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Revision as of 00:19, 18 August 2018


Insert some Aedida-esc quote here

Divider WW.gif


Vital Information









Other Statistics









General Information
Hair & Eyes


Physique & Markings


Hygiene & Attire






Philosophy & Mannerisms



Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: TBA
Above Average: TBA
Average: TBA
Low: TBA
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: TBA
Expert: TBA
Average: TBA
Novice: TBA
Weapon Training
Mastery: TBA
Expert: TBA
Average: TBA
Novice: TBA
Combat Relevant Skills
High: TBA
Above Average: TBA
Average: TBA
Low: TBA
Non-Combat Abilities
Combat Abilities
OOC Note
WIP | Grindstone score: Battles Won: 0 / Battles Lost: 0 / Overall Victories: 0

Disclaimer: Anything written here are things that have occurred in-character, pre-written history and are heavy spoilers. Proceed with caution after reading this information and roleplaying! Any and all forms of meta-gaming with such information without gained through RP will be cause for immediate cut in communication until further notice.
Sixth Astral Era
Lessons With Yarzons
Pic if desired


Seventh Umbral Era
Journal Entry: 00


In the beginning of the seventh Umbral era the unthinkable happened. Fire rained down from the sky, as if the world were falling apart right before us. The chaos of the great primal Bahamut surrounded us; and for a second I thought we had already perished and by some cruel fate of Hydaelyn, we were sent to hell.

“What have we done to deserve this,” I whispered out, being carried away into a non-ablaze section of the woods.

A mere fifteen turns of age, it was almost like a nightmare, a sick dream. Just suns, moons, turns before...nothing could have shown something like this happening. Tensions with the Garleans had grown with the alliance, but such events of that of a primal summoning were not even thoughts of mine… they didn’t matter to us.

I spent those longs days, within the woods of the Shroud, studying and collecting herbs and bugs with Corbin. My brother, my best friend, the only person who ever gave me the time of day; probably not because he wanted to, but because if he didn’t who would? It was selfish, but that didn’t change that I loved every moment I was with him. Enjoying those days, never did I think they would become distant memories so soon. If I had known I would have cherished them longer.

“Rin, sit here. Sit still and stay here, please,” Corbin breathed out haggardly, coughing from the suffocating air. “CJ, don’t go, don’t leave me here,” I gripped onto him for dear life, crying out like I typically did. Though this time I had an excuse, this time I had a reason to cry. I wasn’t ready to let him go…

What if I never saw him again?

“We can still get away, maybe we can run far enough, maybe-” I stop short, choking on my own dry throat. I sobbed out some more as he struggled to pry my hands off of him. “We were going to get ourselves a baby behemoth… we can still do it… maybe this will all…”

Carina!” he shook me frustratingly

Why was he doing this, why did he want to leave me...

I knew why... I knew why he wanted to go back...

“There are people suffering, and people who are dying. Lots of people. Someone has to help them,” he holds onto my shoulders tightly, I could see the fear in his eyes, “I need you to understand that I have to do this,” he leans down, kissing my forehead softly, then staring at me with despair, “sitting around crying... it won’t fix anything, it won’t change what’s happening.” Taking the glasses off his face, he peels my weakened hold off of him, and places them in my hands, wrapping my fingers gently around them. “Hold on to these for me okay, I promise you I’ll come back for them,” he smiles bitterly, as though part of him knew that was a promise he couldn’t keep. As if he knew it was the only thing that I would hold onto. “I promise, I’ll see you again,” I watched dazed, as he stood off and ran off. Before I had a second to latch back onto him, he was running back down to where the homes used to stand. I tried screaming out to him, for him to come back. What would he do if he couldn’t see clearly, if I hadn’t been so upset… if I hadn’t cried so much… he wouldn’t have given them to me to hold onto.

Watching it all burn to nothing was the hardest part.

I ran back in, as if there was anything I could do…

I had to take him back, I couldn’t leave him there to…

The flames surrounding me flared at my skin, biting me harshly and leaving painful marks.

I never did find him.

Eventually I succumbed to the heat. The unbearable suffering of my own skin feeling as though it were melting off my bones.

Would it be over soon?

Carina R.

Journal Entry: 01

What seemed like years was only a month or so when I awoken to find myself in the care of a shelter. After the fall, and the disappearance of the great beast, it is said people came together to help one another in this catastrophe.

I couldn’t care either way.

He isn’t with me, and I am alone.


My long hair, singed off from the flames of that bastard monster. My skin that was once so clear, other than the small freckles from the sun kissing me, was now destroyed.

It should have been me.

He was… no he is stronger than me, why would this happen to him, why would he do this... why would he leave me.

What am I saying… he said he would come back to me. He said he would see me again. He would never just abandon me, I just have to be patient.

It’s been fourteen months. I’ve been here wasting my life away instead of out there looking for him, what would he say if he saw me like this?

What would he think?

No, I can’t let him see me like this, I am better than this. When he sees me again, I will be what I wanted to be. The greatest alchemist in all of Eorzea! I will find out how to kill the vile creature Bahamut, damn him! Things will be different, I will not be the same person I was…

I will live just as he would have, I will not let what he stood for go down with that creature. He is better than that.


I wonder if he ever found her. I wonder if he held her in his arms during the end.

-Carina R.

In Recent Times

Journal Entry: 02

It has been nearly six years since the Calamity has struck, since the Battle of Carteneau happened and the great beast Bahamut appeared and was brought down.

Nearly six years since I lost him. Corbin. My brother. My first love.

Months and months ago I may have never been able to admit such a thing to myself. Lost in a sea of denial and pain, I wished to believe there was still a way for my dear brother to still be with me. The one whom I loved, and who loved me so. Who took care of me and gave up everything to make sure I was happy and safe.

Holding on was so much more painful than finally letting him go. Even with Joseph by my side, there was no way I would have been able to have accomplished such a thing on my own.

I found myself a new family, people also broken and rough around the edges, meeting half-way to be there for one another. I had watched them from afar, and over time I found myself joining them.

It put off my plans to journey around Eorzea, but alas I am only twenty years of age. There are still many moons ahead of me to explore every mysterious and wondrous aspect of life.

In time before finding them and after, I have suffered through much, gained a great deal, and found myself both happier and sadder than I have ever felt in my life.

It is truly remarkable.

After I had recovered enough strength to leave the shelter I was in, months after that terrible day, I returned back to stay with my aunt Muriella. I had only spent time with her a few days in the past, often for outings with our parents or if she ever came to visit us. She would bring me gifts and treat me well, and so I thought she was family I could trust and confide in.

The suffering she wrought on me for three grueling years was, indescribable. Her business and actions are less than pure to say the least.

No... here in these pages is the freedom to speak how I truly felt and feel.

That woman is pure evil.

I had learned in my time with her why Corbin had taken me from my parents all those years ago and ran. Why he told me I was nothing but a tool to them and not to trust others who wanted me for my magic.

The magic I can no longer cast.

It still brings me great sorrow, but it seems it is both a blessing and a curse. I did not survive the burning hell of the Calamity by chance; and with that grace came these years of hurt, of learning how to be an alchemist to substitute what I lost, of living alone.

I managed to escape my Aunts grasp for some time, her disgust and disappointment in my new face and lack of magical abilities brought her sadistic fist upon me with great force. It was then that I managed upon my new company.

I really did not think much of this place, of the Infirmary I eventually built here with the empty dreams I used to have of being a healer, someone who saved lives. I made unlikely friends, some annoyances as well, but even some company is better than nothing at all.

I met him.

I was very reluctant at first with my kindness, even then while still under the influence of my tonics. He was a rather rude and terrible person to be around. Foul to others and myself, and violent as well.

Over time I got to be with him, whenever small moments he was at the company home, I could see there was something more behind those thorns he wrapped around himself.

And while those thorns made me bleed as I reached in to learn more, I wanted so desperately to be a hand for him to hold during whatever he was suffering from. I knew pain, and if I could not save a hundred lives.

Perhaps I could at least help one.

Things changed, I learned a great deal about him, some words we spoke I wish to keep in my heart than write here. I felt that by some strange event I had found a friend.

And just like all good things to come to me, he eventually suffered at the hands of my Aunt, at my expense.

Something even now I don’t feel I can truly forgive myself for letting happen.

No longer can I hear his voice, who while pierced others and even myself, also brought kindness and saved me from taking my own life.

But even so this changes nothing. Whether I can hear him or not, it changes nothing.

If anything this loss has brought us closer, something not even I could have ever dreamed of.


I think I understand now, how Corbin felt when he went back into the fire for her.

For the person I knew he loved more than me, for the person he wanted to hold and be with till the end.

I know because I would do the same. I would return to the fire and take from my Aunt what she stole from me and what she stole from him.

Could I have said the same Corbin, to you? I loved, I tried, but with him...

I would have bitten the flames till my bitter end if it meant I could hold him another day.

I know you understand that.

Thank you, for your love brother.

And for you and me. For him, and my new family,

I won’t run from my fears anymore.

Thank you for giving me this time to learn and experience.

I just hope that in the time we were together that the smiles you gave me were real.

I know mine were.

Carina & Joseph

Journal Entry: 03
Despite this being my personal journal, it appears I do not write in this thing until after significant events. Thus writing in it it seemed warranted.

I have been home away from Eorzea for a year now, having travelled to a strange world known as Vana’diel in order to become a Beastmaster.

The reasoning behind this journey was a simple one, but one that most do not realize. When my now dear friend Saiya had come to Eorzea on her first trip, that being a short lived one to my dismay, she had informed me that my relationship with Joseph put me on levels of that of a natural Beastmaster.

Striking my curiosity, I pried into the matter, wanting to know of what it took and meant to be this “Beastmaster”.

Not surprisingly sticking close to the name, it is quite simply means how it is read: one who masters beasts.

Even to my surprise however, it is never so simple as to just master a beast, and so I wished to go to where I could learn this properly.

The details on how I came to arrive in Vana’diel are convoluted indeed, and better to not write on paper, but I did make it there by a stroke of fate. Upon my arrival, it took the party I was accompanied with three days to arrive in San D’Oria. This place reminds me quite a bit of Coerthas’s Ishgard, although not quite as cold and snowy. The people there are just the same, xenophobia seems to run strong with the Elezen of all places. When there I was introduced to a man known as Hitokiri, who proceeded in being my instructor for physical combat and mental training until my time to venture out and learn the trade of mastering beasts on my own.

I had met my friend Saiya again as well, after having not seen her for a short while, and although she did not know who I was, and was rather rude, I was happy to see she was well.

Staying within a member of my current party's home for perhaps a month, I had become accustomed to the strangeness of this land and had already grew more in my training. Roegadyn with tails, and not a single female one in sight.

Male Mithra seemed to be but a myth.

It was strange indeed, but I became used to the fact that this place, although similar, was also very different from Eorzea.

Along this year, my party had decided to take a trip to a city called Kahzam, located in a jungle. It was a wild trip, that opened my eyes to many possibilities of… perhaps freeing myself of my sufferings. Over the past two years, back in Eorzea, while my relationship with Serick and new found home did bring me happiness… I still was at a lost with peace. As though my mind could not physically move on from a single point in time.

That statement not being too far from the actual truth.

My time there was spent mostly training with Hitokiri, journeying through the jungle and some attempting to swim. I didn’t quite succeed, but at least I managed not to drown. The ship ride home was pleasant enough, though as usual I did not get much sleep. Sleep never did come easy to me.

The month passing the trip, I continued living within my party’s home. Saiya typically never appreciated my sleeping in the corner of her room, but I was just happy to see her alive and well. When I wasn’t inside the home, I had branched out to work more with the beasts outside the city, although even then my own personal motivation lacked tremendously.

Without professional help, I was unlikely to get far in these endeavors. Most days upon returning back to the house I typically would sit outside and rest in the yard. It was less cramped there, and when I looked up into the day or night sky, it often reminded me of back home in Eorzea. I suppose despite the world's differences, they were never too far apart.

In time I was offered to come live with Hitokiri, where he offered to continue training me. While I had no desire in becoming a Samurai, such as himself, I could see there were things to be learned in his teachings. Not wishing to be a burden upon Saiya and her partner, I went to live with him.

Our time spent together was certainly pleasant indeed. While I might come to say the man is handsome and kind, and in time came to help me a great deal… it was best the two of us stayed on a relationship that was neutral. For as much as I came and have come to care about him, he will always be a dear friend to me. That in which I never want to see broken.

There came a time when, my travels to Vana’diel began to erode on my memory. In time, Eorzea started becoming but a faint dream, I having to be constantly reminded that that was not my home. It hurt a part of me, to know I was forgetting where I truly came from. A part of me knew it was not normal, that something wasn’t right. Perhaps coming to a place where my skin was washed clean of burns, like a new slate, buried the horrid memories of Eorzea.

And yet I still remembered some things. I still could not sleep in a bed. I still was haunted by those nightmares, every night. Watching as Corbin ran from me, feeling the skin burning off my bones. Something was not right. Hito grew concerned for my wellbeing. He knew from the start I was prone to impulsive and destructive behaviour, but in light of my forgetfulness is grew increasingly worse. Sleep came less, as did any sort of appetite. I did not know which was worse? Forgetting who and where I came from, or slowly killing myself from the sheer sadness of it all.

The only things that jogged my memory, were these journal pages, these writings to remind myself of the place I come from.

I was a mess.

An a mess my then instructor fought to help at any cost. Bringing a friend of his, Lady Myrrdral, a Scholar Lala… Taru woman. After studying me for some time she informed me that I was brimmed full of corrupted aether, something that only by the small grace of Hydaelyn… or whatever god resides there, I was some how able to survive. It was clear though that it would not last, unused to such physically exhausting training, my body was draining. Unless something was done with this aether corrupting me, I would surely die. All that kept me going was my life spark, the single drop of life that allowed me to hold to my will. To my soul.

I did not wish to suffer anymore, I did not wish to be plagued by nightmares or to watch myself wither away. I wished to be strong! For Joseph. For Corbin! For Serick…

For Hito.

I didn’t want him to be alone again. Not again… when I first saw his home. A state of disarray, no love no warmth. It broke my heart.

I was his family, I didn’t wish to fall so easily. And so it was decided, Myrrdral assisted in making me rest in a bed, much to my own dismay before using a crystal known as Magicite to extract the aether. While in theory doing such too quickly would end in the taking of a person's life quite easily, it was done over hours… as the normal flow of Vana’diels aether flowed into me, replenishing what was lost in time with clear clean aether.

The dreams I had that night were not only the most horrifying, but also the most satisfying. I finally grasped my peace.

At least for then.

I still remember the sea that surrounded my boat, the stars above my head as they reflected down on the pitch ocean water.

I wondered how many other worlds there must be, how many other people to meet and explore... there was still so much for me to explore here.

And I couldn't wait to take part in it.


Relationship Status Legend
These are ordered from better to worse standing, not alphabetically! All assigned music is supposed to be taken from Carina's perspective and not the players!

❤️ Partner
🌷 In-Love
🌱 Romantic Feelings
Physical Attraction
💔 Former Partner
🥀 Erstwhile Love
🍂 Away

? Unknown


Character Relationships
Close Relationships
200px|frameless|left Text here

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Rumour here." — Rumour Monger.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Rumour here." — Rumour Monger.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Rumour here." — Rumour Monger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section. Remember, some of these may be true, untrue or greatly exaggerated! Please try not to be innappropriate when writing PC rumors or they will be removed.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of there are more rare than others. Please ask character or the one who said the rumor before using.
"Rumor text." — Character Name.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Ishgard: High
The Shroud: High-Moderate
Thanalan: Moderate
La Noscea: Low
Calamity Sites: Moderate
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
City-State, Region or Organization: De'bayle Household
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

Joseph: Carina nearly always has her beast with her. It should be assumed that if Joseph is not with her, it is probably for a good reason.

Important note: Please never take control of Joseph as an NPC without my permission. There are people who do this. Joseph is not friendly and he does not like your character, so please don't say he does. If you put your hands near him or try to touch him, it is almost guaranteed unless you're a child, that he will attempt to bite you. So prepare your /random if your character is taking that risk.

Her Satchel: Sometimes seen on a certain glamour, Carina is assumed to always have a satchel on her at all times. Within the satchel is usually her alchemy journal, personal journal, and typically potions of many sorts.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask. It is also important to note that anything and all things that happen in RP are to stay in RP. I do not mind being friends with you OOC, but please keep in mind that the way Carina feels is not how I feel. My characters are not me, they are just that: characters. Any further advances despite my describing these actions to be uncomfortable or inappropriate will result in immediate break of communication. My timezone is EST. And I am available most of any time as my work schedule is typically from the a.m to the late afternoon.


✓ Long-term Roleplay.

✓ Combat Roleplay.

✓ Children Roleplay.

✓ Organic romances.

✓ Sexual tension/actions.

✓ Slice-of-Life Roleplay.

✓ Paragraph Roleplay.


● Final Fantasy XI mixed roleplay. I know this can be a bit iffy with some people, but I am certainly very willing to indulge in it so long as everyone involved is on the same page.

Please Note: Any and all of Carina's XI involved lore is generally kept very hidden from people ICly. Other than that she titles herself a Beastmaster, she will not be going around talking on about her adventures in public places. This part of her lore is complicated and heavily built, therefore it is not something commonly spread around unless I personally know you the player better.

● Character Maiming.

● Any sort of heavy kinks your character may or may not enjoy; while I am certainly not against surprising Carina, I would rather avoid anything serious like her suddenly having her arm being bitten off.

● Prior friendship/romance planning OOC. While this is leaning more toward the "I'd rather not do this" I do make exceptions for a good enough reason. However though I strongly prefer organic friendships that build over time, rather than forced by writing.

● Lore-bending. So long as the lore is still intact, bend to your hearts content. After all, most characters wouldn't be all that interesting without stepping out a bit into deeper waters. Carina herself bends lore in a lot of aspects, however I try to keep things as lore-friendly as possible. Anything that may stretch outside that realm, should be saved for private RP sessions and not in open public RP areas.


× Strictly ERP that is outside of organic plot growth. My character can and will ERP if the situation is put there, but she will not ERP with just any person that comes up and asks her.

× Permanent character death unless asked of by myself. If you ask to kill my character, the answer will be no, always. No matter the situation they're in, I decide when they're ready to go.

× I will not indulge in or associate myself with characters that publicly and blatantly break lore. No 'The' Warrior of Light characters (this does not include warrior of light characters, they simply can not be the placeholder of the derplander who is directly involved in the MSQ.), or any heavy relations (Wife/husband, siblings, etc.) to primals or notorious NPC's. This also applies to: most if not all the mage jobs minus perhaps Black Mage and Astrologian. No Azure Dragoons. No people proclaiming themselves to be a notorious figure themselves (leader of a well-known clan ex. U'clan) No heavily open voidsent characters. Does this mean I won't play with people involving themselves with or who are possessed by voidsent, no, but if you walk into the Quicksand looking and openly speaking about how you're a voidsent, expect for me to most likely avoid you.

An exception to this rule: If you have a well rounded character that can explain with reason why they have the job they have (minus White Mage/Azure Dragoon) then I am more willing to be accepting of it.

RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. For heavier, long-term RP, our characters would have to get to know each other better, prior to meeting. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm running PvE/PvP content or simply just AFK.
■ Joseph
■ Her Scars
■ Her association with House De'bayle

House De'bayle

Open Handbook

House de Bayle is an Ishgardian themed Free Company revolving around a Minor House being brought up by a large family. If you are interested in joining the House, feel free to contact Hestia|Carina de Bayle/Astrelle de Bayle/Rageant Lacordaire/ Cinnabar Prentice in game for more details. Typically on the look out for new people, HDB shoots mostly for Hyurs and Elezen. While other races can be accepted, it is much harder and you will find getting RP within the FC to be difficult.

You can find all information regarding the FC on the site. The site is distributed to character ICly as the House's handbook, so we highly suggest if you are to make your characters know of the knowledge within this book, that they have a justified reason for such. If you wish to avoid conflict with such, the best thing to do is to contact the officers above for questions in regards to the handbook.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Notes
● There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.

● All edited photos are done by myself and anything under the personal artwork tab as well. I do accept payment for edited photos and art.

● Player timezone is NA East coast, UTC−05:00.

● Player is over 18 years old.

Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ Carina's age has progressed from 20 years old to 23 due to otherworldly lore interaction | 2016.
■ Any images of Carina without her burns are not errors, but explained ICly.
■ Carina and Hitokiri had a romantic partnership. This has since been retconned for personal reasons.
Out-of-Character Information
KHMarie | Battle Classes: Level 70 Scholar, Bard - Hand & Land Classes: Level 60 Alchemist, Leatherworker, Weaver - Level 60 Botanist.| Leader of Free Company: House De'bayle and the Linkshell Scherzo De Notte.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Break the Cutie
Stepford Smile
Grew a Spine
Took a Level in Badass

Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified January 2018.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
■ Other alterations by KHMarie
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