Veruca Fawkes

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 Veruca Fawkes
Mayhem Enthusiast
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Astrologian
Main Tradeskill: Drawing
Preferred Role: support
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Chaotic good.
Reputation: Fugitive Slave
Occupation: A.D.S. researcher.
Education: Front to back knowledge of barrier creation, basic magitek understanding
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Free Company
The Reclaimers
Items Carried
Race: Au Ra
Clan: Xaela
Age: 23 Turns
Height: 5 fulms 3 ilms
Weight: 140 ponze.
Eyes: Amythest/Violet heterochromatic
Hair: Bluberry purple
Complexion: Pale Green
Physical Build: chubby
Notable Features: Heavy freckles, slave tattoo above her pubic mound, Snake bite piercings on her lips, Six 1 ilm gauges carved in her horns.
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

₪ General Information ₪

Veruca is an escaped slave who currently is in hiding from her ex-husband/master Raishen at the Reclaimer's mercenary building where she rents a room of her own with some of the gil she got from selling stolen items from his mansion before escaping. She is extremely proficient in barrier magick and dabbles in Astrologian magicks when in more serious conflicts. Her globe is white ivory and titanium, which also has runes etched into the surface to allow casting of her barriers using the Astrologian catalyst. She is currently looking to open more gates to increase her repertoire of spells available to her.

₪ Personal History ₪

Veruca's unfortunate story started off when she was seven, in a hovel within the walls of Vesper Bay. Her father bought a pack of Astrologian cards for her nameday from a travelling merchant that stopped by via one of the many docking zones. Over the next couple months she started gambling chunks of her father's savings, she won frequently, and blamed the cards for her luck, though it was merely coincidence. It eventually led her to gambling all of her father's money twice over. Collectors, namely a roe, raided her house, killing her parents and letting her run to Limsa. The lalafell in charge of the gambling ring allowed this to lull her into a false sense of freedom and escape, where one turn later the selfsame roe captured her.

She would wake up in Ul'dah, where she lived for the next ten turns of her life inside a whorehouse as a slave, and worker. At fourteen turns old, an arcanist, who took a liking to her, left Veruca a book of barrier magic spells that she studied, memorized, and practiced seemingly ritually.

At eighteen turns old, she was sold to Raishen, an Au Ra, who kept her as a slave inside a manor residing in the Black Shroud. He may have been cruel, but he also taught her how to play the piano, hired a private Sharlayan tutor to properly teach her how to use the cards her father got her, as well as speak with a proper accent (though she often flops between her Limsan accent and Proper accent depending on the company she is with).

At twenty-three turns old Veruca made her escape on the back of Rai's giant white chocobo, Chell. She used barriers to break the collar around her neck, keeping her from escaping and loaded up the bird with highly valuable items and all the fancy clothing Rai had given her. She rode off in to the night and didn't stop until she was in Ul'dah, where she quickly made contact with The Reclaimers, who offered to keep her safe in exchange for work.

((There is much more to this story, not all will be revealed to the general public. If you want to know more about Veruca, get her your trust in Eorzea and she will tell you about her past in detail.))

₪ Magical Abilities ₪

-Barrier magicks-

  • Can create significantly strong barriers at a faster than normal pace, though thicker, more resistant ones take longer to cast.
  • Prismatic hearts, flowers, and curse words of varying sizes for entertainment.
  • Small, sharp barriers that can be used as razors or flung with sharp points

-Astrologian Magicks-

  • Aspected Benefic (Durinal Sect)- Her heal can deaden nerve receptors temporarily and slowly heal damaged skin, muscle, and bone.
  • Malefic- Can cause various maladies due to radiating a body part with another star's aether, causing a range of effects dependent on the color of the star.
  • Lightspeed- Reasons why she casts so quickly, and only increasing with combined with barrier magicks.

₪ Hobbies ₪

  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Playing piano
  • Practicing new barrier shapes

₪ Characters of Interest ₪

💘 Romantic Interest    💗 Sexual Desire    💑 Relationship     
Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing    ! Recent Standing Change

Love life: Veruca is often found in the company of Mizhki Nymphea 💘 and Alyx Nymphea 💘, with a deep, unwavering fondness for both.

Friends the Reclaimers:

Redera Rykker 💘
Maia Kasmut 💗
D'shala Zin 
Atticus Buffalobane 
Lena Ulionov 
Zahara Jarahn 💗
Pyralis Cevas 
Evaleigh Cevas 
Caize Kreiy 
Emreg Belthen 
Deli D'sara 
Nesune Alnah  
Ignee Flametongue 

Known outsiders:

Sashana Star , 
Ronin'ra Jinehga 💗
Vevekera Lelekera 
Amhei Moshroca   
Aelia Flameheart 

₪ Likes ₪

₪ Dislikes ₪

This page was inspired partly by Ronin'ra Jinehga's page, with my own flare added in.