Hirokuli Zerokuli

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Hirokuli Zerokuli
"Wait, are you saying I shouldn't be drunk during a fight!?".

Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 26
Occupation Chef De Cuisine and Monk
Orientation Heterosexual but flirts with men
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Affiliation Fenith Conglomerate
Server Gilgamesh


HIROKULI ZEROKULI (Pronunciation: He-row-koo-li Zee-row-koo-li),Hirokuli (or Hiro) as he is called by his friends is a young and spirited Lalafell Pugilist. Starting out from a family of 13 brothers and sisters, he is used to a large family and constantly being surrounded by people. Growing up on the tail end of his parents breeding campaign he was subjected to physical labor by his older siblings and constant teasing and the pressures of being "low man on totem pole". However, due to his upbringing young Hiro is near impervious to mental subjugation and once he sets his mind on something, he is going to do just that. He is physically shaped just like any member of the Lalafell race with the exception of his muscular constitution. Constant labor and chores have toned his muscles to a very peculiar hardness. In the terms of his 4th oldest brother Jarakuli, "hitting him is like trying to punch a mountain face". He is not bulky nor abnormally huge in his peoples standards, just much more solidly built. His body type quite naturally drove him to more and more physically demanding roles, such as the pursuit of the Pugilist way of life. Even as a novice he could usually just shrug off blows from monsters several times bigger than himself, and the training only enhanced his speed and tone even more. His eyes on becoming one of the most acclaimed Monks in the world, Hiro is constantly training both his body and his mind daily trying to reach his goal..


Like most members of the Lalafell race, Hirokuli is tiny, almost diminutive. Standing a fraction above 3 fulms tall it would be quite easily to dismiss him as just another child or Lalafell. However Hiro has one particular trait that tends to stand out and that is his eyes. His right one a brilliant silver color, and his left a shimmering gold, his eyes seem to give off their own inner "light" of sorts with how luminous they are. Many a female (and even some males) have been caught by his gaze and quickly avert the stare. This is mostly due to the fact that, according to one storeowner in Ul'dah said, "its almost as though he can see right into your soul, and know what you are thinking and feeling". This is of course not true at all, as Hiro has no powers of mind reading. His hair is short, but he consistantly looks as if he just rolled out of bed and ran a hair through it. His entire body is covered in scars, mostly minor yet some deeper, the deepest of course is a puncture wound through his chest that exits out the back.


Fun-loving. Prankster. Fiercely Loyal.Hirokuli is open, friendly, knowledgeable, a little sarcastic, and a prankster. He knows the power his eyes have on other people and knows full well that people do not like to look him in the eyes because of it. So he will challenge people to staring competitions and secretly delight in the micro-expressions of terror shot his way. He will then laugh not in mockery, just in jest and proceed to buy the lad or lass a drink, or five. Hiro enjoys his drink well and has before tried to master the apparent "art" of "Drunken Boxing". However, according to his brothers, it was just an excuse to drink during his growing up, and perhaps, an excuse to inflict some light bruising on the older siblings who put him to work daily. He knows well his own limitations and what he can and cannot do, but that only drives him to take on challenges slightly exceeding those to see how far he can push himself. Happy, fiercely loyal to his friends and family, honest and a little wild, Hiro isn't usually the life of a party, but he sure does at to it.


Women. They are graceful, have boobs, and raise his blood pressure. What's not to like?.

ALCOHOL. Ask anyone, Hiro is a full-blown, yet functional, alcoholic. Not only does he enjoy drinking it he is also a crafter, getting pretty good too if the patrons at Nocturne's Respite are any indication.

Tattoos. As he loves to learn, he loves learning about people and markings and symbols. Show Hiro a tattoo, and he will likey be enraptured at your stories or the meanings behind it, even if it is complete bullshit.

Fighting. Well, he IS a monk, he enjoys most the dull thud of knocking the wind out of some poor bastards solar plexus and watching them crumble.


Straight-edged folk. If you don't drink or smoke, you're probably not going to get along anyways.

NEGATIVITY. Don't get down on yourself around Hiro, or he will call you a little bitch and to own your proverbial "shit". Whilst seemingly making him appear to be heartless or cold, he believes wallowing in depression or negative thoughts corrupt the mind.

The Rumor Mill. A word of caution, do not come to Hiro with rumors that have no basis on factual evidence, as he will most likely throw a drink in your face or punch a kneecap.

Wishy-washy people. Hiro has a special place in his heart for people who say one thing then go around and do the exact opposite or the very thing they said they hated, as this means that they are completely untrustworthy. If Hiro says he will or wont do something, you can guarentee he will or will not do that.


Strength and Agility.Due to his unconventional training method, which some might call suicidal, Hiro has incredible physical strength on top of greater than normal flexibilty..

Heightened Pain Supression. The ancilliary benefit to his training regiment is his ability to supress or completely block out pain.

Enhanced Smell. His nose is extremely sensitive, and while this can be either good or bad depending, it does make him quite proficient at picking out the greatest ingrediants for his dishes and drinks..


Alcoholism. This really requires no additional notes.

Sexist/Racist.Yes, Hiro is a bit sexist towards men, as he will clearly give women more of a sympathetic ear even if a man has the same exact problem. Also, growing up in Ul'dah and being prayed on by dancing Miqo'te women who wanted his seed and coin, he naturally views most Miqo'te women as 'sneaky sexfiends', yet there are a few miqo'te who have fallen 'out' of that particular mold that he's come to love.

Emotional Connectivity. Hiro has a hard time opening himself up to others, especially when talking about his training, his past, or his family. He will give the generic information, yet for details, you'd have to work much, MUCH harder.


Hiro is a mainly a Pugilist, however he has dabbled a bit in the spear, bow and sword. He prefers hand to hand fighting though, calling it "the true test of intention". Hiro believes anyone who is willing to go up-close and personal with an opponent is just trying to find their own personal "Way of Life" just like he is. He doesn't enjoy hurting his fellow denizens of Eorzea, yet will occasionally jump into a friendly dual if he knows the person well enough. Against monsters or any chaotic destructive entity that knows only how to take life, he will charge in willingly and fight to the death, not because he believes he must save someone, though that has been known to happen. Mostly, he does it because he enjoys the challenge of fighting for his own convictions against an opposing force with convictions directly conflicting his own.


His bare fists, sometimes accented with brass knuckled gloves or boxers gloves On rare occasions, he can be seen holding a a cesti fitted with long, viscious claws.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that CHARACTER has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what HE/SHE has been up to.

  • Cacophany : Blood Magic. The owner of Hiro during a time when he fell completely into darkness after his younger brother was killed by a monster, that was aiming for his family and him. After resurrecting him, she gave him the tools and information to assassinate all involved in his family murder. He stopped counting after thirty-seven. This battle left him weakened for days, and neither died.
  • Reanimated Younger Brother: Spear. Laid his rest, for good.


Hirokuli was born lucky number thirteen, and the last child his mother would ever carry. His father planned on having him follow his other brothers in growing the family business, yet time displayed Hiro had a much different calling. From a very young age, his brothers put him to work carrying bags of grain twice his height, and moving objects a child simply shouldn't be able to do. Remarkably, Hiro doesn't hate his brothers for essentially using him as 'slave labor', as this made his body far, far stronger than the average lalafell. Having the necessary smarts to go into the Merchant Guild his father ran, he chose instead to be an adventurer and see the world. He brought along his sibling with promise of gold, fortune, fame and women, and during the adventures they grew remarkably close. Tragically, that all changed when a rival guild unleashed a land crab in a small cavern that decimated his party and claimed the life of his brother and himself, until he was resurrected by Cacaphony. A cruel mistress with the power of blood magic and the most enchanting voice heard, she told Hiro who came after his family, and demanded thirty-seven lives as payment for his own. As a result, he donned a white mask and dark clothes, and started murdering those assigned to him. His executions were ruthless, savage, looking more like a wild animal attack with the shredded lumps of flesh he left in his wake. His fellow assassins gave him clear passage as well, some of them commenting that he wasn't human at all but a demon, hellbent on revenge. It was not until he killed the merchant lord in question that he mysteriously vanished for 2 long years. What emerged was a different lalafell, one that could smile, could cry, something more complete and thankfully 'human'. .


Hiro tends to keep his own affairs pretty damn private, except if people simply ask and keep asking. Current known wareabouts after leaving Envisage of Night is within the Fenith Conglomerate with his lover Datura Venenum. They co-own a bakery/cafe in the Mists and have seem some good revenue and memories there.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Cicika Cika, mother. ( Platonic Love )
Hirokuli’s Thoughts: "It's Mom, you don't fuck with mom."

Hiro's mother is an elderly woman with an infectious smile and easy laugh. Unlike most lalafell she isn't focused on money or status, and only wants to see her children happy and successful. She was Hiro's emotional anchor during his time growing up whenever his brothers would pick on him or his sisters would dress him up in gowns and put makeup on him. She, more than anyone else, helped shape him into the young, confident man he is now. His mother valued honestly most since it was so hard to find in Ul'dah.

Janokuli La Nanokuli, father. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
Hirokuli's Thoughts: "The enigmatic business man himself! To what do I owe this pleasure, Father."

Hiro's father is a very strict and precise business man. He has love for his family and friends, but his is a typical lalafell that makes business his life.

Sibling’s Name, sibling. ( ??? )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: ”Quote goes here.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that CHARACTER has interacted with enough or in such a way for HIM/HER to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on CHARACTER, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... DATE.

* An asterisks denotes that CHARACTER doesn't know the individual's true name.

Character Name, short descriptor. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to CHARACTER. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of CHARACTER that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of CHARACTER, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim.

  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.
  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.
  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.


Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying to or just being really skeevy in general. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:


Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.


Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.


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