The Dreamer's Reprieve

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On the corner of the Goblet, overlooking a great ravine across the Thanalans and facing the morning sun, sits a small, humble abode. The exterior is decorated with sunbleached blue paint that is peeling in places, and a hot metal roof that radiates with the desert heat. A small garden with sprouting vegetables, and a stable housing a few dozing chocobos, lie in opposite corners. Weather-worn tables rest in the side-yard, offering a spot in the shade of a few large trees.
The sign hanging above the front door swings in the breeze, and portrayed on its face is a name in scrawling letters: The Dreamer’s Reprieve.
On either side of the name, there’s a tankard and a blue bed with moons and stars. A tavern and inn. Swinging the double doors open, one would be met with warm lights and quiet music. A simple, rustic place made with the same stone and style as many of the local taverns of the Goblet. Heavy blue and brown drapes are slung over the windows, both giving it a slightly mystical charm and also keeping the cool air inside. Tables and chairs are a-plenty, and a lonely stool sits in a corner, where a wandering bard performs. Behind the long, wooden counter stretched across the far corner, a middle-aged midlander stands, greeting with a small smile.

The Dreamer's Reprieve serves as a public hub for wanderers, merchants, adventurers, and visitors from all walks of life. Need a drink? A place to stay? Looking for work? Just want to escape the heat? The Reprieve may be able to serve your needs!
✦ Ingame Location: The Goblet, Ward 1, Plot 51 (Southeast Subdivision)
✦ General Purpose: Tavern & Inn
This tavern is run by NPCs, meaning that a character is not required for someone to be there to serve you. The plot is owned OOCly by Ruran Vas, so please direct any questions or concerns that way!
✦✦ OOC linkshell available for planning, event announcements, and meeting other RPers at this public hub. ✦✦

✦ INN ROOMS: For any wandering soul who needs a warm bed for the night, a few rooms are available on the lower level. Extended stays can be organized with the proprietor for a discounted rate.
✦ PERFORMANCE VENUE: Near the entrance, a single stool stands ready to receive any performer with a song or tale to share. Wandering bards from near and far can take up this humble corner and perform for a small crowd.
Past Performers:
Sephora Sirenas: Storyteller, dancer, and songstress.
• Erica Mikhori: Storyteller and party host (All Saints Wake).
✦ ADVENTURE BOARD: Posters, flyers, Wanted signs, and Now Hiring ads are scattered on a board at the back wall of the tavern. A lalafell can often be seen standing on a crate, adding and removing them as needed.
Currently Displayed:
✦ IMPORTED BREWS: The Reprieve has a wide variety of imported beers, wines, and ales. If you’re looking for a taste of home, you might find it here.

✦ Janne Thatcher: (Proprietor) A midlander who appears to be in her mid-40's, Janne is a kind and welcoming businesswoman who keeps the Reprieve running and the drinks flowing. She's most often seen at the bar, preferring to serve and interact with new customers. Although she is quite fine with rowdiness and good cheer, any violent misconduct or harassment will result in a cutoff of drinks and a boot out the door.
✦ Uyaya Uya: (Housekeeper) A quiet and stern little lalafell who makes sure the adventure board is up to date and the rooms are clean. If you're looking for information about a certain job, or if you need your room swept, this is the lalafell to call!
Madoc Parnell: (Part-time Bartender) A smirking xaela who mans the bar when Janne needs to step out for a bit. He also works as a bouncer of sorts, ready to jump in at the proprietor's behest.




✦ That Local Brew, with the weird name: You know the one! From the brewery three blocks away. The one with the weird logo.
✦ The Nanermo: Playfully named after Sultana Nanamo Ul Namo. A mixed martini with a hint of banana, typically served with slices of banana instead of olives.
✦ Seeker’s Sweat: A tribal Miqo’te vodka that is typically mixed with about 2/3 of its contents being water, then poured into a small ice-filled cup with a squeeze of lemon.
✦ John Donald’s: Probably the most popular whiskey around. Even Roegadyn love it, despite it being Hyur-crafted.
✦ Ul’dahn Wagon Bomb: Popular drink among the Brass Blades, you take a glass and drop a Merc Shot into it before downing the entire thing. It’s tradition to slam your glass down as soon as you’ve finished.
✦ Merc Shot: A shot of some decent whiskey. Nothing particularly interesting, but not bad.
✦ Pruno: Prison wine. You’re not even sure how you got this. Tastes more like piss than wine.
✦ Ultima’s Bane: Rum, vodka, and whiskey. That’s it, no mixer. A drink that has become rather popular in light of the recent triumph over the Garlean’s weapon.



✦ Buscarron’s Classic Mead: A popular bar in the South Shroud and local stop for those that inhabit the region. Was really only a matter of time before he started producing his own drink.
✦ Gridanian Mint: A fashionable cocktail made with rum, sugar, mint, lime juice, and tonic. Good for those warm days.
✦ The Kupo Cup: An adorable drink that has a milky white hue to it from the mixing of vodka, cream, and sugar. Served with ice and a little skewered cherry to represent the pom.
✦ Unfiltered Shroud Spiritmilk: Few know what goes into this buttery concoction, save those who make it. Best known for its psychotropic effects that may cause minor hallucinations.


✦ Pina Colada: Your traditional pineapple-and-coconut rum to have while laying by the beach and soaking in the sun.
✦ Goobbue’s Piss: A popular mixed drink of house vodka and cider. Not a particularly potent drink, though its name may suggest otherwise.
✦Sailor’s Delight: An amalgamation of potent rums. The name has become more of a title for a certain brand of rum mixing, but it’s history and iterations have made it all the more of a knock out.
✦ Summerford’s Best: A drink popularized by Summerford Farms. Fresh juice squeezed from their prized oranges, mixed with a sweet honeyed mead.


✦ Coerthas Reserve: A heavy, dark beer for those long cold nights. Warms you right up.
✦ Blood of Nidhogg: An aptly name drink, and quite potent for a red wine. Said to be fermented in barrels that have been soaked in gin. Quite popular with Isghardian nobility.
✦ The Abalathian Spinecracker: A powerful malt whiskey, spiked with juice from an Ochu sapling. Such a drink has bested even the mightiest of Roegadyn.


✦ King of Ruin: A shot of Ala Mhigan scotch mixed with Ala Mhigan mustard seeds. A strong drink in design, but morose in concept. The idea of adding mustard seeds to good scotch is a bit of black humor on the part of the Ala Mhigans and bears particular significance to King Theodric’s legacy.
✦ The Import: A strange clear liquid from an even stranger bottle. Goes down hard with a hint of cinnamon and a coffee aftertaste.




✦ Skeleton code was created by Bancroft Gairn
✦ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera (now Jaliqai Qulaan)
✦ Adjustments by Ruran Vas
✦ Tabs by Suen Shyu
✦ 99% of the drink names/descriptions were provided by Keldorin Lumont!
Thank you!