Arshtat Ejinn

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Arshtat Ejinn
Far from Home


Birth Name: Arshtat Ejinn
Race and Clan: Au Ra, Xaela
Birthplace The Steppes, Othard
Gender: Female
Nameday: 2nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Age: 24
Occupation: None
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 4 fulms 6 ilms
Weight: 85 ponze
Alignment: Neutral Good

ARSHTAT EJINN is a young Xaela huntress and daughter of a Khan from a small branch of the Ejinn tribe. She originally found her way to Eorzea in search of a brother corrupted by a mysterious amulet. Despite knowing the choice would sever all ties from her tribe and make her an exile from her kin, Arshtat felt it was the only choice she could have taken. Now, after her brother's death, she struggles to find peace and her place in this new world.


Order of Ouroboros: Arshtat came to the Order after learning they might be able to help her search for her brother, and explain the reason for his odd behavior. She became a ward of the company, and offered her bow to them on several of their tasks. While she may not be the most qualified to help them in their arcane endeavors, she feels she owes them much.

Tribal Xaela: Being from one of the smaller tribes that escaped much of the chaos in Othard, Arshtat is still very much tied to her roots. She feels most comfortable around fellow Xaela, and is more than happy to keep old traditions alive.

Thanalan: Arshtat can most commonly be found in the areas of Ul'dah and the Goblet. The Order's estate is located there and is where she lays her head, so she does not often stray too far.

La Noscea: A less frequently visited place, but one she thinks fondly of after visiting it for the first time fairly recently. The closeness to the water and the cooler weather remind her more of home. It is also where Madoc Parnell lives, whom she visits when she can.


Arshtat is extremely small, even by female Au Ra comparisons and it is one of the first things people meeting her tend to focus on. She is built small and petite but with well-defined curves. Despite life living near water and in the sun of Othard, Arshtat's skin has maintained a creamy and pale complexion that is prized in her tribe as a sign of her bloodline. Her face is delicately heart-shaped with oval eyes, usually framed with a rust-colored powder used for decoration. Her eyes are slightly down-turned and she usually wears a serene expression. Arshtat's hair is long, nearly to the bottom of her hips. It is usually tied back in a long braid. It is naturally a pale grey-purple.

Arshtat has no markings other than the natural Au Ra scale patterns. Since coming to Eorzea however, she has gained one scar in her service to the Order. The scar runs along her left side, just above her hip and is about 4 ilms in length. She acquired it from the blade of a mercenary in an ambush.

Being nomadic and living largely on the water, Arshtat has adapted her tribe's limited wardrobe to suit Eorzea. She wears lightweight fabrics that do not weigh her down in water and keep her cool. Being the daughter of one of the tribe's Khans, she was often adorned with gold and other finery common in Othard. Much of what she took to Eorzea was what she could carry on her, so she has adopted some of the more Ul'dahn fashions. She generally has little issue showing skin, as it was actually quite common in the summer's of Othard for her kind to wear little to nothing.


Arshtat tends to be a quiet, calm individual that is content to watch rather than take part. Living in the tribe her whole life, where much of her decisions were decided for her by her father, she has a habit of submissively following others and rarely speaking up for herself. Those who knew her in the tribe, would often describe her as a gentle soul, with a passion for those she loved. Her quiet nature often also betrays her skill with a bow, and the hunt.

She fidgets almost constantly. Since coming to Eorzea, Arshtat has been on edge for many reasons. She worries, almost excessively, about nearly everything.

Arshtat is well-versed in things that were commonplace among her people. Many of the people she has come into contact with in Eorzea believe she is not very intelligent, being that she is still quite naive, and cannot read or write the Eorzean alphabet. While being in Eorzea has improved her speaking, turns of phrase, expressions, innuendo, and other such things are often lost on her.



Arshtat was born along the rivers of Othard. Her tribe, a small group of kin belonging to the people of the Ejinn, had been on their own for many cycles, keeping small and traveling the rivers as nomads to avoid the conflict of their homeland. Her father, Bahkt, was one of three Khans that helped council much of the tribe's decisions. While it was more common to defer to a single such individual in other tribes of her kind, her kin preferred it this way. While her tribe was by no means full of cowards, Arshtat remembers much of her life on the move to avoid hostile tribes and the ever growing threat of the people of the machine that had already taken much of their kind.

Life was simple, in that sense. Much of her early years were spent helping her mother tend things around the camp. She learned to grow food in floating planters, sew and make clothes and jewelry, cook, and other such things that would groom her to be a fine mate for one of the males when she came of age. She learned the art of building floating homes from reed grass and mud, and Arshtat always felt the most at peace when she could keep her hands busy.

While on the outside she was a rather proper daughter of a Khan, Arshtat also had a small rebellious streak in her youth. This was often supported by her older brother of four cycles. Vaathabat was kind and gentle, but he had the mind of a dreamer and often strayed far from camp to explore and see new things. Arshtat would often follow, much to the disapproval of her parents. Her brother also held a secret that he only shared with her. He knew magic. While it was nothing trained or harnessed, Arshtat still remembers being absolutely entranced as he could create sparks of flame from nothing, and freeze water mid-flow.

Magic was something her tribe had all but bred out, fearing and mistrusting it. Her brother was the first in several generations to have any sort of tie to such arts. But Vaathabat was good at hiding it, and Arshtat never told a soul. As time passed, her brother would often study with her father in the ways of leading the tribe, while Arshtat spent her time as a hunter, learning to spear-fish and down beasts with her bow to supply food.

When Arshtat reached maturity, her father selected one of the most prized males of the tribe to be her future mate. She was promised to one of the few warriors, a man by the name of Tuvaak. While she did not think ill of the man, in fact, he was always very kind to her and just as gentle as her brother, Vaathabat grew troubled. They both had known such a thing would happen, but he took it much harder than her.

The two stole away from camp one night, much as they did when they were younger, and her brother once again entranced her with magic to brighten their spirits. It was then, Arshtat remembers, her brother found an oddly carved amulet at the bottom of the riverbed. Keeping it a secret from the tribe, he brought it back with him. And from that day forward, he was never the same.

After finding the amulet, Vaathabat rarely parted with it. He often spoke to his sister on how it sang to him in such a pretty song. But she could not hear it no matter how hard she tried. Arshtat watched as her brother grew more erratic, impulsive, and developed a temper when he never had before. He argued and fought with their father over nearly everything, and he even rose a hand to her when she told him to leave the amulet in the river when they moved camp again.

The tribe soon found he was a mage, as well, as his power was no longer tamable. He set fires to boats in fits of rage and even froze a portion of their crops. Life grew hard for her brother, under a constant watch by the Khans and all but forbidden from seeing anyone else. Arshtat could tell he was suffering from something she did not understand, but she was wise enough to know the cause. Something in that amulet had changed him.

Then one night as she returned from a hunt, she found much of the floating homes on fire. And in the center of the camp, amidst screaming kin, her brother stood over the bloody body of a Khan. Vaathabat left the tribe, deep into the forests of Othard. And despite being forbidden to do so, and knowing what it would mean if she did, Arshtat followed him.


Arshtat followed her brother's trail across Othard for many moons, never seeming to be able to catch up with him. He moved as if driven by a force that was not his own. She lost the trail completely after finally reaching the shores of Eorzea. Left with nothing but what she could carry with her, and a small drawing she had done on a piece of parchment of what she remembered of the amulet, Arshtat was alone in a world she barely understood. She knew some of the common tongue, thanks to her mother, enough to get by. And as time wore on, she picked more of it up.

She sold much of what she had brought from Othard for money, trading away her jewelry and silks until there was not much left of home at all. She lived like this for a moon or so, until her travels brought her to the grand city of Ul'dah. There, she heard a rumor of an organization specializing in magical items. Thinking it a sign from the Dusk Mother herself, Arshtat made contact with the Order of Ouroboros.

She was more than relieved to see it was lead by one of her own kind, a Dataq by the name of Oyuu. Arshtat became a ward of the Order, and they offered aid to find her brother and save him from whatever affliction he carries. During their search, Arshtat lent her bow and herself in whatever way she could do the Order to express a gratitude she had no words for.

Unfortunately, as time wore on, it became more and more apparent her brother was beyond saving. After finding a matching amulet to one he wore around a half-dead Duskwight mage in the darkness of Gelmorra, the Order itself was threatened by the power it possessed. And only a few short moons after, Vaathabat attacked the estate in the middle of the night. The creature in the amulet had taken his mind, and so with little choice, Arshtat struck down her brother to grant him peace.

Arshtat remains with the Order, but she has now reached the point of not knowing where she should turn from this moment forward. The drive to find her brother was one of the few things that gave her strength, and so now she must find a new source.


💕 In a Relationship   Desire   Interest   💞 Family/Platonic Love   Trusted   Friend   $ Business  
💀 Deceased   Good Standing   Neutral Standing   Negative Standing   Uncertain


💞 Bahkt Ejinn (Father)
Arshtat's father is a well-respected and elevated man of status within the tribe, equal to Khan. He made many of the decisions, including when to stop and when the tribe should move on. When his only son turned on the tribe unexpectedly, he was shamed, but held firm. He wishes his son dead, and has disowned Arshtat for trying to find him once more.
💞 Enkhtuya Ejinn (Mother)
Arshtat and her mother were quite close. It was her mother who taught her nearly everything she knows, from hunting, to cooking, to tending crops, to weaving and sewing. Her mother was sure to groom her to be a good wife someday, and to make her father proud. She forbade Arshtat from following after her brother, and so she knows she now has her mother's ire.
💞 💀 Vaathabat Ejinn (Brother)
Arshtat was extremely close to her brother. She remembers him as a gentle soul with a spark that would make her smile even on the darkest of days. He was extremely protective of her. Being that magic was so mistrusted in her tribe, Vaathabat was forced to keep his powers a secret, but would delight Arshtat with them when asked. Near his 28th summer, he found a mysterious amulet at the bottom of the river which seemingly drove him mad and he left the tribe.

After finding him once again in Eorzea, Arshtat was forced to end her brother's life to set him free from the hold of a Voidsent and give him peace.


Tuvaak Ejinn (Tribe Member)
Tuvaak was the young Xaela Arshtat was promised to as a wife by her father. While she did not dislike the man, she knew little about him other than he was one of the more skilled fighters his age within the tribe. She is unsure if he ever had feelings for her, but she regrets not being able to fulfill what she was promised to.


Ali Gani
A Lalafell currently working with the Order. Arshtat has not had much contact with him save for one time in the field and another the night of her brother's death.
A long time member of the Order, Arthur was there when Arshtat first came to them for aid. While she has not had much personal contact with him, she respects him as a knowledgeable healer and mage within the Order. She recognizes he seems a bit shy in social situations, much like her, and hopes one day they might become better friends.
Arshtat is not particularly close with J'takra, the Miqo'te actually both confuses her and terrifies her. She is more familiar with him because he is Oyuu's partner, as well as a talented mage of the Order and they have worked together. He has an explosive personality, but has not done anything to warrant her mistrust. Though she is rather certain he hates her because of her closeness with Oyuu.
Madoc Parnell
Arshtat met Madoc on chance meeting in the market and he offered her and Oyuu an invitation to a tavern he works at. Being the first Xaela she has met that seems more at home in Eorzea than in the Steppes, she finds him rather fascinating. She has promised to teach him the Xaelic tongue, while he has promised her his blade in the search for her brother. After a sun spent together in Limsa, she finds herself both drawn to him and more comfortable around him than before.

After the death of her brother, Madoc has been a pillar of support. While she is still slightly unsure the nature of their relationship, Arshtat feels content in his company and at peace. She believes the feeling might be something a bit like love, but has not admitted such to him yet.

💞 Oyuu Dataq
Oyuu was the first of her kind Arshtat grew close to after coming to Eorzea. While the other seems more at peace in this new place than she is, they often share memories of their old home. She greatly admires him and his strength. She trusts him, and is ever grateful for his help in the search for her brother, and the support after his death. She feels he has become like another older brother figure in the absence of her real one. She considers him family now.
Sahael Nevara
The leader of the Order of Ouroboros, Arshtat owes the man a great deal of gratitude for taking her in. While she wants to be grateful to him, Arshtat can't help but feel slightly hesitant around him due to his strange and frightening powers and the things he hordes in his Vault.
Another member of the Order that Arshtat has not had much contact with outside of mission work in the field. The Miqo'te woman seems well-versed in machinery much like the kind that threatened Othard.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Oh? Aye, yeah she comes around by my stall often enough. Always asking for the strangest of ingredients though." -Ul'dahn Spice Merchant
    "Speaks well enough for one of her kind. Though has the same uncultured look as they all do." -Ul'dahn Noblewoman
    "Pretty lil' thing, too quiet though. Maybe one day I can talk her into coming home, eh?" -Quicksand Regular

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "I remember her, least I think so. Met on the road. Was lookin' for someone if'n I recall." -Caravan Driver
    "Always asking about this magic shite. She doesn't look like she's from the Ossuary though, that's what worries me." -Ul'dan Citizen
    "Aye? I've seen her. Last time she was with this huge male one of 'em, fiery red hair. Just lookin' at 'em made me nervous. Wonder if they're related." -Ul'dan Citizen

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "I saw her and that other one take a body out of the estate a few nights ago. A body! Can you believe it? She seems to nice to be mixed up in anything, but makes you wonder." -Goblet Gossip


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Arshtat is a very dear friend to me. She reminds me of the good parts of home, whether it's her cooking or our conversation in our mother tongue. I hate to see her sad, but lately she has been putting on a brave face to try and see the more positive things in her life. I simply hope I am one of them." -Oyuu Dataq
    "She got a strong slapping hand." -J'takra Tia
    "Add rumor here." -Name





My alts are: Kazha'a Anhsari, Savir Anhsari, Nahdu'a Rastahn, Ellere Valahan and Tala'li Dakelh
FFXIV Art and RP Blog: Tumblr

About Me as a Roleplayer:
- I am located on the west coast, so I am in the PDT/PST time zone.
- I am a full-time graduate student, so my schedule varies, but I’m usually available any time in the afternoon/evenings and on weekends unless I have class or a large assignment.
- I like RP with plot and substance, long build-ups and deep story.
- I tend to prefer Skype/Discord RP for the above reason, but am more than open to in-game RP if that is your preferred method.
- I am open to pre-established or old relationships (old friends, enemies, clients etc).
- I am open to mature or darker themes.
- I lean to things being lore-friendly and compliant, though open to have fun within reason as well.
- Love interests are great.
- Antagonists or enemies are just as great.
- So are friends.


■ Overall design adapted from D'lyhhia Lhuil & Oyuu Dataq's profiles.
■ Headers from Bancroft Gairn's template.
■ Coded up by Ruran Vas!