Satomi Hakase

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Satomi Hakase
Satomi close up.png
"With science in hand, the word impossible is not in my language."
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Pronunciation Sah-tow-mee Hah-kah-say
Age 25 (Born Aug 14th)
Height/Weight 5', 3 / 114 ponz.
Job Garlond Ironworks assistant/Alchemical vender
Class Magitek Researcher/Machinist
Relationship Status Single and not looking



Satomi is a young, Hyur, Half-Doman woman with boundless intellect who seems to live her life simply for the pursuit of knowledge, missing out on the simpler pleasures for her endless goals. She has a good heart for others around her, and the tenacity to never give up, but is naive to understanding people as a whole. The young woman is a hard worker, one who rarely sets foot out doors, and who has little appreciation for nonsense or stupidity. One can even say she is rather altruistic with how she work so hard for the benefit of science and others, with so little care of her own well being. In short, Satomi is the sort of woman who has all of the answers, ...until it comes to dealing with people.


At first glance, Satomi would seem like a pretty short and frail girl, almost vulnerable looking in a way, like she doesn't go outdoors much. Her pale skin may show this, soft and light as a budding pink rose, but upon a closer look, her fingers are calloused, she's often covered in patches of oil, dirt, or sweat from her work, or the occasional few cuts and wounds she doesn't get the chance to take care of.

Satomi is a little short, barely three inches over five feet, and hardly sees the sun since she’s indoors researcher, but she is a mature young woman, even if many look at her as more of a girl from her rather lacking features, small chest size, and not at all impressive figure. Her eyes from behind her glasses are an emerald green, and often with a sharp gaze, while her lips are thin, lightly pink, and usually pursed close in a simple, straight fashion that shows an unamused look on her. The girl's hair is black and just past shoulder length. Though normally, she has it tied back in two pig tails with braids, sometimes showing a bit of her forehead and her ears.

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Satomi casual attire.png

A word that Satomi knows little about, the girl prefers comfort over appearance. And most of the time, she is seen wearing her lab coat, coming out from her work with it on, and simply not taking it off. In a way, she's made her long, pale blue lab coat a part of her normal fashion. While from the waist down, she's normally wearing a skirt, about knee length, with high socks. It's worth noting that her skirt is often wrinkled, ad one socks tends to be lower than the other from neglect of keeping them pulled up. While her shoes range to whatever seems best, from boots to simple dress shoes, again it's a matter of comfort and necessity.

However, one that that never changes with what she wears is the glasses. While she has two pairs, she's never seen without one of the two on, the girl too poorly sited to go without glasses. In the Ironworks facility, she also wears goggles, having them fit in a way that goes over her thin shaped, oval glasses.

When more relaxed and not wearing her coat though, she does have a few nice shirts, but still goes with a skirt, and has a larger pair of glasses she wears in paranoia of wanting to keep her eyes protected, figuring the larger ones work as a better shield over her eyes. She does accidently tend to leave her work pouch or tool belt on though during the process of 'dressing casual' as if she just refuses to leave her work behind completely. Though there's no denying that it seems fitting for such a busy and studious young woman like her.


From the start, anyone can tell that Satomi is an eccentric girl with a thirst for knowledge, inside and out. Satomi takes everything from an analytical point of view, seeing everything through cold, stated numbers instead of witnessing the emotional or fun value to something. People see her to be a mad scientist type of girl, as she often dehumanizes most things around her, and will even go onto rants about anything she can’t explain scientifically.

In a fight though, Satomi changes quite a bit. Needing to clear her mind for her style to work, Satomi becomes a truly focused fighter, determining her foes attacks in mid strike and blocking, but doing so in the manner that makes a silent but deadly assassin look like a common criminal. Blunt and cold like a steel knife, Satomi, once her life is threatened, is a surprisingly chilling and intimidating opponent.

Around that though, if anyone was to take the time to understand Satomi, they would see that she really is just a normal, young woman, trying to make a living, just going about it in the wrong ways as her pursuit of knowledge makes her irrational. When she meets someone she likes, she’s not afraid to befriend someone, though her somewhat hermit like lifestyle can cause a problem with that and makes her stutter and easily nervous. Not to mention despite her intellectual prowess, she is a bit socially inept, sometimes shy to new things and people. Still, she makes sure to take everything as it comes. And in the end, Satomi may be a girl who quite literally is in love with science, but she can also be caring and compassionate, even putting her friends above herself far too often, even if it means hurting herself.


As of currently, Satomi on occasion ends up assisting the Garlond Ironworks Facility, specializing in the application of ceruleum's uses, and Magitek weaponry. While she hasn't dabbled much with her coworkers, and tends to simply go in, do her job quietly and efficiently, then leave, Satomi's been able to make quite a name for herself, and provides a strong boost in their work force.

For most of her work though she has independent contracts from several Eorzeon militia forces to supply the troops. Sometimes it's dozens of Ice Ward potions for the guards of Coerthas Central Highlands. Or other times it's Ether's for the Thaumaturge guild in Ul'dah. Or other times, it's even healing potions ranging from simple, to the X-potency to Brass Blades, Wood Wailers or Yellowjackets. Whatever it may be, she's contacted through her Mammets, given orders, and often spends the night creating them before making the delivery the next morning, or hiring Sheena L'aveene to make the delivery for her.

Due to all of this, Satomi is actually quite wealthy, often just hoarding her money for now, as if she has a very important reason to use it in the near future.

Satomi supplying Coerthas.png


Satomi isn't afraid to fight, but she keeps herself at a distance, both physically, and mentally. She dabbles a bit in scholarly magick, but mostly to keep wounds healed, or her traveling partner, Grundy, alive. For the most part, she's only in a fight for supplies, or if ambushed, or simply defending herself from danger. And when she is, the scientist is not afraid to draw her flintlock pistol, and put a hole in someone. While she detests the idea of having to kill someone or something, she simply ends up taking her mind away from that fact of the fight, and possess a mean snap-fire with amazing accuracy, making herself heartless when the fight occurs so she doesn't hesitate.

To her, if someone tries to hurt her, then she knows they've already figured the risk, and were prepared to die. For supplies and needing to gain something from the wild, she tries not to be wasteful, and considers it all the cycle of life. While she uses a bullet to solve the problem, or launches a chemical concoction at her foe to poison or blind them, the woman prefers to use her knowledge any way she can to win the fight. That is of course, while always hiding behind someone else to keep her protected.

Her Mammet assistants

Satomi's small brigade of mammets each come with their own specialized use. And while she has seven by now, and names then by their number, each one is usually left with specific tasks, and seen in certain areas. The list of her mammets are as followed.

One (Violet): Her assistant in the lab, One is seen inside the Vylbrand Academy, almost strictly in her lab. When she isn't around and others wish to use her lab, it remains, watching over and assisting. When the lab is ventilating and none are allowed to come in due to hazardous chemicals, it will promptly keep anyone away from going inside. And most of all, when Satomi is there, it will hand her the right tools she asks for or whatever ingredients that lie around, basically being the one who fetches everything she needs. It speaks with a surprisingly calm, gentle, and assistive manner like a servant happy to help.


Three (Orange): Three's job is quite simple. Cleanliness. Whether it's helping to wash her cloths -usually her labcoats- or cleaning chemical spills off the floor, Three is left to always pick up after the scientist. Sometimes it's after a bad lab accident where Satomi works alongside the mammet, othertimes she might just forget something or make a small mess without realizing it, which he silently cleans. Three speaks in a very quiet, almost nervous sort of tone, like he fears displeasing Satomi, even if that's something it should never worry about.

Four (Green): This particular mammet has the unfortunate job of watching over Grundy. Satomi isn't always around to care for him, and while Grundy always means well, he has been known to cause a lot of damage without trying. So, this mammet often lies hidden, but watches over Grundy. And when things go bad, Satomi is quickly alerted so she could rush over to Grundy and try to calm him. Fortunately, this happens rarely.

Five (Yellow): Her combat analyzer, Five is there to record 'battle data' as she calls it, and recall events that happened in a battle. Usually, she uses it to study other members of the Vylbrand Academy to learn of their skillsets, and makes comparisons between others, or listing new techniques for future strategies. It speaks in a rather monotone and computer like fashion.

Six (White): This mammet is most often sent out on fetching small items for her. Whether it's going to a local market, handing over gil and a list to the proper shop-keep and then returning with a few goods, or simply going to the house of an FC or someone she needs to give them a letter. Six is very reliable, and barely gets the chance to be around it's master, almost always sent out on some sort of task.

Seven (blue): Her most commonly seen Mammet, Seven carries around all of Satomi's linkpearls, as she has quite a few from her many customers. When she isn't available for her own linkpearl, the mammet will hand it to someone else to take a message, or simply keep record for Satomi of who was trying to get in touch with her. As well, it provides the basic functions most mammets do, and while silent, she seems to find the most comfort from it.

Satomi's mammet brigade.png



  • Pursuing greater knowledge, especially in the understanding of alchemy and Magitek
  • Reading books, though only ones she feels she can pick up a lesson from.
  • Creating something, or even taking something apart, whether it be for work, or understanding.
  • Seeing others teach or classes learn. It gives her hope for future society.
  • Being thrown off guard. Call it a guilty pleasure, but she actually likes the challenge of trying to understand someone who makes a weird impression.


  • Sheer stupidity and people who refuse to learn. It's okay if you don't know something, but don't try to remain blind.
  • Anything that she cant explain scientifically or through aethereal theory.
  • Prostitutes, whores, or people who sell their body for services. Though she's learning to see the reasons for his, and starting to cease in judging it so harshly.
  • Contact with others. It takes her a very long time to feel comfortable with even a pat on the shoulder from someone, let alone a sudden embrace or something like that.
  • Seafood! Even though she's Doman blooded, she wasn't raised in Doma, and never was raised off any marine life. In fact, she's barely ever tried it, and the few times she has, it's made her stomach ache.
  • Tribal folks who refuse to adapt even the slightest.


  • The understanding of Magitek, as Satomi's not only a natural and long practiced it, but people see her as a bit of a wizard with the arts.
  • Alchemy. If you need a potion created, Satomi's likely your best bet on who to talk to. She enjoys it, and naturally can concoct almost any mixture needed with the best of quality.
  • Cooking, as she actually views it much like alchemy. Only instead of chemicals, it's mixing ingredients. Though sadly, it tends to always miss out on the 'motherly touch' since she's so by the book with it, and isn't that very good. It's a hobby she still enjoys though!
  • The Piano, and she's quite a talented player, even if most of her music sounds rather melancholy.
  • Airships, both tinkering them, and piloting them.
  • Firearms. She's quite skilled with a flintlock pistol, and likes to tinker with it.
  • Astrology and Geography, just understanding the outside world from the safety of being inside.


  • Satomi has a squad of Mammets who assist her, each designated with numbers. Her most commonly used one is 'Seven' who carries nearly a dozen linkpearls for her. The linkpearls are all belonging to customers who require her alchemical talents to create them potions. Most often, she makes delivers to the guards in Coerthas Central Highlands with potions to heal wounds, and the best quality Ice-Ward potions to help with the cold.
  • Satomi always wears her hair in twin, braided pigtails. Ever since she got her hair caught in a cog, she started to have it tied back like it is now out of fear of it happening again.
  • Satomi treats herself as a scientist before being seen as a woman. Thus, she's actually very naive to relationships or even friendship in general, but aware of this fact.


Early Life

(Birth to 19 years - The events of Satomi's upbringing)

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After the Calamity

(Around the time of the Calamity - And how Satomi's life shifted from the Calamity)

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Garleans & Grundy

(The last five years after the Calamity and living on the trail)

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Ironworks & Vylbrand Academy

(Oct 2014 - Jan 2015 - Arriving to the Academy, and finally settling down)

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Science, progress, and uncertainty

(Feb 2015 - Mar 2015 - Friends come and go, emotions grown, and Satomi starts to finally realize what it means to be a person)

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A matter that not even science can explain

(Mar 2015 to Apr 2015 - Good things don't last forever, and Satomi's life takes dangerous and unexpected turns with one thing after another)

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(Apr 2015 to Current - Satomi begins to doubt everything she's been through since arriving to the Academy)

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Grundy Byrde : When it comes to Grundy, Satomi's never quite sure how to describe him. No one knows Grundy better than Satomi herself, but sometimes she feels like that fact is a bad thing. She sees him as a child despite his massive size (even for a Roegadynn), but lately, rather than only seeing him as being her shield and protector on the front lines, she now starts to see him as a sibling. Older in age as he might be, his intellect makes her treat Grundy like a younger brother, and finally, she's been able to even offer him a hug, speaking softer to him, her heart opening up after all these years to reveal that she sees him truly as family. The girl is proud of him as he attempts to learn at the academy, and the two fight for one another to the point that one would give up everything just to protect the other.
Kyrrae Liminia : A gentleman thick and through, Satomi once thought him a pervert and prankster, but was proven very wrong about this. Kyrrae had become one of the few she feels she can rely on for nearly anything now. His kindness and patience towards her meant more to the scientist than she can explain, and overtime, the two grew fonder. The friendship overtime even became a strange but comforting relationship shortly after Valentiones day. And for awhile, all went well, Kyrrae helping her become more confident, relaxed, and the dates they went on teaching her what it meant to just treat herself like a person. The relationship was steady, but after several incidents, and both failing to find time for eachother, they had to break apart. Fortunately, the breakup went well, both understanding, and that night the two even having a toast to friendship. It's safe to say she still loves him, but more as a dear friend than romantically.
Chao Lingshen : For the two of them, it's as if they were destined to become friends. At first, it started as being co-works who highly respect eachother, but Satomi's curiousity for the Doman Miqo'te grew, just as Chao's interest in Satomi did as well. The two share so many of their secrets together, and Satomi finds herself often dragging Chao to the academy, just for Chao to later drag Satomi in social situations. They spend a lot of nights in the labs working together, and while it may seem a little childish, the two call eachother 'Science sisters.' Deep down, Satomi loves Chao as a friend, probably one of the best friends she could ask for, and quite frankly, there is no one else she feels she can share more of her secrets with than anyone else.
O'rahn Kevelan : At first, O'rahn and Satomi were at bitter ends with eachother, and he was one of the only people who Satomi ever found herself yelling at. But after many talks and getting to understand eachother, a bond started to grow. While he's not the most educated individual and a bit compulsive, it's that very nature of his that throws her off and keeps her life interesting. They've managed to settle all their differences awhile ago, and now have become quite close. When one of them is down, the other seems to always be there for the other. Whether it's an injury, or even just someone to talk to, they end up lending eachother a shoulder every time. O'rahn's even become one of the people she can tolerate contact from, as she doesn't push him away when he embraces her. Satomi sees him as a bit of a goofy brother figure, but one she cares very deeply about and wants to see grow. However, on occasion, people seem to assume their is more between he two, and even Satomi has to wonder once in awhile...
Imogene Holmes : The Hyur was someone Satomi very quickly got curious about, especially over a few of the tavern nights that occurred at the Academy. From her strange, blunt nature, to her experiments with food, Satomi wondered about her. Pursuing a conversation with her, which was rare enough for Satomi to do, the two found they had some in common, and neither really got bothered or tense by talking to one another. Eventually, they grew to care a bit, looking out for eachother in times of needs. Where Satomi becomes a guide to Imogene when it comes to the intellectual side of things, Imogene has become someone who protects Satomi when in need. Socially, the two are awkward with others, but around eachother they feel at ease, and have become close friends. From sharing secrets with one another, to even giving Imogene advice on decorating her room while Imogene returns it with advice about unique foods, the two had a quirky but entertaining friendship that she would never want to pass up.
Zoey Holendoey : The lalafell detective who helped Satomi in defending Sypher's case during his murder trial. She knows the lalafell is quite cold, and the woman has a way with verbally assassinating others with a grumpy attitude almost every hour of the day. However, Satomi can see she's got a good heart, and does her job for more than just the pay. After Sypher's case, the two still spoke, and nowadays, the two will share coffee and discuss smaller trials in life. Zoey's a regular face in the academy, supportive of Satomi, and even given Satomi some fashion advice or giving her little pushes in the right direction.
Elisea Renyven : As the leader of the Vylbrand Academy, Satomi has always had respect for her. Satomi never does have much free time, but she has attempted to awkwardly spend some time with the Mistress, finding it surprisingly relaxing. The fact that she doesn't abuse her power, and sees herself just the same as all of the other members in the academy puts Satomi at ease, and makes her comfortable with talking to the Miqo'te. However, deep down, she worries about the woman, noticing a loneliness in her heart, often seeing this sad, distant expression on her face she has trouble ignoring. Satomi doesn't know just how she'll do it, but she wants to help her somehow. She's been known to sometimes even try to sneak in a hug for the Miqo'te~
Dryce Pearlfinder : Dryce and Satomi are a very odd case. At first, when Dryce had shown to have a strange source of Aether and even admitted she wasn't normal, Satomi had quite literally attempted to dissect her in the name of science, wanting to harness that power to benefit Eorzea. This of course upset Dryce and many others who learned of this, which quickly made Satomi regret her actions, realizing she lost control of herself. The next morning, Satomi apologized for hours about the incident, deeply regretting her behavior. This would eventually turn to the two talking, and Satomi and Dryce forming a friendship. Overtime, they learned more and more about eachother, and now they have shared a lot more about their personal lives. Despite how odd things started between Dryce and Satomi, the two now are pretty close friends.
Sypher Corinth : A business partners for a few years now, Satomi has hired Sypher for protective services a few times when she's had chance encounters with him. Sometimes, their adventures had lead for days too, giving them time to understand eachother, and they've worked surprisingly well in sync, often words not even needing to be said. Though lately, seeing him in Ul'dah more as he's tried to settle a bit has lead Satomi to speak with him a little less professionally, and as friends. Having him later join the USH felt like a little blessing in her eyes, happy with how well she's seen him fitting in.
Senah Bajihri : At first encounter, Senah saw a rather strict and slightly moody side of the researcher, as Satomi was watching a class being taught from afar and didn't seem very fond of it, while Senah herself was a student. However, getting a chance to speak with her personally, Senah and Satomi realized they have a lot in common, and Satomi even fully supports her desires to learn more in Scholarly magic as well as the relationship Senah has with Evirine. That, with the fact that she is very understanding her shy nature, the two quickly seem to be becoming friends. Her wedding with Evirine was the first wedding Satomi ever attended, so the couple share a special place in her heart.
Evirine Bajihri : Lover of Senah Bajihri, Evirine was someone who at first, Satomi didn't get to interact with a lot. However, not too long after her wedding, Satomi started to see Evirine more, and the two shared more in common then they first thought. The girl has shown to be reasonable and quite composed, and Satomi feels relaxed around her, often enjoying their conversations and wanting to spend more time with her. It's safe to say that she feels like a close friend to the married couple.
Senel Curtis : From what Satomi has seen from the Hyur so far, Satomi's grown to really respect him. He's shown to be reliable more than anything, and was one of the people who first responded in helping Satomi when her lab exploded. She sees him as a kind natured soul, even one who's just a little comedic and knows how to brighten a room. She doesn't even get nervous around him like she often does with people, finding his presence to be a very welcomed company.
Catherine Nell : An Elezen with a very strange personality, Satomi's had a few run ins with her, almost every one of which ended in one of them bumping into eachother quite literally. Catherine often worries Satomi due to the work she does, nor does Satomi approve of it. However, she sees a lot of good in her, from the delicate and assuring nature she has, to how she's even helped Grundy. And so, Satomi's given her shelter a few times at the Academy, happy to see her visits there are well met. For the Elezen's protection, Satomi is even trying to get her to stay at the academy.

Old relationships

(For those she doesn't really see anymore, but have impacted her life)

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Common Rumors

  • "She can see just fine! Those glasses are like 'goggles' to her, she just wants to keep her eyes protected! Can't blame the lass though." - Lominsan Firearm vendor
  • "These Ice Ward potions she supplies us with? She's getting help making them. No way one woman can make this many with such potency! ...Not that I'm complaining." - Coerthas Central Highlands Guard

Moderate Rumors

  • "The lass sold her soul for knowledge." - Coerthas Central Highlands Guard
  • "Often, when she sends someone out to get her some supplies for her research, ...the poor sap doesn't come back." - Wood Wailers by Bentbranch Meadows
  • "That Grundy fellow she's always with? She runs experiments on him. Hells I wouldn't be surprised if she created him or some crazy shite like that." - Patron in the Quicksand

Rare Rumors

  • "With how much she knows about Garlean styled magitek, you'd think she's with them, not us. I just know she's actually a Garlemald citizen." - Goldsmith

PC Rumors

  • "She's actually got the most adorable little laugh~" -Nai Ruahki
  • "Ah, my partner in crime! Skittish as the seven hells around people and doesn't give herself near enough credit. But she's the greatest scientific mind I've ever seen, and the Empire will rue the day it made enemies of us. We're out to save the world, don't you know?" - Chao Lingshen


OOC Facts

-This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea

-Originally created on the Sirin server before transferring.

-Zoey Holendoey is my alt.

-4 Star crafter who's happy to offer work. Whisper any time~

-Some of the Gallery images were taken by Chao Lingshen :D

-Satomi's name and slight inspiration was borrowed from a character in the [Negima] series. Though deviated far from the character in that series now, other than the obsession with science.