Seitsuda Hironiwa

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 Seitsuda Gladepetal
378 pixelspx
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age ~28
Marital Status Single
Occupation Sellsword
Nameday 14th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon

Seitsuda Gladepetal is a wandering vagrant in search of aiding the downtrodden. The Au Ra has a penchant for disassociation and does not go by his true name, making him a most curious mystery to those who receive his help.

His Story

This Au Ra has traversed more of the great land of Eorzea than most of his kind, having a string of awful luck to be washed up on its shores only a summer prior to the Calamity.

Not much can be said of his past prior to waking on the shores of Eorzea, or he'd rather care not to tell. Based on his solitary lifestyle, it's an easy guess he may have been something of an outcast from the mountains he hailed from in a far off land. His time in Eorzea only instigated that more.

In the majestic green mountains of Coerthas is where Seitsuda first found himself-- lost, confused, and very, very alone. With very little than what he came with, he barely survived on his own in the new lands. The au ra was soon found by an Ishgardian woman who also seemed to wander in solitude. Being a man of few words, he learned more about the woman than she did of him. She claimed herself an outcast as well, believing in something that most could not, and that her people were living in lies. However much truth there was to that, the woman showed herself more unstable by the day, even moreso as the Calamity struck and harsh snow fell upon Coerthas. In such desperate times, she grew more dependent on Seitsuda, and he cared for her more and more, until one day, her desires went further.

Seitsuda had his first encounter of being mistaken as Dravanian then, when the woman begged him to bless her with his blood and gift. Frightened and confused, Seitsuda didn't know what to do with her-- a stranger he slowly grew to put trust in. Her desperations turned to violence against the Au Ra, with the intent of drawing blood herself. Ultimately, he was freed of the woman by a freak accident buried in harsh blizzards.

Mostly unscathed, Seitsuda fled further into the mountains. For a time, he did well to be alone and evade any others, until he was found by the most unlikely of eorzeans-- a brilliant gold chocobo with white-tipped feathers. The creature suffered her own injuries from a hunt, and astounded by such a creature, Seitsuda cared for her. When both were fit and healthy once again, their travels took them to a stark contrast from the mountains, and into the scorching deserts of Thanalan.

Seitsuda and his avian companion, Magnolia, spent the rest of the recent cycles in Thanalan. The au ra heavily concealed himself since his nightmarish encounter in Coerthas, so he may easily be mistaken for something he's not. It was there Seitsuda found his next Eorzean acquaintance that soon grew to a mentor figure. That mentor, Dogwood Glade, an elderly Hellsguard fellow, was the second to discover Seitsuda for what he truly was. The pair grew close, as Glade taught Seitsuda more to the Lance than the young man learned on his own overseas. The giant of a burly man passed away only a few cycles after the Calamity, and Seitsuda inherited his halberd.

In recent times, the au ra wandered without purpose, lending his lance to aid those in need with little of a thought for himself. He had seen enough suffering in the world to know that it will always be there, and any one man can make a difference.


The mountains
Spicy Foods
Scarves... lots and lots of scarves...


His personal space bubble being invaded


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): X - Cinnabun too pure for this world.
Favorite Food: Baked Sole
Favorite Drink: x
Favorite Color: Red

Appearance & Personality

Seistuda is a tall, scruffy man of an au ra. He continues to wear loose-fitting and many, many layers of clothes and scarves. His windblown, straw-yellow hair is tipped with green. The horns adorn on this Au Ra carry a sharpness to their slope, and two pairs of small, black horns rest at the back of his skull. Perhaps he keeps his hair long and shaggy for a reason.

What can be seen of his gaze is a rich brown hue, carried typically with a gentle expression. Scales of pale gold mask over his cheek bones and jaw. A small scale dots each brow.

Beyond appearance, the au ra is a very quiet, meek man who often looms in the back of a conversation. He speaks softly most times, he's very much a gentle softy if he isn't wielding his lance to defend others. When push comes to shove and the man must defend himself or others though, Seitsuda carries an air of serious determination and would be hard to shake of his resolve.


● The ocean is an unsettling thing for Seitsuda, still after all these cycles...
● He spoils his chocobo, and in turn his chocobo returns the affection with hair preening.
● May have a musical talent, he has a knack for humming and whistling.
● Although he still holds faith in the Dawn Father and Dusk mother, Seitsuda respects the Twelve, and mostly looks to Oschon.

Voice Sample 1
Voice Sample 2


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard) (Prior to his reveal)
"Y'Seen that bloke head t' toe in cloth? Best not test yer mettle with 'im. I saw him take down a whole band of Amaljaa once! And with a bloody giant chocobo helpin' 'im too!"
"He always gives more than he takes, that one... I mean, it's only a cup of chamomile tea and the gil he throws around for it!"
"Nothing sits right with that one, he fits neither elezen or roe. Got any ideas..?"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Somethin' about his gaze just makes me uneasy... somethin' eerie, I tell you! He knows somethin'."
"I know that halberd anywhere, but I don't recall ol' Glade havin' any sons to inherit... Do you think this bloke took it from 'im...?"

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Seitsuda.. kind? Understatement. Seitsuda is.. a guiding light. A firefly in the darkness. To know brought this one peace, sense of salvation." - Tsaganarii Dhoro
"A shy demon. Go ruttin' figure... but it's thanks to him that I'm learnin' that even demons are each their own individual selves. He's one o' the good ones." - Osric Melkire


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing
Endemerrin Rosethorne : Seitsuda has quickly found trust in the miqo'te and his assertiveness to the situation that reunited the Dauntless after an arduous journey for all. He appreciates Endemerrin's forwardness, and takes comfort in the care he expresses for others.
Evangeline Primrose : He doesn't quite know what to make of this Dauntless member just yet. She's a very quirky woman with absolutely no regard to personal space. However, she did help in their search for the missing friends, so he'll put faith in that she can be trustworthy.
Kanaria Melkire : Another member of the Dauntless that Seitsuda belatedly discovered to be Osric's wife. He was nothing but skittish with the woman to start, worried more for her in the presence of a strange, unfamiliar person. Her kindness and patience with him helped his solitary lifestyle immensely, enough so, that rather than avoid them out of courtesy during down time, Seitsuda would be there to enjoy their company together. He still has an awkward habit of calling her Miss though.

Mikh'a Korofi : Seitsuda first met this miqo'te after a long-awaited reunion between members of the Dauntless and overcoming the trials they faced. He respects the charge Mikh'a can take with the group, considering what other sides Seitsuda has seen of the calico. The Au Ra has realized as of late just how much Mikh'a has looked to him when adversary has come, and Seitsuda has been nothing but driven to keep him safe as much as he's able.
Osric Melkire : One of the first members of the Dauntless that Seitsuda met per Siha's request. Seitsuda appreciates the mindfulness the Sergeant carries in regards to his personal space. The Au Ra still considers himself quite a stranger to the Hyur and his wife, but appreciates their patience with his solitude and concern for his well-being all the same. Their time together in search of the others has helped Seitsuda trust a little more, and someday grow to call them friends.
Sasazi Sazi : Another Dauntless member that he met through a journey to reunite a family. Her stature makes him nervous, but that really applies to all lalafell. Regardless, he sees that the little lady has a kind and caring heart, willing to go out of her way for anyone.
Siha Xinkei : A gentle Keeper of the Moon that Seitsuda first met in the covered shelter of Thal's Respite. She pointed him in the direction of the Dauntless, and in time through journeys and hardships, he was reunited with the kind stranger. Since then, Seitsuda has come to Siha's aid as more trials come their way, forging their friendship into something stronger. He trusts the Keeper, and finds a calm in her presence. Much of her reminds him of a distant past, and what he would do what he can to keep her and those close to the both of them-- safe.
Tsaganarii Dhoro : The first au ra for him to meet so far that hasn't made him run for the hills. Their similarities instigates him to have a protective air when he isn't a completely messy bundle of awkward. She too reminds him of a distant past, but the path he walks with her deviates from a road repeated. Through her, he learns the value of seeing himself equal to others, and keeping true to treating them the same.
Y'Amra Tia : A lively Miqo'te male first encountered during an attempted infiltration of a Garlean Castrum. Chance would have it that Y'Amra and Seitsuda had to work together with others escape the magitek riddled prison rather than the initial plan he had with Siha! Seitsuda respects the fighter, and that has only grown in each instance they've worked together. Y'amra's friendly disposition and trust (see Super-Awesome-Move: Seitsuda flips Y'Amra in the air to attack like a pancake with Seitsuda's skillet of a halberd!) to also affects the Au Ra, where he too may outwardly show a friendliness and trust with the Miqo'te someday.
Yorumei Uranakei : At first, the fellow au ra terrified him when Seitsuda set foot in a little shop settled in the Lavender Beds. He hadn't expected his kind to be so settled in. However, Yorumei and his associates expressed patience with their unnerved customer. Seitsuda still carries a debt to them. Yorumei and Seitsuda have only crossed paths once since, where Seitsuda stuck his scaly nose into Elezen conflicts in the Shroud, and Yorumei vehemently came to his aid. However appreciative to the aid, Yorumei's suggestion to meet again soon after settling that conflict sent Seitsuda to flee the opportunity... for now.



● [Theme 1] | Nijiiro Chouchou - Yuko Suzuhana with Wagakki Band
● [Theme 2] | Daisy - STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION
● Contemplation | A Man's Lost Heart - Spirit Engine 2 OST
● Something of a Good Day | Our Path Towards Progress
● Another Day Goes By | Exotic Country Road

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