John Spiegel

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 John Spiegel
"It's just JJ... or just Just John... or wait a second..."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Sixties
Nameday Sometime in the 5th Umbral Moon
Occupation Adventurer
Nicknames JJ, Baldy



John's birth name is Jyn Silversheath, but he commonly goes by John Spiegel -- though a midlander-ish name, John's fine with it. As highlander tradition, he has been granted various surnames due to battle prowess that few and far between ever call him (Bloodscythe, Scythesword, Darkblood, Skysmasher to name a few). Most just call him "JJ". Names aren't important to him.


John stands at about six fulms five ilms. Clad head-to-toe in darksteel the only flesh normally seen would be his tanned and scarred face and bald head adorned with ages of scars and even older and fainter burn marks on his bald head. His eye brown, he wears an eyepatch over his right eye and has a scar from the side of it to the bottom of his chin in a crescent shape.

If one is fortunate (or unfortunate) to see him in but his harness or bare, decades of fighting with two or three cases of systematic torture have left his body heavily scarred. Wounds from magick blasts, arrows, cuts, claws and fangs the body shows. Between his shoulder blades lies a peculiar mark, the "Mark of the Twelve" branded by those that were forgotten by magicks from the Battle of Carteneau.

Behavior / Personality

Asking friend or foe alike of what John is like, they would answer all differently. Even those that are supposedly close to him (his children, for example) aren't ever sure what the man's thoughts or motives are. Regardless of the situation, he finds things to humor himself usually. Most everyone knows and accepts that he is a very proficient killer, though more so aimed towards good, he has had a slew of more ambiguous killings.

He tends to remain in the 'background' of things, never yearning for the limelight or recognition for the things big or small he does. Above all, John values freedom and it a mission in life to always be free and to help others be free as well. He walks the darkness and is an outcast to most everyone, adhering to his own view of justice while keeping to himself as he sees fit... he's not the guy you go to for a lesson in formal law and bureaucracy.

He's almost always traveling and usually alone.



Decades of adventuring and generally being on his own has made John a formidable fighter. What he lacks in proper established form, he makes up for being highly adaptable and aware of his surroundings. He's learned by trial and error and mimicking others to blend into his fighting.

He primarily uses two-handed weapons, favoring greatswords and scythes, he is also proficient with a great axe. While he usually sticks with the larger weapons, he is quite skilled with a one-handed sword though has no defined technique. In a pinch, he will pull his eight-ilm buck knife from the back of his belt or use his shear strength in combat. Commonly has a one or two shot pistol that he disposes of after firing. Though he wears heavy armor and uses large weapons, he commonly uses these as pivots to (relatively) move quickly in battle.

Being a traveler of the darkness, he can employ a plethora of offensive or defensive skills via the darkness.

He is versed in a variety of methods both colloquial and well-established in exorcisms, occult, tracking and all around a bunting of odds and end information gathered through his many years of travel. He's commonly called upon for void-related matters by his friends and associates. He carries with him a pouch of various sorts of spices, herbs and powders that he utilizes in particular situations.

Past dark magicks, his magical aptitude is next to nothing. He's able to draw the aether from living things to keep on fighting and cast assaults of darkness but primarily uses his magick to enhance his physical fighting.



  • Food.
  • Watching fights.
  • Fighting.
  • His children and those in the non-blood family.
  • Adventuring.
  • Pinwheels.


  • Oppression.
  • Repeating himself/being ignored when asked to talk.
  • Getting mushy monster or people goo in his boots or armor in general.


  • Can make even his enemies smile or chuckle.
  • Has a knack for scaring people and then making them smile or vice versa.



  • Alex Windfist: -- Son - Totes might get his own Wiki. Current leader of the age old guild Crystalline.
  • Grace Windfist: Equal if not above Alex's fighting ability. Takes after her mother in some ways, one in particular is her face.. which makes her sad because mama dead.
  • Yashaix Ki'lari: - Important lady bound by many things to each other in some fashion or something. Best friend and all that too. Usually just makes her angry.
  • Cartie Grimshadow: - His girl; has been helping her along her path to walk the darkness. Commonly shoves ice down John's armor or shocks him. The ladies in his life are so mean.
  • Tasa Rhyzul: - She's a formidable force on the battlefield but John finds her chest-beating of axe slinging being the only true way and whatnot to be a tad boorish as well as her fascination with her axe -- whether it has a soul, name, curse or whatever -- John wouldn't be nearly as vocal of one of his blades was like that. He also views her injecting herself as Ki'lari's sole carer as a tad annoying. Overall they know each other has the other's back though their kinship is ambiguous -- respect from abilities or genuine kinship? He recently aided her in attuning to her inner darkness.
  • Knotted Ivy/U'xi and her sisters

"Family" is a broad term for John and his ilk, until he started a family of his own he was alone in the traditional sense. He regarded his brothers and sisters in arms as family, though few. The Windfist side called all those who studied under the Windfist banner family though but a few were Windfist by name and blood. (Emilynn's father, Emilynn's brother, Emilynn, Alex and Grace).

Friends and Company

While he trust virtually no one with rather deep secrets, some of those of Crystalline and Trident are considered folks he'd back up and are definitely people he watches over in his own way.

  • Qhas'ir Mujuuk: - Through a few ventures in aiding Ki'lari together, Qhas'ir gets to be mentioned. He's inevitably the straight man in the comedy duo (whoever he's hanging out with).
  • Aanzo Dinzo: - About the same cred as Qhas'ir, but much more reactive to getting poked fun at. John recognizes a fire in the little guy's eyes to fight for those Aanzo holds dear in and that's an admirable trait. Also, he can fit in overhead storage.
  • Stalwart Mountain: - Though his motives revealed, John still regards this wayward Trident member as someone to call on in a pinch, though one day they may trade steel in opposition.
  • Knotted Ivy: - Alex's girlfriend. While she lacks in any fighting ability, she makes up for for knowing her limits and making Alex happy. She's also a potter and probably has untapped craftswomanship to be seen.
  • Jariana Rinjahl: - Though not too terribly much interaction, they have talked sword-shop on a few occasions. That's mention enough.
  • Turk Kalahai: - Though he is a confused sole with 'nothing but the Adders' as a defining part of himself, John and Turk have some basis of a relationship and understanding though no real one-on-one bonding.. especially since he's a lawman and John is usually in the grey or darker due to their philosophical differences.
  • Lynn - A mutt and John's friend. John, along with a few others, were hired once to kill a rabid dog. Turns out it was a fighting dog defensive of her newborn pup, John attempted to stop the others but the mother was killed. He took the dog and raised it as a friend rather than a pet. She's but a cycle or so in age and resides in the Shroud. She's smart and silent either by instinct or by John's actions. John is quick to correct when people call Lynn a pet.

Rumor Mill

  • There’s a brute of a man covered in dark armor and an eyepatch, another one of those people, I bet. A Highlander… wonder what side he’s on.”
  • “Did you hear about that crazy bald guy? He took on a buffalo and –rode- it through some choppy water!”
  • “There's a man that strikes fear in the hearts of opressors and strikes happiness in the hearts of children. And he looks like absolute shite."


Fitting music