Khuja'sae Fashonti

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 Khuja'sae Fashonti
"Life is meaningless if lived quietly in the shadows, cowering from bad decisions. We all have reasons to fear, we all have suffered pain, but I wish to ease it through what little ability I have. If you want to try and stop me, I'll show you what mine has created behind this smile I wear. Some people appreciate a musician."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship n/a
Age 17
Guardian Byregot
Namesday Fourth Sun of the Second Umbral Moon


"A good actor knows that a different hat can completely change the character the audience sees him as."

"The songbirds in the trees are the only friends I never mistrust."

❧ General

A young, talented musician, sharp shooter from the Twelveswood, and occasional skirt chaser -- Khuja'sae Fashonti in a nutshell.
Khuja'sae is the fourth son of his mother and the youngest of all his siblings. The Fashonti family has lost many members from their trade of poaching and pillaging, but most members, including Khuja'sae's older brothers were lost during the calamity. The Fashonti clan is now operated by his eldest surviving sister who affectionately calls him, "wart" and dislikes his choice to pursue the life of a traveling bard. Khuja'sae had been the family's Redbird, or sniper in the trees. If someone were to interfere in a family operation, Khuja'sae was the one who would take them out with deadly precision.

Khuja'sae's most recent rebellion to his sister's leadership was an operation where they were stealing an amulet from a traveler. The pay was abnormally high, and the family paid dearly for it. Netting three deaths and four injuries, the group could not stop the man until Khuja'sae tracked the traveler down and slit his throat and took the item for himself. When Khuja'sae's eldest sister asked for the item, Khuja refused and was kicked out of the clan. Khuja'sae had been tracked since he took the item. Thinking it was the Wood Wailers, Khuja'sae started working on a new identity, using his love and passion for music to lead a path forward. Through his actions, he was hired by Ser Leon to be Cliffperch's resident bard. Khuja'sae has not seen a hair of those who pursued him and has since been loving his freedom and new life.

❧ Appearance

A scent of fresh cut wood sometimes lingers on the young man. His fingers and face have scars that hint towards a life other than music and bird watching. His bemused countenance banishes any such thought, however.

Distinctive Markings:
He sports a scar across the middle of his face. A tattoo of a red, sparrow-like bird marks the left of his chest where the end of a large, old scar lays, seeming to be the path of flight. Appears to have an old arrow wound on the top of his right thigh.

Build: Lean Muscles hidden under loose clothing
Hair: Red/orange
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Clothing: Loose and easy to move around in but slightly armored

❧ Behaviour

Khuja keeps up an attitude of politeness. Unless he feels threatened, he would like to have others believe him to be little else than a misunderstood minstrel with a heart of gold. Occasionally, he can be caught off guard and give way to his slightly less refined manner of speaking. He enjoys calm days in the shade of a tree and slight, cool breezes.


Khuja'sae is no stranger to the bow, in his family he was given the rank Redbird and his job was to sit in the trees and attack anyone who would interfere in the family's operations. Khuja'sae specializes in multi-shot and rapid fire arrow work with deadly precision. He has studied anatomy of animals and humans to be able to pinpoint the best places to hit for desired results. To the Wood Wailers, Khuja'sae's work was known to be that of the "blood bird" that would commonly leave a casualty with an arrow in each eye, fired at the same time.

Khuja'sae is fairly good with a knife, being able to throw them with a fair amount of accuracy. He began this as an extension of his hobby crafting weapons and instruments out of wood.

♪ Recent RP events ♪


Khuja'sae has a tendency of letting you only see the side of him he wants you to. He speaks politely to near everyone, claiming only to be a hopeful, poor, misunderstood bard. His trust is hard won and prying too close might introduce you to a much less nice side of the young man.


Playing music
Cool breezes
Shady trees
Bird songs


Sour drinks
People without appreciation of the arts


Playing music
Picking pockets
Wood craft
Mimicking bird calls


Favourite Food/Drink: Faerie apple cider
Favourite Place: Any place with trees and bird songs


Small spaces
Large, imposing women

♦ Related Images


Romantic interest Very good friend Would consider a good person Knows the name of Distrusts Might kill


Leon Greymoon – Hired him to work at Cliffperch. The white-haired knight has earned deep respect from Khuja'sae since he always seems to go out of his way to help out. After recent events, Khuja'sae has found himself to be adopted into Leon's family, easing the pain of being forsaken from his own.
Aurou Mhirata – Quill, as Khuja'sae refers to her as, is a bright and fun lady to be around. Khuja'sae spends a lot of time talking to the writer and has even started to feel feelings for her that he has a difficult time expressing.
Shinorah Nightsbane – Khuja'sae sees Norah like a big sister. He has immense respect for the mage and any advice she has to give. In song, he refers to her as the "Lady Fair".
Druzic Qalli – A co-worker at the Gilded Pony and a man quickly becoming a good friend. Pretty much his go-to guy to talk to about most anything.
W'aelwyn Turrel – Khuja'sae's boss at the Gilded Pony. Pretty, smart, talented, she's an excellent leader and someone that Khuja'sae looks up to. If she needs someone for any performance, Khuja'sae is there and ready.
Broenfarr Niunaglsyn – The man that calls Khuja'sae 'Tiddles'. Despite the Miqo'te's general dislike for for the Sea Wolf Roegadyn, Khuja'sae recognizes him as a good man. He is an excellent chef, co-worker, and the man that introduced him to the Gilded Pony.
Datata Data – A very talented and fashionable lady that Khuja'sae has had the pleasure of meeting. She is a fellow co-worker at the Gilded Pony.
Tal’varian Aquilo – A very talented dancer and wearer of little clothing. Khuja'sae is uneasy of the man, but has quite a bit of respect for him. He is a fellow co-worker at the Gilded Pony.
Oyungunjin Kha – Khuja'sae has recently met this man and he seems like a pretty nice guy, although rather direct about his understanding of things. He is a fellow co-worker at the Gilded Pony.
Y'aishril Behl – The beautiful Lady Bloom, Y'aishril Behl, was there to help him through a difficult turn of events. One year his senior and optimistic despite dire situations, Khuja'sae has appreciated her help. Although he does not know her well, he would consider her a freind. It's been a while since he's seen her.
Teetering Owl – Probably the oldest lady of Cliffperch, He seems to think of her much like is ol'nan and feels that he might confide in her if something were amiss.
Flickering Ember – Their first meeting was abrupt but the Roe has grown on the Miqo'te. Her blindness reminds him of his sister Maloh, his teacher in marksmanship, who was devastated when she lost most of her vision.
Rei'li Niraj – Although their meting was brief, any retaliative or friend of Leon is a friend in Khuja'sae's book.
Kail Gerrad – Referred to in song as "the Pirate" but called Eye-patch in person. Khuja'sae has taken a bit of respect towards the swashbuckler. Although as to why Kail calls Khuja'sae "Curly" remains a mystery to the youth.
Reima Awen – "Lady Reima of Green" was one of the songs he sang to this maiden when first they met. She kindly introduced him to Leon. "Lady Reima of Green, so it would seem, is a light and fine maiden before thee. But with just an ire stare, best you beware, even a dragon would flee."


Leilani Leilai – A talented musician that Khuja'sae had the privilege to preform with.
Brynhilde Wulf – Khuja'sae met Bryn briefly. She left the young bard with the impression that she is not the woman he would want to piss off.
Draco Nobis – Khuja'sae has heard a lot about the man yet has never met him. Has a few assumptions about the man, but feels it wise not to voice it to his face.
Devereau Beauregard – Based on what Khuja'sae's heard of him, he figures the man is insane. Although, he seems just fine in person.
Eris Laurant – Combative and bullheaded but seemingly alright, Khuja'sae isn't sure what to make of his Gilded Pony co-worker. She's not too far off from the people he's met at Aeon, so she's probably alright.
J'aran Tia – Figures he's a good guy with good intent despite his occasional attitude problems. Recently Khuja'sae has felt that he has misread the guy and would like the chance to make it up to him.

Enemies & Rivals

Maloh Fashonti (NPC) - Has repeatedly tried to get Khuja'sae to return to his family. Even though Khuja'sae loves his sister and archery trainer very much, he cannot put a finger on her motives.
Mohn Fashonti (NPC) - After sending three family members to their deaths, Khuja'sae has nothing more to say to his eldest sister.

Person Here -


Player Character Rumours

Scoundrel or a saint? You decide! Feel free to add some rumors!

❧ "That cheeky bard? He's a good lad, and good at his job. So long as he keeps up his performances, I will keep sending money his way, gotta spend it somehow right?" -Leon Greymoon

❧ Footnotes

Alignment: Neutral

"Wart" - Called this by his eldest sister, Mohn
"Little Dove" - Only called this by very close friends, Maloh Fashonti (archery teacher) and Thata Fashonti(tactics and weapons teacher)
"Redbird" - Called this by family, or people that hired him as a part of his family. You might also call him this if you've seen his tattoo.
"Sparrow" - Called this by employers and also friends.
"Blood Bird" - Circulated by some of the Wood Wailers that saw his signature, "two arrows through the eyes" trick but didn't see him.
"Tiddles" - A nickname that Khuja'sae actively despises, used by the roegadyn Broenfarr, and now some of his friends, especially if they want to get under his fur.
"Kaetzchen" - "Little cat", in Mhigan, a term his friend Shinorah uses fondly for Khuja'sae.
"Curly" - The term that Kail uses to refer to the musician.

❧ Connections

You might know the Fashonti clan if...

❧ You grew up in the Black Shroud.
❧ You cooperated with poachers.
❧ You have needed to smuggle an item out of the shroud or needed an item that originates in the shroud but is hard to get.
❧ You had been a member of the Wood Wailers or you hunt poachers.
❧ You befriend shady people.

You might know Khuja'sae if any of the above apply or...

❧ You have heard someone playing music in the tree tops.
❧ You frequent the Goblet lately.
❧ You had saw a bard outside of the Carline Canopy a few moons past.
❧ You've seen a young man talking to birds in Thanalan.
❧ You've seen a young man in the Quicksand, singing or asking travelers questions.

What you might hear from Khuja'sae's Lute playing
Theme Song