Anton Borneheld

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 Anton Borneheld
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 27
Marital Status Taken!
Occupation Axe-murderer, chef
Height/Weight 5'8, 180lbs/pnz
Orientation Unknown
Guardian Oschon Icon.png Oschon, the Wanderer

And lo, we have the wild Anton, back from his self-searching, soul-finding adventure into the wilds of Eorzea. He's learned his way around an axe quite well, and they seem to be his favorite tool of mass destruction, instruction, or corruption. He ran to escape a life of debt, to come back for a world of fabulous new friends, potential lovers, and enemies alike! ...Now he just needs a place to live.

Having found that, now he's simply just trying to find his better half. Or himself. Whichever comes first.

Basic Info

This is the place where basic information goes about Anton. Problem is, that 'basic information' is scattered all about that page instead. ENJOY.


Lightly armored clothing
Jokes, pranks, etc.


Pointless abuse
Burnt food
Pointlessly bold people
Excessively slutty women


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Drinking, staring after attractive women
Favorite Food: Lately? Snurbleberries.
Favorite Drink: Iced water is always good. So is anything that'll get ya drunk. Big fan of Dragonsbreath.
Favorite Color: Purple.
Favorite Weapon: Anything large, even improvised. Axes, greatswords, spears, rotten flooring, tree branches..
Favorite Climate: Wilds, please.

Appearance & Personality

Commonly seen wearing the lightly armored clothing that he so adores. So chosen because of his particular fighting style, he only ever gets into heavier armor when he absolutely has to. The wilds taught him one thing: To survive, you have to keep moving. With this in mind, he wears armored gauntlets and boots, with deceptively thick armor plating partially covering his leggings and torso. He generally, also, doesn't wear a helmet.

Loyal to a fault, Anton tends to stick near where his friends are at. When he can't find them, not only does he get a little anxious, he tends to retreat into his mind, spacing out until absolutely necessary. This made it a bit hard for him when he first made his appearance back with 'humanity'--He wasn't used to the world anymore, only to the way of the wilds. Truly, he did meet the occasional traveler out there, but it wasn't enough to keep him from being just a little strange upon his return.

In the months since his return, he's come across a wide variety of people, each making him realize different traits about himself. With some, he's incredibly protective, to the point that he'll even threaten loved ones of the person he's protecting. With others, he's endlessly tricksy, flowing from one lie to the next, but never serious. When it comes to prospective recruits to the Dreamers, he tends to make them a drink, tailored specifically to their style, and pick their brain for a while--All while under the guise of telling them more about the estate and it's occupants.

Lately, however, he's brought his formal chef training to bear, preparing masterful recipes of such crazy ingredients, ranging from across the world. Every day brings a new idea!

In everything, he always has an ulterior motive, which tends to be his own survival. He gathers information like a normal person would gather flowers, to bargain with as needed to ensure his place should anything happen. Not that anyone ever actually believes him.



Most unknown at present. Parents were Ul'dahn merchants, assumedly shady due to an early death, or perhaps simply victim of a robbery gone wrong. Few friends.


Most unknown at present. Assumed lifestyle of street rat and gambler, probable thief?


For lack of a better term, Anton was an incredibly unlucky person. His ability at gambling was terrible, and he accrued so much debt that it had come to a head--His life, or his money. Being that he had no money, and he didn't particularly want his life to be over... He left. For fear of getting his friends hurt, he said nothing--They couldn't be used as bargaining chips if they didn't know. Just like that, he was gone. His first destination was to Limsa Lominsa, posing as a gladiator mercenary. He had minimal skill with a sword and shield, but figured he could get away with it readily enough, especially if he wore a helmet all the time to hide his identity. After a time, he learned he had quite a propensity for swinging about an axe, and as a pastime, he studied the cooks in the Bismarck. After a while, he was easily able to mimic them, and even understand why they did what they did. After a good while, though, his past caught up with him again--Even with his hair grown out, face grown older, and demeanor changed. He'd learned a different way of life, changed himself around amazingly, but still was not to be at rest.

To Costa, he ran. They'd been looking for mercs there, right? He could get a job there, easy as that. But no. Not hiring. With that, he fled further inland, right into the wilds. For a while, he stumbled on his own--Barely able to make due. He refused to speak with any traveler, for fear of being found, but eventually it had come to the point that he was on death's doorstep. A roegadyn by the name of 'Mentor' found him, and helped him back to health, teaching him how to survive properly--At this point, he was far enough into the wilds, that it was amazing there was someone else around.

Mentor was a man who liked to learn. In return for any knowledge he'd gleaned from a traveler, he gave something back--Usually another form of knowledge. Anton had very little to teach Mentor, but even his meager sword-and-board skills were something the big man could learn from. As thanks, the roe took his time teaching Anton how to live in the wilds--What was edible, what wasn't. Where he could find help without going back to civilization, and how to handle the basic predators--A point that he was surprised about, though, was that Anton had yet to run into any of the wildlife, though probably due to him being like unto death at the time.

They parted ways, and Anton made his way to one of these sources of non-civilization help. The man he met was all too happy for a visitor, and though he never gave a name, taught Anton what is now his most valuable skill: How to really use an axe.


Anton is now a proud member of the Radical Dreamers, after being found by the single friend who remembered him: Tikka Swift. A name that assuredly makes not a lick of sense to him, but he doesn't particularly care--He has friends here. He has family here. He works as a melee instructor and chef for the most part, occasionally playing nursemaid to those with only superficial wounds when the true medical heroes, such as his best friend Kiipa Nulstat, are busy. He regularly clashes with Gen Quickpaw, the leader of the company.. Generally over matters of simple nature, yet unable to come to a simple conclusion. One minor facet that he enjoys, though not an official position, is his job of wrangling the new folks in for a drink and an introduction. Between cooking and tending bar, treating wounds, and teaching, he's a regular in most walks of the estate life.

Shortly after returning from the wilds, he managed to gather himself up a girlfriend. This, unfortunately, didn't last nearly as long as anyone was hoping--Even bystanders had high hopes for the two, Misha Jinhri and Anton, but after only a month, Misha left on a quest of soul-searching, to find herself. When she came back, things had changed... And the two, while remaining pleasant friends, were no longer a couple as a result of the findings of that journey, and the time apart. His love-life has remained relatively shattered from then on, progressing onto a helpless puppy love over his best friend, to constant flings with folks from around the company and his side job with the Obsidian Coterie. He thinks he's found something worth his time in one Sumari Polaali.. But he's not yet certain how it'll pan out. Who knows?


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He keeps saying he's an axe murderer, but I see no axe..."
"He just won't stop staring at me..."
"Is he.. Even there? He's not paying attention."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Where did that axe come from? He wasn't holding it a moment ago.."
"He looks, but doesn't touch. So odd.."
"Hey! He stole bread from me a while ba--Wait, is it him? He looks so well kept.."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
Those with a criminal history may know of his prior debt.
Those who have met Mentor, or know of the tribals he visited, may see something similar in Anton.
For someone that claims years of Bismarck training, he's not been listed on their rosters.. Ever.
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"He has a mustache, and everyone knows that mustaches mean you're evil. I keep waiting for his sinister plot to unfold, so that I can be there with a smug 'I told you so.' Well, unless his sinister plot involves blowing up Eorzea. ...Gosh, do you think his sinister plot involves blowing up all of Eorzea?" -Tikka Swift
"At first I thought he was a 'little' on the crazy side. But after getting to know him I saw what such a kind and mature man he was. I'm really happy ta' have met him... And, ya' know, just puttin' it out there, but he's really handsome too!" - Misha Jinhri


Romantic Interest Sexual Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Trainee Poor Standing

Kiipa Nulstat : She is his primary person in life. He's not obsessed about her, as people seem to think, but he is very much in love, and is having a rather hard time dealing with it. She doesn't return the feeling in exactly the same way, but still, she makes him feel.. At home. For a while, he felt fairly betrayed that he was so close to her, and occasionally rather intimate, but yet never allowed to be as intimate as her doctor had been with her. He's.. Mostly come to terms with that never being a thing that'll happen, and though it's rather irksome, he's come to understand why: He simply cares too damn much. They'd never slept together in a sexual sense, and up until she fled from him when she found out she was pregnant, they were tied more closely together in friendship than anyone could ever really be.
Now, after all that's happened, things are significantly more tense, and he constantly worries that one misstep will have her running away again--And as a result, he's constantly nervous around her. She's never really clarified things between them after the fact, only alluding to the fact that he was 'her idiot'.. Which only serves to make him feel worse about everything. He wasn't an idiot... Was he?
Sumari Polaali : She was his boss. Not only that, the sister to one of his dear friends, Tikka Swift. What was he even thinking, doing what he's done with her? It started out innocently enough. Feeding and watering the poor cat when she finally shambled out of her laboratory, late into the night. It seemed he was one of very few people that worked to make sure she actually ate, and without him around, would likely go several days without. One night, she complained about soreness, and he offered a massage while she ate and drank. These days... Well, suffice to say that he is regularly delivering food to her lab midday, and she takes her meals with him most nights, either up in the dining hall, or in the comforts of his room. He is now what amounts to her private chef and masseuse, and she helps fill his need to be.. Well, needed. She is one of the primary reasons he's still working with the Dreamers, having already thought about leaving multiple times.
Tikka Swift : Tikka. His first friend that he'd found upon leaving the wilds. He knew her from beforehand, and felt incredibly bad for leaving her to her own devices like he did. She'd gone through so much while he was gone, he was determined to try and make it up to her. He'd thought to try and start a relationship with her, but after learning all that he has... He's just not sure if he can. Especially since she seems so young. Probably for the best. He's since realized that she'd not been as clear with her age, and was in fact quite older--And now has no idea at all what to think, aside from the fact that she's mostly machine and now has two babies.
Katja Hoax : What was once a contract deal for no-strings-attached sex to burn off excess stress and anger has turned into an awkward friendship. Well, what might be called a friendship. She's since broken off the saucy deal because 'he deserved better'.. And after griping about it for a while, he's come to understand that she did it because of much more than that. He wants to try and make things better between them, but more often than not, unless work related, she won't come see him. Technically, she's his assistant along with Attika at the Coterie... And that's it. Like said; awkward friendship.
Attika Nianu : As much as Anton should call this little moon kitty his student, she's progressed to so much more. She's his friend and confidante, and his assistant in Coterie endeavours. On top of that, she's even gone as far as to jump him in the tub. Shy, stuttery Atti's grown up into a much more respectable fighter, and a lovely woman to boot--And it's only taken a handful of months.
Leif Steele : Good man. Was found one day by Anton just staring at him, with his buddy, Sebastian. Really creeped him out. Since then, Leif's done a great job of making sure Anton's not done anything stupid. In another life, you know, if Anton liked men that way--There'd probably be something there. If Anton had a male best friend, it was this guy. Who knows, maybe some day he'll dabble in the manlier side of things. Especially now that he's played with that sort of thing. Sure, she was a woman, but she did have some manly bits..
Tallera Weaver : Crazy voodoo sorceress. Anton ran across her one day, and since then, every time they meet up, somethin' crazy happens--Or they count the whores inside the Quicksand. One or the other. She seems fair convinced that she's a zombie, but he's not convinced--He does know, however, that she /really/ likes watching the stars. Of course, this became quite a bit more clear when he realized that the woman was, in fact, an Ishgardian Astrologian--A star-mancer-mage-wizard. He's got quite a bit of respect for the girl, and what she's been able to pull off, lately. On top of all that, he now works with the crazy woman as his side job, cooking for the company she works with.
Misha Jinhri : Misha, Misha, Misha. They met as a result of Tikka jumping off a balcony and Anton following her, but they hit it off easily. And, with Leif dodging out of getting a drink with the three of them, they realized that they clicked fairly well... So, they went on a date. And then another one. And decided that, regardless of how fast they were or weren't going, they'd try their hand at being a couple. It didn't work out, but the two are still friends. Or.. They were, anyway. After a long stretch of nothing but disrespect, he's not sure what to do with her anymore.
Gen Quickpaw : Gen. The boss. He... Liked the guy. He even respected him, and with the exception of one recent conversation, hasn't had much reason to dislike the man at all lately. Now..? Now, he's just another reason Anton's been debating leaving his company. Another person that doesn't trust him to do his job, another person that gives him no respect.
Emmette Stringers : He's not entirely sure what to make of this woman. She's his other boss, but she tends to be more friend than boss--Or boss, than friend? He tries not to think about it too much, and just does the jobs asked.
Felix Cyprus : One of the first people he met in the Dreamers. A stoic guardsman, now turned.. Stoic fistfighter? He wasn't sure what to make of the tall, dark, and lovely man at times, but he did try to call the man a friend.
Jeros Redd : Jeros. Technically? Jeros was his superior in terms of both free and grand company. Anton worked with the Maelstrom--So did Jeros, only for much longer. Same, too, with the Dreamers. Nonetheless, Jeros is helping to get the big guy back into fighting shape, after a nasty run-in with a particularly devastating voidsent. Indeed, they very much teach each other.
Lune Vormold : Proper trainee! She came to him asking to be trained in weapons and bodyguard-work at the behest of her master. Anton simply had to oblige, as she seemed so determined--And still does. She's second to Attika in favor, as far as his students have been.
Jainus Darkblade : Newbie. Asked to be trained in the art of axe-murdering. Has yet to show up for class.. Still. He's not quite sure she ever will, though he still sees her around the estate halls every now and then.
Kakana Kana : Axe-slinging berserker turned greatsword-artist. He's currently training her in discipline, to try and slow the rampage potential that she's capable of. Or, at least, that was his plan, before she pointed out that she's nothing more than a magic-crazed tiny ball of destruction with no recourse but to murder everything around her. Now he just wants to get her the hell out of the estate!


I'll be adding pictures to this section as I get them.


Theme Songs: Sick Puppies - War , One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - John Lee Hooker , Avenged Sevenfold - Hail to the King , Eminem - Not Afraid
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