L'yhta Mahre
L'yhta Mahre (LEE-tah MAH-ray), formally known as Yhta of the Vipers, sired by L'mahre Nunh and commonly as Lyta (lie-TUH), is a miqo'te Seeker of the Sun who nominally lives in Limsa Lominsa. She was once the Voice of Mysterium, but is now just one of its Masters. Her formal address in the Ivory Tower is Wizard Yhta Mahre, Master of Mysterium, Thaumaturge, Conjurer, Arcanist, Astromancer; by Aether illuminated, Beacon of Hope.
L'yhta is a tall (approximately 5' 5") miqo'te female with dark skin and long dark purple hair that she keeps tied back out of her face. She has bright, almost iridescent heliotrope eyes with the usual slits of her clan. Her tail is quite long for a Seeker of the Sun and, like her ears, often expressive. Her build is thin and gangly; she's not particularly shapely, though she has lately put on a bit of wiry muscle. Her face has the markings inherent to some of the Seekers of the Sun -- three on each side in an tiger stripe pattern. L'yhta's voice is an untrained dramatic mezzo-soprano, fairly low for someone her size. She doesn't exhibit much of an accent, if any, when she speaks, except perhaps when she's particularly inebriated.
As of late, L'yhta's begun dying her hair and tail regularly, as well as changing her hair style seemingly at a whim. This began after she took a "sabbatical" to Greencliff around the time of the Starlight Celebration in the 5th year of the Seventh Umbral Era; exactly why that prompted her to take such a whimsical, impulsive approach to her hair has yet to be disclosed.
In western La Noscea resides the small fishing village of Greencliff, named for its high cliffs and its relatively dense, yet small, nearby forest. The village was originally home to a small population of Sea Wolves, but they found themselves outnumbered by an influx of Seekers of the Sun approximately 95 years ago when L'sharhl Nunh established the area as hunting grounds for the Viper tribe and assumed the title of nunh there. As the miqo'te made their homes in the area and largely shifted to an agricultural and aquacultural lifestyle, the Roegadyn population slowly decreased, eventually leaving the village almost entirely to the newcomers. It was into this settled branch of the Vipers that L'yhta was born, the fifth child of L'arhi Xahlo and L'mahre Nunh.
L'yhta's early life was unremarkable; she had no especially outstanding characteristics other than a quick wit and a keen mind -- neither of which were particularly impressive, much less useful, in a village used to eking out a living through fishing and the occasional felling of lumber to fuel Limsa Lominsa's demand for ships. As far as the other miqo'te of Greencliff were concerned, what was remarkable about L'yhta was exactly how unremarkable she was. The tall girl proved to be passable with an axe, vaguely competent with the spear, moderately capable of catching fish, and not especially attractive, either. This surprised those who expected great things of the children of L'mahre Nunh and L'arhi Xahlo. L'mahre was considered by most to be one of the branch's greater nunh; his physical strength and virility were highly praised. L'arhi, for her part, had borne seven children, an impressive number by any standards. The only son she bore him, L'rhilo Tia, was held as a pure example of miqo'te excellence. With gleaming golden hair, dashing features, lightning reflexes, and sparkling silver and gold heterochromic eyes, he was already beginning to turn the heads of the women of the tribe and sparking rumours that he'd prove to be the next nunh. L'yhta's sisters were equally fine specimens: tall, beautiful, and possessed of a nearly regal grace. By contrast, the lanky, average L'yhta was quite a disappointment. Nevertheless, L'arhi remained supportive, hoping that her fifth child would find something at which she'd be more than just minimally competent, even if that were simply bearing children to the nunh. For her part, the often isolated L'yhta spent a great deal of time staring out into the stars and across the sea and wondering if her destiny were always to be so painfully mundane.
Then, the Calamity changed everything. Bahamut's fire scourged the land, and amidst the chaos, L'mahre Nunh was struck by a shower of superheated shards of rock. While he survived, he lost a leg and an arm in the attack. Unwilling to see someone else lay his father low, L'rhilo Tia challenged him for the position of nunh. The fight was short; it took mere moments for the son to defeat the father. The tribe looked on as L'rhilo, hovering over the fallen nunh, exchanged brief whispered words with him -- then tore out his throat. To this day, no one knows exactly what L'mahre said to L'rhilo; some suggest the father asked his son to end his suffering, while others whisper that the once nunh begged for mercy and L'rhilo killed him anyway. Regardless of the truth, L'rhilo Tia became L'rhilo Nunh that day, and he celebrated the victory that night with some of the most beautiful women of the tribe.
It wasn't long after he ascended to the position of nunh that L'rhilo came to L'yhta to ask her to his bed. While it wasn't unexpected that he'd attempt to carry on the impressive lineage of his mother and father, what surprised everyone (especially L'yhta) was when he passed over her elder sisters in favor of a lanky 16 year old. L'yhta doesn't discuss what exactly he said to her, other than that he made it abundantly clear that he expected her to do her duty to the tribe and bear his children. What the whole tribe knows is what happened next: when the sun rose the next day, L'yhta was gone.
To this day, L'yhta isn't entirely sure what prompted her to flee her fate. She would like to believe it was her wanderlust and curiosity pulling her away from a fettered life, but it was more likely due to the arrogant, lascivious, and forceful insistence of someone she'd previously trusted and saw as a friend. Rather than acquiesce, L'yhta collected some food, a spare set of clothes, and some small carved shells and pearls given to her by her mother, then headed south towards the only landmark she knew: a large lighthouse. It was there that she was able to trade the pearls for gil, then use the gil to travel to Limsa Lominsa to start a new life.
L'yhta was naturally overwhelmed by Limsa Lominsa when she first arrived. What struck her most of all was the way the miqo'te there acted. They were overly cheerful, extremely outgoing, and entirely willing to use their bodies to their advantage (and sometimes profit). Unwilling to take up any of the "trades" that were not so gently suggested to her by the city's more salty inhabitants, L'yhta instead wandered the city, using the last of her gil to secure lodging while she tried to figure out her next step. It was during one of these walks that she quite literally ran into Robert Fletcher, an antiquated hyur with piercing green eyes and an explosion of white hair bursting from his head. Little did she know that this man was a powerful Thaumaturge and also the Voice of the Wizards' Choir; she also wasn't aware that he'd been watching her, intrigued by a Seeker of the Sun without a purpose but a gift for the arcane. Robert took her in and introduced her to the three disciplines of magic, and was pleased to see her quickly learn to command her own Aether as well as to call upon that of the land. For her part, L'yhta was both shocked and ecstatic that she'd finally found something that she wouldn't make a fool of herself at -- something where her skill would live up to the name of her father. As part of her training, Robert introduced her to the rituals of the Choir and inducted her as his apprentice.
For the next four years, L'yhta lived with Robert, who she viewed as a quirky grandfather, and trained under him and the five other superannuated Chairs of the Choir. She came to love her strange new family of aging spellcasters, and they, while they could be annoyed by her youthful enthusiasm, cared for her as an adpoted child. Sadly, this life wouldn't last for long. In year 5 of the seventh umbral era, the Choir was requested by the Foreign Levy to help defend the city against a Sahagin assault. Ultimately, the Maelstrom won the battle, but at a terrible cost -- all of the Choir's members were struck down save L'yhta, who Robert insisted stay behind the lines. When she rushed to her mentor's side, his last words stuck in her memory: "Sing with a new Choir, young Voice."
Since she's continued her training within the various magical guilds of Eorzea, L'yhta has discovered that she possesses the Echo. She theorizes this might be why she has such a faculty for channeling Aether, though more importantly, she's quite sure this means that she has a great destiny she needs to fulfill.
L'yhta is typical of many Seekers of the Sun in that she can be impulsive and tends to speak her mind; like her brethren, she shows her emotions readily, which often makes her seem more flighty and impulsive than she actually is. She's somewhat naïve, tending to believe that people are usually good, that evil is always apparent and obvious, and that everyone wants to hear and see truth spoken to power. It helps that she has a sharp wit and a constant enthusiasm, though this latter trait sometimes grates on others' nerves. At times, she can be self-centered, petulant, and altogether childish, especially when her naivete about the world is challenged, when something stands between her and her goals, when she makes what she perceives to be a mistake, or when she feels like she's lost control of a situation. When her friends are threatened -- or when she perceives that they're being threatened or have been wronged by the forces of "Evil and Awful" -- she can be stubbornly dismissive and brutally violent and tends not to react well if asked to stay her hand, turning her ire on those same friends instead. In general, L'yhta is quite open about her feelings; if she likes you, you'll know it, and if she doesn't like you or is angry with you, she'll make sure you know that. Subtlety and deception aren't typically part of her repertoire.
L'yhta is also known to put on a bit of a haughty air when discussions of race come up. To L'yhta, miqo'te who fall into the "cute, sexy cat" stereotype -- "domesticated kittens," as she calls them -- are denigrating their whole race and contributing to the hypersexualization of miqo'te women. She also holds the other races with a degree of contempt for supporting this behavior by employing miqo'te as dancers and prostitutes. However, L'yhta also holds no love for tribal miqo'te, who she feels are limiting themselves and their race in addition to participating in what she now considers a barbaric system of mating. Her time in Limsa Lominsa has given her a strong desire for freedom and a respect for the dual virtues of self-sufficiency and teamwork, and the incompatibility of these with tribal miqo'te culture is part of why she holds it in such contempt.
Generally, L'yhta is fairly reserved in large social gatherings where she doesn't know most of the people there. She tends to keep to herself, away from the crowd. If approached, she's her usual gregarious, talkative self, but she doesn't seek out interactions (unless she happens to notice something that captures her eye, such as a Nymian relic or new spell). In bars in and around Limsa Lominsa, this tends to cause a fair number of rumours about "t'at mage drownin' 'er sorrows at th' end of th' bar." As she doesn't particularly enjoy "people-watching," she typically shies away from particularly raucous taverns unless brought there by someone she knows or they're one of her usual haunts (such as the Missing Member).
Like a young college student, L'yhta believes she's figured the world out thanks to her newfound knowledge and experience, and this has driven her to arrogantly make rash, ill-advised decisions. In general, though, L'yhta's motivated to help others and make the world a better place, even if lately she's taken on a rather significant anti-authoritarian streak. In D&D terms, her alignment is Chaotic Good. In Palladium terms, she's closest to Unprincipled these days (though she has some disturbingly Aberrant behaviors).
Affiliations and Known Associates
L'yhta is a citizen of Limsa Lominsa and a member of the Foreign Levy of the Maelstrom; technically speaking, she holds the rank of Second Storm Lieutenant, though both she and the Maelstrom largely consider that honorary, and she certainly wouldn't use it except, perhaps, to pull rank on an intransigent supply officer or hapless private in a moment of great need. Additionally, as part of the cooperative exchange program established by the three Grand Companies, she often acts as a consultant on matters of magic for the Immortal Flames and the Twin Adder. Finally, L'yhta is the Councilor of Wind of Mysterium, an order of mages based out of Limsa Lominsa.
Present associates
In particular, L'yhta is known to have significant connections with (in no particular order, save that NPCs are last):
- Clalaris Sil Laris -- A lalafellin conjurer and, it's rumoured, white mage of Gridania who was once one of her closest friends. The two have drifted apart recently, though L'yhta is largely loathe to discuss why.
- Eamont Desormaux -- This elezen conjurer is essentially L'yhta's surrogate father, though some believe their relationship is rather more than platonic.
- Seth Honeybrew -- Seth is, quite shockingly, the only person from whom L'yhta will accept casual racism towards miqo'te. Exactly why she's willing to laugh off from Seth what from others would usually get a verbal barrage isn't clear, but it is clear she considers him a good friend.
- Sazhi'to Bajhiri -- L'yhta feels a particular kinship to Sazhi'to (who she often just calls "Sazhi"), as both of them are, in her mind, refugees from tribal malfeasance. As for his sister, Mholi... L'yhta would be fine pushing her off a cliff.
- Rosamund Cartwright -- A rich daughter of Limsa Lominsa, Roz is one of L'yhta best friends.
- Paran Hywel -- Paran and L'yhta have largely patched up their past issues, and have gone back to being friends. Lately, L'yhta has been offering him relationship advice and, perhaps, coming to some rather key realizations about herself in the process.
- Camille Everardi -- L'yhta enjoys Camille's company and her keen intellect and ability to plan. She feels Camille is wise beyond her years.
- K'hane Tariq -- Since she was released from the influence of a powerful voidsent, K'hane's returned to "normal," though L'yhta wishes she'd show more of her confidence. "There's got to be a middle ground, right?"
- Kellach Woods -- L'yhta met Kellach at a beach party when he was still an employee of XI:7. She likes both his enthusiasm and humbleness, not to mention the joy he brings Eamont.
- Karaki Crystalis -- After a rocky start, L'yhta's found that she and this miqo'te from the East have a lot in common. She considers him a friend and hopes to be able to "correct" his less personable qualities.
- Cliodhna Eoghan -- Cliodhna and L'yhta have crossed paths a few times, and they've a friendship forged on a mutual love of fun and helping others. Their friendship has deepened as they've spent more time together and seen more of each other's darker secrets.
- Sasari Sari -- L'yhta gets along well with Sasari, or so she believes, and is quite interested in figuring out how to help her in better controlling her magicks.
- Sasani Sani -- Perhaps surprisingly, L'yhta can in fact tell Sasari and Sasani apart. She thinks Sasani is particularly sweet.
- Kerin Misteyes -- While still on somewhat formal terms with this conjurer of the Fane, L'yhta considers Kerin a good friend... usually. Their relationship is often strained by a vacillating level of trust, driven by Kerin's fear of L'yhta's potential and L'yhta's concern over Kerin's beliefs.
- Kurenai Nagi -- L'yhta's has a long past with Kurenai that's ranged from distant friend, to adopted sister, to lost obsession, to, now, girlfriend. The au ra is perhaps her closest confidant and partner, and one L'yhta often feels unworthy to have.
- Anzu Sakata -- Sakata no Anzu and L'yhta grew to become friends through a series of long and somewhat awkward conversations. L'yhta sees her as another surrogate sister, albeit one who needs her advice more than who can give it.
- Myradin Aurelia -- Even though she knows her birth name is Mitsune, L'yhta continues to refer to her as Myradin, and considers this auri priestess to be one of her closest confidants -- when she's around, at any rate.
- Elrick Ashwynn -- L'yhta helped settle an argument for this adventurer, and the two have since entered into a relationship. His wisdom, care, and surprising depths have drawn her closer to him.
- C'eleni Meztli -- Eleni has quickly grown to be one of L'yhta's closest friends, by way of her persistent smile and infectious optimism. In her, L'yhta sees a kindred spirit.
- X'myra Bhen -- One of the cats in Marcy and the Cats and owner of the Cat's Meow in Ul'dah, L'yhta has grown particularly close to Myra by way of their shared experiences and beliefs. While some of the bard's sharp edges can vex her from time to time, L'yhta considers them close friends.
- Terilia Moui -- Teri's sheltered life has led L'yhta to take her under her wing as an adopted younger sister.
- Anafenza Tetheros -- The adopted xaela sister of Llaine, L'yhta often enjoys Ana's company and uniquely blunt perspective on the world.
- Savo Kesslivang -- Kurenai's other love. After seeing the two of them interact, and as her own relationship with Kurenai has progressed, L'yhta has gone from darkly jealous to accepting of their connection. She does wish Savo would bathe once in a while, though.
- Cieranaux Aramont -- Robert Fletcher's apprentice prior to L'yhta, Cieranaux has nothing but disrespect for her and typically lobs idle insults and cliché attacks in her direction -- a way to show his distaste for her while reminding her that she's, to him, nothing more than a trifle that doesn't warrant a more serious effort. After nearly murdering him and being pulled back from the brink by two of her friends, she's decided to just dismiss him as not worth her trouble.
- Volkido Tekido -- Robert Fletcher's personal assistant, this lalafell is the majordomo of the Ivory Tower and also acts as L'yhta's personal assistant. As much as he complains about being put upon by these "wizards with their heads in the clouds," and the "foolish girl" that he's "stuck with," Volkido cares deeply for her and the other wizards.
- L'ehli Tia -- When L'yhta last went to Greencliff, this tia -- one of her nephews by her eldest sister -- followed her back. Volkido has set him up with an apartment using L'yhta's funds so he can remain in the city; he's currently training at the Coral Tower to join the Yellowjackets.
Past associates
L'yhta has drifted away from these individuals (in no particular order, save NPCs come last):
- Nathalanee Reinhart -- Nathalanee was once L'yhta's girlfriend, but the two appear to have broken up after Nathalanee went on an extended mission for the Twin Adders. L'yhta still speaks very fondly of the miqo'te, though, and stridently defends her against those who may speak ill of her.
- Racilian Lyenum -- "Raci," who was once a member of the Ivory Tower, is one of her friends and can always bring a smile to her face.
- Gus Pumpkinweed -- Gus was once one of L'yhta's apprentices, and the two of them got along quite well (perhaps due to the fact that they both have a strong drive towards excellence). She's ecstatic to hear that he's now opened a business of his own.
- Kevaraan Annorek -- This troubled miqo'te lancer was one of L'yhta's close friends before the Seventh Astral Era. She presumes him dead at this point, though she hopes he's just found a place where he can work through his issues.
- R'kyala Mahji -- Since the two of them met through Camille, they've gotten along smashingly, perhaps because they both act like chocobos hopped up on X-Ethers.
- Deitrych Brownlowe -- This bounty hunter is viewed by most in the Tower as somewhere between weird and extremely creepy, but L'yhta finds him to be largely misunderstood and quirkily charming. The two have interacted much less after certain revelations regarding his interactions with Clalaris.
- Fio Arasgain -- This chef at the Bismarck and skilled warrior is someone L'yhta respects, as he's a fellow refugee from the tribal life. She feels they have a lot in common and could become closer friends.
- Aidan Hayward -- L'yhta met Aidan through a random leve and, despite a rocky start, the two of them had a rather torrid relationship. The two have broken up under what appears to be rather unpleasant circumstances.
- Llaine Tetheros -- Llaine and L'yhta built a relationship and ultimately a marriage by way of a long-term friendship, but for reasons L'yhta refuses to disclose other than "a big fight," the two have parted ways, with Llaine having had Eamont release her from her oath to the Tower. L'yhta still claims to love Llaine, but her discussion of the relationship and its end seems to be tinged with a great deal of bitterness.
- Braxis Wynterwulf -- L'yhta isn't quite sure what to make of Ser Braxis, other than that he seems honorable and that he and Llaine often seem a lot closer than she and Llaine do (or did). Jealousy and passive aggression have given way to a deep-seated guilt over how she's treated him in the past.
- Zagi'zi Kumai -- Despite claims that he's lost his arrogance and found a new appreciation for others, L'yhta still despises this "insufferable arse," and can't conceive of why people she knows enjoy spending time with him. She believes they have more in common than either of them would ever admit, and that perceived kinship is why she doesn't actively work against him.
- Solaxia -- L'yhta's agreed to, along with Clalaris, train this excitable sylph in the ways of magic. While Solaxia would much rather learn Thaumaturgy from Stompy One (as she calls L'yhta), L'yhta's pushed the sylph to learn Conjury from Moogle One (aka Clalaris) first.
- Lydia Burroughs -- This alleged defector from the Garleans was complicit in a dire crime committed against one of L'yhta's best friends. L'yhta told Nathalanee she wanted her to decide how to handle the captive, and so Lydia was turned over to the Twin Adder for debriefing despite L'yhta's misgivings. While she hopes the hyur can make good on the second chance she's been given, L'yhta is keeping a close eye on her and won't hesitate to try to put an end to this experiment if it goes even the least bit awry.

- Nicknames: Lyta (to most non-miqo'te), Yhta (to very close friends only)
- Age: Early 20s
- Nameday: 12th sun of the 3rd Astral Moon, 1555 of 6th Astral Era
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Bisexual polyamorous, though largely preferring men
- Marital Status: In a stable polyamorous arrangement (she'd say "in a relationship")
- Alignment: Chaotic Good/Unprincipled
- Height: 5 fulms, 5 ilms
- Weight: Generally around 120 to 130 ponz
- Body: Thin, lanky, but with a wiry musculature
- Hair: Varies, but naturally, long, straight, and violet
- Eyes: Iridescent heliotrope
- Skin: Mocha, with chocolate facial markings
- Clothing: For combat, L'yhta wears subtly armored robes with woven symbols in aetherically conductive wire, in the styles of middle Mhach and late Allag. Short skirts or leggings and ankle boots give her improved mobility, along with ring guards and fingerless gloves. In casual situations, she tends to wear sleeveless or Doman-style tops and long, flowing skirts or leather pants, with a preference for sandals or bare feet. Her choice of clothing in public is as fluid as her mood, though unless she has no alternative, she never wears armor heavier than a breastplate or chain-backed robes and heavy leather boots. In private, she usually wears leggings and a bandeau top, light and minimal smallclothes, or most often, nothing at all.
- Music and dancing
- Battle and violence (though she'd only confess to "battles to protect people")
- Jellied fruits -- or any fruit, really
- Conversation, especially about magic, philosophy, and religion
- Proving how great she is
- Being surprised by someone's knowledge and talents
- Being teased (though she'd never admit that)
- Confident people who don't take themselves or life too seriously
- Probing questions about her tribal past or especially about her sexuality
- Being corrected, even when she's clearly screwed up
- Miqo'te females who fit the "cute" or "sexy" stereotype, as well as those who support tribal culture
- People who deny her "clearly obvious brilliance"
- The nobility and anyone else who seek to impose their will on others
- Arrogant people, especially those who claim noble blood or divine right
- "Fanatic cultists:" Ishgardians, Garleans, and sometimes Gridanians (depending on how much they use "the will of the Elementals" to justify their actions)
Areas of Expertise
- Martial: Thaumaturgy, Arcanima, Conjury; Thaumaturgy is her strongest Discipline, followed by Arcanima, then Conjury.
- L'yhta has a strong amateur's skill in one-handed swordplay, but rarely uses it in the field except to advance her research or if she has no other options.
- Crafting: Engraving, magitek modification
- She has some experience in alchemy and goldsmithing, but is a rough beginner except where they're necessary for her research. She knows enough tailoring to patch her own clothes. Mostly, she relies on others to keep her non-magical equipment and clothes in good shape.
- Other: Magic theory, literacy, area knowledge, vocal performance, dancing, being insufferably upbeat
- L'yhta's particular area of expertise in magic theory is what she calls "esotery" -- archaic and often "odd" practices of magic that don't neatly fit into the three Eorzean Disciplines. This includes melding the different Disciplines together to produce novel effects. She also has a passing familiarity with astrology, astromancy, and a variety of other practices of magic.
- Magically adept: L'yhta has a considerable natural talent for weaving Aether and practices all three Disciplines of Magic.
- Driven: When she's set her mind to something, it's very difficult to dissuade her.
- Witty: L'yhta can be pretty quick with a quip or a joke about a situation, even in the midst of a pitched battle.
- Active: If nothing else, L'yhta is a constant dynamo of energy. She does have an "off switch," so to speak, but most of the time, she's always in motion.
- Sidethinker: When she does actually deign to plan, she's good at coming up with unexpected alternative solutions to problems.
- High alcohol tolerance: As a result of growing up with small beers and her training with the Wizards' Choir (some of which involved heavy drinking and the consumption of "recreational" herbs and potions), L'yhta has a shockingly high alcohol tolerance, especially for someone her size. It's said she's drunk even salty Roegadyn sailors under the table, though not without having to be carried out of the tavern afterwards.
- Optimistic: Everything's going to be great, Eorzea's heading to a greater tomorrow, and there's no way we can make the same mistakes of the past -- or so L'yhta believes. Going hand in hand with her naivete, she's boundlessly optimistic and typically views the bright side of any situation.
- Physically inept: While she has improved her physical skills, L'yhta is still far more powerful magickally; she'll never win a sword duel, for instance.
- Naive: L'yhta believes that people are essentially good, that evil is always obvious, and that Good will always triumph over Evil in the end. More subtle and devious forms of wickedness can slip right under her nose, and as a result she's not the best judge of character.
- Imperceptive: It could be her overconfidence blinding her, a consequence of her stubbornness when her mind is on another task, or merely a natural trait, but L'yhta is notably poor at noticing things that are out of the ordinary unless she's explicitly looking for them. As a Seeker of the Sun, her night vision is also fairly poor (which is one reason she likes staves that glow, besides how "stylish" they are). Her lack of perception often even extends to picking up on social cues.
- Stubborn: Going hand in hand with being driven, once she's chosen a course of action -- for good or ill -- she rarely changes her mind unless the situation changes such that she has no other option. If she, for instance, decides someone is evil, it's very difficult to convince her otherwise. Precious few people can get her to second-guess her decisions, particularly in the heat of the moment.
- Overconfident: At present, nothing in the world can convince "Limsa Lominsa's most spectaculofabulous sorcerer" that she's not, in fact, "Utterly Excellent" and "Destined for Great Things." This overconfidence more often than not leads her to take unnecessary, completely foolish risks. One of the most common demonstrations of this is her casually dismissive attitude towards both danger and her enemies. Some suspect that this overconfidence is really just overcompensation for her...
- Self-image issues: As a result of her upbringing, L'yhta feels that magic is the only thing she's actually any good at, and that she has very few other positive qualities. This is usually extremely well-hidden behind her veil of overconfidence, but it comes out from time to time in pointedly negative comments she makes about herself, perseveration on others' off-handed comments about her, and dramatic changes in behavior or clothing based on the observations of others. For instance, a simple "isn't that outfit a little tight for you?" from an acquaintance can get her to run away to change clothes into something dramatically different, even if she were just proudly showing the outfit off.
- Lack of planning: L'yhta rarely plans her actions in advance, preferring instead a "Geronimo!" approach of leaping before she looks. The term "poor impulse control" fits her, and when she feels she has to plan (or is forced to do so), she tends to get fidgety and impatient.
Other Notes
L'yhta usually uses a slightly simplified version of her name, "Lyta," among non-miqo'te primarily because she dislikes them butchering its actual pronunciation and spelling. It's easier and less obnoxious, in her mind, to just use a name that matches how people would typically read her name anyway. As such, she often uses the alias on legal documents in the city-states to simplify transactions. Among other miqo'te, however, she uses and prefers her real name. In close company, she, like many Seekers of the Sun, is known to drop her tribe letter and call herself Yhta (EE-tah).
L'yhta venerates the Twelve, but doesn't worship them, nor does she recognize any of them as her patron deity. If anything, she views Hydaelyn itself as her patron based on recent events. She feels that the circumstances of her life are proof of two things: one, she's been chosen for a Great Destiny by the Mothercrystal, and two, Nymeia has chosen to bless her, perhaps for this reason. Perhaps surprisingly, L'yhta isn't egotistical or outspoken about either of these beliefs or religion in general. In fact, she's typically awkward in such discussions, approaching them extremely tentatively (especially with regards to the Echo, which she views as both a blessing and a curse that makes her "weird").
L'yhta adores jellied and candied fruits, and is rarely without a pouch of them. She also tends to introduce herself using made-up adjectives, usually created by forcefully merging two words, to describe her "greatness;" for instance, she's been known to refer to herself as "stupendiferous," "brilliantastic," and "magnifijestic." She'll often apply this sort of puffery to her friends, particularly when introducing them or cheering on their successes.
L'yhta has acquired through her travels a fairly significant collection of artifacts that can channel and focus Aether, ranging from Nymian books to Allagan rods, from Belah'dian swords to Amdapori staves. Most of her robes and other clothes are commissioned bespoke, then enchanted by her; she spends considerable gil on "looking stylish," as she puts it. She especially likes modern recreations of ancient designs, such as Nymian outfits. However, she does have a relatively small collection of acquired clothing, including some highly magicked smallclothes that she came across in an Ishgardian fortress that'd been overrun by Voidsent.
In addition to this equipment, L'yhta has a wide variety of stolen and modified magitek (including a Reaper she's painted a garish metallic yellow) that she uses along with specialized spells of her own design to either deflect attacks or imbue her weapons -- specifically, a magitek sword -- with magical force. The net effect is that she can become quite difficult to hurt, but her lack of expertise and physical ability leave her relatively inept at actually landing any blows. When she's "cheating" in this way, she can't channel Aether for more direct spells. Despite her best efforts (and probably for the good of Eorzea generally), she remains unable to call forth and precisely control enough Aether to do so, and the effects of the magitek on the local Aetheric flows would make attempts to do so rather unsafe, to put it mildly.
The following rumours can be heard about L'yhta, predominantly in Limsa Lominsa. (Please feel free to add your character's thoughts here as well.)
Common rumours
- "Remember that wizard, Robert Wotshisname? The one with the white hair? Yeah, he was totally making his bed with that Seeker girl, ifyaknowwhatImean."
- "Nah, she was just leading him on to get his inheritance once he was returned to the sea."
- "I heard she's been working with the Maelstrom as some kind of 'consulting mage' after she stopped some huge fishback ritual."
- "I never seen someone who weren't a kid, drunk, or a whore hug people as much as she does. An' she's no child, so whaddya think that says about her?"
Uncommon rumours
- "Remember what I said about her killing her family? She went back to finish the job! Why else's she got black hair now?"
- "Oh, I heard that she actually killed that old man she was bedding! She hit him with a spell while he was fighting on the front lines."
- "I used ta say she had no magical power, b-but... listen, bub, I-I saw her vaporize a ship's mast at full sail! Snap, boom, it was just gone!"
- "I saw her bring an injured hyur to Fallgourd Float... then hire an adventurer to shoot the poor woman if she tried to leave! What kind of horrible creature would do such a thing?"
- "Shh! Keep it down! I heard she pushed someone off th' side of the city when he talked bad about her an' Seekers, then set 'im on fire on th' way down!"
Rare rumours
- "L'yhta's family is looking for her, and they're worried sick that she's going to fall in with a bad crowd or get killed."
- "She travels between here, Gridania, and Ul'dah a lot -- I bet she's a secret assassin working for some rich noble."
- "That green-haired miqo'te she's been hanging around? They're lovers, I heard. Yeah -- and that older elezen she's around, too, and those two lalafell with the staves. Typical miqo'te, bedding anything with a heartbeat..."
What PCs are saying
- "L'yhta? She is a tad excitable, yes, but then she tends to find exciting things. It all balances out, really, and it makes for interesting stories to tell." --Sazhi'to Bajhiri
- "A female who shares my distaste for the tribes. Fancies herself a sorcerer, too. She'll definitely be a good resource if she's half as learned as she claims to be." -- Fio Arasgain
- "A very good friend. Always good for a hug! And for exploring dangerous ruins with reckless disregard for our own well-being." - Kellach Woods
- "Oh- L'yhta! The sorcerer, hm? Hells, I really meant to speak with her again- she inspired me to try and take up more of the magical arts than I thought plausible before. I am still quite interested to see how she managed to meld Arcanima and Thaumaturgey, and those experiments did sound intriguing. ... I wonder if she remembers me; how time gets away up here. . ." -- Xavarian Mystrife
- "L'yhta's adorable. She's got a neat way of talking and some of the stuff's over my head but I can tell she's got a good heart! Plus she's a lot like me in some ways. More than the Miqo'te thing, and she doesn't have the glowy hair, but still..." -- Karaki Crystalis
- "L'yhta is my closest friend, my sister, and my most trusted confidant. There are not words to describe what she means to me, but suffice it to say that I would give everything for her sake. Whether it be delving into dangerous ruins, facing down hordes of enemies, or unlocking the mysteries of this world, I know I can count on her, and she on me." - Llaine Tetheros
- "Oh! L'yhta is a great teacher and a best friend, and gives amazing hugs! Those three things together make an unmatched winning combo, and I know no one better than her to wield it!" - C'eleni Meztli
Known Haunts
You might have run into or otherwise know L'yhta from:
- Mornings at the Bismarck in Limsa Lominsa, where she's usually there just after dawn for tea and fruit.
- All three magical guilds, which she regularly frequents and almost always with a journal in hand.
- The shores of La Noscea (particularly near Mist), where she's known to go swimming on a somewhat regular basis.
- Raids on Garlean encampments and Castrums, both formal and informal.
- 100 Questions About L'yhta
- Character references (for art)
- RP connections wanted for L'yhta
- You might know L'yhta from...
- What L'yhta eats
- Where L'yhta sleeps
OOC Inspirations
L'yhta is inspired by Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor -- particularly her "devil may care" attitude and wild overconfidence -- as well as Lina Inverse. Apparently, she also shares a fair number of characteristics with Leslie Knope (in her loyalty and need to control situations) and Scott Pilgrim (particularly in how self-absorbed she can be). Her casual disregard for danger and general expectation that everything will inevitably turn out in her favor is disturbingly similar to that of Sterling Archer.