Crimson Elm

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Crimson Elm
Learned Corsair of Dravania

Aye, first an' foremost, I am a woman o' learning...doesn't mean I aren't a woman with a heart.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... [krim-suh n, -- Elm]

NICKNAMES... "Redwood" (Abrenard Rondelet), "Big Red" (Roni Oni), "The Big, Angry One" (Helionne), "The Bloody Shadow" (Soaring Salamander crew name)

RACE & CLAN... Roegadyn , Hellsguard

GENDER... Female

AGE... Undetermined. Thought to be anywhere from 25-31 summers old.

NAMEDAY... 6th Sun, 2th Umbral Moon


MARITAL STATUS... In a relationship -- Haemrbroda Thorsyn

Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Sharlayan

CITIZENSHIP... Limsa Lominsa | Sharlayan

FAMILY... Mother: Sunlit Shadow | Father: Grey Mountain | Brother {deceased}: Leaping Raptor | Mentor: Sarito Carito

RESIDENCE... The Goblet, Ward 7, Plot 13

OCCUPATION... Scholar & Aetheric Researcher (formerly, Sky Pirate)

PATRON DEITY... Oschon, the Wanderer

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 8 fulms, 6 ilms. 168 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good

General Information
That's what I were taught, when I studied up in Sharlayan--Think, then feel. Seems I've been doin' the opposite for more than I should've...
Statuesque Stunner
Heavily Gaelic in nature
Hair & Eyes
From her mother, Crimson inherited her bright red hair and deep red eyes, though the former does seem to have bits and ends throughout that took to the sun too long. She wears it long, prefering the blissful freedom of having it blow around in the wind as she travels, rather than adhere to the standards of tying it back. Having had her right eye (previously damaged) replaced by the Artifice of Reason, they now match, unlike the off-red hue previously recorded.
Physique & Markings
Like many of her kind, Crimson is notiably tall and while thicker in muscle than most other races, is surprisingly lacking in physical strength. She is curvy, with more an hourglass figure than the bulk of her kin, with accentuations on hips and chest both. Noticable scars include one along her right eye, which was severely damaged in a battle during her Sky Pirating days, and a wound on her left thigh given to her by a Dzemael lancer.
If nothing else, Crimson enjoys adorning her body with different markings, most celebrating an achievement. To note, she has one across her face, likely a tribute to her fallen brother, one along her right arm, symbolizing her triumph in becoming a full Scholar, another on her back of Sharlayan design, and two trailing down her legs, marking both her arrival to the Soaring Salamanders, and her freedom in the skies. It is noted that she has yet to get one for her entry into the Artifice of Reason.
Hygiene & Attire
Despite the reputation of a Sky Pirate, Crimson Elm was a Scholar and a researcher long before taking up the wheel of a manacutter. She keeps herself presentable, and if one were to get nearby, they might detect the faintest scents of cinnamon and red wine.
Psychological Profile
Tough. That is a word that resonates in the very core of what Crimson is. Mentally, Magically, and Morally, Elm embodies strength. Her persona is devoid of nonsense, keeping things to a strict sense of seriousness for the most part. She doesn't tolerate sloppiness of any sort, pushing those she works with and trains to levels some would consider extreme, and chastising failure in any form. With a tongue as sharp as Garlean Steel, Crimson is quick to tell people precisely what she's thinking, when she's thinking it. Stubborn and tenacious to a fault, the woman will do whatever it takes in order to accomplish the things that she wants, and will stoop to whatever means in order to do it. So long as she keeps her honor and gets her way, in her eyes, everything is fair game.

Her exterior is not too unlike a frozen flame: cold at a distance, and passionately burning closer up. The newest member of the Artifice of Reason is quick to cover her emotions, goals, and weaknessses...but give her a means to spark her instant anger, and she becomes a boiling pot of cursing rage. Strangely enough, her actions and ways of speaking cover for an incredibly intelligent woman--she is a Scholar of Nymian Lores, a study of Aetheric Formulae, and a student of Sharlayan knowledge--well-read and with a strikingly good eye for tactics and critical exploitation.

Easily infuriated by the stupidly brash, morally unjust, and careless, many people see Crimson as a hard-ass, incapable of showing emotion beyond scowling and being generally cross. However, she is actually rather sensual, warm, and friendly behind her layers and layers of thick skin. She puts people at their limits to test their abilities, in an attempt to improve themselves. She cares for the safety and well-being of people she meets, but would rather see them fight for their survival, rather than running and hiding. Although she appears to be reluctant to do so, if asked for advice in the matters of combat, the Sky Pirate is always pleased to test their mettle, reforge it, and improve it. Arrogant to a fault, prideful of her knowledge, heritage, and courage, she finds it difficult to admit when she's wrong, if she ever does at all. To her, weakness is something she'd rather hide.

Despite the crap-free attitude, cold exterior, and less-than-polite means of communication, the Scholar is good at heart. Although her methods are definitely unorthodox, she means well in what she does, and does legitimately feel for people when they're in some form of trouble. She has a soft spot for kids, though she'd never admit it, and takes silent joy in teaching them...even if she does have to ram information into their skulls from time to time. Crimson would do just about anything to defend the unprotected, unwary, and innocent, to include putting her own life on the line. Fearless to death as her father was fearless to the loss of his hand, the Hellsguard takes life by the horns, and refuses to let go. A fighter until the very end, it could very well come to pass that she does go down swinging...

In spite of her demeanor and mannerisms, Crimson Elm is highly intelligent; at a young age she demonstrated an uncanny knack for the arcane arts and was sent from her village to the north to Limsa Lominsa, where she took up tutelage from the finest the Arcanist's Guild had to offer her. She has great experience in the ways of Aether and Magic, with knowledge in survival skills attained only through vigorous amounts of personal experience. While her physical power is lacking from practice, her ability to tap into Aether has become a point of high praise from her allies, and a dangerous mechanic to her foes.
Elm speaks with a hefty Scottish accent, emphasizing on her vowels, while skipping over consonants she finds unneeded (usually, her 'g's').
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Crimson Elm has always been a lover for freedom. Freedom to travel. Freedom to speak. Freedom to practice, so long as it's harmless, whatever you wish. Freedom to love who or what you want. Escaping many a situation where her life might have been locked down, true liberty has always been a pillar of her morals. She is willing to do whatever it takes in order to preserve that for both herself and others she cares for, regardless of how much it might cost.

The Scholar finds ignorance to be the greatest enemy of being liberated, over everything else. Thus, she has sought to teach herself, and strives to teach others, even if it means beating them upside the head to get them to understand what they need to learn. Keeping people uninformed and unintelligent will only regress society, giving way to the rot of collapsing nations, and casting away what could be wonderful potential into the abyss of history, in her opinion. The only true way to set yourself to learn about the world around you, and take advantage of it in every way you can.

Elm also has a vicious taste for dishing out her own brand of justice. She feels strongly about giving people choice to make their lives as blissful as they can, without being pushed down by higher authorities or circumstances. Because of this, she often starts or gets herself into a number of bad situations. Despite how much trouble she'll get into, however, Elm is always willing to do so time and time again.

"Y'know my type already then, dontcha? Isn't nothin' in this world better than an ol' fashioned brawl to settle things. Say what y'want. I'll fight until the very end."

Ignorance / General Stupidity

"Da always had a way with words. He told me once when I was a wee lass that a fellow without a mind might 's well dig himself a hole to get buried in. You do something stupid in a fight, and y' could lose an arm...Y'do something stupid in life, and y'might just lose the whole bloody pot."


"Aren't a soul on this planet worth their salt if they've got no morals t'speak of. You do right by others, 'an you'll get all that's worth it."

Rowdy Parties

"Do y'know what's better than bashin' in the heads o' some ass that's gone and done someone a wrong 'r two? The feast that ought n' come afterwards! Say what y'want about the flimmy-flammy soireés they've got in places like Gridania n' Ul'Dah...there's not a place that throws a better rally-up than takin' a pint at the Wench and a supper down at the Bismark. I've seen m'fair share o' good ones in other places...but Limsa's got m'heart."


"You're going to need more paper mate."

Heat / Humid Environments

"Grew up too much in the stuff to be frank."

Rude, Snarky individuals

"Give me a godsdamned reason t'break your face. Really. Don't give me the respect I deserve. Y'should be kind t'me lad...'cause I can kill any blightin' fool that aren't."

Selfish individuals

"Part o' the reason I went off an' joined up with the Artifice was on account of no-good bastards going about taking thing that coulda been used t'help folks an' selling the shite, 'specially to the thrice-damned Garleans. As if they need the bloody help."

Overly-Controlling persons

"Ye gods, I'll do what I damn well want. Don't make the mistake o' gettin' in my way neither."

Additional Information


Incredibly Brave
Lengthy Combat Experience
Willing to sacrifice self for the good of her overall goals
Solitary Hellsguard lifestyle and hardened personality gives little to no understanding of people's emotions, or empathy towards them.
Socially numb
Pure, unadulterated Alpha Female (Although it is not entirely out of question that she can be charmed into being more docile with drinks, gifts, long-term kindness, or people more alpha than she is.)
Painfully blunt -- about as subtle as a Goblin in drag.
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Mind, Piety, Determination
Above Average: Intelligence
Average: Vitality
Low: Strength
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Scholar Lores
Expert: Aetheric Understanding
Average: White Magicks
Novice: Black Magicks
Combat Relevant Skills
Mastery: Aether Shields, Magick-based healing, Nymian Tactics
Expert: Supportive Skills (IE: Arithmeticks)
Average: Basic Survival skills
Poor: Physical Strength, Easily overpowered
Limit Break
Nymian Rally Cry: Casts Shell, Haste, Protect, Refresh, Regen, and Float on the entire party.
Combat Character Sheet
Crimson's Character Sheet

This handy sheet shows all of Crimson Elm's stats and abilities.

OOC Note
• Crimson prefers to keep back, though she isn't shy about throwing herself into harms way if it should come to benefit the party. She is typically found in the far lines, orchestrating tactics and carefully supporting her allies.

• Elm's power lies in her defensive capabilities -- She is incredibly skilled with preventive damage, and with the support of her two fae friends, can easily turn the tide in her favor.

• She is armed with {LIBRA} allowing her to easily detect weaknesses and critical points of her enemies.

Disclaimer: .
Sixth Astral Era
Born in the Hellsguard village of Little Big River, Crimson was bestowed her name in the same way most of her people were-- the first two things her parents saw -- Her mother spotted the elm tree out of the window of their humble home. Her father, on the other hand, saw only the blood that came with the price of childbirth. Such was she bestowed her namesake. Little Big River, a town of so few in number, offered very little to anybody but those in love with the forging of metals and smell of the earth; for it was a place prideful and boundless in its minerals and smithies.
Crimson's heart, however, belonged somewhere completely different. It was not the ground she stared at each day in her youth, but the skies. Cloudy, raging with storms, and changing, the young Hellsguard looked upwards at birds and beasts with envy as they soared overhead. The place she lived as stagnant. It never moved, still as the stones her people toiled over each and every day. Every touch of wind on her face was only a bitter reminder that she would never be able to fly from this place, and see lands far away from the rock and bitter heat from volcanoes.
Soon, Elm's wanderlust became too great for her to bear. On her eighth summer, she begged her mother and father for a chance to leave the village and explore beyond the boarders of their city-state. Crimson's pleas were met only with outrage and disdain. Their people were hard workers by trade, and not starry-eyed wanderers, after all. Neither the two of them would have such an oddity remain in their daughter's head. In a moment of frustration and panic, Crimson released a burst of Aether potent enough to tremor their little home, and end the debate in a brief moment of power. Sunlit Shadow and Grey Mountain were more than aware of what such an event meant; their only child was bound for better things than soil and fire.

Crimson would then travel to the far northern regions, to the Sharlayan colony residing in the Dravanian Hinterlands, to further her desire to study the nature of Aether and magicks. Studying under the watchful eyes of many esteemed scholars and researchers, the Rodegyn's knowledge of the arcane only became more and more adept with the flow of time. On her seventeenth summer, she was sent from her place at Arcana Research Facility in the Paths of Contemplation to study upon the reforming art of Nymian Scholary in Vylbrand. Shortly upon arriving in Limsa, the Rodegyn took up the art of the Arcane, striding through her lessons with surprising ease. Spending nearly five long years under the guidance of the Arcanist's guild, and eventually the 'Tonberry' Scholar Sarito Carito, Elm became a fully-fledged Scholar and a master in her field.
This was not to last. Upon returning to the Hinterlands to report of her findings in full to the Ruling Quarter, Elm learned her people were returning to their homeland, for fear of the Garleans and their destructive nature. Crimson, along with so many of those who had come to know this land (and Eorzea) as their second home, insisted on staying to protect the lands from their damnable fate...however...the Exodus went through, and soon, Elm was left alone like so many of her kinsmen. Lost and feeling abandoned, with the prospects of death lurking in the form of the lesser moon, the young woman made her way back to Limsa Lominsa to face the Calamity with her new people.

Seventh Umbral Era
:: Unfortunately, that brief moment of hope that she might become an upstanding mage and praised hero would almost immediately shatter after her mastery trials. By the sheer grace of the gods, Crimson overheard a conversation while seeking out work in the Drowning Wench. Furious at the weakness of Sharlayan against the Empire and the Calamity, and disgusted by the weakness of the people of Eorzea, Elm took up a position as a Sky Pirate in the ranks of the Soaring Salamanders. It was then, driven by hatred and rage, that she discarded her teachings and the way she'd lived her life for that of violence and power--tapping into a more Umbral power, Crimson became something similar to a Dark Knight in nature...however, it was entirely devoid of the nature to protect.

Vicious and terrible to behold, Elm became a typhoon of suffering and chaos to any ship she deemed worthy of plunder. The Salamanders might not have had so lofty a reputation, if the former Scholar had ever left more than one soul survivor of every ship she took. Her disgust of weakness became a festering hate, craving power and a lust for finding people with as much (or greater) strength than her own. If not kept properly in check...Crimson was more than pleased to leave entire vessels coated in sanguine death. Thus was she given the name, "The Bloody Shadow".

The Soaring Salamanders were not to last. Upon capture by a Dzemael raid in the Sea of Clouds, their crew was held captive in the deeper parts of the Vault until judgment could be given to them. Considering them terrorist for their numerous offenses (ranging from noise complaints to literal murder and sabotage,) the entire crew was given the option to repent and surrender their services to Ishgard, or be sentenced to death. Of the one-hundred and twenty-eight members that made up the crew, all but a slim few denied the terms, including Crimson herself. Fortunately, salvation came in the form of a raid upon the sanctum by a certain Warrior of Light and company, in which Crimson was able to orchestrate her escape. Convinced her former family was long lost, Elm returned to Limsa Lominsa, broken and defeated.
In Recent Times
Moving Forward
And it was upon entering Limsa that she encountered an odd fellow in her old watering hole within the Drowning Wench -- an Elezen man named Erimmont Chevalier -- who aided a group of scholars, scientists, alchemists, and knowledge...seekers. With nowhere else to turn, Crimson Elm joined the ranks of the Artifice of Reason, if not for the hopes of using her skills to aid others...but to find a new thrill and a new love for her soul to take wing upon as she had when the skies were hers to sail, and the spoils were hers to take.
Shortly after joining the ranks of the illustrious group, Elm was introduced to their partners of trade: a group of Sky Pirates. While somewhat tempted to abandon the Artifice and join their crew, Crimson decides against it, as her connections with the Sky Pirates may have given her much experience in combat, but had left too many a scar in her heart. Electing to return back to her scholarly ways, and continue her study of aether in wildlife, Elm celebrates on her own with a drink...until she makes banter with one of the veteran members of the Free Company, an Elezen-turned-Dravanian named Abrenard Rondelet. The two immediately hit it off ((if what one considers 'hitting it off' to be insulting one another back and forth for hours, and half drinking themselves to a standstill,)) forming an interesting psuedo-rivaly between them. Learning of Ishgard's hatred of Rondelet only strengthens her feeling towards him, knowing all too well what sort of life that is to lead, and has some compassion towards him for his service to others in spite of it.
The former prisoner of Ishgard also makes friends with Elpaeux Reaufond, an Au Ra whose memory has been claimed by what appears to be an accident at sea. He is an awkward, goofy soul, and the pair take to one another quickly, despite Crimson's rough exterior. She quickly becomes fond of him, feeling bad for his helplessness, and invites him to keep with her in the Artifice's quarters until he is more fully recovered.

Abrenard's Absence

Weeks after her adventure through old Sharlayan, the Headquarters of the Artifice suffered a heavy blow. Wards of protection, created by Free Company leader Ravusa Evomere, were shattered open, and Abrenard's room torn through...with the scaled Elezen missing in the night. Staving down their panic, the group of Erimmont, Shiori, Caelenn Mhlar (an astrologian), Kiruh'a Larke (one of the company's most potent offensive elementalists,) and Odette Saoirse searched his quarters for any sort of sign to aid them in finding him. They discover a lead in the form of a man named Gespard, a friend of Abrenard's when he'd once served as a Dragoon long ago, and a group of crazed zealots seeking refuge somewhere in Ishgardian lands. As one group splits up to investigate the Brume, where rumors of Ishgard oft find themselves laid bare, Crimson keeps behind with Erimmont, Caelenn, and Odette to further investigate the breaking of their most esteemed mage's wards.
Caelenn and Crimson, both well-versed in Aetheric studies, discover their protections were not shattered by any person who had broken into their midst, but an artifact attuned to their location...accessed from a location somewhere within the Coerthas Western Highlands. Together, they trap the traces of the power from this artifact within a crystal shard, aspected to its aetherial signature. While directed by Shiori to wait for further instructions, Crimson ignores her requests, beginning to do her own search without the stone in Coerthas Central Highlands.
With little luck on her lonesome, Elm becomes bitter and discouraged. Already viciously discomforted by being around Ishgard, the place where her life of freedom had been viciously stripped, the burden of quickly locating her comrade in arms began to weigh on her. Knowing full-well what happened to those associated with wyrms in the territory of the Holy See, the former Sky Pirate trudged through snow and ice, making her way through sun and storms alike in hopes of even a whisper of the former Elezen. Her frustrations are made all too clear in her reactions and interactions with her fellow intellectuals when she returns back to their Headquarters, and she retires to Abrenard's still-ruined room, brooding ever the while.

Rodelet's Retrieval

Caelenn's aetherial shard makes way with purpose only days later, turning their path to Western Coerthas to an abandoned mill out in the ice and snow. While there is a trace of neither Abrenard nor his captors, they leave behind the artifact used to break their wards, a single scale from their comrade, a discarded horn, and ample amounts of blood in a bale of hay. Elm herself checks the fires left behind only bells ago to discover a nearly-ashen map with only the word 'Hemlock' writ on what little is left upon it to read. Without a second thought, Crimson insists they move quickly, panicked by the sight of the scaled Elezen's person upon the bloodied ground.
As Odette and Erimmont make their way to infiltrate the zealots from the inside, Caelenn and Elm mistakenly bring the wrath of the Hemlock forces down upon themselves. Taking refuge behind a building near the far cliffside, the pair of healers desperately make for a distraction while Shiori and Kiruh'a back up the duo within enemy lines. Despite their abilities to shield, even their combined strength could not hold against the sheer might of the opposing mages and the number of arrows in their wake. Bitter emotion and the hope of finding her comrade was all that kept Crimson in place, her determination to keep Abrenard from harm stronger than any magicks or weapons their foes could conjure.
Whilst the pirate and astrologian protected themselves against the onslaught as long as they were able, the second team was able to locate Abrenard and his captor...his former brother in arms, Gespard. Horrified and stricken with madness upon seeing his once-brother in such a state, the Dragoon had torn horn, scale, tail, and blood from Abrenard in an attempt to 'clean' him and return him to his beautiful former self, uncaring that such an act would surely kill him in the process. Their fear becoming furious panic, the intellectuals inside the main building began tearing apart Gespard's plans, shattering the barrier that kept him safe from their prize and carrying away the severely injured Rodelet. In the process, the twisted Dragoon was captured by Erimmont, taken in tow with his former brother in arms back to the Artifice Headquarters.
Crimson and Caelenn, left to fend on their own in the bitter cold against a number far exceeding their own, manage only just barely to escape the fray...however, not without paying a costly fee; Elm's legs were severely crisped from the bought against their superior casters, and the Miqo'te suffered some minor injuries in the last few moments.
Returning to their base within the Goblet, the weary group began to hurriedly tend to Abrenard's life-threatening injuries. Shiori, Erimmont, and Kiruh'a worked tirelessly to make the process as painless as possible, but the damage to both 'cleansing' and the mask upon Rondelet's face were too great to reverse in such precious little time. Meanwhile, Caelenn went to mending Elm's damaged legs, the fire magic doing well to ensure it would take quite a while for her to walk properly. With no clear way to remove the mask from the Elezen's face, Crimson resolves to visit the Sharlayan Library in what she'd once called her home, utterly determined to return her comrade in arms to a state of health.

((You can read the entire adventure here:

Revisiting Sharlayan

Days later, Elm is introduced to a self-proclaimed Spell-Hunter by the name of Nekuni Nonakuni, and his moogle partner. Board member Shiori Eikitaika, (a fellow Scholar), sends them both on a mission to the Aurum Vale, following a collection of rumors and reports of a massive cyclops taking residence within. The battle was hard-fought, but the Lalafell and Roedagyn duo bested the towering creature, and managed to take the beast back to the Artifice Headquarters without issue. Crimson gained a deep respect for the Paladin spellseeker, and found herself the first friend she'd made in the group.
Days later, Nekuni gathered a team to begin clearing the path to the legendary Sharlayan library of Gubal. Volunteering based on her knowledge of the place in its twilight years, Crimson goes along to give some insight, and perhaps find something in the ruins she'd once called her home. However, she would find little more than the bitter taste of reality on their travels--little to naught remained of the great lands once held by the educated empire. The Calamity had spared little of the Sharlayan city, with its buildings in chaos and taken in bulk by the Goblins who had come to make such a place their home. Flora and fauna alike had overrun the once-proud structures, leaving little more than rubble in their wake. Such was a shattering wakeup call to the Sky Pirate.

Within the Library itself held some hope to aiding their injured friend, Abrenard Rondelet, whose life was endangered by an ancient mask after his abduction. Desperate to find some knowledge to save his life, the party ventured deep into the very heart of the hold, where they collected the Demon Tome and the Book of Byblios--the latter containing a variety of aetheric-based curses, relics, and counter-curses. It was with these two items, along with a work detailing some research into the Aetherial Sea, that Elm hoped to save the Ishgardian Sky Pirate's life.

The Black Knight of Ala Mhigo

Shortly after the events of Abrenard's capture and the collection of the tomes from the Great Gubal Library, Crimson began searching for persons sympathetic to their cause. One such case was a man in the Quicksand within Ul'Dah...and such an event might change both of their lives.

At first, he nearly didn't notice she'd been there, standing on the opposite wall, staring at him after commenting how long he'd been standing there. It was true, the Black Knight had indeed been keeping to a perch near a pillar in the busy tavern for lengthy periods of time...but this was where he felt the most clear-headed. This was his place of solace. And it was in this way that he commented. Elm thought this peculiar, given the chaos of the place, and so the conversation went on. Every day, the Scholar returned to the Quicksand to seek further information, and every day, he was there. Waiting. It was quicker than either the two of them expected that their friendship blossomed.

Stehl Helmgarde--the Black Knight--soon found himself elbows deep in companionship from the Roegadyn, and invited her to a dinner at the Bismark. From there, they only learned more of one another, despite one another's deep discomfort; neither the two of them were much for romantics, and both were not wont to divulge much to others who might have asked. Fate, however, defied even these secretly shy souls...on the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa, when the moon had reached the heavens and the stars shined down upon the lands below, Stehl and Crimson shared their emotions through a kiss, lighting a powderkeg of emotion and relief. Such began the first real relationship that she had ever been part of.

The Heretic's Heirloom

Many a moon later, ((three months, to be more exact,)) Diveroix Velmontis joined the Artifice of Reason, lamenting to those who had come to greet him of the terrible fate that had befallen his line. His ancestors branded heretics by the old Holy See, they'd been stripped of both dignity and power in the form of their ancient tome--one said to contain lost dark magicks. However eager Crimson was to take back from the theiving bigots, it was with very little enthusiasm that she came to learn of the book's location...the very Vault she'd escaped out of only so long ago. Despite enormous opposition from the Artifice's members (most notably Shiori, Erimmont, and the former Temple Knight, Helionne,) Crimson was utterly determined to see the wrongs done to the young lad corrected. Shiori demanded she turn in her linkpearl and quit the Artifice if she were to continue on her set path and, reluctantly, the other complied. Knowing if she were captured or killed, the Ishgardians would likely retaliate upon the Free Company--an event Elm couldn't bear to bring down on her new family should she fail.
It was not to say, however, that the former Sky Pirate wouldn't begin her quest on a more diplomatic point. Seeking to speak with the leaders of the newly-formed House of Nobles, Crimson found only the pointed ends of spears to welcome her back to the Holy City. ((BECAUSE RNG SAID 'HEY, LET'S ROLL A 58 FOR DIPLOMACY!')) Barely escaping the trap, Elm fled into the Vault, back into the source of her nightmares, and lost her would-be captors in the maze-like interior of the Church. There, she stealthily procured the tome Diveroix needed, and only managed to flee the area by the skin of her teeth.
Unfortunately, chaos had unfurled back at the Artifice. Upon returning triumphantly, she was immediately taken by Shiori and Helionne, who intended to turn her in to the Temple Knights for her crime. Flanked by Stehl, Elm was cornered, with only one means of escaping. Even more surprising to the Scholar was the fact that Abrenard had been restored to his normal self and, despite her aid and fevor in trying to save him, was part of those who stood in her path. Stunned and heartbroken over such extreme measures off one small decision, Crimson was forced to flee the Artifice of Reason and those she cared most for.

Cereleum Skies and Sanctuary

Abandoning her friends and family, Crimson found herself wearily treading through the Lavender Beds in a desperate search for safety. With both Ishgard and the Artifice of Reason now actively searching for her, the Roegadyn could fine little solace in hiding alone. Found by a Garlean turncoat named Titor nan Jaraba, she was taken to the Cereleum Sanctum, home of Cereleum Sky Ventures--a magiteck and aetherial research center. After several days of being tended to by medical professionals within the facility, Elm vowed to repay their kindness as best she was able, offering her knowledge of the War of the Magi and her experiences with the Artifice of Reason to them. Titor agreed to these terms, allowing her to stay in the area for as long as she required it.

Shortly after her recovery, Elm made friends with Titor's uncle, the goofy Magiteck Engineer, Tertius nan Celerus. Quickly becoming soft for the man (if not because of complex nature and silly mannerisms), she swore never to call him anything other than his true, full title, insisting she had no hatred for Garleans, but instead the Empire in which they served. Learning that the Garlean had a dream to one day harness aether, and wanting to aid him, Crimson began her research on what many might consider impossible--granting those without aetheric manipulation the means to do so.

Back to Black

Within the facility, the Scholar met an Ishgardian/Garlean Miqo'te named Zariaa Astrae. Emotionally shaken by the recent loss of her husband and family, Elm felt the need to cheer her up in her own...unique Crimson sort of way. As the two became closer, the Roegadyn insisted on teaching her to properly maintain her (unusually high) content of Umbral-aspected Aether, in the form of the Dark Arts--the path of what many considered "Dark Knight".

However, that training would be cut abruptly by an interfering party; Zariaa's sister, a Garlean sympathizer going by the name "Bellona." The trained skillshot fired several aetherial arrows into Elm and Zariaa both before vanishing into the Coerthas snows without a trace. Crimson, badly wounded, is escorted back to the Cereleum Skys Headquarters. However, her stay would not be long, as Elm continue to feel homesick and wanting for her former Free Company, abandoning the facility shortly after her recovery.

Dead, but not gone

Returning back to Ul'Dah in a disguise, the Hellsguard searched for her lover, aching to know he was well, and wishing to give him some manner of solace, knowing full well her betrayal had caused him so much suffering. However, he had not yet returned to that familiar pillar, and so she would return every day, seeking out the Black Knight of Ala Mhigo. It was on accident alone that Elm was apprehended by a lalafellan assassin named Ali Gani, who, instead of turning her in for the hefty bounty on her head, escorted her away from the area. The softhearted machinist would listen to her story, and suggested to her that she fake her own death if seeing Stehl was so important to her. Agreeing to aid the diminutive lad should the need ever arise (as well as settle his numerous bar tabs,) they began constructing an elaborate plan to fool Ishgard into believing her dead.

Ali and Elm infiltrated a league of brigands on the open sea, fighting through their numbers and felling their captain, a Hellsguard Roegadyn named Fighting Dove. After procuring the corpse, however, Gani stated they would need a particular piece of alchemy known to be extremely rare--the fabled phial of fantasia. They would seek the aid of an ally to the assassin, who agreed to concoct the draft for them, should they be able to procure the Chimera Tears that aid as a catalyst for it. Following several leads, Crimson and Ali Gani dove into the deepest pits of Cutter's Cry, killing the beast that dwelt within its shadowy depths and gathering the tears they needed.

The Fantasia completed, Crimson took up cover as a Xaela named Miko Hizuki until such time that Ali could take the body of Fighting Dove, newly changed to Elm's appearance. It was then that she came across a mutual friend of both her and Stehl, the Quicksand regular Allister Dedrick. He informs the Sharlayan that Stehl is alive and well...and presently dating another of their mutual friends, a Sunkeeper Hunter named J'intana Mulah. Dedrick also claims that she was "his backup plan", and that the Miqo'te had always been his first choice of partner for life, stating that the fact the Ala Mhigan had gone after her was "a real surprise." Allister then states that Stehl has been surrounded by a flock of ever-increasing magnitude as of late...almost entirely made up of women looking to hook up with him. Utterly shattered, Crimson flees, returning to Vylbrand for some hope of comfort.

Buried, but breathing

With the Fantasia finally wearing off and Crimson's bounty now paid in full, the Scholar found herself wandering, lost and heartbroken. Steeling her fury and her resolve, she confronts Stehl herself, resulting in a spar between the two in which she was the loser. After leaving her to live another day, the Artifice member uses the power of his Echo to glimpse into his past, showing her the pain he'd been through in hopes it might calm her, telling the woman he had "buried" the love he had for her. Instead however, it merely sought to spark out the hatred she had for both the man and what she considered to be her harem--in her eyes, she considered him a traitor to her for all the pain she'd gone through merely to see him again--feeling that he had betrayed her completely, as Hellsguard are highly traditional and often keep with the first person they lay with. Heart and soul completely decimated, she fled Eorzea, seeking solace in the abyss of the Sea of Clouds once again.

However, no crews would take her, rumors of her former brutality too great for even the most foul of pirates to warrant keeping her around. Feeling abandoned and alone, Crimson wandered alone, feeling as though the woman she had once been had also been laid to rest. No longer considering herself Sharlayan, a Scholar, or a Sky Pirate, Elm went into a spiral of crippling depression for several moons on her own.

What Miracles Blacksmiths Can Make

And it was in Camp Cloudtop that Crimson regained a small piece of who she was before...and it came in the strangest of ways--a Blacksmith from Limsa Lominsa by the name of Haemrbroda Thorsyn. The man was a persistent one, constantly seeking out the woman's companionship, even on the threat of death and suffering. Regardless of how many times Elm would punish him, the Seawolf continued to return every day, offering her a drink and some pleasant company to hear her woes. Finally, after several weeks of this game continuing, Crimson obliged and allowed him to take her to Rosewood for a short date.

What ended up instead was an adventure in itself. Elm, though feeling incredibly guilty about her feelings, was beginning to enjoy herself in the company of the older Lominsan. She found him amusing, intelligent, crafty, lecherous, attractive, and incredibly kind, taking a liking to him immediately. After several ales and a night of high passions finally released, the Scholar abandoned Haemrbroda the next morning. Feeling that she could never love again, that her heart had been buried alongside Stehl's love for her, Crimson fled Rosewood on the back of her Zu Shemzai, seeking refuge in the Dravanian the ruins of her former life. However...Thorsyn would not be deterred or abandoned again; stealing an airship from Cloudtop, he chased after the woman and talked sense into her, begging her to remain with him. Shouting that he was tired and aching of being abandoned, and listening to Elm's broken heart as she told him her pains, they wept together and decided between the pair of them that they would take things one day at a time....together.

After an incident (involving indecent exposure and an attempt at public fornication,) in Idyllshire, Crimson and Haemrbroda fled the city, chased after by a crew of extremely disgruntled pirates. Fleeing to Halgr's Crucible in the Sea of Clouds, they decided between themselves that they would become a pair--partners in the skies together as their own little crew. Having left behind his life of smithing and returning to piracy, Thorsyn boasted how incredibly alive he felt, and claimed he would follow the woman to the ends of the earth and back...but insisted on being called 'Captain' regardless. With an abundance of gil between the pair of them, Elm and Haemr began construction on their own private airship...a place where they could live and revel in their life of freedom in the skies together.

Relationship Status Legend

ღ Haemrbroda Thorsyn -- At ten years her senior, one might have thought the relationship a little odd...but Thorsyn, being a former pirate himself, was quickly able to wriggle his way through the exterior of the formerly heartbroken Sky Pirate. The Blacksmith treats Elm as both a goddess and (more recently) as a 'pet' when they are wont to tumble with one often. Crimson utterly adores the man, though she would never admit it to anybody but him, as her personality is not used to affection, and is still bruised by Stehl's abandonment. Finding him to be amusing and entertaining, capable of keeping up with her and keeping her grounded, the Sharlayan owes her newfound life to the blacksmith that had repaired her shattered heart with his dedication and affection.
♡ Stehl Helmgarde -- The Black Knight of Ala Mhigo is presently Elm's closest friend, and lover. Somehow, someway, he was able to charm himself through Crimson's harsh exterior and blunt mannerisms, and even get her to show her more romantic side. Shy and goofy when they're together, Crimson has come to be very taken with the Hyur, even going to far as to allow him to offically be her sweetheart. that he has "buried" his feelings for her, and she has been utterly distraught with her jealousy of his harem, there is little that could be said of the pair... Crimson, though wracked with hate and fury towards the man, still loves him with what parts of her heart he laid to rest.
♡ Abrenard Rondelet -- Far from the most...smoothly of running relationships, the pasttime of Crimson and Abenard is the art of trading insults back and forth, until inevitably, one of them passes out from the drink. With both of them having such fiery, compassionate spirits, they clash constantly...which, for some reason, only seems to make them more attracted to one another. Neither the two of them are quite willing to admit there's more beneath their sarcastic, witty, blunt natures...quite yet...But it's quite clear, they're fond of each other in more ways than friendly comebacks.
♦ Nekuni Nonakuni -- The diminutive Lalafell Spellhunter charmed his way into the Rodegyn's rough exterior when they discovered a common, burning desire for exploration, collection, and adventure. They have done a great deal of work on the behalf of the Artifice, to include the capture of the Coincounter Cyclops in Aurum Vale. It was Crimson who comforted the young lad when word of Roni Oni reached him, cementing him as a close friend.
✔ Ciabard Ebonfire -- The ancient man of Mhachi has become a welcome collegue to Crimson, as they exchange information on what were once mortal enemies of eld and muse together on troubles within and around their Free Company. She greatly respects and admires the wisdom of the older man, and considers him of high esteem.
✔ Caelynn Mhlar -- Forming strong bonds of kinship while fighting for their lives on many a moment of battle already, the Scholar has a great deal of respect towards the Astrologian for her battle powress, her quick thinking, and her sweet heart.
✔ Ravusa Evomere -- Affectionately (?) referred to as "Boss". Crimson always had an endearing respect for whoever was in charge of her company, with the well-read Elezen leader of the Artifice of Reason being far from an exception. The Thaumaturge has spared Elm a great deal of pain (and even death,) on several occassions so far.
✖ Helionne Gevair -- Naturally, someone who had been fighting the Holy See would not take kindly to a Temple Knight joining the are slowly changing Elm's mind on the subject of the city of Ishgard, and the people she had once called enemies.
✖ Shiori Eikitaika -- Needless to say that Elm's brash nature and way of seeing things done, clashes with the Institute Leader's more slow, methodical and thought-out processes. Crimson's multiple charges of completely disobeying her orders definitely didn't help.
� Erimmont Chevalier -- The Elezen from the Shroud was the first of the Artifice to know Crimson; he recruited her from the Upper Decks. However, conflict between Monty, Shiori, Stehl, and Crimson have caused the Roegadyn to deeply question her relations to the hermit.
✔ Tertius nan Celerus -- Though the Empire is far from her fondest subject, Elm seems to have a strangely close endearment to the Magiteck Engineer...
✔ Zariaa Astrae -- Crimson's pupil in the ways of the Dark Knight and Umbral addition to being both a rival and a friend...
✝ Roni Oni -- While their time together was brief, it was Roni who had first introduced himself to Elm, and eventually had her making friends within the Free Company. The stout-hearted, loud-mouthed Lalafell held a soft spot in her heart, as they were kindred in their nature and mannerisms. The loss of Oni has put a deep bruise on Crimson's heart.


Sunlit Shadow: Crimson's mother. Formerly, she worked as a sellsword before Ala Mhigo was taken, and barely escaped with her life. Quiet, reserved, and sunny in her personality, she was killed during the Calamity when it utterly decimated the town of Little Big River.

Grey Mountain: Father to Crimson. He'd toiled within the earth since the day he'd learned to hold a pickaxe. Stubborn, hard-working, and boistrous in nature, he was a character all in his own right, lighting up a room with his jolly presence. Along with his wife, he was killed in the Calamity.

Booming Lake: Elm's older brother, an architect in Ala Mhigo. The first of the twelve children, born to represent Bryegot. Killed in the sacking of Ala Mhigo by Garleans, allowing his mother to flee.

Dancing River: Elm's older sister, a songstress in the local tavern in the town of Little Big River before the Calamity. The second of twelve children, born to represent Menphia. Presumed dead.

Golden Raven: Elm's older sister, a librarian in Little Big River before the Calamity. The third of twelve children, born to represent Thaliak. Presumed dead.

Great Flood: Elm's older brother, a fisherman in Little Big River before the Calamity. The fourth of twelve children, born to represent Llymlaen. Presumed dead.

Howling Hawk: Elm's older brother, a weaver in Little Big River, before the Calamity. The fifth of twelve children, born to represent Nymeia. Presumed dead.

Leaping Raptor: Elm's older brother, a blacksmith in the town of Little Big River before the Calamity hit it. The sixth of twelve children, born to represent Halone. Whereabouts presently unknown.

Shadowed Oak: Elm's older brother, a hunter who prided himself on his skills. Seventh of twelve children, born to represent Rhalgr. Whereabouts presently unknown.

Silver Moon: Elm's older sister, who left Little Big River to become a thespian in Ul'Dah. Eighth of twelve, born to represent Azeyma. Killed in the Calamity.

Burning Path: Elm's older brother, a guard killed in an Ixal raid. Ninth of twelve, born to represent Nald'thal.

Emerald Song: Elm's older sister, a botanist and alchemist in Little Big River, before the Calamity. Tenth of twelve children, born to represent Nophica. Presumed dead.

Joyful Breeze: Crimson's younger sister, a bright and cheery miner in Little Big River alongside her mother and father. The last of the children between them, born to represent Althyk. Killed in the Calamity.


• Surito Carito -- A once Lalafellan Scholar of ancient Nym, preserved through a terrible curse. He seeks to find a cure to the state of his people...even at the cost of his own life. Witty, tactical, and unparalleled in his intelligence, he taught Crimson all she knows of Nymian Lore.

•P'tahl U'zda -- A Miq'ote Warrior, and former member of the Soaring Salamanders; a good friend to Elm in her time there. The raid from House Dzemael caused him to be paralyzed from the waist down, but his dedication to the crew moved Crimson to carry him as they escaped the Vault. He now lives peacefully in solitude within the town of Wineport.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Thal's balls, look at her. Looks like a sky pirate, if you ask me." -- Yellowjacket Ryssfloh
"You'd think with as big as that tome is, it held the secrets to the bleedin' cosmos." -- A passerby in Ul'Da
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I know her face. She was a young lass around these parts once. Fantastic Arcanist." -- A fisherman of Limsa
"I saw her, once, in the Drowning Wench...I don't think I've ever seen a woman drink that much in my life." — A conjurer near Hawthorne Hut.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Looks a lot like the Bloody Salvation what're wanted in Ishgard...if she was missin' an eye, I could make myself some coin..." — Loitering Pirate.
"Did you see that tattoo on her leg? I heard...that might be a Soaring Salamander mark. Sh-should I tell a Yellowjacket?" — Mihko Zihko.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Limsa Lominsa: High
Ul'Dah - Quicksand : High
La Noscea - The Floating City of Nym : High
The Goblet- Plot 13, Ward 7 : High
The Lavender Beds - Plot 1, Ward 3 : High
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
City-State, Region or Organization: Limsa Lominsa | Ul'Dah, Artifice of Reason
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil. It seems she has several of these on her person.

40px-Engraved Hard Leather Grimoire Icon.png

Crimson's Tome: Crimson's personal Tome. Contains information of Nymian Lore tactics, as well as several thousand pages of Aetheric data on various objects, people, and places she's seen in her travels, as well as the nature of said data. This tome is stupidly heavy, nearly weighing several ponze. It's a book only a Roegadyn would carry around...

64px-Mint Lassi Icon.png

A flagon of ale: Never leaves anywhere without a little something to mellow her out...unknown wine of unknown locale.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.