Jihn'a Gahre

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Jihn'a Gahre
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age 31
Marital Status Single
Occupation Alchemist/Bloodsands Trainer
Orientation Gay
  • Unkown(Father)
  • Unkown(Mother)

Basic Info

"No one ever taught me peace. I didn't learn how to heal, and I didn't learn how to save. I learned how to destroy, and I'm good at it. Good enough that pretending I'm anything less than a villain is a waste of talent."
"Dreams are for people too weak to take what they want. I don't have dreams, I have achievements."
"You're going to get youself killed-- Magic's not a toy. If you treat it as such, you'd better be damned sure you've got more control of it than it's got of you."
Theme Song:
Don't Mess With Me - Temposhark
Throne - Bring Me the Horizon
Beg For Mercy - Adam Lambert
For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert
TV Tropes:
Under Construction


Good cooking
Hard to find tomes on magical subjects
Shy/submissive personalities
People who challenge him (And knocking them down a few pegs)


Being bored
Arrogant opponents
Weak and meek healers
Being wrong


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Vice(s): Sadism, Mind games, Throwing fireballs at street cattes.
Favorite Food: Any sort of fish! Preferably cooked.
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Favorite Color: Purple

Appearance & Personality

He's known best for his hair, flowing locks that drop down past his shoulders in layers of crimson mixed with an emerald green that matches two piercing irises. At first glance Jihn'a seems to look innocent enough, a friendly face with a constant grin practically painted on. His clothing choice varies by the event, though he's often found wearing a set of leather pants and a cropped, hooded top in raven black. On rare occasions he'll done his old mage's robes for old times sake, though he often ends such days tempted to burn the clothing that is linked so intricately with the part of his life that gave him so much grief-- and so much strength.
Jihn'a is a playful Keeper who takes little seriously, as he's long since decided that caution is for the weak. He's flirtatious and graceful by nature. Charismatic and outgoing, he's a personality that's hard to miss in a crowd. He does little to hide his true nature, however, and only a short time with the Miqo'te will reveal that he's practically a sociopath and most certainly a sadist with little care for others unless they can offer him something he wants. He'll kill because he's bored, torture because it's fun, and command because he can. He's the life of the party... until you find his bad side.



Abandoned at age five by his birth parents, he was found by a hermit Thaumaturge who took him in. The man had lost his wife and was intent on coming up with a way to bring her back using thaumaturgy. When he realized Jihn'a had a capacity for aetherial attunement stronger than his own, he trained Jihn'a in the hopes that Jihn'a could do what he couldn't. His teacher was also a trained alchemist and taught Jihn'a his craft. Unfortunately, they were attacked by bandits when Jihn’a was fifteen and his teacher was killed while trying to protect his adopted son. Jihn'a tried to bring him back and ended up setting their home on fire instead, accidentally drawing on much more power from his surroundings in his grief than he could contain. He barely escaped alive.

Teenage/Young Adult

After that, he traveled to Ul'Dah in an attempt to start a new life. Besides his teacher and the bandits who murdered him, Jihn'a hadn't interacted with another soul since his parents left him alone. Try as he might, he couldn't find a place for himself because no one was willing to lend help to a poor kid on the streets. Having just set his only home ablaze, he was to terrified to use his magic. He found himself victim to the cruel doings of other street gangs and shady characters. He was eventually driven by his need to end that cruelty to join a band of mage mercenaries who did the jobs other mercs either couldn't... or wouldn't. These mages had no morals. They fed on Jihn'a's anger and shaped him into the perfect weapon, a monster in his own right. Within a year he grew powerful enough to lead them. He remained with the mages until he was 20, at which point they were hired on to destroy a particularly troublesome group of thieves. When they arrived to complete their task, Jihn'a learned that this 'group' was made of children who were so like him when he'd first come to Ul'Dah. The mages didn't bat an eye and burned every last one of them down. That night, Jihn'a disappeared and never returned. He sought redemption by sealing away his soulstone and swearing to give up magic.


Needing a way to survive, Jihn'a joined up with the Gladiator's Guild and began to fight in the Bloodsands. He remained a Bloodsands fighter for a decade, eventually making a name for himself via both combat skills and his learned ability to entertain the crowd and manipulate his opponents. It was at the end of the decade that his old mage friends paid him a visit. He'd fallen in love with a fellow Gladiator during his time in the Sands, a Seeker by the name of A'lahn. They were inseparable up until the day Jihn'a came home to find his lover's head on a pike in front of his doorstep. It was a message from the mages, a reminder that no one abandoned their order and got to live. In his rage and seeking justice for his fallen mate, Jihn'a took up his old wand and slew the mages in a fury of magic. He'd forgotten how good power felt-- how much of it he had at his disposal. He retired from the Bloodsands the next day, at age 30, and since then has fallen back into his old habits of doing as he pleased and to hell with the consequences. The mages were dead but they'd gotten their wish: Jihn'a had fallen again to the lure of power his magic offered him.


If you ask a Flames official, they will tell you his record is spotless. If you ask the Gladiator's guild (where he's taken up a position as a trainer), you'll be told that while sometimes he's a bit unorthodox, he's always delivered good results with training the new recruits. If you ask the Alchemist's guild, he's one of their more active members and always a great source of knowledge in the lab. If you ask his victims, however, they'll tell you he's a sadistic sociopath with no morals and no mercy. He's murdered, tortured, stolen, and committed nearly every other crime in the book for his own amusement. At least, they'd tell you that if there weren't too scared to talk. There was also that little incident involving a few dead ala mhigo refugees, a company of injured adventurers, and the kidnapping of an officer's husband, but good luck pinning that on a respected member of society with no evidence. He prefers his record clean. That's the easiest way to get away with using whatever measures he wants to get what he desires: everything.



-Age 5 - Seperated from parents/adopted by thaumaturge
-Age 15 - Attacked by bandits/teacher dies/sets off for Ul'Dah
-Age 16 - Joined the Mage's merc group
-Age 20 - Left Mage merc group/Joined Gladiator's Guild
-Age 30 - Left Gladiator's Guild.
-Age 31 - Current Age


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"I've never met someone who's made me want to snap their neck while singing their praises until I met Jihn'a. Fuck him, he's given me more headaches than the damned chocobo." - Gladiator Guild bookkeeper
"What? 'Ave I 'eard of 'im!? Seen 'im 'round the Quicksand 'ere and there. Best not to be knowin' 'im too closely. Trouble, 'e is." - Pearl Lane resident
"Used to watch him fight all the time, was a fan and everything. Guy won a match even when he lost from the sounds of the crowd in the Bloodsands. Hell of a fighter, though his temper was legendary." - Bloodsands Spectator
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"You don't get to be like that without seeing some shit. The guy doesn't scare me because he's willing to kill. He scares me because he's done it for fun and is still one of the sanest people I've ever met. Keep your distance, I learned that the hard way." - Drowning Wench patron
"He's an Alchemist, but not the sort you go to if you want to cure yourself. He's more the kind to make you need the cure, if'n you know what I mean." - Ul'Dah apothecary
"I think I saw him playing pin the tail on the cat in Pearl Lane once, but the cat was some poor kid and the tail was a fireball. He's no good." - Elderly Ul'Dah citizen
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard. Please ask before using these.)
"I hired him and his mages for a mercenary job once. Took down an entire cluster of those filthy kids running around Pearl Lane and stealing all my goods! Good riddance." - Black Market trader
"Last I heard, he slept with influential people so he'd get their support in the Bloodsands. Dirty way to gain popularity but apparently it worked!" - Ul'Dah Courtesan
"That kid's no Thaumaturge. You ever met a Thaumaturge that can do what he does? He's one of them Black Mages, Flames better get him soon before he burns the whole damn city down!" - Angry witness
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"/long stream of insults in every language possible/" - Banli'a Dhavha
"Never heard o' him... an' even iffen I did hear o' him, I wouldn't wanna. Which I don't. Know him, I mean--fuck off already." - Koh'si Jakkya
"Ah, him? He is a diamond among the dull, coarse sands of Ul'dah." - Metza'li Viqstra
"I'm either gunna wind up fucking you at the end of this or beating you into mash. Maybe both." - Lazare Sauveterre
"I've never met anyone so fucking frustrating, but I have a real hard time keeping away." - J'takra Tia
"He is a giant asshole! But also has a great ass. I swear it on Halone's tits." - Jehaneaux Serrurier


*Only includes active players AKA people Jihn'a has interacted with over the last 3-4 months

Romantic Interest It's Complicated Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Kyt'ir Jakkya : The Thaumaturgy (coughcough) student Jihn'a has taken on so he can pass down his legacy. They might also be lovers. Or something like that.
Metza'li Viqstra : The only person to really give Jihn'a a run for his money in personality quirks. He's too intrigued in Metza'li for his own good.
Koh'si Jakkya : Koh'si stole something important from him when they were younger, and Jihn'a has been terrorizing him ever since. He may have developed an odd crush. He's currently promised to leave Koh'si be-- but Jihn'a isn't too good at keeping promises.
Ka'Haru Tia : A paladin he came across in Ul'Dah that he just loves to torment. It's a little complicated.
Kaih'ra Johmni : The head of Jihn'a's information network and a stray Jihn'a helped off the streets. The most loyal person to Jihn'a and the only one who knows all his secrets.
J'takra Tia : A secondary student to Jihn'a and a member of the same Order he's joined. He hopes he can help Tak get past his brash personality to actually learn something. Maybe.
Raih'a Bajihri : Another of Val's friends who Jihn'a considers as close to a friend as he lets anyone be. Also predetermined house catte.
Roux Sauveterre : Somewhat of an idol of Jihn'a's, though he'll never admit to it. He wants to learn how to be a better asshole from him, basically. And to try and find something that makes Roux tic. No luck.
Jehaneaux Serrurier : He came as a package deal with Roux. Jihn'a's still unsure what he thinks of him, but it's been a while since he's had someone to trade friendly blows with.
P'ahn Bast : An old 'friend' from Jihn'a's mage mercenary days. He's recently come back and has no problem calling Jihn'a out for being an asshole and an idiot. Jihn'a begrudgingly appreciates it.
Banli'a Dhavha : The only person Jihn'a ever called mate. Banli'a left him because Jihn'a was to greedy for others. Jihn'a's not too happy about it.
Valentinoix Thibault : A duskwight Jihn'a was hopelessly pining after until recently, where he's shown Val his true colors and has landed on the duskwight's kill list.
Minnoux Thibault : Val's brother and the closest thing Jihn'a had to family... until he threatened Minnoux's life to strike at Val's weakness. Minnoux is terrified of him.
Jun'to Nharuya : Somewhat of a rival of Jihn'a's. He ordered someone to shoot Banli'a. Currently low on the priorities ladder, but Jihn'a intents to get payback someday.
Evariste Baudhuin : Part 1 of the Ishgardian elezen duo that makes Jihn'a's life difficult. Stupid Noble.
Lazare Sauveterre : Part 2 of the Ishagrdian elezen duo that makes Jihn'a's life difficult. Stupid Knight.



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