Barengar Armsbreaker

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 Barengar Armsbreaker
'"For better or worse, we were built for war."'
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Place of Birth Ala Mhigo
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Nameday 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (Age: 28)
Occupation Mercenary
Pronunciation Bar-en-gar

Barengar is an Ala Mhigan warrior currently working as a mercenary. He travels often, but where there are wealthy merchants, you can be certain there is mercenary work.



  • Nicknames: None
  • Age: 28
    • Nameday: 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
  • Gender: Male
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Marital Status: Single
  • Alignment: Neutral/Heroic Neutral
  • Height: 6 fulm 6 ilms
  • Body: Tall, broad-shouldered frame with a muscular build
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin: Lightly sun-touched but otherwise of fairer complexion.
  • Clothing: When armor is not necessary, he finds loose fitting leggings and tunics to be preferable.


Some might say that Barengar appears exactly as his occupation would have him. The man's sturdy build, even from early childhood, proved useful in the numerous scuffles that he found himself in and his hard set features give him a naturally fierce expression. A born fighter with the lurking fire of defiance.

Standing tall at 6'6" Barengar is rarely lost within a crowd, even if he was not habitually clad within his thick-plated armor. His fair blonde hair is almost always kept shaved down with a similar amount left on his face in a light beard. His eyes are a shade of deep blue and oft set with a dispassionate gaze.

Though he seems to bear the weight of time there is still ample youth left in Barengar's eyes, as subdued as it might seem. For a man as prone to conflict as he is, he wears very few scars, only one upon his right cheek being worthy of note. Opposite of the scar; his face is tattooed with a Ala Mhigan motif worn by his father before him.

The quality of his equipment would not go unnoticed by any that traveled or fought for a living, though he possessed no skill to create, nor the income to purchase such fine gear. Sturdy plate armor that would break blades and armaments that could cleave a behemoth's hide. Clearly the mercenary had a fairly generous benefactor.


Myers-Briggs Personality Type: ISTJ

Barengar most often comes across as taciturn and jaded to those he does not know and only mildly less so to those that do know him. A childhood spent watching his people suffer at the hands of the Garlean Empire first hand appears to have taken its toll on the warrior's youthful idealism and boundless energy. Though the warrior feeds a growing cynicism, he still harbors a sense of honor and integrity when it comes to his word. Nor will he turn down a good drink or particularly clever joke.

His lack of faith in the people around him and disdain for those who would espouse idealism over pragmatism have kept him from forming many meaningful relationships since he arrived from Gyr Abania.


Barengar Greyshark, as he was known as a child, was the eldest son of Adalbert Greyshark and Herleva Skythorn. Though his parents were devote followers of Rhalgr during Theodorac's reign over the city, they had managed to survive the purge of followers. Barengar, while infrequently fearing for his life because of the protection of his parents, was regularly exposed to the violence of the mad-king's whims. For the young Ala Mhigan it became part and parcel with everyday life, but he maintained pride in his people because of the unwavering faith of his parents.

This stalwart belief remained within Barengar even after the death of his parents at the hands of the Garlean Occupation. They knew that, despite the initial acceptance of the foreign forces in order to oust Theodorac from the throne, the Garleans were not in Ala Mhigo on a mission of liberation. Their outspoken beliefs would prove to quickly raise the ire of the Garleans, leaving Barengar and his younger brother orphans. It was from this day to the day he joined the Ala Mhigan resistance that the young Barengar pledged to restore the freedom of his people.

Though the two were never truly on their own, Barengar took his place as elder brother quite seriously, taking it upon himself to find food, water and a place to sleep when they needed it. He often encouraged his younger, smaller brother to marshal his courage so that they could both join the resistance one day.

And join the resistance the Greyshark boys did. The very moment they were of fighting strength, Barengar wasted no time in enlisting themselves into the ranks of like-minded Ala Mhigans. Both attaining the opportunity to avenge his parents and free his people.

However, as some followers of Rhalgr might tell you, nothing lasts forever.



  • A good fight
  • Winning a good fight
  • The quiet
  • Gil
  • Warm, home-cooked meals


  • Being pressed with questions
  • Listening to the idealistic
  • Laziness
  • Listening to complaints

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Trained in the use of large, great-weapons.
  • Crafting: Displays no talent in the realm of fabrication, though he knows enough to maintain his weaponry and armor.
  • Other: Though he is not particularly learned in a classic sense, Barengar is a shrewd observer and wields a keen sense of anticipation.


  • Honorable - Even if he makes his living as a mercenary, he does what he can to avoid the unsavory work that comes his way. True to his word and forthright.
  • Even-tempered - Much can be said about Barengar's cynicism, but it has cooled his once fiery temper, leaving a man much less likely to lash out in a fit of anger.
  • Hard-working - Barengar possesses a strong work ethic, doing all that he can to keep himself from falling into the poverty that so many of his kin have become victim to.
  • Strong-willed - He is not easily influenced by outside forces, particularly ones that work against his values.


  • Cynical - He holds very little faith in others, more willing to believe in the worst they have to offer than assume the best.
  • Prideful - Barengar takes a measure of pride from the work that he does, particularly in the fact that he does it well. It is when a person attacks his pride that you are most likely to rouse him into anger.
  • Apathetic - It would be incorrect to say that Barengar held no interest in the events around him, but it is true enough that he has grown to be rather detached from the suffering of others, particularly his own people both in Eorzea and in Ala Mhigo.
  • Internal - Barengar keeps mostly to himself and speaks very little about his reasons for doing just about anything that he does. This is off-putting to many as the warrior already behaves in relatively cynical manner.



  • Bertram Greyshark: Younger brother
  • Adalbert Greyshark: Father
  • Herleva Skythorn: Mother


  • Aislinn North: A childhood friend that, until recently he had never anticipated seeing again.
  • Flora Valerian: A young Ala Mhigan woman that bumped into Barengar while looking for someone else. Despite her idealism and rather fervent devotion to Rhalgr, Barengar respects her tenacity and strength as well as the aid she rendered him, regardless of what he may think of her beliefs.
  • Domri Blackblade: Another Ala Mhigan who was introduced to him by Virella Douront. Barengar has come to rather enjoy the fellow mercenary's company, gladly taking on work with the man when it arises. They may not agree on everything, but there's one thing that can be counted upon: when it's time to work, the job gets done.


  • Lucaell Tareth'eian: A very strange young minstrel that Barengar met on the streets of Ul'dah. The man remains unconvinced that she isn't simply some magically animated doll for all the things that she says and the way that she stares. Naturally, fate has conspired to lead him to keep an eye on her for the time being.
  • Virella Douront: An Ishgardian woman that Barengar became acquainted with during time between jobs in Limsa Lominsa. Despite the way her Ishgardian pride grates against his own, he holds a healthy amount of respect for the woman's drive in absence of any for her ideals. Is made mildly uncomfortable at the sight of her intoxicated.
  • Kiera Hawkeye: An Ala Mhigan woman that was introduced to him by Lucaell Tareth'eian. Barengar finds her tendency to involve herself in other people's affairs of mild annoyance, but he respects her ability to fight and her dedication to her son. Even more so now after being on the receiving end of her fist while a few drinks too deep.


  • Harbors resentment toward the Garlean Empire (Like many Ala Mhigans).


Feel free to use these rumors as roleplay hooks if you see Barengar in-game!

Common Rumors

  • "Armsbreaker? He's prickly but he does good work. I don't pay sell-swords for good company anyway." - Wealthy Ul'dahn Merchant
  • "Don't have time ta talk 'bout spineless cowards. Bugger off." - Surly Ala Mhigan Resistance Fighter
  • "I was under the impression he was running with some mercenary company." - Interested Client

Moderate Rumors

  • "He's one of Greyshark's boys, ain't 'e? Never let his lil' brother outta his sight that one." Elderly Woman of Little Ala Mhigho
  • "Heard he got discharged from his company for maimin' up one one of his comrades. Can't imagine why anyone would want to hire someone like that." - Idle Brass Blade
  • "Rumor has it he got his name while fightin' in the Resistance, heard he'd break 'em and leave 'em for dead howlin' in pain. Gotta have a deep chip on yer shoulder to treat another man like that." - Ul'dahn barkeep

Rare Rumors

  • "I heard he sold out to the Garleans and split. Can't blame him, I'd want out too, but his own brother?" - Self-interested Sell-sword
  • "Adalbert's twistin' in his grave, I'm tellin' ya. Don't ask me how a man ends up as morally bankrupt as Armsbreaker when 'e had a man as great as Greyshark fer a father, jus' don't add up." - Veteran Resistance Fighter

PC Rumors

  • "I met him-- you have something to say? His bearing is honourable, so-- Whatever you've got to say, I don't care. Plenty of us leave the resistance-- it wouldn't happen that way, if they knew their left from right. So-- you ought to close your mouth, and leave me alone, do you hear me?" -- Flora Valerian
  • "Tell you what, you get past that stoic demeanor of his, usually by way of a few drinks, and that man opens up, throwing jokes left and right. Throws a mean punch too. I respect that." - Kiera Hawkeye
  • "A man of few words, but what words spring forth from his lips, are often a joy to be heard; that is if you count out his savage growls and grunts - after all he yet remains to be an Ala Mhigian hyur. But he may pride himself to be one of the few hyur without Ishgardian heritage who isn't overly irksome and obnoxious to be around." - Virella Douront


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