N'ymira Khai

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Gridania-transparent.png N'ymira Khai
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Gridania
Age 22
Deity Rhalgr
Orientation Bisexual
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer & Explorer
Nameday 4th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
N'ymira was born in the N tribe of La Noscea. Her mother ran off shortly after her birth with a Tia she had fallen in love with, leaving her to be raised by her tribe. She grew up to become a huntress, gaining experience hunting prey for food even while young, and proved to be quite talented with a bow. Due to this upbringing she soon became rather independent and developed a keen interest in the world outside of the tribe. Not long later she decided it was time for her to leave the tribe while she was still in her early teens and explore the very world she was so enamoured with. This decesion ultimately led to her being shunned by most of her former tribe for not wanting to follow their traditions. This led to her to start discovering the world outside her tribe and quickly discovered it wasn't all roses like she imagined. Eventually she found her way to the city state of Gridania where she signed up with the Adventurer's Guild and put her former skills as a huntress to use, earning herself a living taking odd jobs.
These odd jobs eventually earnt her enough gil that she could afford to continue to hone her hunting and archery skills at the Archer's Guild in Gridania. She put her all into training her aim, and got better at a consistent rate. She would practice every day until her arms started to give out. Within three years, her aim was near perfect and was helping out regularly with requests that they took. One of these requests had her and a small team of archers tracking down and taking care of a pack of poachers making base near Everschade in the Central Shroud.
This profile is very much a work in progress

Height: 5 fulms 1 ilms

Weight: 90 ponz

Complexion: Slightly tanned

Hair: Dyed Red with some pink highlights

Eyes: Blue

Build: Slim

Noticible Features: A small scar can be found on her right cheek.

In general, N'ymira is easy-going, often flirty. She's a bit of a smart-mouth, but more in terms of sounding clever than putting others down. She is rather mischievous, bratty and sarcastic with a fondness for pranks. She's fiercely loyal and tries to keep a cool head in combat, and doesn't tend to run away. Though she does have an inclination to prove herself, which can cause her to make mistakes or act recklessly.




Being alone
Being abandoned again



Pranks and Jokes
Frequenting bars with strangers
Studying magic


Pretty clothes
Good food and wine


Having her tail pulled by strangers
Deserts (Especially the sand)
Being bored
Sour candy


Favorite Color: Red and Blue
Favorite Food: Cheese and crackers
Favorite Drink: Wine
Favorite Scent: Flowers
Favorite Place: Quarrymill and surrounding areas


N'ymira is incredibly fond of her bow and extremely protective of it and as a result carries it with practically everywhere she goes. It was one of the few things she manage to take with her when she left her tribe and has had it with her ever since. Though she has improved it significantly since that time, making adjustments, replacing bits and pieces where needed and generally improving the bow as she studied and learned at the Archers Guild. She is a near perfect shot and rarely misses her mark.


Magic is a new area of interest for N'ymira, she has only recently began studying the art of magics and has a wide array of books on the subject. Whilst she understands some of the basic magics she has yet to master any particular. Usually only able to summon a magical carbuncle for a very short period of time, her record being 30 seconds so far is the most impressive she has learned thus far. Despite her impatience for learning skills such as a crafting she has made a pact with herself to continue her studies of magics in the hopes of being able to utilize it in combat and whilst she is exploring and adventuring in the real world.


While she can appreciate the work that goes into crafting most things she lacks the patience to try to learn any of the many crafts.

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Your character's life as a child.

Teen Years

Your character's life as a teenager.


About your character's adulthood, pre- or post-Calamity.
💑 In a Relationship Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Family Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing Deceased

Person A: A blurb about a person.

Person B: A blurb about a person.

RP Style:

  • I have a very open mind when it comes to what can happen in a role play, but I do try to stay within the means of lore. I can short post, long post, paragraph post, post while moving, post while standing still, etc. While it sounds silly, I want you to know that I don't have a real standard for my RP as terms of length. I am fine with the casual conversations or the in-depth ones. I can match my roleplay to that of my partner's style. If I can help, I will on most occasions. I, and my character included, both enjoy helping others out and being a positive force in the community. As for questionable things such as ERP and such, I don't mind it, but I don't pursue it or forsake story for it either.

What I will RP:

  • I am always happy to have walk-up RP and if you want to claim to know my character from someplace, I will usually play along. Best bet for that angle is to claim to have met her in some tavern somewhere. She doesn't clearly remember a lot of those encounters anyway. Also, despite the character being incapable of staying serious for long, her player is more than willing to delve into sexual, dark or disturbing themes so long as permission is asked before hand.

What I will NOT RP:

  • Anything that causes serious long term damage to my character such as gore.


  • If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
  • I am quite often AFK or distracted when hanging out in some places, but feel free to send me a /tell and i will always respond if i am around.

Server and Timezone:

  • Australia East Coast (AEST - GMT +10)
  • Balmung (US Servers)



This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.