W'saevia Eersteklas

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 MASSIVELY A WORK IN PROGRESS W'saenna (W'saevia) Eersteklas
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa, Gridania
Age ~23
Status Married
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Light Mage, Artificer, Theorist
Height 154.1cm (5ft)
Weight 45kg (99.2lbs)


The daughter of a Seeker and a Keeper, W'saenna was born and grew up on the paradise island her parents washed up on with their shipmates when their trade vessel, Sussano's Throne, was wrecked on an unknown chain of islands west of Limsa Lominsa.

As she grew older, she developed a knack for Conjury, specifically healing. When a ship finally managed to berth at the island, W'saenna was encouraged to leave the island and travel to Gridania, located in Eorzea, to study Conjury. This all happened some years after the Calamity.

She has since become a powerful Conjuror and a competant physician, and her time with a grand company (now disbanded) called the Triumvirate, led to her gaining experience in general artificing and trade. The same attack that broke the Triumvirate had also left her ill and weakened, though in recent times she appears to be almost healthy once more.



Average height, thin, and pale-toned skin. White hair cut to shoulder length only recently, and piercing red eyes. Favors white clothing.


W'saevia is a pacifist, prefering to avoid conflict. That said, if pushed too far, she becomes a force to be reckoned with. With a quick mind, and fair retention of facts, in some cases even being able to memorise portions of text she's written or has read, she somehow manages to read the mood of a room or know what a person has been doing (or in most cases not doing when they should) without even having been in the vicinity.

One of her most powerful tools is her gaze, which when narrowed and totally focused on a person, causes them to become deeply uncomfortable. She usually does her death-stare with a pleasant smile, and speaks with a light, friendly voice; warmth that is in total oposition to her cold gaze. Prolonged exposure has been known to break people, causing them to promise to do anything just to make her stop.


■ Is an official White Mage of Gridania, accepted into the small circle of outsiders granted the name White Mage. Her watch, which contains a unique soulcrystal, also grants her power in other schools of magic, though her true affinity is with healing and protective magics.

■ Is slowly learning to master the healing schools of Astromancy and Arcanima, with the aid of her mentor "Cait", an ancient mage who by his own hubris was sealed within the body of a child's toy; she also knows a good deal of theory on Thaumaturgy, due to her interest in her wife's school of magic, though W'saevia herself is yet to test her apptitude with Thaumaturgy. At this time, she has a good grasp on Astromancy and a fair grasp on the lost Nymian Scholar's art, able to produce barriers, but not a faerie companion.

■ Has a secret network of healers who act as spies and eyes and ears in the four capitals and lands of Eorzea.

■ Comptetance in general artificing.


Tea | Her favorite beverage; her favorite brew is blended from a natural tealeaf that grows on her native soil of Shor's Vigil island.

Rain | Back on the island, the frequent storms raged often, with great intensity. Since coming to Eorzea, as far as she's concerned, the harshest storm barely counted as a gentle squall.

Fashion | She appreciates fine clothes, usually of a white colour. Though she follows Eorzea's rules on modesty, she grew up in a society that didn't adhere to common rules on modesty.

"Cait" | Her long time friend and recently her mentor.


Curses | Because they can't be whacked over the head.

Lies | Because she almost always knows when people lie; she just rarely calls them out.

Sunlight | Ironic that the Seeker hates the Sun.

"Cait" | 'nough said.


Water | Her natural element of affinity. Water dances at her whim - and often doesn't wait for that.

Healing | Nothing makes W'saevia feel more alive then helping people get better, be it from illness or injury; seeing the smiles makes her smile.

Memory | Her memory is amazing, with the capability of memorising whole portions of text or parts of what she has written.

Authority | Her time with the Triumvirate has resulted in an authoritive presence that comes almost naturally.


Lightning | Proximity to strong amounts of lightning aether make her sick.

PTSD | The event that lead to her and her wife faking their deaths left her with a lingering illness, but also left her with mental scars. Seeing vast quantities of blood triggers a severe panic attack.

Coffee | What is this travesty of a replacement for the sacred ceremony of tea?

Clan | Probably the only person she would defer to without argument on almost every subject is her father, or the current Nuhn of the clan her father was born to; she has yet to meet her extended family.


General overview of combat skills.


Fluid Grace - Favored by water; power increased closer to water.

Glacial Moon hidden - Marked by Menphina; ice is little threat for this conjuror.

Dread Commander of Medical - Experience in authority adds to her presence on the battleground.


Ire of Wind and Earth - Due to Water's favor, the elements of Earth and Wind are less effective when wielded by W'saevia.

The Watch

The Watch is the amplifier of W'saevia's power. When aether is channeled through it, it becomes focused, allowing W'saevia's healing to be more effective. A gift from 'Cait', it doubles as the vessel that holds the soul crystal that W'saevia will eventually be able to use to attain white magic among others.



Before W'saevia's story, there is the story of her parents.

Her father, W'saeza Nuhn, was born into a clan of Wah's that hold themselves apart from the rest of the Wah's, for several reasons. Firstly, every memember of the so-called W'sae clan has the begining of their name as "W'sae...". They also are all marked by silver-white hair, and piercing red eyes. They hold that they are the closest to the ideal of a Wolf-pack, being self-sufficient, and totally self-reliant, acting as a cohesive unit in almost perfect sync. This has resulted in the W'sae considering the other Wah clans to have abanonded their traditions, and indeed while polite to their cousins, restrict their diplomatic options to the bear minimum.

W'saeza was born as the second son of the previous Nuhn's favorite consort. While his older bother by the same mother, W'saezadin would oneday become the next Nuhn by right of combat, as in only right, W'saeza himself remained a Tia. He wasn't a great warrior, but he was good enough. His true skill lied in strategy and leadership. Their father believed that while the eldest may make a great Nuhn, he would only be so because of the people skills that W'saeza and his younger brother by the same mother, W'saezim, would lead the clan to greater heights then they have seen for a long time.

It was not to be, however. One of the traditions of the Clan was that the first three favored sons must travel the world for one rotation of its orbit, or a year. When W'saeza's time came, he joined a merchant vessel, called The Throne of Susanoo, and there became the first mate to the ship's captain...

Her mother, Lira Eersteklas, however, was born a Keeper into an unknown family. Before she was barely born from the womb, she and her mother were captured by slavers. They would remain together for eighteen months, before mother was seperated from child. Lira remained in the slavepens for another six years, before she was deemed suitable to sell.

However, fortune smiled on Lira, and instead of being sold to a perverted nobleman, she was bought by a middle-aged Merchant, Harold Eersteklas, a spice merchant. Once the papers were signed and coin exchanged, Harold would free Lira of her chains, and he and his barren wife, Susan, would adopt her as their child.

Lira's childhood was much brighter from that point, as was the lives of her adoptive parents. Several years later, Harold invested in what everyone assumed was a worthless venture, but when there came a sudden demand for the stock he had invested in, he ended up making a medium-sized fortune. He retired, and spent the rest of his days with his wife in peace.

When Lira turned sixteen, she was asked what she wished to do with her life. She told her parents that they had inspired her with their loving act of saving her, and so she wished to repay the deed, and learn to save people's lives. It was then that she was enrolled at a medical college, where she learned to become a physician. Upon her graduation, she signed up on a merchant vessel, called The Throne of Susanoo...


It was another day at sea for The Throne of Susanoo. They had just left port at Horizon, were headed for Limsa Lominsa, and from there to a port in far-off Sharleyan.

And then the storm struck.

The ship was driven before a howling gale westward. So far did the ship get blown off course that they ended up in an uncharted chain of islands known as Shor's Stand, dominated by a large island almost in the center called Shor's Vigil. It didn't take long for the ship to be broken upon one of these islands in the treacherous waters of the Stand, but by a miracle most of the crew survived, washing up in a sheltered cove on the Vigil island itself.

It would take some time, but eventually the survivors would become accustomed to their new home, building a small village in the cove, and naming it Home. Here, they would build a new life, albiet one cut off from the rest of Hydaelyn.

Somehow they would come to thrive here, because despite the frequent storms, and no obvious signs of anyone ever living on the island in the past, the island itself seemed suited to habitation, with perfect weather whenever there wasn't a storm. Many fruit-bearing trees, and native crops, could be found within a few hundred meters of the cove. No animals lived on the island, but that also meant no predators. The trees were unworthy of more then basic fishing canooes, not at all suitable to sea travel. For clothing, the survivors had to turn mostly to their own ruined clothes, shreds of sailcloth when it washed up, and various fiberous bark found on certain trees on the island. It was a hard life, but one filled with peace.


As is only fitting, Sae was born during a storm. There was nothing complicated about her birth, she was healthy in every way. The first few years of her life were just like that on any other child. She learned to crawl, then run, then finally to walk. She learned to speak in the usual ways - listening and copying her parents. She was the first child to be born on the Island, and proved that there was a future for the survivors on their new home. She was dubbed "W'saenna" by her father, taking his tribe, and her mother passed on the name of "Eersteklas". One of the other residents began calling W'saenna "W'saevia", which in their own tongue was "Proof of Salvation", a name everyone else applied to her, except those closest to her, who use her truest name.

While in time other kids came to be born to other couples on the island, only the daughter of two Au Rai, one Tiana Nix, would be Sae's closest friend. A year younger then Sae, the two were often seen playing together and getting up to all kinds of mischief. The two were inseperable, until one day, just before they entered an age in double-digits, Tiana accidently caused a fire with magic. After this, Tiana's days were consumed with study, which drastically cut into the friends' time together.

Several years before Tiana's accident, there was a terrible storm that raged for a solid week, more ruthless then the usual storms. When it calmed, Sae went exploring, and discovered a new cave that had been revealed by the storm. Within, she discovered a sealed leather-bound trunk. When she finally managed to force the trunk open, it was revealed that its contents were comprised of a single Cait Sith doll. However, the Doll turned out to be alive, and sentient. It was her first meeting with "Cait", who latched onto her and became her companion. The Doll didn't seem to be able to talk, instead communicating with gestures that only Sae could somehow understand.

In her early-to-mid teens, Sae awoke one night with a strong feeling pulling her to the highest peak of the island, where she would find a cave full of crystals glowing a green-blue, and a physical manifestation of a Water Elemental. It reached out its hand to her, and she found herself reaching out for it. When they made contact, she blacked out, and after she woke up, she began showing latent signs of Conjury. One of the older members of the community was an arcanist, and took Sae as his pupil, trying to help her control her powers, though he would prove unable.

When the Calamity hit, those of the island only witnessed the sky going red, and the sea steaming. Once it passed, they just shrugged and carried on, and it would be five years before they would learn of what horror they barely avoided, only due to their exile on the Island.

Five years after the Calamity struck, a furious storm bore witness to a Maelstrome ship limping into the cove of Sae's island community. When the storm broke, the residents helped repair the ship, and at her parents' and mentor's urging, Sae agreed to leave the island to travel to Gridania, and seek tutorlage from the Conjuror's guild. This was also where Sae and Tiana bid farewell to eachother for a time, truely seperating for the first time in their lives.


Upon arrival in Eorzea, she made directly for Gridania, where she swiftly found her outlandish ways were going to cause her problems. Even so, she adapted, and excelled in her studies. She quickly graduated from the novice classes, and decided to get some practical experience in medical support on a Maelstrom scouting vessel. Upon her return to land, she enrolled as a medic in a clinic within the Mists, however soon left there. While working for that clinic, she met her childhood friend, Tiana Nix, and shortly after they became a couple. After this, she joined the merchant company "The Triumvirate".

While within the Triumvirate, her passion and skill was noticed by the Merchant Queen, M'elodie Valtyr, who promoted W'saevia to the position of "Commander" of the medical team. In this role, she became an apt administrator and leader, helping to maintain peace and on several occasions taking charge of coordinating military efforts. While within the Triumvirate, W'saevia and Nix formally became engaged.

Her performance was such that when circumstances caused the Merchant Queen to flee Thanalan for her life, the Merchant Queen passed command of the company to W'saevia and Lily Snowfire, another outstanding officer within the company. This arrangement was short lived, however, when in the dead of a rainy night, a mysterious stranger came upon the compound and attacked W'saevia, injuring her and, in the vain struggle by the defenders to repel the invader, the invader burned the estate down.

Miraculously, W'saevia and her fiance, Tiana Nix, were able to escape, albiet at substantial loss, with their friends believing them deceased. For a time, they journeyed north to Ishgard, where W'saevia could recover from her injuries. Once recovered, they returned to Eorzea to track down their old friends. They rediscovered M'elodie Valtyr and her alies, as well as finding their other friends. They took employment with the new company one of these friends had founded, and during this time W'saevia and Nix were married.

The high point for the couple (if it can be called a high point) was being set on a case as a favor to a merchant they knew, to investigate the disappearence of small quantities of water aether crystals, which when added up equaled a lot of missing crystals. Following the leads with the help of their allies, they finally confronted a pack of cultists, one of whome managed to summon an Egi formed of the Whorl Eater, Leviathan; thankfully, it seemed as though the party had interupted the cultists before they were ready, their summoning being quite easily dispatched.

Later they left their new free company to follow a hint given by the Watch, which lead to them discovering one of the secret safe-houses of the Merchant Queen, who had by this time vanished. On discovering what secret the safe-house contained, W'saevia and her wife decided to turn the safe-house into an academy, and begun to discreetly keep an eye out for worthy pupils to teach.

Towards the end of the Fifth Astral Moon of this year, W'saevia finally earned the trust of the Padjali White Mages, who after examination decided upon granting her the honor of joining the ranks of the small number of outsiders who are granted the title of White Mage. It was with great eagerness that she delved into study of the forbidden field, determined to master yet another aspect of magic with which to protect those she loved.


Still to come: Who is the mysterious assailant, and who is Cait? And was the mysterious summoning of a Leviathan-Egi a mere coincidence?


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


* An asterisks denotes that CHARACTER doesn't know the individual's true name.

Tiana Nix 🔒
Sae's Thoughts: "My match in every way, who makes me strive to be more than I am, who is always in my head and my heart."

Born on the same island a year apart, the two were always close, until finally they fell in love and were married.

M'elodie Valtyr, M'el, Mel, Melodie, Merchant Queen. 🔒$ (❖?)
Sae's Thoughts: "The Merchant Queen, always misunderstood and hated; if they only knew how she saved them."

Met while on business. W'saevia eventually entered M'elodie's employ, becoming one of her trusted advisers and confidants.


Cait, The Stuffed Doll of Magic. ( 🔃🔒 )
Sae’s Thoughts: "Cait is... Cait."

The mysterious stuffed doll pulled out of a hidden cave on the isle of Shor's Vigil.


These are rumours you may hear if you frequent certain circles, or keep up to date with current events. Please contact me in-game if you would like to become a contact.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "DECEACED" - Ul'dahn authorities

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


Sae is a character who started in the MMO "Champions Online", albiet with a vastly different concept. In CO, she was an homunculus who was a mix of the Fate/Stay Night Nausverse and the Homunculi of Fullmetal Alchemis Brotherhood.

Here in FF, only her visual style and name was carried across: almost glowing red eyes, and silky white hair (usually long).


This is based off of the template W'aelwyn Turrel uses; This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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