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Vincent Laurentius
If you don't like the hand you're dealt, cheat


A rags-to-riches Ul'dahn street rat that worked his way up the criminal ladder. His initial work and experience came in the form of petty crime and small gangs, whatever it took to eek out a living. Eventually, his actions became known by a much larger syndicate, and soon he was drafted in its ranks.
Name: Vincent Laurentius
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital: Engaged
Deity: None
Nationality: Ul'dahn
Occupation: Mobster
Alignment: True Neutral
Vinnie by sleppu@tumblr

Vincent--or Vinnie, as most people call him--stands at about 5'8" and has a fairly slender frame. He's not particularly strong. While he keeps himself in shape and maintains a toned body, he relies mostly on various gadgets, weapons, intelligence, speed and agility to help him during an altercation. His skin is mostly pale with a slight tan. He has a scar along the right side of his cheek, though it is typically covered up by his long crimson hair. The left side of his face is generally kept open, openly showing a tribal tattoo given to him when he joined one of the Ul'dahn street gangs. Vincent's eyes are turqoise, rounded and upturned toward the edges while his brows are thin and dark.

Vinnie can almost always be found wearing a suit, typically dark blue or black and a pair of dark shades to match. He prioritizes his personal appearance over almost everything else, knowing that one must look respectable in order to be respected. He commands himself with a sense of professionalism when on the job, and dressing in anything less would ruin that.

Speech: Vincent tries his best to articulate his speech, but it isn't long until his street lifestyle catches up to him. He typically carries a casual tone to his voice, though work seems to denote something more demanding out of him.

Vincent is laid back, and therefore doesn't seek to harm people he doesn't have to. He is mostly friendly, knowing all too well that knowledge is power and, in his line of work, one must network as much as they can. He doesn't have much in the way of a temper, but when provoked, rather than invoking some sort of explosive anger, Vinnie falls into a calm rage. Any pretense of that kind, happy-go-lucky attitude is lost and he falls strictly to business, or in some cases, work.

He doesn't have much in the way of morals. Rather, he knows how one should act and does so just enough to get by, but he isn't one to lecture other people on their use of drugs or alcohol. He's quite fond of the latter, himself, and has only been known to make use of the former during a particularly wild party or after inviting a few women back to his room. Speaking of pleasures, Vincent is open to just about anything, though he is not interested in men. He has a "try anything once" type of attitude, and thinks that one must live the one life they've been given to the fullest and experience all that it has to offer.

Work has him do many questionable things, from ransom to murder to extortion and everything in between. However, Vincent does have a strict code he follows. He will not be involved in slavery, and has no desire for sexual assault. One of the few times he'd come to another's aid is during such cases, believing that all people have the right to be as free as they can or choose to be.

Motivations: Grow his personal wealth, but have fun while doing so.
Disposition: Laid back.
Outlook: Live life to the fullest.

Positive Personality Traits

Hard-working, ambitious, quick-witted, easygoing, down to earth, fun-loving, friendly, relaxed.

Negative Personality Traits

Indulgent, wary, hardened, profane, secretive.


  • Alcohol
  • Gil
  • Sex
  • Technology
  • Drugs and smoking


  • Magic
  • Obnoxious people
  • Helpless people
  • Slavery

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!





◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own, true or untrue, just keep it IC!

Vincent's early life is that of any Ul'dahn orphan: harsh. He lived in the orphanage until he was no longer capable of staying, partially due to it being too full and moreso because he kept causing problems. What he didn't have, he wanted. What he couldn't get, he forcibly took. Vincent was never one to harm others unless he absolutely had to. This led him to stealing from vendors and the more fortunate rather than outright seeking to brawl or kill. But things weren't always successful, and he often returned with bruises and injuries from when he was caught, either by the target or another gang's territory.

The matron of the orphanage had little in the way of choice when it came to Vincent. Barely twelve years of age, he'd already caused them their fair share of trouble. He was cast out on the streets, forced to fend for himself. Eventually he caught up with the gangs that he'd already made a name for himself in and joined their ranks. There was no order or structure present; just a group of kids and semi-likeminded individuals trying to eek out a living in the harsh Ul'dahn streets. As they grew together, so did the bonds between them, and eventually they became more family than friends.

This family soon grew into a semi-legitimate organization, or at least as legitimate as a group of ruffians could be. There was some order to it, but only the bare minimum. Those that had been there the longest would act as the leader's lieutenants, and Vincent managed to earn himself a spot there. Each lieutenant was in charge of various interests for the gang, from drugs to prostitution and everything in between.

Their endeavors soon caught the attention of rival gangs, and it wasn't long before wars began to erupt between the various groups. No one gang was better than the other, and the result was little more than chaos in the streets. Neither faction was willing to give up what territory they had gained, but none of them was willing to settle for what they'd had. It simply became the way of the city, and already dangerous streets became that much more so, especially where territories met.

And then, one by one, all of the gangs began to fall in line. The bloodshed ceased and soon it came to be that the violence settled. Vincent's gang assumed that they'd managed to somehow come out on top. With at least a tenuous peace, Vincent was looking forward to relaxing as he did before, no longer having to look over his shoulder. At least, not as much as before. Yet, his boss wanted more. He saw the peace as an opportunity for rapid expansion, catching the other gangs off guard and taking their territory one by one. Vincent pleaded to let them be and just enjoy what they had, but it wasn't enough.

It didn't take long for their actions to reach the ears of others. Suits, as they were known, were ghost stories that gang members shared amongst themselves in hopes of spooking one another on the way home. Whenever someone suddenly vanished, it was the Suits. When no gang was willing to claim a hit, the Suits were to blame. Most had already considered them little more than a product of the times they lived in, and yet, standing before Vinnie and the other Lieutenants were six of them. Their offer was simple; enjoy what was already freely given, and live.

Vincent's boss had little to hear of it. He refused to believe that anything had been "given" to them, as he was the one giving the orders. There were no Suits present when they took over rival gangs, and there were certainly none about when they formed themselves. He ordered the rest of his gang to continue as they had with little care of the consequences, believing the six men and women that came to them to be little more than a joke from the other gangs. At barely twenty years of age, Vincent knew trouble when he saw it. Yet, this was his family. It was the only life he knew, and he'd do whatever it took to preserve that. Against his better judgement, Vincent agreed to help lead strikes into rival territory. One by one, the other gangs began to fall, and little by little their own expanded.

And then, just like that, it was all over. They'd gone over the plans countless times. They could recite the street and adjacent territories like they'd studied them their whole lives. Hells, they practically had. They knew every detail, down to each sign post, trash bin, and shop. Yet, nothing could prepare them for what awaited. What was meant to be a quick takeover of an enemy base--an abandoned storage house deep within the city--became a massacre. There were several factions waiting on them, all with weapons well beyond their means. The battle--if you could even call it that--was over in moments, and Vincent was never seen again.

Some say they saw him shot. Others claimed he was caught in an explosion. Yet still some were convinced that he'd been carried out by rival gang members. By all accounts he was presumed dead, and a part of that was true. Vincent Laurentius, the cocky, street-smart thug was forever changed that night. The Suits had taken him, offering a life of luxury should he only follow their code. In exchange for riches beyond his dreams and a life well beyond any means he'd previously had--or have, he need only give them his life. Vincent accepted with open arms. After all, the alternative was surely death.

Stories are in chronological order.

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  Color Key
  ♥ In A Relationship: Vincent is romantically involved with this character.
  ♥ Romantic Attraction: Vincent is romantically interested in this character.
  ♥ Sexual Attraction Vincent is physically interested in this character.

  ♥ Platonic Love/Family: Vincent considers this person family.
  ♦ Friend: Vincent considers this person a friend.
  ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: Vincent considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

  ● Good Standing: Vincent has no specific feelings about this character, however, they left a good impression.
  ● Neutral: Vincent has no specific feelings about this character.
  ● Bad Standing: Vincent has no specific feelings about this character, however, they left a bad impression.

  ♠ Dislike: Vincent doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
  ♠ Hate: Vincent considers this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
  ♠ Fear: Vincent is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all costs.
  ♠ Rivalry: Vincent considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

  ♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood to Vincent.
  ✔ Business: This character is either Vincent's employer, employee, or coworker.
  ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Vincent isn't fully aware of it yet.


Acquaintances and Allies

C'therin Sapa () - Kitten
A woman that Vincent happened to run into during a long night at work. It had been a slow evening, and seeing the gorgeous woman dressed up gave him a bit of hope that the evening wouldn't end on a stale note. Thankfully, he was correct! She accepted his advances and went up to his room with him, where he caught her pickpocketing his jacket. Rather than call the authorities (because that wouldn't have helped things), Vincent offered her a deal. If she agreed to help him out and tend to his "needs," he would make sure that she wanted for nothing. He pulled some strings with the Turks to land her a job, ensuring she remained conveniently close at all times. What was initially a partnership of convenience soon became love, and Vincent makes more than certain to keep his original promise.
Personal RP Limits
I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug/alcohol use, crimes, gore, profane language, innuendo, nonsexual nudity, death). Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Fake/temporary character "deaths." Anything likely to deal permanent and severe psychological trauma to my character. Pre-established relationships.
I won't play permanent character death. Erotic role-play. Fetish fulfillment. Lolicon/shotacon. Any sexual themes involving children, objectively child-like characters, or animals. Any sexual themes with players who are minors OOC. Excessively detailed and overly descriptive gore. Long, drawn out, descriptive torture scenes. Sexual/romantic relationships or requited feelings when my character is already in a serious relationship.
Please do not metagame, autohit, godmod, powerplay, role-play to win, or be a bad sport. Take OOC hiccups IC (typos, accidental button pressing, afking, etc.), bring IC into OOC, bring OOC into IC. Lecture me on lore, disrespect my OOC boundaries, disrespect my RP partners, be inconsiderate of my time (hour long waits for posts, demanding I spend more time with you, guilt-trip me for RPing with others, etc.). Write so much purple prose I cannot understand/find the actual action of your post. Fail to respect if I tell you I'm uncomfortable with something, attempt OOC to force our characters into a certain relationship, do underhanded OOC things to try to sabotage my character's relationship with another character (or mine with their player), say racist/sexist/homophobic/otherwise offensive things to me OOC, or lie to me or otherwise cause drama OOC. These are dealbreakers, and I may drop all contact with you without further warning if any of these things happen (I am understanding of accidental/innocent mistakes like the occasional autohit or bit of subconscious metagaming). I know this probably sounds super paranoid, but I only mention each of these things because they are things that have happened before--often more than once!
About Me as an RPer
■I am on the Balmung server.
■I am over 18.
■I do freestyle posting, most often para-RP with a paragraph or two. I will typically try to post-to-match, but if you do nothing but one-liners or nothing but huge multi-para posts, I may settle on something more moderate. I do not mind your post style, so long as your posts have interesting content I can respond to and I do not have to struggle through long descriptions that are useless to me or make no sense. I do like posts that are lacking in empty, flowery verbage yet still contain some description and artistry, so I would ideally like to find other para-RPers, but I am not picky!
■I am primarily looking for in game role-play, or at least RP with characters also from Balmung, but I am open to role-play via RPC PM's or threads, Enjin PM's or threads, Skype messages, or Discord messages or channels. Please send me a PM on the RPC or a /tell in game to ask for my handles.
■I am in EST timezone. My schedule is somewhat sporadic, so I am on at odd hours. I am usually online somewhere between 2PM - 3AM EST. Most often, you can find me online between 9PM - 2AM EST. I recommend starting any RP by midnight, since I am often winding down and getting ready for bed after that point.
■Along with RP, I am glad to just chat or maybe do some PvE content, or play other games outside of FFXIV. Please don't ever feel you're bothering me if you send me a message. I suck at socializing so I will probably never message you first, but that doesn't mean I dislike talking to you.
■I like long-term relationships and story-heavy plots. I suck at making my own plots, but I am always happy to be a part of someone else's story!
■If you do not like Vincent, or if she doesn't mesh well with your character, yet you would still like to role-play with me, I do have other characters who are vastly different.
■I like to bend lore for the sake of story if called for, but not break it. If someone not conforming to the lore to a T sets you off, you may want to skip on anything more than brief, casual interactions with my characters. If your character is a Miqo'te Dragoon female Nunh WoL Voidsent, likewise, you may want to find someone more up to your speed instead of me! I prefer a healthy middle-ground.
■I typically try to avoid combat RP. If somehow it happens despite this, I am often flexible between freeform, rolling, etc. and prefer to do whatever feels best in each individual situation.
■I am okay with (loosely) planning RP if you have an idea you want to bring up. I do not like RP that is highly scripted, or gives my character a narrow choice of options to react for no discernible IC reason. I am also okay with walk-ups. If you see me anywhere, even if you've never spoken to me before, feel free to post at me! If I am not IC, I will let you know. If I don't respond, it just means I'm afk--sorry! I afk a lot.
■If you ever have any questions or need clarification about anything whatsoever, please do not hesitate to ask. I am a very open person and in the odd case anything does make me uncomfortable, I will simply tell you that. Even if it's mid-RP, I am not one of those "muh 'mmersion!!" people, so I promise I won't be bothered!
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell letting me know immediately. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion or avoiding "metagaming." I do care about your feelings, comfort, and enjoyment of the RP! I am fine dialing things back, or dropping a role-play with no hard feelings if we are just not compatible.
RP Hooks
Friends and acquaintances? Friends, acquaintances, allies, and business contacts are always welcome. These will need to happen naturally rather than our characters being forced into a friendship that might not suit them. Vincent is easygoing and can get along with most characters, but tends to get along best with characters who are neither very arrogant nor very helpless. Vincent is always glad to make business contacts, typically anyone who can help feed her hobby of tinkering (supplying information or parts) or those who want to patronize her services as a mechanic and engineer. Vincent rarely leaves Thanalan, so contacts that are often in Thanalan are preferred, but I can have her travel if need be.
Enemies and rivals? Enemies are always welcome, pending certain conditions. Vincent tries to avoid trouble with most people, but she will step up if someone is being harassed or someone is acting like a genuine asshole, and she will not take being harassed lying down, which can lead to conflicts. I am not interested in RPing with anyone who will harass my character to the point of me having to avoid public RP in the name of "antagonist" RP. I also do not want to RP with anyone who will be sour or demand to retcon if harassing Vincent lands their character in trouble they didn't expect. PLEASE, PLEASE do not ask to take an antagonist role if you are not okay with this and what it might mean for your character (I will try to avoid situations where your character might be killed or permanently imprisoned and give your character an out if possible, and I ask you do the same for me, but disbelief can only be suspended so much before the RP stops being fun).
Family? I don't have much pre-established for Vincent's family, so the roles of her family, close or distant, are open. Parents and siblings (half-blooded or full-blooded) are available for play as are less close relatives such as cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Her father's name is C'sapa Nunh. Any relatives would be need to be Seekers originally from the Couerl tribe, preferably her sect in the Sagoli. A slight physical resemblance to Vincent would be nice, but less important the more distant the relation. Any family members will need to be discussed to work out the details and receive my permission.
Lovers? Vincent is in a long-term, committed relationship, and will not cheat or leave her lover for anyone. That said, her relationship may not be entirely monogamous, but this only applies to female characters (and any interest would likely be more sexual than romantic), as her spouse is a heterosexual man and would likely not want to be left out. Any sexual scenes will be faded-to-black. If you want your character to have romantic/sexual feelings for Vincent for any reason, that's fine, please just respect me and the player of Vincent's spouse OOC, and do not expect your character's feelings to ever be returned or fulfilled.
Past connections? I am open to past connections with some discussion to work out the details and my permission given, if you would like to have some pre-established foundation for our characters to build upon rather than starting fresh. Some likely connections would be other members from the Coeurl tribe (particularly her sect), others who lived in the Sagoli that she might have bumped into in her time with her tribe, those who frequented Ul'dah after her exile from her tribe (particularly other street dwellers, or Quicksand lurkers she might have shared a drink or a night with), anyone who might her hired in Ul'dah as a prostitute or goon during her time spent homeless, or anyone who she might have pickpocketed from, been confronted by (law enforcement i.e. Brass Blades), or been hired to rough up during that time. I am open to any suggestions not mentioned here.
Links Out
■ My RPC Profile: RPC
■ Vincent on the Lodestone: Lodestone
■ My Enjin Profile: Enjin

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes! If it weren't for you, my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Color key format by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Altered by (Faye Covington).
■ Altered by myself (Val Nunh).*
  • Artists are credited in mouseover of the respective image. If you would like to get in touch with a certain artist, please let me know and I can try to provide contact information.

Please remember to properly credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

Homeless to Forbes List.