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** "Was hoping she would be the one to beat me, but that doesn't mean we won't have other chances." Iron Sea
** "Was hoping she would be the one to beat me, but that doesn't mean we won't have other chances." Iron Sea
** "It's always nice to meet a Captain of the Navy-- especially one with a good head on her shoulders and an iron stomach!" -- [[L'yhta Mahre]]
** "It's always nice to meet a Captain of the Navy-- especially one with a good head on her shoulders and an iron stomach!" -- [[L'yhta Mahre]]
** "She said she has a warship, and cannons, and everything!  She's also got quite the bite, watch your shins!" -- [[Aya Foxheart]]
== The 17th ==
== The 17th ==

Revision as of 10:49, 11 March 2015

AlaMhigo.png Sounsyy Mirke
the Captain
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Ala Mhigan
Age 31
Nameday 11th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon, 1546
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator

First and foremost, Sounsyy is a survivor. Her first war, she fought at the age of eleven - a child soldier of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. At fifteen, she achieved glory on the Bloodsands. By twenty-five, Sounsyy served as an officer in the Lominsan Armada. Those who know anything of her past often jest that she is Thal's daughter, and Thal does not want her back.


Criminal Record

((If your character is Brass Blade or Sultansworn, I don't mind you being familiar ICly with Sounsyy's criminal record.))


(Sketch taken 1562.)

NAME: Sounsyy Mirke
AGE at time of offense: 15 AGE at present: 31 HEIGHT: 5 fulm 0 ilms WEIGHT: 130 ponz HAIR: Long, Light Brown EYES: Green
MARKS: 1 ilm scar on left cheek; 3x striped birthmarks on both cheeks

Gaol, Ul'dah, 1562 6AE; charge: assault with intent to rob, conspiracy to commit crimes against the Sultanate; sentence: 5 years OR 135,000 gil; 1564 - bond paid in full.
1564 6AE; charge: assault with intent to kill against two Brass Blades, assault with intent to kill against Sultansworn; escaped custody. charges dropped


  • Known connection to the Ala Mhigan Resistance faction.
  • Known connection to the terrorist organization, The Corpse Brigade. Approach with caution.
  • Known connection to the Coliseum. Possible accomplices: Roroludo Dodoludo
  • Possible connection to the Maelstrom.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Demeanor: To strangers, Sounsyy can be unnecessarily sharp-tongued, but to her friends you will never find a more loyal or giving heart. If you met Sounsyy in a social setting, you might think her introverted or closed-mouth, and you'd be mostly correct. But as a captain on the field of battle, she wields sword and shield and voice with irrefutable authority.

Spirituality: Sounsyy is not what most would call a devout worshiper of any deity. She grew up under the reign of the King of Ruin in Ala Mhigo and so never knew to revere Rhalgr like most of her countrymen. Because King Theodoric took Nymeia as his patron deity, Sounsyy has since come to loathe her and blame her equally for the fall of Ala Mhigo to the Garleans. The goddess Llymlaen is the only member of the Twelve that has stood apart in Sounsyy's mind. While not a worshiper of the Navigator, she often views the goddess of the wind and waves as a kindred spirit or a beacon of hope that things will get better. As for the rest of the Twelve, Sounsyy looks upon them apathetically, believing that they too, must look apathetically on her... especially Thal.

  • Beaches
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Fishing
  • Her Chocobo, Clairemont
  • Tight clothing
  • Booze
  • Flowers
  • Garleans
  • Ul'dah
  • Cowards
  • People of privilege
  • Red meat
  • Her body
  • Chews lower lip often
  • Giant monsters
  • The dark
  • The Black Shroud


Sounsyy always carries at least one of her two swords on her person at all times. She is most often seen with her standard-issue Lominsan Shortsword, which she received upon joining the Maelstrom. She keeps this 18 ilm, cobalt blade strapped just above her rear. Her second sword is a type of Falchion often used by Ishgardian Templars. This blade is used for dueling and training. She grew to enjoy the feel of this blade during her time on the Bloodsands and eventually commissioned her own when she became an officer in the Maelstrom. She keeps this sword, as well as her Ala Mhigan Scutum on her chocobo's pack.

Sounsyy is a Bloodsand-trained, battle-hardened fighter. She is a defensive styled fighter, using her small frame and lower center of gravity to put enemies off balance. She baits with her large scutum and strikes when her opponent leaves an opening. Taught never to yield ground, Sounsyy does whatever it takes to root an enemy. And unlike most other gladiators who prefer fancy swordplay, Sounsyy focuses her strengths into using her shield as both a defensive tool and a melee weapon, using it to stun, off-balance, or exhaust enemies before finishing them off with her blade.


6th Astral Era

Sounsyy had almost seen eleven cycles when the Garleans came... (WIP)

7th Umbral Era


RP Plotlines


NPC Relationships

  • Sophie Mirke.jpg
    Sophie Mirke - (1552 - ???) Sophie Mirke was named by her father, Mirke Regarde, which is why she has a hyuran first name. She was only four when the Garleans invaded Ala Mhigo. She remembers almost nothing of her home. Sounsyy carried her all the way from Ala Mhigo to Gridania on her back. Sophie has lived there among the other orphans ever since. A few months after Sounsyy and Sophie arrived in Gridania, an alliance of Ala Mhigan refugees, calling themselves the Resistance, came to Gridania searching for more recruits. Sounsyy joined their cause, leaving her sister in the care of Miounne. Sounsyy never returned. Sophie assumed her sister was killed in battle, so the Gridanians became her only family.
  • CeirtetteCambre.jpg
    Ceirtette Cambre - (1545 - ???) Sounsyy's closest friend. Ceirtette grew up with Sounsyy in Ala Mhigo. She was 11 when the Garleans invaded whereupon she was separated from her friends and family. She was lost in the Twelveswood for several days before Gridanian Wood Wailers found her. She has always been by Sounsyy's side since that day, refusing to let another person she considers family come to harm. In one final attempt to reclaim Ala Mhigo from the Garleans, Ceirtette was gravely injured. She was saved by a healer named Dasil, who would later become her husband. She then moved to Limsa Lominsa where she has come to peace with her past. She does not speak of Ala Mhigo and her only reference to its existence is her hobby of picking flowers and hanging them on the wall of her home, a passtime of hers in her youth.
  • Iyrnlahz.jpg
    Iyrnlahz Sylbahctsyn - (1527 - 1572) Sounsyy's Commanding Officer in the Maelstrom. Iyrnlahz recruited the young miqo'te, having no expectations, and was completely caught off guard when she showed promise. She far outshined the other recruits, and she soon became his favorite. After four key victories against the Garlean threat, Iyrnlahz pushed for her immediate promotion to Lieutenant and eventually Captain. The young miqo'te reminded him of himself in his younger years. He never told Sounsyy this, infact he rarely showed her any hint of his favoritism. He pushes her harder than the rest, but Sounsyy still considered him a good friend and ally. Iyrnlahz fought bravely by Sounsyy's side in the Battle of Cartaneau but fell protecting her.
  • CaerkoelMaeticeigwyn.jpg
    Caerkoel Maeticeigwyn - (1540 - ???) Circa the year 1562 6AE, the Corpse Brigade grew infamous in Ul'dah for the highway robbery of Ul'dahn merchant caravans and the kidnapping of wealthy Ul'dahn elite. So Caerkoel, a bright, young Sultansworn lead a detachment of Brass Blades posing as merchants into southern Thanalan to put an end to the Brigade. The ploy succeeded and in the ensuing battle, Caerkoel defeated and captured several Corpse Brigade grunts, including Sounsyy. Sounsyy was taken to the Sultanate's gaol where she was handled by the Brass Blades for information against the Corpse Brigade. Eventually convinced that the girl knew nothing of use, Sounsyy's gaolers were content to let her die in one of the Coliseum's prison matches... only, to their surprise, she didn't.

PC Relationships

Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    

Yangh Linh - A woman with a tender soul and a soft touch, who Sounsyy fell very quickly for. In an attempt to reconcile her avoidance of Otto Vann's romantic advances, Sounsyy sought out the Priestess for her counsel. What was supposed to be a brief counselling session turned into a week-long exploration of Sounsyy's deeply buried feelings on romance, resulting in Sounsyy developing a strong attraction for the Keeper instead. Unfortunately, her work with the Maelstrom called her away from her new-found lover, and when she returned, Yangh was nowhere to be found.
Iron Sea - A bull of a fighter with a heart of gold. Sounsyy first met Iron Sea at a fighting event hosted by Otto Vann and later bonded over like injuries and mutual acquaintances. She admires the man as much for his loyalty to his charge as his martial prowess, though the latter leaves her with mixed emotions. In their last encounter, a friendly duel almost turned deadly and though they parted as friends, Sounsyy is both afraid and intrigued by what dangerous path their friendship may take in the future.
Otto Vann - An eccentric tailor to whom Sounsyy was introduced after escaping the confines of Frondale's Phrontistery. Sounsyy was at first taken aback by the man's deplorable treatment of women, but could not help but warm to the charismatic fool's bombastic personality and overall harmless nature. After several more chance encounters, Sounsyy has agreed, albeit reservedly, to do occasional work for the man should he require.
Kiht Jakkya - Sounsyy met this leader of some wayward Keeper Miqo'te in the Quicksand after assaulting a patron for said patron's insulting remarks regarding Sounsyy and one of Kiht's clansmen. As of yet Sounsyy knows very little about the Keeper but respects the young leader as one captain to another all the same.
P'azih Tia - A young Tia with ambitions of becoming a great Nunh of his tribe. Though initially Sounsyy had little interest in P'azih's ambitions, caring only that he had violated her personal space, she later became more fond of the boy for his youthful wimsicalness and naivety. More than anything, Sounsyy finds amusement in P'azih's clumsiness in the face of adversity.
D'lyhhia Lhuil - A young and timid Seeker Sounsyy met in the Quicksand shortly after learning she was the object of P'azih's affections. Sounsyy knows very little about the young woman, but seems to enjoy her company all the same. After rescuing P'azih from self-harm, she decided to go against P'azih's wishes and have as close to a heart to heart with the woman as Sounsyy could feasibly give, encouraging the woman to further pursue her interests - whatever those may be.
O'bisi Wanli - Sounsyy first encountered this mysterious captain after an altercation involving a lost sum of gil. Sounsyy suspected the young captain of foul play and was immediately put on the defensive. Further insults only solidified this secretary's position on Sounsyy's red flag radar. Once fully recovered, Sounsyy intends to investigate the captain further and discover what the girl is so keen to hide from the Maelstrom.


  • Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
    • "Aye, Mirke, that's the broad who got 'er whole damn Levy killed. Five years ago now, but I remember 'er well." -Keen Plainsfolk(Limsa area)
    • "Ye lookin' fer the short, brown 'aired girl? Aye me too, she ain't come over in a... eh, never ye mind." -Sketchy Roegadyn(Limsa area)
    • "Now, why would ye be askin' 'bout 'er? Last I 'eard, she went n' got 'erself killed five years ago during the Calamity." -Black Sails Veteran(Limsa area)
    • "Give Susuroon jingle-shinies and Susuroon tell all about Soohseet Mark." -Helpful Qiqirn(Limsa area)
  • Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
    • "How you figure she 'came a Cap'n? I figure she slept her way to th' top. She coulda cap'ned me ship, if ye be catchin' mah meaning." -Greasy Nunh(Limsa area)
    • "I heard she bought her way outta the seventh hell on the Bloodsands in Ul'dah." -Impoverished Highlander(Ul'dah area)
    • "Oy, keep yer voice down n' careful where ye go abouts askin' for that lass! If ye be wantin' yer tongue that is." -Raptor Pirate(Limsa area)
  • Rare Rumors (Rarely overheard)
    • "Had a drink wit her other night in the Drownin' Wench. Nothin'. She bought my drink and didn't even take me home wit her! I ain't sayin' it weren't appreciated though." -Ale-scented Yellow Jacket(Limsa area)
    • "I watched her on the Bloodsands once, many years ago. Incredible! Simply incredible! Wish I had bet the other way." -Nostalgic Patron(Ul'dah,Limsa area)
  • PC Rumors (Feel free to add/edit)
    • "Was hoping she would be the one to beat me, but that doesn't mean we won't have other chances." Iron Sea
    • "It's always nice to meet a Captain of the Navy-- especially one with a good head on her shoulders and an iron stomach!" -- L'yhta Mahre
    • "She said she has a warship, and cannons, and everything! She's also got quite the bite, watch your shins!" -- Aya Foxheart

The 17th


Before the Calamity, the 17th Levy Infantry was a branch of the Thalassocratic Navy's 3rd Squadron. Tasked with patrolling the Straight of Merlthor and the surrounding coasts, the 17th Levy's orders were to occupy and hold the region surrounding Iron Lake. Camp Iron Lake acted as a forward operations center in the Maelstrom's campaigns against the Kobold, while also serving as a first line defense from Garlean forces seeking to infiltrate further south into La Noscea. Shortly before the Levy's demise, Storm Captain Sounsyy Mirke was given orders to safeguard supply caravans and civilian pilgrims moving through the area.

According to Captain Mirke's official report, on the 22nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, a Garlean invasion force attacked the Iron Lake Garrison. As per orders, the 17th Levy held their position against the attack, sustaining heavy losses. Forty-three men and women of the 17th were found among the dead. Those lost were put to sea in the Straight of Merlthor. The remaining seventeen members of the 17th Levy were recalled to Limsa Lominsa and granted leave of absence. However, when the Maelstrom's forces were amassing on the Flats of Carteneau, the 17th Levy returned to active service per Commander of the 3rd Squadron Iyrnlahz Sylbahctsyn's orders. Eleven men and women of the 17th were reported killed in action or are currently missing in action, presumed dead, including Levy Captain Sounsyy Mirke.

-Maelstrom Official Records

  • The following is the official status of all soldiers assigned to the 17th Levy as of the year '05 of the Seventh Umbral Era:
    • Private Syngiwaen Aerstmynawyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Sebi Baasja. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Devin Baker. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Corporal Guy Basile. Honorably Discharged '03.
    • 1st Lieutenant Ceirtette Bellanger. Active. Reassigned to 6th Squadron, 2nd Levy.
    • Corporal Glazgara Bleiwardsyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private 1st Class Flekkbroes Blynkilbsyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Oliver Burke. Honorably Discharged '72.
    • Private J'mynka Cappa. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Sasha Carol. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Olivia Coyle. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Harold Edison. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Beraren Fyrilfrutwyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Claire Hall. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private Elijah Holloway. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Seavi Jaab. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Ceaulie Jeanifre. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Ulysses Kingston. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private Khannklin Lohbyldawyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private T'salhet Lohk. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Corporal Lokeke Loke. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • 2nd Lieutenant Keltsoemr Louztoumwyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Koenybrael Lydirmagawyn. Missing in Action, presumed dead. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private Isilhyr Lyngzantsyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Jeanbernard Marlont. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Gavin Mason. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private 1st Class Theresa McClure. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Captain Sounsyy Mirke. Missing in Action, presumed dead. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private Q'urraria Moahd. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Sergeant Peter Monroe. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Cantaloix Montelle. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Sergeant Rhotseik Nyunloefsyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Sergeant J'oraab Odda. Missing in Action, presumed dead. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private P'weihto Pahvto. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private O'mrova Paslo. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Sergeant Beaumont Pastel. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Corporal Algolo Pelgolo. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Lasglow Peteire. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private X'pnahgo Psahl. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private X'rhoeja Psahl. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private G'reehye Rinka. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Caitlin Rosenski. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Junghkympf Ronthntrachwyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Himalanka Saelbskalsyn. Dishonorably Discharged '01.
    • Private Theo Saldino. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Eric Sapen. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Hezzmhol Staeljarrsyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Wistyrwyb Syntylwyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private 1st Class X'urrop Tasphe. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Klynfroa Thosinornwyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • 2nd Lieutenant Akguda Tireguda. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private Nokafa Volokafa. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Sergeant Tegan Vosper. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Eric Warren. Killed in Action. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private 1st Class Zupel Warupel. Honorably Discharged '72.
    • Private Yebola Welebola. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Private Nazzryhhe Wheiwhasyn. Missing in Aciton, presumed dead. Battle of Carteneau.
    • Private Emily White. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.
    • Corporal Margot Wiggenour. Dishonorably Discharged '01.
    • Sergeant Pfarsweig Wiltfiansyn. Killed in Action. Battle of Iron Lake.

Character Connections

  • If you play an Ala Mhigan refugee who lived in Little Ala Mhigo between 1558 - 1562, your character may remember Sounsyy ICly as a young Miqo'te child with a jovial disposition and a fiery passion for reclaiming Ala Mhigo. She was always accompanied by an elezen girl about the same age.
  • If you play a character who was in Ul'dah during 1562 - 1564, your character may remember Sounsyy ICly as a young Miqo'te gladiator who fought for her freedom on the Bloodsands. Between 1558 and 1562 another Ala Mhigan Miqo'te going by the alias "The Hellfire Phoenix" also fought on the Bloodsands on behalf of the Ala Mhigan plight. The Phoenix was ultimately defeated by Greinfarr the Great in the single most anticipated duel in Coliseum history. The crowd grew so riotous over the fight, both fan and gladiator were placed in peril. Since this fight, the Bloodsands saw a decline in popularity, which prompted the Coliseum to pit their gladiators against beasts instead. Sounsyy fought on the Bloodsands sometime during this decline. So Sounsyy fought both gladiator and beast beneath the roar of hundreds of fans. However, she never amounted anywhere near the fame or popularity of her predecessor, The Hellfire Phoenix.
  • If you play a character who served or still serves in the Crimson Fleet, the Lominsan Armada, or maybe even the Privateer Maelstrom Levies, your character may remember Levy Captain Sounsyy Mirke ICly as the Storm Captain who got her entire Levy (the 17th) killed in a bloody skirmish against the Garleans. The story precipitated through the ranks and has overshadowed Sounsyy's victories for the Maelstrom.
