Madam Seraphine

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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... MAH-luh-ruh SE-rjnoh

BIRTH NAME... Meallaire Sarrasin.

NICKNAMES... Mea, Meall, Alli.

RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... Appears 31ish.

NAMEDAY... 22nd Sun, 4th Umbral Moon.


Other Statistics

BIRTHPLACE... Twelveswood.


RESIDENCE... Sarrasin Manor, Ishgard.

OCCUPATION... Aetherfist.

PATRON DEITY... Nymeia, the Spinner

HEIGHT... 6 fulms, 6 ilms.

WEIGHT... 195 ponze.

ORIENTATION... Pansexual

ALIGNMENT... Type 4 Chaotic Neutral.

General Information
Meallaire Sergenaux is a Wildwood Elezen who originally hails from the Twelveswood, but who has traveled across much of the world. She has held a number of occupations in her considerably long life, spends much of her time traveling and learning what she can about Eorzea, but more specifically, ancient culture and civilization.
Ethereal, confident. Ambidextrous, right-handed preference when writing. One major scar (face), many minor (body).
Hair & Eyes
Her hair has carried a variety of styles and shades over the years, having started out her life with platinum blonde hair that lightened to white during her youth. She tends to bounce between colors, styles and lengths as so fits her. One week might find her with short black hair, while the next week brings with it an entirely different look. One thing she doesn't believe in when it comes to her hair is permanence. Her eyes are a steely shade of silver, and one of the most expressive parts of her, showing smiles that her lips might not curl to, and whatever mischief might definitely be on her mind.
Physique & Markings
Standing at six fulms and six ilms, Meallaire is tall for a woman, even an Elezen, and is a scant two ilms shorter than her husband and partner. Physically she's stockier than some Elezen, with a heft to her body that is a mixture of curve and muscle, the former much more apparent at first glance than the latter. She's grown more slender over the years, though her weight maintains because of the physical regimen she follows, easily half again as heavy as most women of her height and size. Facially she appears mature, but not old, looking to be in her early thirties. This youthful appearance is somewhat superficial, as the woman has easily seen more than the usual years of an Elezen of age, a lifespan is attributed to some damn fine alchemical work, conjuration, and an incredibly rigid daily regimen to keep her fit. She bears a single scar on her face, stretching up over her left eye and ending in the middle of her cheek. She has numerous smaller scars across her body, representing a life full of accidents, conflict, and the little things that leave their marks on us.
Hygiene & Attire
While she won't hesitate to get dirty, and even bloody, she prefers being clean a majority of the time. She carries a strong scent of evergreen and roses around her, beneath the smell of whatever other plant or alchemical mixture she happens to have been working with most recently. She does her best to wear clothing that is in excellent shape, but her attire is as varied as anything else about her might be. When in combat with a sword she prefers heavy plate, when utilizing her martial arts she prefers flexible leather armor that doesn't inhibit her movements, and when working spells she prefers robing with pockets and pouches to carry all of the components and other miscellaneous items she might need during the course of her work.
Worn Items of Note
A simple silver band with an ornate multicolored gem, her bond ring.
A single stud piercing through her tongue, made of highly polished gemstone.
In her youth she was a very quiet and studious intellectual who mostly kept to herself, the primary company in her life her father, aunt and the voices of the Elementals. Age has turned her serious, though she maintains an open-mind within certain subjects. She's an eager student to anything she hasn't yet learned, taking in knowledge about people, magic, combat, tradeskills, and ancient history with an ease that explains her current level of intellect.

A lifetime littered with loss and sorrow has left its mark on her, with two of her five children buried in the ground, and a shroud of melancholy that drapes around her when left to her own introspective thought. When her family is involved, she's a very dedicated and affectionate individual, albeit also very protective, sometimes to the point of sheltering her loved ones. Though it takes quite a bit to rouse her to action, when she gets going, she's a very hot-blooded woman who has a cynical streak a mile long, and a sharp tongue to go along with it. That said, those who threaten her family find her to be quite fierce, as she shifts gears from an individual who prefers to rationalize everything, to someone who is suddenly flinging fists and spells in their direction with equal levels of ire and cold logic.

With her youth spent traveling, she has a deep wanderlust that keeps her moving, with few places becoming 'home' for more than a year or two at best. Regardless of the almost nomadic lifestyle that she and her husband live, she'd drop all of her travels to come to the aid of those she cares for. Despite all of her growth and the changes she's undergone, some things will never change: she considers herself neither a villain nor a hero, but is capable of turning herself into either if pushed to it.
Smoky, warm and lilting, Mea's voice is exactly what one might expect from a grown woman, with the mannerisms to match. She speaks with a very even tone, rarely raising her voice even when angry, or highly emotional. Her accent is difficult to place, a cultured voice with a mostly indiscernible mixture of tones and words gained from her years of travel across the world. When incredibly upset, her voice comes across with a thicker brogue, one that makes her much more difficult to understand. Her singing voice is similarly husky, the kind of rich sound that makes one think of quiet bars with piano music flowing, or mothers cradling their infants and singing them to sleep in low tones.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Meallaire has strong opinions and views, and her philosophical outlook tends to be just as strongly opinionated. As a woman who lives an open and relatively free lifestyle with her husband, she understands that free will and choice are extremely important in life, but just as important is maintaining that free will for others. As such, she does her best not to shove her attentions, affections, or interest on an individual who is unresponsive to her in any way.

Her age has given her a unique perspective on life and the way many people live it. Many consider themselves good or evil, but she knows that life can't be quantified down into black or white, good or evil, and instead is fleshed out and flourishes only when the many shades of grey that lie between the darkness and light, between the two absolutes, is explored.

When it comes to mannerisms, she has a few consistent traits to her. She's incredibly loyal when someone gains her trust. She does her level best not to make any promise she doesn't feel she can keep, even if that promise happens to sound rather outlandish at the time. She won't hesitate to teach anyone else who asks after her about any of the knowledge she's gained over the years. And she'd give up absolutely anything to protect her family, even her own life.
❄ Wandering the Shroud.
❄ Inclement weather.
❄ Night time.
❄ Children.
❄ Herbal cigarettes.
❄ Reading.
❄ Flavorful food.
❄ Cooking.
❄ Music.
❄ Nature.
❄ Dishonesty.
❄ Zealotry.
❄ Extreme heat.
❄ Morbols.
❄ Laziness.
❄ Indecision.
❄ Politics.
❄ Blood Currants.
❄ Pettiness.
❄ Being abandoned.
❄ Dancing.
❄ Magic.
❄ Crafting.
❄ Science.
❄ Diplomacy.
❄ Cooking.
❄ Healing.
❄ Medicine.
❄ Martial Arts.
❄ Swordplay.

Basic Statistics
High: Aether, Intelligence, Strength
Above Average: Endurance, Willpower, Wisdom
Average: Charisma, Dexterity, Speed
Low: Defense
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Conjury, Healing
Expert: Barriers, Ice
Average: Lightning, Arcanima
Novice: Fire, Astromancy
Weapon Training
Mastery: Hand-to-hand, One-handed Swordplay
Expert: Magic Infusion, Staff
Average: Guns, Two-handed Swordplay
Novice: Archery, Axes, Polearms
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Acrobatics, Blind-fighting
Above Average: Field Medicine, Mimicry, Tactics
Average: Parkour, Riding, Tracking
Poor: P. Ranged Attack, Ranged Defense
Trade & Field Crafts
Mastery: Alchemy, Botany, Cooking
Expert: Leatherworking, Fishing, Weaving
Average: Armorsmithing, Goldsmithing, Mining
Novice: Blacksmithing, Carpentry
Non-Combat Skills
High: Linguistics (Polyglot), Sciences
Above Average: Acrobatics (Dance), Brewing/Distilling
Average: Divination, Navigation
Poor: Artillery, Empathy
OOC Note
When it comes to unavoidable combat RP, I'm willing to go with either Dice, or Freeform, depending on what's decided on by those of us fighting. That said, I prefer freeform, and use what is referred to as an "interrupt" style of RP combat, in that when an action is performed, a description of the effects (such as in the case of spells, etc) it would have is included. It is then up to the other individual to defend against the action and/or mitigate the effects as they're described. Don't hesitate to send a /t if you have questions, or are uncertain about a specific action performed in a battle.

Artistry & Business
Probably Meallaire's greatest hobby, the cultivation of plants and new subspecies of flora is one of the things that the woman prides herself on. Through careful study and experimentation, she has begun growing plants that are often found in other parts of the world, typically for personal use and never shared with others except in the form of an ingredient used in one of her many concoctions or tinctures, or as part of an herbal tea. More recently, she's started a flower shop in the Shroud that sells both flowers for decoration, as well as herbal tea mixtures.
Alchemical Cooking
Meallaire has the most experience with cooking. She tends to cook with an elegant flourish, and favors candies and cakes, but she can make just about anything, ranging from traditional Eorzean dishes to the more unique cuisine of Othard, and indeed, lands far beyond. But take away her fancy pots and pans, and she's just as happy cooking over an open fire with a simple metal pot and fresh spices. She's more of a personal fondness for savory rather than sweet. Her specialties are small chocolate candies, filled with cream and fruit, a sort of cordial cherry type dish, which she makes with a number of both sweet and sour fruits.

To go along with her skill at cooking, Meallaire is also an alchemist of no small amount of skill. She crafts natural and magically based philters, draughts, and elixirs, all of which she offers for purchase. She also creates experimental potions and drafts, finding new ways to push the envelope with her creations. One of the ways that she utilizes her alchemical cooking is in taking the sting, as it were, out of some of the more nasty tasting potions. She has also used these methods to make unique treats, such as delicate spun chocolate creations, and frozen sweet cream made into tiny dots of flavor which melt together to become a rather delicious whole.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Rumor text."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Rumor text."
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Rumor text."
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Madam.. Seraphine..? I believe I met her once before.. Very kind and beautiful.. But she reminds me of a rose. Beautiful to look and see but there are still thorns protecting it. But I am thankful I met her.. I would like to see her again soon" — Yuki Kurenai’’.
"It’s platonic." — Oliver Amaranth.
"The fuckin' purple-haired lady? Dunno her personally, but if ya want, I'll recommend you to 'er. Heard she's really good at suckin', if y'know what I mean. You probably don't." — Avigail Amaranth.

Relationship Status Legend

(NPC) Bellatrix the Maddening { } - The Maddening Mother
(NPC) Rosckalakof { } - Space Dad
Wayward Aletheia { } - Confused Keeper
Elf Elred { } - The Snack that Survived
Avigail Amaranth { } - The Hat-Stealing Hyur
Oliver Amaranth { } - Platonic Daughter
Kodie Durant { } - The Redhead
Nenanie Durendaire { } - Fleshy Daughter
Ozzie Enheduanna { } - The Crazed Mage
Gospel Gestalt { } - The Lover
Sigefried Miller { } - The Mister of the Sister
Doctor Ozerov { } - The Good Doctor
Red { } - The Thrall
Lady Sarielle { } - The Ravenous Sister
Simeon sibaruse { } - The Livid Knight
Ridah'li Vhosso { } - Student
Neheon Wolfsbane { } - The Cute Au Ra
Location & Probability

The Shroud: High.
Gridania: High.
Ishgard: High-Moderate.
Dravania: High-Moderate.
Coerthas: Moderate.
Mor Dhona: Moderate.
Ul'dah: Moderate-Low.
Thanalan: Moderate-Low.
Limsa Lominsa: Low.

Place: ???
Place: ???
Place: ???
Place: ???
IC Inventory
The following items are things that Seraphine carries on her person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png Glio ring.png Glio knife.png Sackicon.png Glio herbs.png Glio journal.png Glio quill.png Inkpot.png Glio rations.png VialIcon.png Glio alchkit.png Glio medkit.png Glio candy.png

Item: WIP
Item: WIP
Item: WIP
Item: WIP
RP Limits

Acceptable is WIP
Ask about WIP
Unacceptable is WIP
RP Hooks

Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave all link-backs and credits intact if you use this template.
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse.
■ Tabling, more formatting & bits by/from Suen Shyu.