Heralds of Thaliak

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Heralds of Thaliak
Thaliak Icon.png
Server: Goblin
Role-Play Style: Light (for now)
Contacts: Thouridos Alces
Website: TBD
Language: English
Time-Zone: Heralds of Thaliak Discord
RP Element: Adventuring/Investigations Guild
Headquarters: Idyllshire


You find a vellum bulletin pinned to the bulletin board. A hand-drawn image of an opened scroll, the sign of the Thaliak the Scholar, appears at the top, followed by: ADVENTURERS, MERCENARIES, & INVESTIGATORS WANTED Guild in search of able-bodied or able-minded agents & consultants. Contracts of manifold nature, inc. investigations, acquisitions, dispatch & protection. Representation & liaisons with Grand & Free Companies of Eorzea & greater Hydaelyn. Payment, lodging, & supplies negotiable with contract. Interested parties may apply at headquarters in Idyllshire. ~T. Alces


Interested in roleplaying on a low-population server? Just moved from Balmung and looking for an in-character outlet? Want to try roleplaying, but with a small, close-knit group? The Heralds of Thaliak would love to have you!

Instead of a general-purpose, 'roleplay-in-the-name' linkshell, the Heralds of Thaliak seeks to promote an in-context guild of adventurers, scholars, detectives and mercenaries that takes contracts for interested parties. Your character should have a reason for putting a linkpearl in her ear, and this group represents linkpearl ownership as being an active member, or Herald, of this guild.

I've set this group up as a linkshell (and not a free company) so that players can participate in roleplay on their own terms--while still being able to be in a Free Company with real-life friends, raid groups, or the like. Everything in LS chat represents only what your character hears when you put in your linkpearl. I've also set up a discord channel, FFXIV Roleplayers wiki page, and Reddit recruitment thread (link coming soon).


Coming soon...


Coming soon...


These are themes, plot hooks, stories, or events that are currently ongoing in context for the Hearalds of Thaliak. These should be public, relatively well-known occurrences and happenings, which can be referenced and played upon in everyday LS chat and interaction.

  • Plot Name or Type: Description about the story or hook.
  • Plot Name or Type: Description about the story or hook.
  • Plot Name or Type: Description about the story or hook.


While each character can post stories that involves themselves or a few others, plot lines that involve several guild members can be posted here. Feel free to read these and reference these events in-character, as these stories should be fresh in the minds of the guild members (or be legends that are remembered or retold from time to time). Be sure to make the title a link to the story!

  • Title: Short abstract or description of the story.
  • Title: Short abstract or description of the story.
  • Title: Short abstract or description of the story.


<pComing soon...



Discriminatory or Hateful Speech - I'm all for profanity or talking about disgusting subjects when the situation calls for it. I'm not fine with racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory language. This is petty, hurtful, and (most importantly) easily avoidable. Be warned that I will make a scene and call you out if you call someone a 'retard,' say that something you don't like is 'gay,' or describe your latest PvP victory as 'raping' the other team. These words are unambiguously hurtful, their use is unconscionable, and a staggering amount of fantastic alternatives exist. I'll be respectful in pointing this kind of thing out; please understand that if I do, I am pointing out the behavior--not insulting you.
Obnoxious or Forced Participation - If someone doesn't want to roleplay, they shouldn't have to. That means that if roleplaying in /say in a crowded, public area is offending or bothering other players, I believe it is the roleplayer's job to leave, find a different channel to use, or find another way to avoiding this type of frustration to parties that didn't choose to participate. Similarly, roleplayers shouldn't have to go any further than they are comfortable in any regard. If someone asks not to participate or to change the nature of the participation, thems the breaks--regardless of any previous action or if they were okay with it before.
Munchkin-ism/One-upping/Competitive Roleplaying - Everyone wants to have fun, and roleplayers should consider the interests and stories of their companions when playing their characters, writing their stories, or interacting with their groups. Hogging the spotlight, purposefully disrupting other people's play or stories, and over-the-top plot or character traits (e.g. "I am actually a deity in Hyur form!" or "My character would have known this unknowable information!") don't promote an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone involved. These behaviors provide fun for one person at the cost of the fun of others, which is not acceptable.


Communication - I don't believe there is anything that cannot be resolved by peaceful, amicable, and reasonable conversation. This leads into...
Good Faith/Reconciliation - If someone genuinely wants to improve situation, mend a relationship, or apologize for a mistake, I believe that these good-faith attempts at reconciliation should always be taken seriously--with no exceptions. Everyone does things that they regret; realizing these actions as aberrant and attempting to change are natural and laudable acts.
Respect - I consider each person, player, and character to have the same right to act, speak, and think as I do. If someone asks me to do something or change a behavior in a reasonable and respectful way, I will go out of my way to accommodate them. "Get over it" and "have thicker skin" are not acceptable answers to offense being taken.


This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan. For a blank copy of this template, complete with ease of color scheme customization, click here.