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:<font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Eloise Sharp]] - After seeing her somehow managing to toss a Roe across a room during a bar fight, T'ahl knew he simply had to speak with her. He holds great admiration for her combat abilities, even after finding out the Roe's drunkenness had helped, and has found he enjoys her company greatly even when no amusing fights are involved.
:<font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Eloise Sharp]] - After seeing her somehow managing to toss a Roe across a room during a bar fight, T'ahl knew he simply had to speak with her. He holds great admiration for her combat abilities, even after finding out the Roe's drunkenness had helped, and has found he enjoys her company greatly even when no amusing fights are involved.
:<font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Gislala Gisla]] - Annie's sister and T'ahl's employer. He once tried to explain the divine beauty of mathematics to her and ended up being hired as her accountant. To this day, he still is not sure if he was on an actual job interview by accident or if she just grabbed him because he didn't seem busy. Has a tendency to nag at him over his in her mind less tolerable habits, but since she agrees that every day can be bring your baby tapir to work day, he does not mind.
:<font style="color:#9EC60B;" size="3">●</font> [[Gislala Gisla]] - Annie's sister and T'ahl's employer. He once tried to explain the divine beauty of mathematics to her and ended up being hired as her accountant. To this day, he still is not sure if he went to an actual job interview by accident or if she just grabbed him because he didn't seem busy. Has a tendency to nag at him over his in her mind less tolerable habits, but since she agrees that every day can be bring your baby tapir to work day, he does not mind.

Revision as of 22:32, 22 November 2014

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png T'ahl Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age Twenty
Marital Status Single
Occupation Patternmaker, part-time accountant
Alignment Chaotic Good

Basic Info

T'ahl is a naturally curious person who delights in learning for learning's sake, often hiding away in libraries to soak up knowledge of all kinds. When he is outside he tends to get stuck staring at moving water, although he is not quite certain why. He is often accompanied by a chubby little tapir he calls Cuddlechummy, and insists he should count as her mother since he has been bottle-feeding her and finds the thought of her being without a mother too sad. When not occupied with research, cooing at adorable animals or burying himself in complicated mathematical problems, he enjoys crossdressing. It is not only for special occasions; he will frequently dress up as a woman and carry on with his day as usual. When asked about it he sometimes states it helps him feel somewhat less awkward, but tries to avoid being questioned further. Left without something meaningful to do, he easily grows bored and makes less than stellar decisions about what counts as entertainment.


Adorable animals
Collecting hats
Dressing up
Reading and research


Animals being harmed
Being referred to as male when dressed up
Insults directed towards his sister
Negative remarks on his appearance
People going back on their word
Tacky outfits, unless hilariously tacky hats are included
Wilfully cruel and rude people


Crossdressing, convincing in drag
Dancing (Taught by Avali Nahsra)
Playing flute
Solving math problems
Sorting things alphabetically
Staring at moving water
Watching duels, illegal or not
Wildlife studies (hugging animals)


Deeply unfortunate taste in hats
Difficulty gauging what is appropriate to say out loud
Easily distracted
Flawed decision-making when afflicted with boredom
Inability to properly read body language
Insecure around strangers
Terrible social skills

Appearance and Personality


Short and slim and with a round, androgynous face, T'ahl has no trouble passing for a woman when he dresses up for it. He is slightly self-concious about his tail, which might be the cause of his poor balance, and dislikes having its lack of length pointed out. He keeps his somewhat unruly hair short when not crossdressing and will swear to any and all gods that pink is his natural colour. He delights in dressing up in any gender's clothing, and keeps a large wardrobe mainly focused on bright, happy colours.


Generally seen as rather sweet and well-meaning, if awkward, T'ahl is very insecure in social situations, seemingly lacking that innate thing most people have to help them gauge what is appropriate to say out loud and not. He enjoys the company of people but frequently finds it difficult to connect with others due to his inability to properly read body language and tendency to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. His frequent failures at social interactions has made him somewhat shy and hesitant to initiate contact, but he keeps trying. And trying. And trying.


(One day when the stars align.)



Not all rumours are necessarily true. Please feel free to add your own rumours under PC!

◢ Common Rumours (Easily overheard)
"The lass with the pink pigtails? No, that's just T'ahl." - Weaver
"He keeps getting lost, so we send Annouille Andouillant out to get him. Usually finds him staring at some body of water." - Arcanist
"I hear he dresses up as a woman, but I've never seen it. Or did I just not recognise him...?" - Bar patron
◢ Moderate Rumours (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I saw him sit on a cliff and stare at the water for hours, but he didn't have any fishing equipment with him. Bit of a strange lad." - Fisherman
"Oh, he comes here a lot. Says he likes our dancing, asks for advice on how to move more gracefully. He seems earnest, but it's a little odd." - Ul'dahn dancing girl
"His sister works with the chocobos, so he comes here to visit. They like him well enough, but he tends to overfeed them." - Stablehand
◢ Rare Rumours (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I heard their mother came here with them after some business with a Nunh. Did they get kicked out of the tribe? ...I wouldn't ask around more though. That woman's a right nice lady." - Maelstrom
◢ PC Rumours (Add some and sign your character's name!)
"...You should not encourage him to talk about math. He never stops. Gis knows." Gislala Gisla
"The pink is natural, I assure you." A'randr Tia
Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing
Avali Nahsra - Ava is his cuddlebuddy. He admires her strength, emotional as well as physical, and appreciates that she accepts his personality for what it is, strange quirks and all. This makes her more comfortable to be around than other people, and T'ahl feels more secure in himself in her company.
Annouille Andouillant - Annie for short, they met through the Arcanist's guild when Annie was sent out to fetch him when he was assumed lost. His very tall stature makes him excellent to hide behind when in awkward social situations, and his aptitude for puns and wordplay never fails to delight. After being hired by his sister, he sees him more often.
Cuddlechummy - Cuddlechummy is a person, despite being a tiny tapir, and nothing can convince T'ahl otherwise. He considers her family, and since she is his precious princess he spoils her to no end. Has an uncanny sentient way of staring at people like she is judging them and all that they have done. It is unclear if she is actually judging everyone or if that is just her face, but seeing as she looks perfectly content when given enough attention, she probably knows what you did.
Eloise Sharp - After seeing her somehow managing to toss a Roe across a room during a bar fight, T'ahl knew he simply had to speak with her. He holds great admiration for her combat abilities, even after finding out the Roe's drunkenness had helped, and has found he enjoys her company greatly even when no amusing fights are involved.
Gislala Gisla - Annie's sister and T'ahl's employer. He once tried to explain the divine beauty of mathematics to her and ended up being hired as her accountant. To this day, he still is not sure if he went to an actual job interview by accident or if she just grabbed him because he didn't seem busy. Has a tendency to nag at him over his in her mind less tolerable habits, but since she agrees that every day can be bring your baby tapir to work day, he does not mind.


Layout created by Bancroft Gairn. Thank you so much for sharing!