship between the two.


On the first days, she immediately made enemies with a fiery redhead Miqo’te O'rahn Kevelan. For reasons that neither of them or anyone could explain, they were at each other’s’ throats immediately and got along like a cat and a mouse; Shin being the cat and him the victim of her harassment. Finding them fighting was a common occurrence on a daily basis and on more than one occasion it got physical and they had to be separated by Nonoqano Roroqano.

Quickly getting bored of teaching stupid kids, she got tasked additionally with overseeing the infirmary which made her rekindle her love with her native profession. Juggling two tasks, she exceled in all expectations and was proud of her achievements. With her taking over the infirmary, there was a big drop in sick students, as they were much too terrified to even go see her for tiny injuries. When Shin caught a student skipping class, it was certain that the punishment was so severe they’d never try it again in their lives.

Again, she got tired of her dull duties, needing something more to indulge her intellect. Seeing this, Seren Sian, the professor that had her join Vylbrand in the first place, offered her to assist her in the library and thus, Shin also became the academy’s librarian together with Seren Sian. The two were very different and weren’t friends but got along professionally perfectly.

Despite all the chaos and issues she caused, Shin remained in the academy as an invaluable member of staff and respected individual. Always engaged in all meetings and overseeing many deliveries and also making sure the infirmary was always stocked up and in order.

It was during this time that slowly things started to look a bit grim as an old contact Lofen Melocuil returned to her life, informing her that he broke his engagement with Chee Smith and was looking to rekindle their old flame. Enraged, she refused and wanted to see him off but he was smart and crafty and always found ways to convince her to see otherwise and took full advantage of her yet again, using her as a source to blow off steam. The same story repeating itself all over again and Shin was broken knowing that she was cheating on Naoh'to Maimhov, and yet she was being fully manipulated by Lofen Melocuil, genuinely believing that his words were true. His visits were frequent and kept secret for a long time before she finally couldn’t take it anymore and told him to leave. The guilt eating at her and unable to forgive herself, she begged him to leave and he didn’t take it well as he then confessed to her his love and apologized for his ways. Damage already done, she merely told him to leave and never come back; which he did.

Finding peace and finally able to just be set free from the stress and able to close a chapter for good, Shin returned her focus to her own personal life which required more attention from her and Naoh'to Maimhov was most happy. He never learned of her cheating and Shin will take that to her grave.

To make amends for her sins, she got Adham Hadad to join the academy as a member of staff and mostly taking care of the grounds and he quickly found an idol in O'rahn Kevelan; something that she couldn’t comprehend and absolutely despised but she never voiced it to Adham Hadad, but others were very well aware.

Ririfu Rifu also got invited by Shin as she offered her to be a student and the Lalafell gladly agreed. Settling in easily and adored by all due to her cherry disposition, she caught the eye of another fellow Lalafell lade named Seseli Seli and the two established a quick relationship.

The Sagolii Desert Expedition

The peace did not last long as always something just had to always happen. The academy got a request from the Sagolii Desert that a large worm the size of the entire house was terrorizing the town of Forgotten Springs. The academy gathered the best students and the professors and headed to the desert to kill the vermin.


Inept in aether and not a fighter in the least, Shin assisted as a medic together with Satomi Hakase. The two oversaw everyone from a distance and only interfered when absolutely necessary. The fight however became a thing impossible to win as students were flying everywhere and professors were getting the beating of their life. Shin had never been in combat before and this was alien to her, her brain unable to keep up with what was happening.

They were having a very hard time and it was putting their skills to the test. The worm’s saliva was so corrupted and poisonous that it corroded anything it came into contact with, skin included. The amount of burns was astronomical and Shin found herself running from person to person, trying to treat the wounds and prevent horrible scarring as best as she could.

Adham Hadad, with his idol O'rahn Kevelan, they would attack the worm and try to keep it away from the weaker students and the injured. Shin was absolutely terrified for the boy that she loved as a son and would put his safety before that of others, keeping a close eye on him during the entire encounter. Together with Adham Hadad, her top priority was Ririfu Rifu who was jumping all over the worm and trying to stab it to death. At one point, the Lalafell fell off the worm’s back and was about to get crushed but seeing this, Shin made a dash and managed to catch her friend in her arms, saving her from dying by a split second. She then tossed Ririfu Rifu to the side the moment she noticed the worm head their way. She knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid it so at the very least she wanted to save her friend. Seeing this, Adham Hadad shielded her as he made his way to her amongst the chaos but they both got trapped in the creature’s mouth, suffering at toxic saliva as It burnt through their clothes and skin; all whilst struggling to get out. In the confusion, and trying to find some way out, Adham Hadad ended up stabbing Shin a couple times and once in her shoulder which made her unable to lift her arm above her head until this very day and the scar is still there; a reminder of the worst day in her life. Luckily, they were saved by Seren Sian, immediately running off to a corner to get treated by Satomi Hakase. Hearing all the screaming and the people fighting, Shin passed out from blood loss and trauma, awakening the next day in the infirmary.

The following days proved to be hard as Shin couldn’t cope with what she saw and experienced, swearing to never again participate in any heroics, leaving that to the people who didn’t value their lives. Whenever she’d hear of her friends going on such expeditions, she’d firmly oppose it every single time, entering infuriating arguments.

Establishing The Silver Sigil

Shin retired from Vylbrand Academy after all the developments and chaotic teachings and decided to settle down in the Goblet, buying a modest house with her life savings and establishing her office there. The idea of finally settling down and tying the knot with Naoh'to Maimhov was just around the corner and Shin was on cloud number nine. Working day and night to make ends meet and save up money for the future and the days to come as he also did his best in the Sands. However, the joy didn’t last long as one day she awoke to find a letter left by him and he was nowhere to be found. In it, he explained that he had to leave on business and that he’d return shortly. Shin awaited days, which soon became weeks and eventually months and not a word, not even a letter.

Growing tired and depressed all over again, she started to fall back into old habits as her workaholic side resurfaced and she worked at all times to the point of sleeping at her desk. Not once did she sleep in her bed ever since Naoh'to Maimhov left despite getting a new bed too. Her desk became her bed and her table; it was her prison. The sadness and solitude was broken as Satomi Hakase and more people, including Ririfu Rifu and Seseli Seli came to Shin requesting for a place to stay as the Vylbrand Academy turned into some semi-military institution and even the professors did not approve of this twist. Not wanting to turn down the people that she held dear, she reluctantly agreed but under the condition that she kept her room; which of course no one had issues with. Shin was very opposed to having all the people flock over to the house and it got her blood boiling but she zipped it and tried to contain the annoyance, taking it out on her work as she sunk deeper and deeper into it, barely ever crawling out of her room. Time past and eventually the house for transformed into a guild without her knowledge and she absolutely exploded at the news but after a long talk with the rest of the people, she lost the debate and agreed to donate her house. No news of Naoh'to Maimhov in over a year thus, she assumed it was over or perhaps he was dead, so she had no use of the house anyway.

The Silver Sigil Adventurers Guild was established in the weeks to come and people came from far and wide, mostly travelers searching for a place to rest and stock up. Shin continued her business and would make her poisons as well as remedies, mostly providing for the military as well as the Grand Companies but also occasional private customers who could afford her help. And one day, and old face appeared under the guise of a customer. Vezh'a Yhumuzhah visited her and told her he wanted to join the guild and offer his mercenary as well as guarding skills to the people that needed them. Shocked to see the man, she merely nodded and helped him begin within the house.


Indulging more and more in her work, Vezh'a Yhumuzhah couldn’t help but notice how much she had changed but it appeared the old spark they once had long time ago still remained and he would always try to make her smile, which most the time failed, but when it worked, it was rather pleasant even to Shin. The two spent almost every day together, mostly him pestering Shin and getting her in over her head and absolutely livid with him, but he knew her well and was aware that it was merely her nature, thus, he’d just laugh, sending her overboard.

Finally, after a good long months and still no news from Naoh'to Maimhov, Shin started to give in to the small flirts and attention she was getting from Vezh'a Yhumuzhah, finding care and comfort in his words and mere presence. His persistence and stubborn nature finally paid off as they became a couple and they got along quite nicely. Odd at first as Shin would often think about Naoh'to Maimhov, wondering what happened or if he even was alive. Despite adoring Vezh'a Yhumuzhah without question, she still felt that her love for Naoh'to Maimhov was undying and she’d never be able to give Vezh'a Yhumuzhah the same one.

Months passed and life went ahead, daily routines and peace of mind was starting to settle in. One day coming back with groceries, she found a man at the gates of the guild, sitting on the ground and drinking. She didn’t recognize the man but the moment he called her ‘dove’, which was a nickname only Naoh'to Maimhov used, she felt her entire world crumble. He came back penniless and drunk beyond belief and she couldn’t even recognize him. She did her best trying to get him to talk and tell her where he had been and he confessed to her. It had turned out that a woman with whom he had a fling with before meeting Shin, was in fact with his child and he had to go see and confirm if it was true. Shin felt the ground crumble under her but she kept her cool as best she could. She accepted him regardless and wanted to build her future with him. Reluctantly, he agreed to give it a try.

Knowing what she wanted, she now had to give the news to Vezh'a Yhumuzhah. She visited his room and lied to him. She couldn’t tell him that an old love had returned and so, she told him that they were merely not fit for each other and that she couldn’t see herself with him. The man was in utter shock and even had plans with her, but they were all burnt at that point. Absolutely enraged, he went into a fit and all she could hear were his screams all the way from down the hallway as she tried to cover her ears. Next thing she saw was him storming out of his room and leaving the guild.

With Vezh'a Yhumuzhah leaving, Shin focused on Naoh'to Maimhov and yet, she felt guilty and couldn’t come to terms with how she had said goodbye and that guilt never left her, genuinely loving the man but it was too late to fix anything as he had told her that he never wanted to even see her face. To forget all that, she focused on getting Naoh'to Maimhov back in shape but it never worked. He never returned to what he was and only drank more and more to the point of stupor and it was clear that trying to fix things was going to fail. Coming back home one day, she found him packing his bags and he told her that he was finally leaving to take care of the child he had fathered. Understanding him fully, she just nodded and wished him good luck, seeing him leave for the second but last time.

Working to Forget

Having enough and utterly fed up with all the fails, Shin would all the time return to the only thing she loved and wouldn’t cause her problems: work. She shut herself out from everyone completely even her best friends and slowly turned to Moko Grass which she started to smoke to calm her nerves and drinking but not in big amounts. However, it gradually did escalate.

Despite Vezh'a Yhumuzhah leaving, she had promised to help him with his troubles and in the background would do what she could. She visited the grave of his dead sisters in Coerthas and would take care of it, lighting candles whenever she’d go visit and cleaning it before offering a small prayer. Also, she was fully aware of his own problems, where he couldn’t control his aether or of some sorts and would go into raging fits and then not remember anything, but leaving bloodshed everywhere.

She reached out to a suspicious but reliable and well known mage Dodoshobo Bibishobo. Hard to convince the man, she was well aware of what he was known for and that was Moko Grass. She didn’t visit him empty handed and threw an entire wagon-worth of Moko Grass to his feet, demanding his help. The Lalafell gladly agreed and when Vezh'a Yhumuzhah finally visited the man, this one offered his help and solved his problems. Alas, the mage had a big mouth and had to tell him that she had help and so he sought her out and found her gathering herbs in the Central Shroud. Exchanging a couple pleasantries amongst other things, she informed her that he was engaged and to be wed to a girl that had joined the Guild merely days before his departure, called Rinako Ura. Shin did not know how to feel about the news and had mixed feelings about it. On one side ecstatic for him and yet at the same time crushed.

Back The Silver Sigil, Shin couldn’t get out the news of him being engaged and it interrupted her work and every single thing in her daily life. During this time, Seseli Seli approached Shin, confiding in her and finding a shoulder to cry on as Ririfu Rifu had unknowingly cheated upon her. The girl was so innocent that she saw no wrong in her actions, and Shin didn’t blame neither of the girls. Seeing as the two were going through hard times together, they supported each other and grew incredibly close as Shin finally would leave her room, even if only to pester Seseli Seli in hers.

Things started to gradually return to normal as time was the best medicine and then Vezh'a Yhumuzhah returned to the Guild with Rinako Ura, sending Shin for an emotional rollercoaster ride. Still smoking and now a bit of a heavy drinker, she wasn’t thinking straight and decided to pay him a visit to talk. The talk however turned into a discussion and then into a fight. Both of them at the height of their emotions as tears fell and screams were heard. She wanted to rekindle her relationship with him despite leaving him, even though she was aware he was engaged to another woman. Just once, she wanted to be selfish…

Vezh'a Yhumuzhah visited her the same evening in her room only to find her passed out drunk on the floor. Started a new fight and discussion once she came to, she was enraged and livid at him, telling him to hate her so she could move away. She was aware that he still had feelings for her and that was what kept her going and trying to get him back. She had to make him hate her, and she told him so; to which he replied he couldn’t. In response, that was the very first and only time she got physical and slapped him across the face. He left without a word.

Shin would see the couple every single day and it would just re-open old wounds, and she tried to avoid watching at all costs but some things just happen in front of her as it was unavoidable. Then, one day she received a letter from Seseli Seli who was inviting her over to Ishgard as it appeared that some noble family contracted her to have some weaving work done for them. Seeing this as a chance to break away and heal a bit, Shin agreed and within the next few days she found herself for the very first time in Ishgard. The two ladies immediately met up and caught up on so many news, growing closer with each day as Shin actually would look after her as the Ishgardians didn’t take too well to strangers, and especially Lalafell.


The next day, Shin got into immense trouble by insulting the Archbishop while in the cathedral and got kicked out; only to be found by Seseli Seli and taken care of by her for a change. Shin then took her to the Athenaeum Astrologicum and showed her a telescope, offering to show her the stars and she knew that was something that the woman adored. Curious, the Lalafell spent at least an hour observing the glittering stars in the distance and was entranced by them to such extent that she didn’t notice that she had fallen ill. Enraged, Shin immediately put the woman to bed only to wake up next morning to find her gone with a note stating that she was back at work. With disbelief, Shin took her leave and returned to Thanalan feeling already much better and rejuvenated. Her interactions with Vezh'a Yhumuzhah returning to friendly and not imposing anything on the young man, and even trying to bond a bit with his fiancée Rinako Ura which proved to be very easy considering the girl’s sweet disposition.

Leaving The Past Behind

Returning to her duties and work, Shin was much more at ease and finally had faced her demons and was feeling much better. She came to terms with her solitude and convinced herself that sharing a life with someone wasn’t meant for her.

Routine and day after day the same with every now and then some odd occurrences happening within The Silver Sigil which would drive her up the wall; she remained rather distant however as she refused to get overly close to anyone no matter who it was. Seseli Seli being truly the only one that came to her with visits and the two would always find stuff to do and Shin usually getting them in trouble.

One day, Shin had a flyer crash into her face as she was returning to the house from a walk and checking it out, it advertised some sort of obnoxious party in some mansion in the Mists. Reluctant, Ririfu Rifu and Vezh'a Yhumuzhah convinced her to go and they joined her.

The evening never seemed to end and Shin was dreading even attending the event, finding solace and some relative peace within the library of the mansion, allowing her friends to keep the people busy while she checked out the books and would scan through a couple of them. As she would take book by book, a man stopped her, demanding to know what she was doing. Ticked off, she would retort to him arrogantly and brush him off but the man kept pressing to know what she was doing. Reluctantly, she engaged in conversation with the man, his name was Sini'to Shadar and learned that he was a priest to the guild which hosted the awful event. The two finally left the books and decided to share a drink which turned into two bottles of wine in the end. The evening went ahead and Shin found herself still talking to the priest and even being the last guest to leave, although she didn’t leave. Having drank way too much with the man, he told her she could stay and sleep which she did on the couch in the library but not before getting him tucked into bed as he was in a very bad condition.


The next day she woke up to find herself still in the mansion absolutely confused at first until she found Sini'to Shadar again and they, yet again, started to talk and the talking lasted hours, which included him throwing her into a tub full of water and her having to stay over yet another night while waiting her clothes to dry. The acquaintance was weird and she didn’t know what to think of it, but the teasing and button pushing made up for that.

A couple days later Shin made arrangements with Seseli Seli to have a dinner out and the two girls went to the Bismarck where they talked about many things, amongst others, both of their situations on a both personal and professional outlook. Seseli Seli obviously appeared anxious about something and when they returned to the guild, she confessed to Shin, stating that she wanted to start a platonic relationship with her and become a couple. Shocked and speechless, Shin had no heart to tell the Lalafell that she wasn’t interested in women so she lied her way out, saying that she simply wasn’t ready.

In the coming days, Shin visited Sini'to Shadar regularly and the two grew closer despite the arguing and teasing. His company truly made her feel happy and even appreciated to the point that she’d see him almost on a daily basis without even realizing. One evening Seseli Seli visited them at his guild and spoke with him one on one. Shin knew the topic immediately and she later questioned the Miqo’te man who admitted that the Lalafell had told him to keep himself at a distance from her as she wasn’t ready for any relationships. Pressing the matter, Shin casually asked the man if he had any intentions to pursue more and he then confessed that he did. Unknowing as to what to do but deep down she had the reply for him already, she said she’d give him her answer on Starlight which was the next day.

Starlight came with the beauty of snow and the wintery, cheery feeling all around. During a party at Sini'to Shadar's guild, she took him to a more secluded area where she handed him a mistletoe as a gift and reply to his question the other day. Overjoyed, he accepted it and the two kissed and shared an embrace to seal the deal. The days to come were peaceful and filled with joy for Shin as slowly her life gets back on track. She argues almost every single day with the priest about the silliest of things but anyone can see that they get along regardless and it only shows just how close they are.