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(The change of heart.)
(Follow the heart:)
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'''''Artorias Mason,''''' if he is the first, or not. He does not know. He was an orphan for as long as he can remember. At age 17, Artorias found a beautiful young woman. Her name: '''''Angel Mason.''''' History of her is unkown. for any record's of her perished during the Calamity. Artorias married young, he soon found himself a father to a son. '''''Gabriel Mason'''''. He had saved up enough gil, to buy them a house on the outskirt's of Erozea. At that time, it was the closest he was to the three major city's, he never went to any of them, all he cared for was being with his wife and son. Relativly a year before the calamity, Garlean forces had come to spread slowly, without alerting the three cities. Artorias was out hunting that day. As he returned from hunting, his house was set aflame, along with the execution of his wife and son. He never found out why. But all he knew is that it was '''''Gaius von Baelsar '''''who had commited the act. From that day, Artorias strove with vengance and hate in his hear, he trained effortlessly with sword's, two handed axe's, and spear's. Not knowing if he could even do such a fool's errend. He set off to the three cities in hope's of besting his skill's in order to get pay back. That hatred he had growing in his heart changed him, He had become the thing he alway's hated. The enemy. Shortly as he began his hand-to-hand training in Ul'Dah, me met '''''Caen Jabari,''''' and '''''Garrett Slater'''''. That day, he had gained possible allies. As he trained to perfect his skill's in CQC, event's unfolded, he then met'''''Kelvena Agapor''''' she reminded him so much of his past wife, he spilt his emotion's, and she was so unsure. He shortly after met '''''Julius Vermillion, '''''Where the two worked together, training together, in hope's of becoming stronger. Julius followed a different path, He followed the path of the Warrior. While Artorias chose to stick with his knowing of CQC, the two moved away from each other slowly. As Garrett, Caen, Kelvena, and Artorias became friend's, the group was formed....
'''''Artorias Mason,''''' if he is the first, or not. He does not know. He was an orphan for as long as he can remember. At age 17, Artorias found a beautiful young woman. Her name: '''''Angel Mason.''''' History of her is unkown. for any record's of her perished during the Calamity. Artorias married young, he soon found himself a father to a son. '''''Gabriel Mason'''''. He had saved up enough gil, to buy them a house on the outskirt's of Erozea. At that time, it was the closest he was to the three major city's, he never went to any of them, all he cared for was being with his wife and son. Relativly a year before the calamity, Garlean forces had come to spread slowly, without alerting the three cities. Artorias was out hunting that day. As he returned from hunting, his house was set aflame, along with the execution of his wife and son. He never found out why. But all he knew is that it was '''''Gaius von Baelsar '''''who had commited the act. From that day, Artorias strove with vengance and hate in his hear, he trained effortlessly with sword's, two handed axe's, and spear's. Not knowing if he could even do such a fool's errend. He set off to the three cities in hope's of besting his skill's in order to get pay back. That hatred he had growing in his heart changed him, He had become the thing he alway's hated. The enemy. Shortly as he began his hand-to-hand training in Ul'Dah, me met '''''Caen Jabari,''''' and '''''Garrett Slater'''''. That day, he had gained possible allies. As he trained to perfect his skill's in CQC, event's unfolded, he then met'''''Kelvena Agapor''''' she reminded him so much of his past wife, he spilt his emotion's, and she was so unsure. He shortly after met '''''Julius Vermillion, '''''Where the two worked together, training together, in hope's of becoming stronger. Julius followed a different path, He followed the path of the Warrior. While Artorias chose to stick with his knowing of CQC, the two moved away from each other slowly. As Garrett, Caen, Kelvena, and Artorias became friend's, the group was formed....
= Follow the heart: =
Artorias now, knowing that he loved Suri, never left her side. On night's they were alone, he would act, childish almost, but nervouse. Suri would not see it for the longest time until the night Artorias kissed her. Artorias knew that in doing this, he would confuse her but...he couldn't help it. He had come to love someone more than ever. Artorias knew Suri liked Juste for a while, but never did he see Juste act in that way in return, or make any moves on her. "Follow....the heart..." is something Artorias would say often to Suri in hope's to try and help her come to a decision. So, Artorias followed Suri around everywhere. At night, he would act childish agian, showing his true emotion's, he kissed her several time's over the course of a few week's. Suri was suprised each time, and tried to tell Artorias she dosent know how she feel's back.They have an argument, where it end's with Suri grabbing Artorias and kissing him, angierly. "The more and more you are here, with me. The more I forget about Juste, and the more you come to mind..." she was torn, and hurt. As event's went on, the two still unsure how this will end. They visit Costa Del Sol, a paradise on the shore of Limsa. It was short lived, as Artorias spoke about his feelings agian, Telling Suri. "I think You, Juste, and myself need to sit down and talk about this....to come to an end, so everyone can be happy and go on their way's." Suri didn't like that idea, it hurt her. Her blood boiled, and ran off from Artorias, who is now at this point beyong confused. He tried to get a hold of Kelvena seeing if she will hear him out in Limsa. She agree's, and they meet Artorias spill's out everything on how he feel's for Suri, Rhagana show's only to be amazed by how much Artorias just spilt out of his mouth in one breath. As they speak, Kelvena tries to get a hold of Suri, telling her Artorias need's her. As a reply, Artorias only get's a ear full of how angry she really is. Kelvena in suprise, goes and tries to find then talk to Suri....Suri show's but not is all as it seem's. Her sister '''''Liana Blu''''' had shown in her place. Holding an arrow aimed to him, Artorias rises from his seat, provoking Liana, he tell's her to shoot him, he deserves it, As Rhagana watches she rises from her seat, teeling eveyrone to calm down and back off. Liana then tell's  Artorias you destroyed Suri, she's afraid and does not want to ever see him agian. It shoots his heart like an arrow. Liana explain's that she will be around for two day's and by that time, He need's to come to a final answer and choose his word's carefully......
= The word's: =
= The word's: =
So...this is where the event's have currently led. After finally realizing he loved Surillian Blu, he asked for her hand. She was hard to get, he can admit that...But, eventually said yes. "By the twelve...I've done it...I've never been this happy before in my entire life.." something he reminds himself often when he see's her everyday. Event's just have not been the best for Artorias. Fight's have gone wrong, getting almost killed with every job. Then upon one day, Artorias challanged Suri to a training exercise. All seemed well, of course Suri seemed nervous...She didn't like the idea of possibly hurting the man in his life. Throughout the fight she changed, becoming more...Hostile, going quiet. At first Artorias didn't think much of it, maybe that was her way of fighting. Since he has never actually seen her fight. It was always Liana. It turned into a actual fight soon after, Artorias didn't know what was going on, but he needed to stop this. Getting close enough to land a blow to her side, was able to calm her down, thankfully he healed her right after, even with his lack of magic knowledge he know's some healing. Though as he got close, Suri struck his neck with a few dart's. Ignoring them at first, making sure Suri was ok. She spoke as if she was someone else, Not knowing who he was, Artorias got worried but kept talking, eventually She was normal once more. Asking for forgiveness as to what just happened. Of course he forgave her, Though as minutes went on, Artorias felt weird, realizing he was struck with a dart of some kind, At first Suri calmly said, "Just some poison from Liana when she used to use these...Oh god's, Artorias!" was the last thing he herd, collapsing onto her, he felt his life leaving him, never has he been poisoned before not knowing how to fight it, he just couldn't. On the brink of death, Suri gave him an antidote of some kind...but, it seemed too late. His life fading, unable to do anything. Fighting for his life, he almost lost, but in the end. It was Suri's tear's dropping onto him, that sent him back into the fight one more. "Don't..cry...I'm...still here..." coming back to life, barely but alive. He rested for the next few day's, one night they talked, She didn't want him working anymore, "Take a break...please..I can't see you like this...I can keep the gil coming for while...please.." realizing what he has been doing, he didn't think too much of what Suri has been feeling/going through. "Alright...I'll quit work, find something here in the city." she seemed so happy, the day after, he signed up for Armor smith guild. Day's went on, they were both happy but, Suri vanished during the day, even when he looked for her. Until the evening is when he would see her. He eventually though she was just busy. But it was Liana that spilled her hidden secret's to him. "She's a mob boss now?!" Artorias world just got flipped. She said she would stay away from that kind of work. He'd given up his past work, as much as he missed it for her. He loved her more than his work. But, guess she still had secrets. He played it off like he didn't know, until one night Suri told him everything, she expected him to leave her because of it. "No, I will not leave you because of this...your insane if you think I would." so, he said he would help her, stand by her side in this new life he would be entering. "Mob boss...I need to protect her...Mob's never work out right in the end, even if it is ran by her, someone will do something stupid." were his only thoughts on this.
So...this is where the event's have currently led. After finally realizing he loved Surillian Blu, he asked for her hand. She was hard to get, he can admit that...But, eventually said yes. "By the twelve...I've done it...I've never been this happy before in my entire life.." something he reminds himself often when he see's her everyday. Event's just have not been the best for Artorias. Fight's have gone wrong, getting almost killed with every job. Then upon one day, Artorias challanged Suri to a training exercise. All seemed well, of course Suri seemed nervous...She didn't like the idea of possibly hurting the man in his life. Throughout the fight she changed, becoming more...Hostile, going quiet. At first Artorias didn't think much of it, maybe that was her way of fighting. Since he has never actually seen her fight. It was always Liana. It turned into a actual fight soon after, Artorias didn't know what was going on, but he needed to stop this. Getting close enough to land a blow to her side, was able to calm her down, thankfully he healed her right after, even with his lack of magic knowledge he know's some healing. Though as he got close, Suri struck his neck with a few dart's. Ignoring them at first, making sure Suri was ok. She spoke as if she was someone else, Not knowing who he was, Artorias got worried but kept talking, eventually She was normal once more. Asking for forgiveness as to what just happened. Of course he forgave her, Though as minutes went on, Artorias felt weird, realizing he was struck with a dart of some kind, At first Suri calmly said, "Just some poison from Liana when she used to use these...Oh god's, Artorias!" was the last thing he herd, collapsing onto her, he felt his life leaving him, never has he been poisoned before not knowing how to fight it, he just couldn't. On the brink of death, Suri gave him an antidote of some kind...but, it seemed too late. His life fading, unable to do anything. Fighting for his life, he almost lost, but in the end. It was Suri's tear's dropping onto him, that sent him back into the fight one more. "Don't..cry...I'm...still here..." coming back to life, barely but alive. He rested for the next few day's, one night they talked, She didn't want him working anymore, "Take a break...please..I can't see you like this...I can keep the gil coming for while...please.." realizing what he has been doing, he didn't think too much of what Suri has been feeling/going through. "Alright...I'll quit work, find something here in the city." she seemed so happy, the day after, he signed up for Armor smith guild. Day's went on, they were both happy but, Suri vanished during the day, even when he looked for her. Until the evening is when he would see her. He eventually though she was just busy. But it was Liana that spilled her hidden secret's to him. "She's a mob boss now?!" Artorias world just got flipped. She said she would stay away from that kind of work. He'd given up his past work, as much as he missed it for her. He loved her more than his work. But, guess she still had secrets. He played it off like he didn't know, until one night Suri told him everything, she expected him to leave her because of it. "No, I will not leave you because of this...your insane if you think I would." so, he said he would help her, stand by her side in this new life he would be entering. "Mob boss...I need to protect her...Mob's never work out right in the end, even if it is ran by her, someone will do something stupid." were his only thoughts on this.

Revision as of 15:01, 17 July 2014

Ul'dah-transparent.png Artorias Mason
Ffxiv 04262014 153656.png
Gender Male
Race Hyur, Midlander
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 23
Guardian Nald'thal the trader
Namesday 3rd sun of the 3rd umbral moon


Artorias is a young Hyur, he hailed from the lands outside of Erozea, but he can never seem to remember where from. He's a stubborn man who cares for his friends, He'd take the death blow for any of them given the chance without a second thought. He can typically always been seen with Surillian Blu. Hotheaded, though calm alot, he enjoys talking with anyone, but dont press too hard on his past, he tends to come up with stories that will eventually lead off to something completely un related. His hair can be seen mostly kept in a bushy/wild fashion, though he dosent change his style alot, his hair is a dark blue, with what seems like black beneath it. Typically dressed in armor, but ever since he has gotten with Suri, he's seen in more casual clothing, though he has a very small collection of cloths, he might be seen wearing the same outfits days apart.Currently he resides in Limsa along with Suri. As for his spare time, its spent with her, or others. But lately he has started to look more into the use of magic, as he loved his ability to create ice mist from his breath and create small objects. Though he's herd the tales of the ones who walk this path, they fall into the darkness, that consumes all. He won't say anything to Suri yet, for he may drop this idea rather soon, though he might not. Artorias could very well walk the path into the Abyss.."


Artorias is a man of many skill's, in his travels he sought after all the guild's he could, to learn and use everything to his advantage over any enemy he would face. Mostly seen with a sword of some kind, Wherever he is, he has a weapon close at hand, so dont expect him to go down without a fight.

Echo Ability:

Echo Power: Groundbreaking Will

Description: Artorias has always been stubborn beyond belief. Year's of being forced into life or death situation's has force him to build a strong will.

Artorias has been through a lot, most of his past is in shadow's, not even Suri know's of some of the thing's he has done. Though she has softened him to such an extent. After realizing how stubborn he actually was, he's learned to bend the power of time and space, allowing him to appear in any given place he seem's fit. Though under great anger or sadness. It can often send him to worse places. Even in fights, He has been known to take his enemy to out of world places, where only Artorias returns.

Lyric's to a song that can be found in his journal:

I see nothing leading you to your destiny There's nothing leading you back to Where you belonged Fight till death This war makes you alive Never forgive a Shenanigan

No fear no shame, you now beyond the destiny There's nothing pulling you back to Where you belonged Fight till death This war kept you alive Never forgive a Shenanigan

We know Daylight comes after days of war And knights will fight and die for a piece of peace And the darkness went down and wonder Earth cracks and mountains vanish underneath the warrior.

Blow your mind away! Blow your life away! You can't look away! You can't get away! Blow your brain away! Blow your fate away! Don't you know why? A guy like you better be just Oh Yeah!

I see nothing leading you to your destiny There's nothing leading you back to Where you belonged Fight till death This war makes you alive Never forgive a Shenanigan

We know Daylight comes after days of war And knights will fight and die for a piece of peace And the darkness goes down and wonders Skies fall and lightning strikes to the sword of the warrior.

Blow your mind away! Blow your life away! You can't look away! You can't get away! Blow your brain away! Blow your fate away! Don't you know why? A guy like you better be just.

Blow your mind away! Blow your life away! You can't look away! You can't get away! Blow your brain away! Blow your fate away! Don't you get freaked out!


Being around friend's
Training of any sort
Any kind of food.
Being near water, Limsa Lominsia


People talking behind his back.
Being lead on, such as emotion's from someone.
Steak cooked poorly


Training as a blacksmith
Can easily pick up combat based skill's
Make's hand made trinkets
Can be seen often making weird weapons
Create's small objects with ice mist


Favourite Food/Drink: Marmot Steak, with a side of buffalo milk
Favourite Place: Limsa Lominsa, though he is attatched to Ul'Dah
Favorite Weather:Sunrise/Sunset, fog in the air.
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Pet: Mog, his Moogle he found in Gridania.


In love with   Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Julius Vermillion: A stoic young man who grew up in the Abalathian Mountains and uses his Inner Beast to push his body far beyond its intended limitations at the cost of his own vitality. Traveled to the Eorzean City States and grew interested in the Black Mage, Xel Kiritama, before falling under her sway where he remains to this day. Acted as Artorias' mentor for a short while and one of his good friends before departing back to the Mage's side. Recently he gave up his Soul Crystal to Artorias claiming he didn't need it anymore, but it's light fades more with each passing day.

 Surilian Blu : The Miqo'te who stole the heart of Artorias. By the twelve she was perfect. He cared for this Miqo'te with every last drop of his existence. After month's of asking, she finally said yes. Now she will forever be in his life. Recently a master weaver, Artorias find's she still linger's in her past. He's unsure, He's afraid. But he will -not- leave her because of any of this, nor will he let her walk this path alone. .

Caen Jabari: A young miqo'te, so full of life. Him and Artorias met through a event in the Quicksand many sun's ago. Caen is eager to see the world, alway's happy, but has a very troubled past, he has lost his memory of that time. Later down the road, Caen challanged Artorias to a fight. Artorias, still undergoing his training to control the power of the warrior, loses his grip, sending Caen on the brink of death. Artorias fleed, and the two have not seen each other since.

Kelvena Agapor: Artorias's first love after coming to Erozea. A very talanted conjurer, Smart, quick acting, but unsure of her own abilites after event's her healing skill's fail her, only being able to do so much, Artorias spoke down upon her, causing her to doubt herself. She has fallen for Markus Gladeswind, the two soon to open their relationship up to Rhagana, thus the three are now together, Rhagana now with child, Markus goes missing. After month's of searching, they find him. Now all that remains is if the group can ever be normal agian.

Rhagana Doomslayer: A roe, with the ability to control energy of the primal's. A very tall lady, Smart, and fair. She will open her heart to anyone of her friend's.Her and Artorias were once together, but during that time period, Artorias was a very different man. His heart full of regret for not being a better person then. Rhagana is now in a three way relationship with Kelvena and Markus. Now she is with a child. 

Markus Gladeswind: A bard with the talent of singing, along with being able to work with various instruments. He is the boyfriend to Kelvena and Rhagana. Markus and Artorias get along well enough, both lover's of treasure. He has recently gone missing. Information on him during that time is unknown. He has returned, being injured. He now resides in the company of Kelvena and Markus once more..

Aerostein Epitaph: An unusual man, him and Artorias met long ago, and have became good friend's since. He carries a vast amount of burden's of past event's on his shoulder's. Along with star's on his face. Everyone note's those. He care's for Artorias more than Artorias relizes. Recently, Aero has gone missing for week's on end. "What has happend to him?" Artorias wonder's to himself often.

Gospel Gestalt: So very unsure of what to think of this man. Coming out of no where, then quickly offering to split the sister's Suri and Liana into their own bodies without anything in return? Maybe Artorias is just afraid...too many times has this happened, then in the end. It all goes downhill, then people die. This man will not take Suri away from him, nor Liana. A toy maker or 'puppet master" is what Gosepl call's himself. Always wearing a mask from Gridania. Still shrouded in a thick fog, but Artorias still stay's defensive. As time passes, he seems like a descent guy. But some comments and remarks still keep Artorias solid in thought he will do something terrible.

Enemies & Rivals

Garrett Slater: A fellow Paladin, with very nice hair.A man of many skill's. He is a man of word's before he act's. Everyone trust's him and listen's to him more so then other's side of the story. Garrett and Artorias never have been on -equal- footing on thing's. Artorias still hold's Garrett in unsure zone, but he won't forget that they were once friend's. After the event's of Caen Jabari's and Artorias fight. He has warned Artorias further interaction with Caen will result in Artorias death.

 Augustine Frost: Very hotheaded, annoying bastard. He has various skill's just like Garrett and Artorias.Him and Artorias have never gotten along. least to Artorias memory. Augustine bad mouth's everyone, only work's if it's worth the gil. Frost and Slater were once together, the event's causing the split is unkown. Artorias care's very little for Augustine, but consider's him a possible threat.


The Start:

Artorias Mason, if he is the first, or not. He does not know. He was an orphan for as long as he can remember. At age 17, Artorias found a beautiful young woman. Her name: Angel Mason. History of her is unkown. for any record's of her perished during the Calamity. Artorias married young, he soon found himself a father to a son. Gabriel Mason. He had saved up enough gil, to buy them a house on the outskirt's of Erozea. At that time, it was the closest he was to the three major city's, he never went to any of them, all he cared for was being with his wife and son. Relativly a year before the calamity, Garlean forces had come to spread slowly, without alerting the three cities. Artorias was out hunting that day. As he returned from hunting, his house was set aflame, along with the execution of his wife and son. He never found out why. But all he knew is that it was Gaius von Baelsar who had commited the act. From that day, Artorias strove with vengance and hate in his hear, he trained effortlessly with sword's, two handed axe's, and spear's. Not knowing if he could even do such a fool's errend. He set off to the three cities in hope's of besting his skill's in order to get pay back. That hatred he had growing in his heart changed him, He had become the thing he alway's hated. The enemy. Shortly as he began his hand-to-hand training in Ul'Dah, me met Caen Jabari, and Garrett Slater. That day, he had gained possible allies. As he trained to perfect his skill's in CQC, event's unfolded, he then metKelvena Agapor she reminded him so much of his past wife, he spilt his emotion's, and she was so unsure. He shortly after met Julius Vermillion, Where the two worked together, training together, in hope's of becoming stronger. Julius followed a different path, He followed the path of the Warrior. While Artorias chose to stick with his knowing of CQC, the two moved away from each other slowly. As Garrett, Caen, Kelvena, and Artorias became friend's, the group was formed....

The word's:

So...this is where the event's have currently led. After finally realizing he loved Surillian Blu, he asked for her hand. She was hard to get, he can admit that...But, eventually said yes. "By the twelve...I've done it...I've never been this happy before in my entire life.." something he reminds himself often when he see's her everyday. Event's just have not been the best for Artorias. Fight's have gone wrong, getting almost killed with every job. Then upon one day, Artorias challanged Suri to a training exercise. All seemed well, of course Suri seemed nervous...She didn't like the idea of possibly hurting the man in his life. Throughout the fight she changed, becoming more...Hostile, going quiet. At first Artorias didn't think much of it, maybe that was her way of fighting. Since he has never actually seen her fight. It was always Liana. It turned into a actual fight soon after, Artorias didn't know what was going on, but he needed to stop this. Getting close enough to land a blow to her side, was able to calm her down, thankfully he healed her right after, even with his lack of magic knowledge he know's some healing. Though as he got close, Suri struck his neck with a few dart's. Ignoring them at first, making sure Suri was ok. She spoke as if she was someone else, Not knowing who he was, Artorias got worried but kept talking, eventually She was normal once more. Asking for forgiveness as to what just happened. Of course he forgave her, Though as minutes went on, Artorias felt weird, realizing he was struck with a dart of some kind, At first Suri calmly said, "Just some poison from Liana when she used to use these...Oh god's, Artorias!" was the last thing he herd, collapsing onto her, he felt his life leaving him, never has he been poisoned before not knowing how to fight it, he just couldn't. On the brink of death, Suri gave him an antidote of some kind...but, it seemed too late. His life fading, unable to do anything. Fighting for his life, he almost lost, but in the end. It was Suri's tear's dropping onto him, that sent him back into the fight one more. "Don't..cry...I'm...still here..." coming back to life, barely but alive. He rested for the next few day's, one night they talked, She didn't want him working anymore, "Take a break...please..I can't see you like this...I can keep the gil coming for while...please.." realizing what he has been doing, he didn't think too much of what Suri has been feeling/going through. "Alright...I'll quit work, find something here in the city." she seemed so happy, the day after, he signed up for Armor smith guild. Day's went on, they were both happy but, Suri vanished during the day, even when he looked for her. Until the evening is when he would see her. He eventually though she was just busy. But it was Liana that spilled her hidden secret's to him. "She's a mob boss now?!" Artorias world just got flipped. She said she would stay away from that kind of work. He'd given up his past work, as much as he missed it for her. He loved her more than his work. But, guess she still had secrets. He played it off like he didn't know, until one night Suri told him everything, she expected him to leave her because of it. "No, I will not leave you because of this...your insane if you think I would." so, he said he would help her, stand by her side in this new life he would be entering. "Mob boss...I need to protect her...Mob's never work out right in the end, even if it is ran by her, someone will do something stupid." were his only thoughts on this.