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(Post Calamity/Recent History)
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: '''The Far Edge of Fate (Present Day)'''
: '''The Far Edge of Fate (Present Day)'''
: The Ala Mhigan Resistance has started a new war with the Garlean Empire, throwing the Realm into chaos. As the Eorzean Alliance scrambles to regain their sense of control, and the Warrior of Light and their Scions facing heavy loses. Chee herself is left with two paths to take: the slow walk back to salvation, or into oblivion. Even her loyal brother J'siris is at a loss, increasingly distant. For now, the mystery regarding a pair of two crystals recovered from Nymian Ruins has garnered her attention, and once again, the soul stones in her possession begin to awaken.
: The Ala Mhigan Resistance has started a new war with the Garlean Empire, throwing the Realm into chaos. As the Eorzean Alliance scrambles to regain their sense of control, and the Warrior of Light and their Scions facing heavy loses. Chee herself is left with two paths to take: the slow walk back to salvation, or into oblivion. Even her loyal brother J'siris is at a loss, increasingly distant. For now, the mystery regarding a pair of two crystals recovered from Nymian Ruins has garnered her attention, and once again, the soul stones in her possession begin to awaken.
: Things have taken a turn, and for the happier. With the aid of two very close, very deeply bonded friends have helped to shake Chee out of her depression and sorrow-filled cloud. While out on a lead during her research into the mysteries of the Nymian Crystals, she stumbles across a Phoenix "Nix" Lemathan. While initially distrustful of the Seeker, the pair nonetheless fall in love over time, thanks in part to Nix's faith and love for the lonely, hurting woman. Since then, the two of have become incredibly close, finding love, healing and faith and trust in each other. As well as the simple desire for a companion and partner for the many adventures of life, peaceful and chaotic. With the aid of her dear friends of whom have returned for her, helping her, her brother and the love of Nix, Chee is a stronger woman, and a happier one. She's even shed some so-called "friends" of whom simply have harmed her or otherwise neglected her.
: And for the coming war with Garlemald... Chee, due to her Oath as  Free Paladin, will soon be deployed to the frontlines in Gyr Albania, fighting alongside the Immortal Flames in an effort to liberate Ala Mhigo and possible Doma from the Imperial Yoke.
: It remains to be seen on what will occur for Chee in the given future...
: It remains to be seen on what will occur for Chee in the given future...

Revision as of 12:02, 2 June 2017

((Note: This profile is a perpetual work-in-progress, and some information may be added, edited, ret-conned or otherwise as time goes on and as I further develop my girl here. Any formatting changes or new images is also a given.))

Ul'dah-transparent.png Chee Smith
"Such is the way of things…"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Age 23
Origin Sagoli Desert
Tribe Offshoot of Jackal
Birth Name J'baste Ava
Occupation Adventurer, Craftswoman, Self-Proclaimed Kitten-Wrangler

General Information

Born as J'baste Ava on the 13th Day of the 4th Astral Moon, Chee is a Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun woman. She grew up happy and well-adjusted in an off-shoot of Tribe Jackal as the youngest of four half-siblings, before setting out on her own to Ul'dah with nothing but the clothes on her back, a short sword at her side, and a new name. Upon leaving home, Chee has since then become one of the many Adventurers in Eorzea, as well as a skilled craftswoman by trade.
Chee is a sweet woman, appearing to be either very shy or very aloof, and is often seen in the company of her beloved cat, Mercedes. She can usually be seen in Ul'dah, having an affinity for the city. She is also frequently seen in the Dravanian Highlands, and The Goblet. She is occasionally seen in Limsa Lominsa, The Mist and Ishgard. She is rarely seen in Gridania and The Lavender Beds.
Chee currently resides in the Goblet, Ward 12, Plot 51, and is currently affiliated with the Fera Intus Free Company.


Height: 5 Fulm, 1 Ilm - Chee is an average height for a Miqote woman, neither too tall or too short. She is considered petite to the other races.
Weight: Approximately 117 Ponz - Most of Chee's weight comes from a toned, athletic build, or soft curves.
Body: Chee is petite with a toned athletic build. She possess dexterous hands and strong legs. Her curves, breasts and hips are soft and full. She has faded scars up and down her right arm, criss-crossing her thighs, and there is an old, faded gash below the left side of her ribs. There is a trio of slash marks on her back, from a mutated coeurl's attack, There is a recent scar from the top of her right shoulder, going across her collarbone, above her breasts, as well as a gunshot on her left hand. Her most noticeable feature is, however, her very long and unusually fluffy tail. The tail is very expressive, having plush, silky fur, and often appears to have a mind of its own. The tail will betray her mood, and is often a source of entertainment for naughty children.
Complexion: Fairly atypical tanned skin for a Seeker, made more so by time spent out in the sun or on adventures. Her skin-tone is considered fair by Seeker standards.
Face: Round with a softly-tapered chin and full lips. She has dark blue tribal tattoos on her cheek bones and dark brown facial markings on her forehead. Her brows are thick, and there are faded scars across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are a vibrant mid-tone blue, and have been commented on to be quite striking, as well as having a certain kindness to them. Interested men have commented, however, on her lips, to a point by which flusters her.
Hair: Brunette with dark blonde streaks, her hair was long and tousled, often falling over one shoulder and messy bangs covering parts of her face. Now cut short.
Fashion: When not clad in armored plate and chain mail, Chee is often seen wearing verifying hues of blues, reds or blacks. She prefers cloth or leather over anything else, and it's not unusual to see her dressed in a way that flatters her figure. She prefers simple gold jewelry over anything flashy, and she is at her most self-conscious in "flimsy mage's robes", or scantily-clad. She prefers attire that's more modest.


Introverted and reserved, Chee is a quiet woman, often preferring to keep to herself. This can give one of two impressions to an outsider: a very shy or very aloof woman. While she can be friendly, it takes her some time to open up to another person. She tends to fall into old “shrinking violet” habits during social events, or near people she doesn’t know. She is soft-spoken, with a proper, almost formal speaking pattern, often choosing her words carefully.
Chee is a very warm, loving and loyal individual. There is an intelligence as well as a gentleness from her, and a wry sense of humor. However, her confidence is mixed at best. She often doubts herself to the point of self-degradation, and puts the needs of others above her own, leading to exhaustion, depression or anxiety. She constantly wonders if she's "good enough" for anyone or anything.
Chee has a sharply defined sense of justice, as well as a deeply-held personal creed: that all have the right to lay claim to lives as their own. Justice-oriented, she is observant and compassionate, having barely any judgment for others, and trusts deeply. Another personal creed of hers is acceptance: “Such is the way of things”. She can be accepting of things that have occurred, things as they are now, and things that are yet to come.
Chee can often remember details or traits about another person, and will try to bring out the best in someone if they were so inclined. It is these traits by which others are drawn to her… That, or maybe it's the cute little kitty that follows her everywhere.
Chee deeply reveres Azeyma the Warden, having a strong sense of faith and trust in the Goddess. As such, she frequently invokes the Warden in prayer, passing or even simply as a blessing for a stranger, friend or loved one.
Recent events and heart-breaks, however, have led this once gentle, open and loving woman to be embittered and closed-off, with a loss of her faith in the Warden. If it is possible for her to heal, it cannot be said.


Proficient "jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none" Craftswoman
Observant/Empathetic of Others
Highly Skilled with Spears
Highly Skilled with Swords and Shields
Skilled Hobbyist Artist
Most excellent kitten-wrangler


Caring for Stray Cats
Games of Strategy/Chance
Collecting Interesting or Shiny Trinkets
Old Coins
Growing Flowers


Interesting/Shiny Trinkets
Books of Poetry/History
Old Relics/Artifacts
Triple Triad
Artists/Craftsman's Tools


Cold Weather
Abusive/Controlling Men
Unfaithful Men
Bratty Children pulling her tail
"Flimsy Mage's Robes"
Dark Knights
The Echo


Wry Sense of Humor


A Romantic
Distrustful of Lalafells
Low Confidence; suffers from depression and anxiety


Her tail betrays her mood
Tendency to bite her lip
Tendency to "curl" against herself
Ears will twitch when emoting, interested, or otherwise
Easily tongue-tied and may stumble over her words
Often invokes Azeyma, the Warden in prayer or in passing
She's a cuddle-bug


Being Hurt/Betrayed
Loss of Loved Ones
Failure/Failing Loved Ones
Loss of her Faith
Loss of her Strength/Independence
Not being good enough/ adequate enough for a given task or another person
Dark Knights


Alignment: Neutral Good
Favorite Food: Black Truffle Risotto
Favorite Drink: Tea, Rolanberry Cordials
Favorite Color: Rhotano Blue
Favorite Scent: Jasmine
Favorite Place: Her Reading Nook
Favorite Vices: Whiskey, Stray Cats

Abilities and Skills

In combat, Chee prefers clean, precise strikes with a lot of power behind them, as opposed to being a flurry of motion and aggression. This is especially apparent when she is wielding a spear, being very defensive and very precise in combat. She prefers being at the front-lines in battle, using her agility and skill to put in a lot of force behind her blows. Chee is often seen carrying an old, shining blue spear, elegant and deadly. The weapon itself is more akin to a relic than anything else, and rarely leaves Chee's side. The weapon serves as something of a security blanket for her, and she is most comfortable wielding it, being at her most deadly with a spear in her hands.
Chee occasionally takes arms as a Free Paladin, and this where she is most trained, as well as being most aggressive. As a Paladin, just like wielding a spear, Chee prefers precise, powerful blows. However, she is aggressive and almost reckless with a sword and shield in hand, using her strength and training to become a commanding presence, and she is often wild: breaking bones, goring slashes, and battering foes with her shield.
Chee has recently resumed training with Great Swords, as well as the Dark Arts, yet at great danger to herself, body, mind and soul.
Chee has only recently taken on the study of magic, particularly Arcanima and the arts of Summoning. She's… average, at best, and ultimately prefers a spear or a sword as opposed to a grimoire. She's dabbled in other forms of magic, such as Conjury and Thaumaturgey, with little other success.
Chee is a proficient, "jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none" craftswoman, though she has an interest and specialty in goldsmithing. This is mainly due to her own fondness for interesting and shiny trinkets. In addition, she also is a "jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none" Disciple of the Land, more aligned towards mining and botany. Fishing is terribly boring for her, and she often falls asleep while doing so.



Early Life
Chee was born as J'baste Ava in the Sagoli Desert on the 13th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon, to a smaller off-shoot tribe of Tribe Jackal. This tribe was a more peaceful tribe, more akin to a loosely-connected network of small villages and settlements, and was populated mainly by artisans and Disciples of the Hand and Disciples of the Land. Art, crafting, trade, scholarly pursuits and other such trades were commonly practiced and encouraged. This tribe made their vocations by trading hand-crafted goods to traveling merchants or other Seeker tribes in the Sagoli, some of which traveling all the way to Ul'dah.
J'baste's early life was a peaceful one. She had a happy childhood, growing up well-adjusted and loved to a Seeker Nunh and a Keeper Mother, as well as three older half-brothers. One day, a Roegadyn Sea Wolf woman appeared from the desert – Reisz. An old adventuring friend of her father's, J'baste immediately took to the Roegadyn, hero-worshipping and idolizing her. In turn, Reisz was charmed by and befriended the girl, serving as life-long friend and mentor. Reisz encouraged J'baste's curiosity and dreams of becoming an adventurer, forging her own path and seeing the world for what it was.
Dalamud's Fall: The Calamity
J'baste's peaceful life continued well into her teens, taking on a keener interest in travel and adventuring, much to her father's dismay. In a well-intentioned effort to protect his daughter, her father demanded that J'baste stay home in the tribe, and take on a trade as a craftswoman. While she did indeed have an interest and talent for crafting, J'baste wanted to do so on her own terms. As such, she frequently clashed with her family, developing an anxiety and depression: would she ever be good enough? During this time, Reisz was killed in an accident, and J'baste then decided to become an adventurer, as a way to honor her late mentor.
One night, during a fierce argument, J'baste was disowned by her father and brothers, and ran away from home. Shortly thereafter, Dalamud fell, and the Calamity struck. While blessedly surviving the chaos and destruction, there were many scars, and she found herself on a waking up in a merchant's cart, bound for escape.
Immediately following the Calamity, J'baste, now a nameless transient spent the next five years wandering aimlessly across the realm. It was here she learned to be accepting of others, as well as the fate granted to her, and of a possibility of being increasingly lonely. Her family and home was assumed dead and destroyed, or otherwise estranged. It was during this time J'baste's depression, anxiety and her acceptance of being increasingly alone further developed.

Post Calamity/Recent History

A Realm Reborn
At the age of 21, J'baste, now taking on the name of Chee, came to Ul'dah with little more than the clothes on her back and an old short sword at her side. From there, she trained for a time at the Gladiator's Guild, quickly rising through the ranks as a Free Paladin. It was during this time that she discovered she had the rare gift and curse of the Echo. Stubbornly refusing the call, Chee went on to take the study and mastery of becoming a craftswoman and adventurer. She eventually took up arms with the spear instead, finding the art of the Lancer much more to her liking. Over time, Chee made a comfortable life for herself as both an adventurer and craftswoman, and was content. During this time, she met and fell into the deep friendship and close company of a Hyur Midlander named Arthur Dragmire and an Elezen Wildwood named Destiney Delvanguard. The trio became close friends and the surrogate family Chee craved, traveling and sharing many adventures together. They styled themselves as "The Outsiders".
Following the exile of the fabled Warrior of Light, the disappearance of the Scions and the assassination of the Sultana at the hands of the Syndicate, Chee found herself part of various raiding expedition parities, undergoing dangerous raids and missions into the heart of ancient Allagan ruins.
Great change has come. Ishgard opened its gates to Adventurers, and Chee was one of the first to make the pilgrimage into the Holy See, as well as travel deep into Dravania. Once more, she found herself going into raiding expeditions, becoming increasingly isolated, alienated and exhausted. During this time, the Warrior of Light was redeemed, Ul'dah made strong once again, and Ishgard joined the Eorzean Alliance, vowing an end to the Dragonsong War.
As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness
With Ishgard and the rest of the Eorzean alliance undergoing a great change, Chee continues her trade as a craftswoman and her travels as an adventurer. Much to her joy, she found love in the form of a Keeper male named Lofen Melocuil. Chee had made a happy life for herself, and can now share in it with a man she fell deeply in love with. All seemed well.
As of recently, however, the young woman is having dreams of a strange being trapped in Allagan Technology: the First of the Warring Triad. She, like many other raiding parties in Dravania, once more feel the pull of the Echo. In an attempt to protect the man she loved, Chee tried to end things with Lofen. However, his faith and love for her, as well as the advice of her dear friend Luth convinced Chee otherwise, and the couple vowed once more to stay together, come what may.
Gears of Change
Sequence of events below...
Show text

Revenge of the Horde
Ishgard calls for aid: the Warrior of Light, aided by the remaining Scions of the Seventh Dawn and the Leadership of the Holy See seek to finally end the Dragonsong War through the demise of Nidhogg. Chee was compelled to answer the call, returning to Ishgard and lending her skill in the final battle against the horde, laying witness to and participating in the fall of Nidhogg, and the final chorus of a millenia-long war.
Since then, Chee has returned to Ul'dah, obtaining a new home in the Goblet and settling back into a peaceful – if painfully lonely – new life. Chee is at a cross-roads, her body, mind, heart and soul worn, weary and bearing the heavy burden of too many hurts. The three soul stones of Paladin, Dark Knight and Dragoon in her possession and the mystery they provide have yet to be solved, and the more than once has she considered suicide. Chee is no longer the valiant and gentle woman she once was, a broken shadow of herself.
With even long-time and dearest friends going their separate ways, Chee continued to isolate herself, dedicating her time and her efforts to the perfection of her tinkering and her projects. Pale comfort to the emotional turmoil she felt. The soulstones remained dormant, and their mysteries, unanswered and largely forgotten. Enter her older half-brother, J'siris. His constant presence helped to soothe her, and even encourage to try to reach out once more, with limited success. Eventually, Chee stumbled into a short-lived romance with a J'tehn Tia. Having shared similar experience in love and loss, the pair cautiously move forward. Unfortunately, they did not last as a pair.
Soul Surrender
Alexander, the Warring Triad, stirrings within the shadows threatening the very sanctity of Eorzea itself... But those are struggles best reserved for the Warrior of Light. For Chee and her brother, there's a new chapter in their lives, new adventures to look forward to, new friends to meet and old friends to reconnect with, new places to get lost to, and very bemused pet cats to annoy, and hurts finally beginning to heal, however slowly.
As it stands, however, Chee continues to withdraw, further succumbing to her depression, loneliness and bitter anger. A Keeper named Branna'a appeared to her, confessing his love and affection, before disappearing outright and breaking her heart, forever turning Chee away from the idea of ever finding love. An intruder invaded her home, attempting to assault her and violating her very sense of safety. Delmina had returned, taunting her and re-opening old scars, and seeing both Lofen and J'tehn in the presence of other women, happier without her... Chee is a dead woman walking: one more heartbreak, and she'll likely perish of despair.
The Far Edge of Fate (Present Day)
The Ala Mhigan Resistance has started a new war with the Garlean Empire, throwing the Realm into chaos. As the Eorzean Alliance scrambles to regain their sense of control, and the Warrior of Light and their Scions facing heavy loses. Chee herself is left with two paths to take: the slow walk back to salvation, or into oblivion. Even her loyal brother J'siris is at a loss, increasingly distant. For now, the mystery regarding a pair of two crystals recovered from Nymian Ruins has garnered her attention, and once again, the soul stones in her possession begin to awaken.
Things have taken a turn, and for the happier. With the aid of two very close, very deeply bonded friends have helped to shake Chee out of her depression and sorrow-filled cloud. While out on a lead during her research into the mysteries of the Nymian Crystals, she stumbles across a Phoenix "Nix" Lemathan. While initially distrustful of the Seeker, the pair nonetheless fall in love over time, thanks in part to Nix's faith and love for the lonely, hurting woman. Since then, the two of have become incredibly close, finding love, healing and faith and trust in each other. As well as the simple desire for a companion and partner for the many adventures of life, peaceful and chaotic. With the aid of her dear friends of whom have returned for her, helping her, her brother and the love of Nix, Chee is a stronger woman, and a happier one. She's even shed some so-called "friends" of whom simply have harmed her or otherwise neglected her.
And for the coming war with Garlemald... Chee, due to her Oath as Free Paladin, will soon be deployed to the frontlines in Gyr Albania, fighting alongside the Immortal Flames in an effort to liberate Ala Mhigo and possible Doma from the Imperial Yoke.
It remains to be seen on what will occur for Chee in the given future...


Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Eh? Ye mean tha' quiet one with the cat? Aye, I've seen 'er. Didn't say much." - Quicksand Tavern Dweller
"Oh! That little cat of hers is absolutely darling!" - Gossipy Lalafell Woman
"The fuzzy-tailed one with the cat? I think it's the tail the cat likes." - Gruff Ala Mighan Refugee
"The pretty miss has the longest, fluffiest tail I've ever seen! Sometimes she lets me brush it! The others just like pulling on it…" - Ul'dahn Orphan
"Right quiet one, she is. I've seen her keep mainly to herself, sketching or writing something in some journal." - Curious Roegadyn Gentleman
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I've seen her more with a crafter's toolkit, than any sort of arms and armor. Sets up just about anywhere." - Gridanian Woodwailer
"She carries herself much like our own Dragoons do. How is that possible?" - Grumpy Ishgardian Solider
"All she says was she started out at the Gladiator's Guild. Some Midlander Free Paladin took an interest in her. Dragmire… I think?" - Coliseum Gladiator
"An 'venturer you say? Hardly! I've seen 'er in the markets, 'nother one o' those craftfolk. Me thinks she prefers that over 'venturing'." - Limsan Lominsan Barwench
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Once heard her prayin' to the Warden, something about some 'echo' or some such. Sounded right scared." - Ul'dahn Courtesan
"She's got them eyes, all bright blue an' such. She looks at you like you're something' good. Dunno what it is." - Lominsan Yellow Jacket
"Her? Oh, I used to see her in the company of some male Keeper, then some other Seeker Tia. ...She looks broken now... What have they done to break her?" - Previously Envious, Now Worried Seeker Tia
"Ah, yes! I've often seen her in the company of an Elezen Scholar and a Midlander Paladin. Peas in a pod, those three." - Momodi, Proprietor of the Quicksand
"J'baste. J'baste Ava is her true name, and she is our most precious one. But she doesn't give her name to just anyone..." - Ava Burwani, her Mother
PC Rumors (Rumors written by other Player Characters. Feel free to add your own!)
"You mean my baby sister...? She's been hurt one too many times; I'm here for her now. Hurt her, and answer to me..." - J'siris Tia
"Insert Rumor Here" - Character Name
"Insert Rumor Here" - Character Name


Please note: The following is a listing of PC Characters of whom Chee knows or otherwise has an RP relationship with of some kind. Her relationship with the character IC maybe completely different than being OOC, and the listing is ever-changing over time. If you would like to be added, feel free to let me know in-game or over RPC. :D
  Color Key
  ♥ In A Relationship: Chee/J'baste is romantically involved with this character.
  ♥ Romantic Attraction: Chee/J'baste is romantically interested in this character.
  ♥ Sexual Attraction Chee/J'baste is physically interested in this character.
  ♥ Platonic Love/Family: Chee/J'baste considers this person family.
  ♦ Friend: Chee/J'baste considers this person her friend.
  ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: Chee/J'baste considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.
  ● Good Standing: Chee/J'baste has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
  ● Neutral: Chee/J'baste has no specific feelings about this character.
  ● Bad Standing: Chee/J'baste has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.
  ♠ Dislike: Chee/J'baste doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
  ♠ Hate: Chee/J'baste hates this person, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
  ♠ Fear: Chee/J'baste is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
  ♠ Rivalry: Chee/J'baste considers this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.
  ♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood to Chee/J'baste.
  ✔ Business: This character is either Chee/J'baste's employer, employee, coworker, or other business relation.
  ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Chee/J'baste isn't fully aware of it yet.

Family Relations

  ♥   ♥ Mercedes – A cute little Coeurl Kitten. Loyal, affectionate and mischievous, Mercedes is Chee’s pet cat and ever-present companion. She rescued the little kitty in Aleport, following an investigation into a pirate smuggling operation. Believed to be a mix of a smaller, lesser-seen subspecies of coeurl and a common house-cat, Mercedes has proven to be a constant source of companionship, comfort, and occasionally laughter. The little kitty goes where Chee goes, usually riding along in her pack, perched on her shoulder, or following along behind. (Mercedes the Coeurl Kitten was named for my IRL cat, who named for the Dragon's Dogma character.)
  ♥   ♥ Julien – A tiny stray black cat. Upon moving into her new home, Chee discovered a tiny, scraggly little ball of black fluff mewling pitifully. Falling in love with the tiny kitten, Chee took the little thing into her home, naming him "Julien" and adopting him. She is slowly nursing him back to health. Chee takes the little kitty with her most places, doting over the little fluffball like a mother to her child - much to Mercedes' chagrin. Julien ahs since then bonded to her older brother J'siris... much to Chee's own chagrin. Needless to say, the kitten still adores Chee. Just not as much as he likes her brother. (Julien the Black Kitten was named for my IRL cat, who named for the Dragon's Dogma character, though said cat is female irl. Julien the Black Kitten is also a "in memoriam" character, effectively immortalizing the IRL Julien after her passing...)
  ♥   ♥J'siris Tia – Chee’s half brother, and the middle of the three sons. Playful, empathetic, kind and free-spirited, J’siris was the most encouraging of the three brothers to Chee growing up, and the one who made the most time to play with and later serve as a confidant and mentor to Chee, when Reisz wasn’t available. It was J’siris who offered Chee support during the fallout with the rest of her family, and the one who defended her over the years. J’siris eventually left home, becoming an Adventurer after the Calamity, estranged from his father and brothers while seeking out his sister and step-mother. Following Chee's personal crisis, J'siris has recently come to Ul'dah in an effort to provide emotional support - as well as being the much-needed protective big-brother.

Positive Relations

  ♥  ♦ Destiney Delvanguard – An Elezen Wildwood. One of Chee's oldest, dearest friends. The pair have known each other for several years and are frequently seen having adventures together. Mischievous, playful and warm, Destiney is akin to an older sister to Chee. They often play or tease each other, happily discuss more feminine things, are mutually supportive, trusting and otherwise. More often than not, where Chee is, Destiney will be, and vice versa. Destiney is part of a small, intimate group of close friends of whom style themselves "The Outsiders". Recent events have led to the two women being closer than before, with Chee becoming immensely more protective of her "Soul Sister".
  ♥   ♦ Arthur Dragmire – A Hyur Midlander, and a Free Paladin. Chee and Arthur met when she first came to Ul'dah, and the pair became fast friends, training together in the arts of the Gladiator and eventually the Free Paladin. Over time, the two became close, akin to surrogate siblings. Arthur's patience, kindness and easy-going humor endears him to Chee and to many others. Arthur Dragmire is part of a small, intimate group of close friends of whom style themselves "The Outsiders". (Note: This player is a non RPer, though he may be mentioned on occasion.)
  ♥   ♦ Skala Toa - An Au Ra Raen. Chee and Skala met during Chee's early days in Ul'dah. The two women quickly became good friends, with Skala being playful, irreverent and good-natured with a wicked and dirty sense of humor, as well as a sisterly warmth. Formally trained as a Monk, Skala and Chee make a dangerous tag-team with a flurry of fists and lance-work, decimating the battle field. Skala is part of a small, intimate group of close friends of whom style themselves "The Outsiders". (Note: This player is a non RPer, though she may be mentioned on occasion.)
  ♥   ♦ Crimson Knight - A Hyur Midlander, with training as both a Free Paladin and a Dragoon. The very definition of a noble knight, the man who calls himself Crimson Knight is loyal, friendly and kind-hearted. Crimson, or "Crim" for short, willingly moves to defend those in need, and provides a comforting and empathetic presence to any who ask. Crimson and Chee met while they both served together, training, and Crim encouraged her talents with a spear. Crimson is part of a small, intimate group of close friends of whom style themselves "The Outsiders".
  ♥   ♦ Clarke Southway - An Elezen Wildwood. Chee and Arthur met Clarke during raiding expeditions in Dravania. While reserved in public settings, Clarke is nonetheless friendly and an incurable jokester in the close company of Chee, Destiney and Arthur. Clarke is shrewdly intelligent, taking on mastery of the Dark Knight, Black Mage and the Summoner, as per the demands of raider groups. Clarke is part of a small, intimate group of close friends of whom style themselves "The Outsiders".
  ♥  ♦ Phoenix Lemathen - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun. "Nix" for short. A former Sultansworn, fellow adventurer, and a sensitive (Non-tribal! Thank the twelve!) man of great character and empathy, he and Chee stumbled across each other in La Noscea, finding themselves the subject of curious aetheric bonding. Nix has very quickly fallen for Chee, much to her shock and her chagrin. Over time as the two got to know each other, Chee fell in love with Nix, due to his compassion, loyalty and his own shared experiences. It's always the little things. The two have decided to be Bonded, and are an extended engagement.
  ♥  ♦ Aki Tenken - An Au Ra Raen woman, and a Doman at that. Also known as Tenken no Aki. Chee met Aki at the Drowning Wench in Limsa, following her fall-out and leaving Sabotenders. The Doman-born Raen instantly took to Chee, offering nothing but warmth, compassion and empathy, as well as readily welcoming Chee into her Free Company, Fera Intus. Since then, the two women have swiftly become close.
  ♥  ♦ Kira'sae Sindrah - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon, and Aki Tenken's loving husband. An Arcanist of whom is always accompanied by his Carbuncle, Kite, Kira'sae is warm and open, however reserved. Chee and Kira'sae met tat the Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa, and he welcomed Chee into the Free Company he and Aki run - Fera Intus - offering warmth and empathy. The two Miqo'te get along quite well.
  ♥  ♦ Zethie Aldis - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. A fellow competitor in the Grindstone, Zethie was encouraging to her during her first time in the battle tourney. Since then, the two have become good buddies, on the friendly field of competitive sportsmanship as well as lounging about. Zethie has also lent a great deal of stubborn support for Chee during a time of deep-seeded emotional crisis, being the one friend of whom finally helped break free of her depression and sorrow. And occasionally gives her a nudge in the right direction, as needed. A much-needed brother.
  ♥  ♦ Kibaa Hart - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. A chance meeting in Ul'dah and an interest in her cat led to Chee and Kibaa conversing, quickly befriending each other. The pair continue to bump into each other every now and then, always happily conversing, until recently when they caught back up, meeting again. Kibaa was distressed due to a series of personal sorrows, and Chee did the one thing his other friends failed to do: listen and offer much-needed support instead of pointless lectures. Since then, the two have become close, akin to a surrogate sibling pair.
  ♦   ● X'apa Mozei – A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. Chee met this friendly, if clueless and naive Keeper out by the Copperbell Mines in the midst of an argument with a Roegadyn. Upon cooling tempers and pulling him away, the two went on to the Quicksand, where X'apa shared details of a treasure map he had found. Apparently born into a wealthy family, X'apa left home restless and seeking adventure with jovial cheer and an eagerness. The two are neighbors in their ward of the Goblet, and can be seen socializing on occasion.
  ♥  ♦ Y'raos Nuhn - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun Chee met at the Quicksand. The two struck an easy friendship through some friendly idle conversation. While gruff, Chee was drawn to him regardless due to his loyalty to his sister, his blunt honesty, as well as good-humor and kindness. If anything, he reminds her of her older brothers. The pair can be seen conversing on occasion, while Y’raos is on “door-guarding” duty. Recent events have lead to the pair reconnecting as old friends, and Chee feeling as if she had gained another much needed older brother.
  ♦   ● Uainah Ianotouta - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. Chee and Uainah have had a complex history. First meeting at the Drowning Wench while conversing with a certain J'tehn Tia, Uainah greeted the then grieving, lonely and immensely shy seeker girl rather warmly, and with a great deal of compassion and openness. Chee had hoped to meet her again. Some time later, they did... Awkwardly enough, while Chee was in a romance with J'tehn Tia. Tempers and jealousies flared, and the two women's relationship was ...soured. Chee knew then she owed an apology, but never had the chance. Recently, Chee met Uainah again, and while weakened from Aether Sickness, Chee offered an apology. Uainah then sought to help the younger woman, healing her through unconventional means. Encouraged by how warm Uainah was, Chee happily now considers the woman a friend.
  ♦   ● Yhen'to Jyakka - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. Friendly, cheerful and hopelessly romantic, Yhen'to's kindness, friendly outlook and honesty appealed to Chee, when the Keeper almost immediately and happily befriended her and her friend Clarke upon the end of a long night tavern-hopping. Yhen'to has the curious and endearing habit of referring to himself as "a wolf", and takes pleasure being a simple man. The two get along well, comparing notes on the pleasures of working as Disciples of the Hands and Land. Chee has not seen the friendly Keeper in quite some time, however...
  ♦   ● Kaito Kumon - An Au Ra Xaela. Chee met this quiet, introspective man purely by chance in the Central Shroud, and the two spent many hours talking into the night. Since then, whenever she encounters him, Chee is drawn to him, considering the Au Ra a friend. They get along fairly well.
  ♦   ● Cy'xanne Tora - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun, and a former Nunh. This man has a sense of calm, compassion and an acceptance of life. First meeting each other at the Quicksand, sharing an interest over Chee's cat, the two remained friends. They recently met again during a date auction event, and Cy'xanne was saddened to learn of Chee's recent tragedies. As such, he made it a point to help her move past the pain. Chee finds the older Seeker a much-needed friend, of whom grants solid advice.

Neutral Relations

  ? Branna'a Ianotouta - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon, the First Son of House Ianotouta. The two met while Branna'a was trying to, of all things, break into the Sabotenders Company Estate, looking for his prodigal older sister upon recent developments in his own home tribe. After an initial confrontation, Chee warmed to the Keeper, and the pair fond an easy rapport of mutual empathy. It was enough for her to consider him, in her words, "a friend and a sweet-heart". When Chee and J'siris were made to leave Sabotenders, Branna'a spent his spare time looking for her, and recent developments allowed the two to begin to tentatively draw closer. Sadly, it seems that Branna'a has all but vanished, leaving Chee once again alone, confused and heart-broken.
  ●   ● Gatoli Catoli - A Plainsfolk Lalafell. She met him at the Velvet Rose during an Open talent Show night, Chee was surprised to learn that Gatoli was a friend of Destiney's. Since then, the two met again with Gatoli now under employ as the Butler and Caretaker of the Delvanguard Estate. Flirtatious, polite and friendly, Chee would consider the lalafell a future friend in the making.
  ●   ● Jellal Asiha - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun. Chee and Jellal met in the Quicksand, and quickly the conversation turned right into that of tools, crafting, clockwork and goldsmithing. Having found kindred spirits in 'talking shop', the two decided to go an adventure, in a trip to Mor Dhona together. The pair get along well, and Chee considers the more reclusive Miqo'te a firm future friend.
  ●   ● Zhilan Rothwell - A Dunesfolk Lalafell. This older woman is an investigator of oddities and a talented mage. She and Chee struck up a friendly conversation and the two women got along well. When Chee mentioned her home recent invasion, a concerned Zhilan sent her apprentice, Ehna, to help Chee lay down the groundwork for future security. Chee hopes to see Zhilan again, thank her, and even assist the Lalafell as needed.
  ●   ● Ehan Zhwan - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. The girl is the apprentice of Zhilan Rothwell, a warrior-in-training and a fellow investigator and mage-int-training. She was the one who helped Chee lay down protective magical wards in her home. In turn, Chee offered to assist Ehna in martial training in the future.
  ●   ● Ryslo Suramlo - A Dunesfolk Lalafell. Eloquent, charming and friendly, Chee met Ryslo during a Starlight Ball, and the two became fast friends, happily spending the evening in each other's company. They'll meet again, Chee's pretty certain of it.
  ●   ● Raniall Lightstone - A Midlander Hyur. A Lieutenant of the Immortal Flames, he is always accompanied by his faithful hound, "Captain Hammer". Upon Chee's pet cat having a fearful and aggressive outburst in defense of her master against Erijow, and later intervening during Erijow's break-in and attempted assault of Chee in her own home, the good Lieutenant arrived in the nick of time. He apprehended Erijow, taking her into custody and he and Chee were on cordial relations regarding the case.
  ●   ● Ha'diteya Devmani - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun woman, and an immigrant from Thavniar. The warm, friendly woman made a good impression on Chee, and it was a surprise to find that "Eya" was indeed Cy'xanne's fiancee. Chee and 'Miss Eya' met again, at Cy'xanne and Ha'diteya's Eternal Bonding, with Chee happily giving the couple her blessing.
  ●   ● Kahli D'naar - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun. This shy girl has spotted Chee participating in the Grindstone, and spotted her again in Ul'dah, taking the initiative to approach and basically, well, fangirl(!) over Chee's excellent performance. The two women took to each other very quickly, and Chee basically decided than and there to further befriend the other girl, as Kahli was just too dang cute.
  ●   ● Shido Itsuka - A Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun. Limsan born and bred, the pair met in a tavern based in the Mist, and Shido commissioned Chee for a nice new armored cuirass. Shortly thereafter, the two met again in front of the Quicksand, striking up easy conversation and an easy rapport, sharing some experiences about pursuing a peaceful life versus a life of adventure, moving on to new chapters in life, as well as finding solace from pain. Chee would very much to like meet the Seeker again and be sparring buddies.
  ●   ● Rhio Aldul - A Hyur Highlander woman, though she did mention off-handedly about once being a Miqo'te. Sturdy, with an air of hard-worn experience and steadiness, Chee and Rhio met at a Date Auction event, the two women being auctioned off dates. Chee was most disappointed, however, if the way the events of the evening turned out, hoping for new love or new chances, and simply hurting. Sensing the young woman's distress, Rhio took Chee out to share a drink, offering advice and much-needed compassion and perspective in the way only a another woman with similar experiences can. Chee hopes to meet Rhio again.
  ●   ●  ♥ Cade Baneblade - A Hyur Midlander. Easy-going, charming and a flirt, they met at the Sword and Skillet one night, quite happily spending the evening flirting before spending the the night together - a pleasant experience for the both of them. She hasn't really seen him, but occasional run-ins have been friendly and good-natured.
  ●   ● Elza Fairhan - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon. Following an unfortunate incident involving a stolen kiss at a Starlight Gathering, Elza initially appeared to be a romantic rival, and their first meeting as awkward at best. A chance meeting at Camp Bronze Lake, however, allowed the two women to reconcile, share stories and even begin the making of a friendship. The two women also share a similar temperament, and a mutual admiration. As such, Chee would happily call Elza a friend… However, she hadn't seen the Keeper Girl in a very long time...

Negative Relations

  ♠  ♠  ● Erijow Lanverlais - A Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon woman. The two met by chance at the Quicksand, and soon, Erijow began acting very strangely towards Chee - flirting with her and attempting to invade the other woman's space. Chee's loyal pet cat, Mercedes, began to grow violent and fear, drawing the attention of a nearby Immortal Flames officer and an off-duty Stone Torch, chasing the Erijow away. Later, Erijow, had broken into Chee's home and attempted to assault the Seeker. Only the timely intervention of Lieutenant Randiall Lightstone, the Officer from before, had saved Chee from further harm. The event has left Chee fearful and isolated, even with Erijow (as far as she knows) safely in custody.
  ♠  ♠  ✖ Gekile Longstride - Deceased. A Midlander Hyur of whom Chee sensed was trouble. Her gut instinct was right, as the man kidnapped her friend Elza, and Chee fiercely challenged him in an attempted rescue. After a brief and closely-matched duel, Chee was injured, Gekile fled, and the rest of Elza's friends had to continue their rescue attempt without her. She hates the man, for not only wounding her pride and body, but also kidnapping a dear friend, frightening the man she loved, and tormenting a woman she had come to befriend and respect through the course of her life. New information revealed that both he and Delmina had a long, difficult and tragic history, that would only end in the loss of life. Gekile Longstride eventually met his end in a final, bloody confrontation.




The following is a collection of OOC notes, trivia bits, RP Hooks and otherwise.

RP Hooks

  • She almost always has her ever-loyal Coeurl Kitten, Mercedes, with her. The little kitty goes where she goes most of the time, providing a source of comfort, companionship and occasional laughter.
  • Chee has an unusually long and very fluffy tail for a Seeker. Seriously, it’s stupidly fluffy. Think on the level of a Maine Coon or Turkish Angora cat. That level of fluffy.
  • Chee is a very reserved and quiet person and she tends to be a “wallflower”, even when she intends to be social.
  • Chee can be seen journaling or sketching. She may also be seen tinkering with something.
  • Due to her strong sense of justice and compassion, Chee may offer a listening ear, should one wish it.
  • Chee is an observant person, and she may approach upon seeing an open “hook”.
  • Chee is a Free Paladin, IC. She may use that in certain situations, or during battle scenes.
  • Chee maybe seen playing with an old coin. She likes collecting those.

What I Will RP:

  • General RP
  • Character-based/Plot-Line RP: I love character-based stories and long-term plot-lines! :D
  • Slice-of-Life RP: Ordinary, quiet moments and slice-of-life adventures in-between the grand epic "greatest tales never told" RP are great! :D

Will I Will RP, But Ask First:

  • Mature Themes. I’m open to most things, as long as you brief me via OOC tells or otherwise before, during or after a session. If anything, I welcome mature themes.
  • Injuries/Torture. I'm mean to my baby, and I occasionally like testing her limits. Injuries, fights/duels or torture scenes are fine, but I would before a little bit of OOC briefing, and if I feel uncomfortable, I may ask for a "fade-to-black", or implications. This includes temporary imprisonment, physical, mental or emotional injuries that can be recovered from given an appropriate amount of time, etc.

Will I Will RP, With Very Strict Boundaries - Communication is an Absolute Must!:

  • Romantic RP. Being a romantic at heart, I'm a fan of romance subplots, and love using such plots in my own works and story-telling. That being said, I' have recently come out of two failed Romantic RP plots of which everything that did go wrong, had gone wrong, and all parities involved have been hurt. I will only Romance RP if both players can agree to it OOC, if the characters "click", and if both players agree to communicate, collaborate and be willing to do some light pre-planning or retcons, and negotiate if there are problems. For sake of my own sanity and mental health, I ask to please respect those boundaries.
  • ERP RP. Please see above for Romantic RP. As much as I do enjoy the occasional roll-in-the-hay, I reserve the right to decline or ask to 'fade-to-black' or time-skips. I will only ERP if both players can agree to it OOC, if the characters "click", and if both players agree to communicate, collaborate and be willing to do some light pre-planning or retcons, and negotiate if there are problems. For sake of my own sanity and mental health, I ask to please respect those boundaries.

What I will NOT RP:

  • Lore-breaking. The occasional bit of lore-bending is fine, as meta, characters and stories change and grow. And I adore enjoy lore-friendly theory-crafting and head canons! :D That being said, let's try to be as consistent to game-lore as possible.
  • Death/Disablement/Maiming of my character or another. There can be injuries or fights/duels, but I draw the line at crippling injuries, disfigurements or death, unless I specifically agree before a session that such injuries or perma-death is ok. The same standard applies for rape/sexual assault, or long-term imprisonment.


FFXIV Tumblr Blog (IC and OOC; general)
FFXIV Lodestone
Art Blog (Multi-Fandom and Original)

Fun Stuff and Trivia

  • Chee's real name, J'baste, was derived from the Egyptian Goddess, Bastet. (Also Bast or Ubasti). True to her character, Bastet was a protector Goddess, of whom defended the hearth, home, and women and children. In some variations of mythology, she battled Ra's mortal enemy, Apep, and lulled the Goddess of War, Sehkmet, to sleep with enchanted wine. Described as a loving "most precious and sweet" goddess, Bastet was also considered to be the Goddess of Music, Joy, Fertility, Love, Dance, Cats (duh), and interestingly enough, perfume. Mythology!
  • Chee was never meant to be an RP character, hence her very non-lore...ish name. Childhood nickname. Problem solved.
  • Chee's core backdrop as an adventurer and craftswoman mirrors my own PVE experiences, as does her combat abilities. She's always meant to be a neutral good, very sweet and very loving "Paragon Shepard" sort of character.
  • Chee has terrible luck in battle scenes, it seems. She just can't win a proper fight, even with excellent rolls. She has a tendency of starting off very well, but then flopping over like the fail-bug she is. Poor goober!
  • Associated Music: Blue Rose - Brunuhville, Newgrange - Celtic Woman, Angel of War - Brunuhville, Carry Me - Eurielle, Rescue Me - Eurielle Now you know.

About the Player

  • I absolutely adore lore-friendly theory-crafting, head canons and meta about both characters, plots, general lore and besides, and I may try to incorporate such ideas into my rp sessions. That said, I will try to be as lore-friendly or lore-consistent as possible.
  • I've been heavily involved in the fandom communities for art and solo-writing (primarily fanfiction) for many, many years. While no stranger to character development and story-telling, I consider myself relatively inexperienced in RP in-general (1 year thus far), and I do prefer having more ooc briefing or communication. I tend to see RP as two (or more!) co-authors writing a story, more than anything else, so please bear with me as I continue to navigate the wild-west story-telling that is RP.
  • I am terribly shy, as well as a curmudgeon when it comes to RP. I'm slow to trust people, and as much as I do enjoy RP, I must insist on strict boundaries. If you're not certain, please ask me. I'm also terrified of asking people, so please let me know it's okay to ask you for RP, and please feel free to ask me! I also prefer being able to schedule set times and dates, setting, etc. for RP sessions, give or take schedules.


Templates used to create this profile come from Deirdre Ta'ea, T'shina Vashka, and Rihxo Matoi. Relationship color keys are derived from D'lyhhia Lhuil and Lucile Townsend. All credit goes to them! :D