Kiyokage Mizuhiki

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Kiyokage Mizuhiki
A wanderer lost in the world
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Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die.

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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION: Kee-yo-kah-gay Mih-zoo-hee-key


RACE & CLAN: Au'ra Xaela


AGE: 30

NAMEDAY: 24th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon, 1547 S.A.E.

ORIENTATION: Heterosexual


Other Statistics

NATIONALITY: Azim Steppe, Othard


FAMILY: None, orphaned

RESIDENCE: None, currently

OCCUPATION: Wandering Swordsman

PATRON DEITY: Azim and Nhaama

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 7 fulms, 1 ilms. 360 ponze.

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil

General Information
Kiyokage is a Xaela Au'ra warrior originally raised in the Azim Steppe until he chanced the world at a young age. Pressed into Garlean service as a soldier, he witnessed the horrors of war from the wrong side - only barely escaping to forge a new identity and a new life once Gaius Van Baelsar was slain and the war effort fell to pieces. Now seeking to make up for his past, he is searching Kugane for a Dark Knight mentor to learn their ways, and bring justice to Doma as it struggles to rebuild from the ashes.
Quit staring.
Red with black sclera Black, messy Rich Tan Muscular, but not bulky Deep, Rumbling
Straight backed, but often folds arms. Right-favored Several lash scars on his back. A few scars on his hands and arms. Black scales and horns; horn piercings. Often wears long coats and dark colors. Very infrequently is he seen without some form of face covering, be it a hood, mask, or otherwise.
Hair & Eyes
Black and left carefree, it's apparent that Kiyokage does little in the way of caring for his hair save for a daily washing and a minimal amount of brushing. Once the hair is directed back and away from his eyes, he seems content to leave it be - no matter how wild and untamed it may look. It's hard to not notice the several rows of horns that protrude from the disheveled hair that frames the back of his head, in a messy chic that he somehow pulls off without looking too careless. His dark eyes carry a rich red coloration, like most Xaela, that bright red ring seems to almost glow with an inner light.
Physique & Markings
It's clear from the moment one sees Kiyokage that his life is focused around the arts of martial prowess. His physique is quite well cared for - being one of the few things he actually takes care of in his life. His body is clearly fit for physical combat, exercise and repeated martial drills leaving well defined (and quite large) muscles on his frame, with very little body fat to go around. Because of his height however, he doesn't carry a large bulk, but remains slender, with a swimmer's physique. Few markings adorn the man besides his racial scales and horns - a few scars on his hands and arms from swordwork and practice, as well as what are clearly whip scars on his back. His horns are peirced as well, often bearing some form of moderate jewelry.
Hygiene & Attire
Despite Kiyokage's relative lack of care for his hair's appearance, he is always quite clean. Not a day goes by that he does not ritually wash after his dinner - and take care of his clothes and weapons as an ordinary routine. It's almost as if it's been drilled into him. His gear is well cared for, and often times repaired to top condition - the man seeming remiss to allow any of his personal belongings to fall into disrepair. He takes care of them almost better than he cares for himself.
Psychological Profile
Kiyokage presents as a man who keeps to himself and prefers it that way, finding little to trust from the world around him that he hasn't had a hand in himself. It's hard to blame him given the life he's lead. Those who get to know him (and work past the prickly exterior) find a man dedicated to making things right around him in the world, who struggles with a lot of internal conflicts. He rarely seeks assistance from others, not wishing to bother anyone with what he sees as personal problems - something that often ends up leading him to take on tasks that he has no right doing alone - and shunning others away from helping him accomplish them. While it's clear to those who stick around that Kiyokage has his own form of affection, many would call it "tough love", in that he can be abrasive and harsh at times, even when he doesn't mean to be. Callous as he is, there is hope for the man if some dig deep enough - he just needs aid in finding the light he lost so long ago. With clear baggage from the past, and an attitude that makes most hesitant to say 'hello', it's clear the man needs a lot of work - work that very few are willing to put in to a lone wolf such as himself.
Kiyokage's blessed with a naturally resonant, deep voice that seems to echo from within his chest - the kind of deep tone that carries through a crowd of others speaking even without meaning to. His low rumble, when angry, devolves into a grumbling snarl that clearly shows his displeasure. Even when relaxed, this dark tone seems to give all of his words just enough barb and edge to make it easy to misrepresent his intentions - even when they're good.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Kiyokage's philosophy derives both from his nature, as well as his demeanor. As a person his nature, true to himself, is that of a survivor. Life to him is a series of challenges to be overcome, challenges which he firmly believes fate has no hand in. All outcomes are the direct result from one's own actions and the actions of others around them - not some divine influence or mysterious "hand of fate". Because of this he is often short with others who give up or are slow to catch on, showing them his characteristic "tough love" and driving them to survive along with him; which leads to his demeanor. His demeanor, that which he shows the outside world, is that of a loner, and that of a pentient. It is a mixture that he presents to the world - a desire to remain alone so that others do not hinder him, and so that he can survive better without being held back; while simultaneously feeling as though he must attone for past sins and make up for the crimes he has committed. Because of this his mannerisms are often a mixture of rough, harsh attitude designed to drive all but the most dedicated away - and tenative willingness to accept others should he find an 'excuse' to accept them being around.
● Thunderstorms.
● Triple Triad
● Alcohol
● Nighttime
● Stubborn individuals
● Learning new skills
● Children (and those who act the same)
● Laziness
● Indecision
● Manipulative Socialites
● Dishonesty
● Slow Learners
● Moderate Herbalist: Kiyokage has learned to find food and remedies in the wild.
● Novice Miner: Kiyokage recently has begun the study of mining.
● Novice Blacksmith/Armorsmith: With the interest in making and maintaining his gear he has picked up these studies.
● Experienced Culinarian: When one is desperate for comfort in life: food is king.
Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

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Basic Statistics
High: Strength, Endurance, Intelligence
Above Average: Aether, Agility (Speed), Willpower
Average: Dexterity, Wisdom, Defense
Low: Charisma
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: None
Expert: None
Average: None
Novice: None
Weapon Training
Mastery: None, yet.
Expert: Guns, Magitech, One and Two-Handed Swordsmanship
Average: Axes, Shields
Novice: Archery, Staves, Hand-to-Hand
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Parrying, Acrobatics, Blind-Fighting
Above Average: Magitech Use/Piloting, Gunnery, Dodging
Average: Survivalism, Tracking, Blocking
Low: Archery
Non-Combat Abilities
Survivalism: Kiyokage has learned to survive in the wilds, finding food, fishing, cooking; discovering shelter, and fending for himself outside of civilization. With this comes a natural talent to track individuals.
Aetheric Channeling: Though he does not know it yet, Kiyokage has a large reserve of Aether, and a natural knack at channeling it. It's doubtful he'll ever become a spellcaster, though this could be useful in the future for other things if explored.
Abitious: Perhaps his most potent talent - Kiyokage has a natural ambition that's rivaled by few. If a problem arises and he cannot solve it, he will learn the skills necessary just to be able to tackle it in the future. Always willing to learn, his stubborn nature and knack for learning help him grow as a student.
Combat Abilities
Swordsmanship: Years of combat on the frontline have taught Kiyokage all about the use of various weapons, armors, and combat techniques. Having traveled through various realms of the world, he's picked up and honed the techniques of several different nationalities, mixing them all together into his own personal style which is always changing; yet, he always has something more to learn.
Magitech Usage: Be it piloting a suit of magitech armor, firing a magitech weapon, or interacting with devices of Garlean make, he seems to know it all. Almost as if he's been there...
Combat Intuition: Years of fighting numerous opponents at once and surviving has driven home a natural intuition in combat with Kiyokage. War has shaped him and honed him into a fine weapon, and as such he does not have to see an opponent to have a relative idea of what they may be attempting. A natural acrobatic skill and this intuition makes Kiyokage a relatively dangerous opponent in combat. Once someone has stabbed you in the back a few times and you've lived through it, you don't have to second guess what they're doing when they sneak behind you in a fight.
OOC Note
Combat RP in my opinion should be done either through the use of approximate emotes and responses (X attempts to Y, then Y attempts to X), or through the use of dice. Typically if I do not know a person very well I will ask them to roll dice, if a reasonable outcome cannot be determined OOCly first. This avoids undue conflict between people of similar skill. To those I trust not to abuse the system, approximate emotes in combat may be used. Don't hesitate to send a tell if this is unclear. I bite.

Disclaimer: I am a firm believer in finding out about prior history IC. Everything here will be presented in a snapshot form just to give an idea of where Kiyokage has been and what he has been through. Obviously more than this has happened in his 30 years of life. Find out through RP!
Sixth Astral Era
1547: A male xaela is born to a woman of the Borlaaq tribe. Disappointed with his gender, she gives him the name Nergui (meaning: "No Name") and sends him off to the Iriq to be raised.

1552 - 1553: Doma, and Othard, is quickly annexed and seized by the growing Garlean Empire. Nergui is six at this time.

1559: At 12 years old, disenfranchised both with his name, and the recent discovery that his birth mother did not want him, Nergui leaves his home in the night to find a new path in life. With little else to go on, the young man makes his way towards Doma, expecting to find something there.

Six months pass, and he struggles to find his way in Doma, having little knowledge of how to survive out in the world. Finally, desperate, Nergui lies about his age (due to his height and build, it's relatively believable, and the Garleans care little) and becomes a conscript in the Garlean military where he learns to fight with a sword. The work is grueling, the people cruel, but he has no choice: it's this, or starve to death in the streets attempting to find work. He is sent first to Ala Mhigo (as they do not keep recruits in their homelands for risk of rebellion).

1562: The Garleans push into Eorzea, and Nergui is there. The fight in Mor Dhona is brutal - he witnesses the death of Midgardsormr. After this - he is stationed in Castrum Centri.

The Garleans in the meantime begin the first Meteor Project, and news of their 'success' eventually filters through to Nergui. Bozja is destroyed - eliminated in a massive blast by Dalamund. The news of such a tragic loss of life makes him begin to question where he is in the world - and just how expendable he might be in the end.

Seventh Umbral Era
Year 5, 7th Umbral Era (to sometime in Year 1, 7th Astral Era): Opreation Archon kills Gaius Van Baelsar and frees Eorzea. This begins the 7th Astral Era.

Operation Archon leaves the Garlean troops in dismay - giving Nergui the perfect opportunity to go AWOL and escape. He flees Castrum Centri, taking shelter in Revenant's Toll temporarily while gathering himself and debating what to do. He's terrified of being found out as a garlean, stealing the clothes of a bathing worker to wear - inconspicuous and common place garments that don't have him stick out.

Eventually news of the Dragonsong War escalating reaches his ears. Desperate to start his own life, he heads to Ishgard to participate in the Dragonsong War - figuring this would be his way of reinventing himself. Taking on the Doman name Kiyokage, he leaves behind his past, attempting to strive forward as a wandering swordsman. Things do not go as well there as he hoped. Once again the victim of discrimination and xenophobia (especially at such a time of high strife with the dravanians; though to a lesser degree than if he had shown up some years prior), he falls by the wayside. Seeing a similarity between the opressive lies of the Holy See, and the oppression of the Garleans, he takes up with a group of vigilantes to strike back.

It is here he learns of the Dark Knights, and seeks out their tales, their stories, and soon - finds one of them in person. The Dark Knight sees the strife and turmoil within Kiyokage's eyes and takes him in, if only temporarily. By the end of the war, his mentor is dead, slain by dravanians - and he has learned little of the Dark Knight ways. He is broken - the man who would lead him on a new path has died before showing him the way. With little else to do he buries him in the snow and takes his sword and soulstone. Once more his life is unclear.

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
It takes time, but eventually he hears of the uprising in Ala Mhigo and Othard once more - that rebellions have been successful, and that people might finally, after the long years of imperial rule, begin to rebuild their lands. Inspired that he might be of some use there, he takes a boat to Kugane, so that he might make his way across the Ruby Sea, and finally find the path he was destined to walk.
When he gets to Doma, he finds the land in ruins - not quite prepared for what he expected to see. He knew it had been razed, but so little remained. There was a lot of work to be done - the people would need protectors. They would need people to do things right... and he had a lot of right things to do, to make up for what he saw as his past sins (working with the empire). Determined to make something of everything he had seen thus far, he returned to Kugane - the port where so many now wandered, seeking to find a tutor to finally help him unlock that soulstone himself... and begin walking the path of a dark knight.
Relationship Status Legend

Birth Mother/Father, Negative, Uncertain. () - The lifegivers.
Character's Thoughts: "They brought me into this world and summarily dumped me off at their earliest convenience. I don't know either of them. My own mother couldn't be bothered to give me a name, so how much should she mean to me, really?"
Kiyokage's mysterious birth parents. Maybe one day he'll learn who these individuals were. Maybe not. Frankly he doesn't give a damn.
The Iriq Tribe, Complicated. () - The Old Home.
Character's Thoughts: "A tribe I abandoned long ago when I was young. Was I mistaken to do so? Maybe. But what good does it do us to ponder what if's, and the past in such a manner?"
The iriq took Kiyokage in back before he changed his name, and raised him. He left at a young age (12), seeking out his fortunes elsewhere, thinking he could find a better place for himself in the world.
Nabi Kharlu, Positive. () - The Healer.
Character's Thoughts: "Nabi seems to hang around Tserende a lot. I mean, a -lot-. I'm fairly sure there's something going on there. A shame really. A proud Xaela woman deserves a strong Xaela man, not some Ishgardian... but people are strange. I won't judge."
Nabi originally was introduced to Kiyokage by Tserende, his trainer in the dark arts. While originally he was curious about the woman, he squelched all of those thoughts when he realized something was growing between her and his master, so as not to cause waves. She has healed him a few times now - and seems quite caring (as well as skilled). It's only a matter of time before he pushes her away completely with his new path in life.
Sa'ran Kha, Attraction, Complicated, Positive. () - The Curiosity
Character's Thoughts: "I've given up trying to chase her away. She's followed me down the darkest of paths now willingly. If she was going to leave... she'd be gone by now."
Sa'ran Kha is a mysterious Xaela female who showed up one day in Kiyokage's life and has tagged along ever since. His foul moods haven't chased her off yet - but his inability to figure out what she's after puts him on edge and makes him constantly wonder about the dark haired woman. If her goal is to consume a majority of his waking thoughts pondering her - she's definitely succeeded. The two have shared an on again off again type romance that seems to flare up and then burn out entirely - there one moment and cold the next... which stresses the relationship between the two, but Sa'ran seems determined to stick by his side regardless. Now both are in the collective...heading down their prospective paths to greatness... or death.
Tserende Valqirelle, Acquaintance, Positive. () - Teacher of the Dark Arts.
Character's Thoughts: "A curious man, stern and hardly the type to joke around. I appreciate that. He is teaching me the art of the Dark Knight, so that I might help bring stability to the world, in the way it needs it most."
An unamused, unforgiving, and stern man from Ishgard, Tserende approached Kiyokage after hearing from several others that he was seeking out 'individuals from ishgard skilled with large blades". Soon after they came to an agreement that has resulted in Kiyokage getting the training he so desired - and Tserende the student he wanted as well. Where it goes from there is uncertain.
The Eldritch Collective, Positive. () - My Path to Vengeance.
Character's Thoughts: "What started as an idle curiosity has grown to obsession. This group is harsh, unforgiving, and cruel; but their path to power is one I cannot ignore. While they have recently shown me some merits of humanity, so far it feels a lot like the old days. Sometimes one must suffer more, to move forward..."
What started off as a mere coincidence has given Kiyo a chance to find his way in life - a hard chance, but a chance none the less. While previously Kiyokage wandered, uncertain where he would head, or what he would do - the Collective has given him something to focus his efforts on; something to understand, and make himself a part of once more, to forge his new identity moving forward.
Kibaa/Aqua, Unsure. () - The "Mentor".
Character's Thoughts: "A month ago I would've told you I hate mi'qote. Now I just hate -certain- mi'qote. That's an improvement, right?"
Kibaa, Aqua, whatever name he goes by, he is Kiyokage's eccentric 'mentor' within the collective. Kiyo has recently apologized for the resentment he held for the man, realizing that... in his own strange way, Kibaa has a place within the collective. What it is, he doesn't understand, and for now he finds it easier not to think on it.
Kataani, Positive. () - The Woman in need of a Friend.
Character's Thoughts: "I used to say I hated mi'qote, that they were worthless and I couldn't take them seriously. This one? This one I'm afraid of... sort of. While I fear her crazy mood-swings and temperament, some part of me now wishes to aid her in her endeavors. I worry about her mental state - the woman seems like a glass vase, precariously wobbling on the edge of the shelf... and I wonder if any of us are truly close enough to catch her if she falls. If she breaks... it's gonna be bad. Real bad.
The more Kiyo has gotten to know about the ascendant named Kataani, the more he's stabilized his thoughts on who she is, and what that means to him. He is fond of her, but worries about her emotional state. She seems prone to violent outbreaks, and as of late he's begun to learn the way to avoid such moments, and what sets her off. Part of him wonders if perhaps the woman just doesn't need more people close to her - more friends, allies... more people she can truly, deeply trust; because she seems to have so few.
Koke, Positive. () - The Manor's Maid - err, sorry, Butler.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't mind Koke. He's useful. He's fairly friendly. What the fuck is he doing here?"
Another of Kibaa's mentee's, Koke was introduced to Kiyokage as a potential friend. It worked. He doesn't mind Koke's presence, and considers him a trustworthy confidant of sorts - someone he might talk to... but ultimately does not expect much to come from such talks. He can't help but furrow his brow as he watches the man drift from task to task, like nothing more than hired help, wondering what brought him to be in the collective in the first place.
Zalitai, Neutral, Unsure. () - The Archmagister
Character's Thoughts: "Twelve above this man terrifies me."
Driven. Ambitious. Cold. Calculating. These are the words Kiyokage would use to describe Zalitai, a man whom he both envies, and fears. While there are parts of Kiyokage that want to be this man... there are other parts of him that are afraid to ask what it takes to get where he is... how many bodies are in his past, and how many sacrifices has he made? A powerful dark knight, Kiyokage has flirted with the dangerous idea of asking him for training, only to be warned it would likely end in his death... but for some reason the thought just will not leave his head...
Jebei, Positive, Unsure. () - A Potential Master.
Character's Thoughts: "I've been warned Jebei no longer walks the path of the dark knight, but I need this. I don't care anymore, I'll convince him to train me, or die trying. There is no one better suited to teach me these arts, than a Xaela like myself - it's either him, or Zalitai... and this feels less like suicide."
As far as Kiyo can tell, Jebei is one of Zalitai's right hand men, and from the visions the collective all witnessed, he's gone through a lot. Without knowing it, Kiyo feel s a... bond of sorts towards the man, inspiring him to ask him to teach him the ways of a dark knight. He knows it will be hard. It will be brutal, and it will push him further down the path than ever before... but he needs it. He needs to break his fear, and succeed... because failure is a miserable, pathetic death. Recently Jebei has become Kiyo's master, training him in the dark arts and control of their inner shadows - but something tells Kiyo this is as much a path for Jebei, as it is him. Concern fills the man at Jebei's actions - seeming always at contradiction of Kataani... and while he has needs for both of them, there's only one of them he would side with should it come down to it in the end...
Justine, Positive. () - One of the only good healers here.
Character's Thoughts: "She healed me, and it didn't hurt. While she left a scar, I know why and hold no grudges against her. So far, I only have good to say of her."
Justine healed the painful burns inflicted by Kibaa's punishment on Kiyo's face, and while that was the spark that set off his entirely negative view of the man - it also inspired a positive outlook toward the woman from Kiyo. She healed him - she did good. So far... he has no reason to question that.
Alyx, Positive. () - The Knight with One Arm.
Character's Thoughts: "While I know little about the man, I genuinely appreciate his company when he is around. He's helped me thus far - and I've stayed out of his ire, and I feel that's a good thing. I'll be apt to not fight him again however - last time he nearly made me into a crater."
Alyx, husband(?) of Justine and knight of the collective, is a man Kiyo respects and idolizes to a degree. A strong warrior, who seems sure of his place in the world - everything Kiyokage wants to be himself. It'll take a lot of work to get there, but if there's one person Kiyo doesn't want to disappoint, it's him.
Mhati, Positive. () - A Potential Friend and Ally.
Character's Thoughts: "The man has a temper about him, and that's something I can understand - even appreciate. But if things are going to get to a state of normalcy around here, I need allies - and Mhati seems like a solid choice. The man is level headed, his logic makes sense to me, and he seems... at least tolerant of me. Perhaps in time I can convince him to consider me more than just some newblood."
Mhati, ascendant, lover and maybe mate of Kataani, another ascendant. Kiyokage has had several run-ins with the man-cat in the past, but recently it seems he's ever more present in the day to day happenings around the manse. After watching him handle Hizu, Kiyo had a newfound respect for the mi'qote, and began to look differently at him and his chosen female.
Azrat, Neutral, Unsure. () - Mr. Freeze.
Character's Thoughts: "Holy shit he actually froze his eye."
A blue mi'cat that apparently has skill with frost magics. An interesting sort - also interested in becoming a red mage. Kiyo isn't sure what to make of him, but one thing is certain. He never. Ever. Wants his eye frozen.
Zahri, Neutral, Unsure. () - The Frozen Failure.
Character's Thoughts: "He needs to listen more, and talk less."
The Keeper of Kataani's schedule. He who cannot control his aether. The one who almost blew Kiyo up. Frozen eyeball cat. It doesn't matter his titles on the man, he's simply disappointed in him - he was told not to do something, and he didn't listen. Now he's in a huge mess, and missing an eye. More recently Kiyo has observed Zahri seeming to almost deliberately piss of Kataani, though for the life of him he cannot be sure why. Perhaps the man provokes her into destroying his hats on purpose, to get the woman to calm down. It's hard to say.
Former Acquaintances
Lynn, Positive, Unsure. () - 'The Other Dark Knight'.
Character's Thoughts: "I don't know much about Lynn, but Kibaa says she's dangerous. He also doesn't have a high opinion of her. Either way, she talked to me when I needed talking to - and offered to stand up for me. That means something."
Alva Lynn is a dark knight within the collective that Kiyo knows relatively little about - other than when he needed to talk to someone, she had answers. While he feels rebuffed by most, she spoke to him, offered to stand up for him, and gave him a nudge forward that he needed. For that, he at least respects her. Recently her and her lover have left the collective.
Kiyo Amemori, Acquaintance, Complicated. () - The Student.
Character's Thoughts: "Kiyo brings out some of the best and worst aspects of me. If it weren't for my own mistakes she wouldn't be here right now as a trainee. Honestly, at the moment, it'd be better for her to get trained and get lost. People being around me for long periods of time don't do so well - but she doesn't seem to get the message."
Kiyo found a disgruntled Kiyokage in Ala Mhigo and dedicated herself to him as his personal healer. Since then her naive ways have brought her close to danger, but also closer to the grumbling lone wolf that Kiyokage is. Having convinced him to train her after he nearly hurt her, she's allowed to stay in his presence. For now at least.
The Riven Initiative, Positive. () - The Old Job.
Character's Thoughts: "I'm not sure what to make of them yet, but they have my interest. Money is money, but it didn't work out."
The Riven Initiative approached me recently offering work. At most they seem to be the odd rag-tag group of mercenaries unified under a common payroll, and a common idea -
some goal to keep ancient magical devices out of the hands of those who would misuse them. The idea seems simple enough, dangerous, but simple. 
After some time myself and Sa'ran left the Riven Initiative. I didn't feel as though I belonged there, though I imagine some of them might disagree - while others might be relieved I left in the first place. Perhaps we'll cross paths again in the future, but for now, I feel as though I am needed elsewhere.
Kara Iriq, Positive. () - "A familiar name".
Character's Thoughts: "If you ask me, Kara seems to be the leader of his bunch. Two others say they're in on it, but I'm not so sure."
Kara Iriq. A name from the past. I vaguely remember a kid by that name growing up, and that concerns me. Anyone from that tribe? They're going to ask questions when they find out who I am, and frankly I don't know if I trust him enough to answer them yet. For now I'll stay distant. I'd prefer that over denying him answers or telling him lies.
Renge, Negative. () - The One Who Ran Away.
Character's Thoughts: "Tuck your tail between your legs Ren."
Renge so far does not impress me, though I'll keep my mouth shut about her as Kara seems to approve of the female. She seems upbeat, but in our first meeting a bit of scrutiny had her tucking tail and running off. The second time we met she mouthed off and didn't back up her words. Overall that's two for two, leaving me incredibly disappointed. Watching her spar with Kara it's clear she has -some- skill, but whether that redeems her or not is yet to be seen.
Amon, Positive. () - A friendly face.
Character's Thoughts: "You'd be happier if they all got along, wouldn't you, Amon?"
Amon is the friendly face who invited me to the Riven Initiative. So far he seems to be a relatively friendly soul who wants the best for the group - and frankly I think all the internal conflict is wearing on him. Sorry, I'm not going to make that any better for you. I've seen people like him before, and in the end they always break. How long until you show the cracks of stress yourself, Amon?
Devilish, Positive. () - The Warrior.
Character's Thoughts: "You buried your axe in my arm. No hard feelings though."
She damn near cut off my arm with her axe, but that's okay, you should've seen how I left her. Strong, stubborn, proud: I like her. We've only met the once, but she's got skills, and she's tough as hell. That's at least worth investing some credit in. I'll have to learn more about her though to make a further judgement.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"He's impossible to beat at Triple Triad. I think he cheats." — Local Tavern Goers.
"He wears the mask because of a terrible deformity to his face I hear." — Kugane Merchants.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I heard he's banished from his homeland. Think of it, why else would one of them be over here, using a Doman name? He's probably a criminal, or a murderer." — Off Duty Sekiseigumi.
"I hear he came over here from Eorzea. Now what's someone like that doing over there?" — Kugane Sailor.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I'm not entirely certain, but I swear I've seen a garlean on patrol that looked a lot like him from the Castrum near Mor Dhona when I lived there." — Doman Refugee in Mor Dhona.
"I heard he's been hanging around that large dark mansion in the Garlean housing district. Just what is -in- that mansion?" - Guard near the Lavender Beds
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"If he was half as mindful about his wounds as he was about avoiding purbols, I would think he would not need my services." — Nabi Kharlu.
"..." — Nobody... yet..

RP Info

Kiyokage kuganescreen.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Kugane: Somewhat Likely
Ruby Sea: Somewhat Likely
Ishgard and Ul'dah: Moderately Likely
Gridania: Extremely Likely
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
The Eldritch Collective: Initiate
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell. Items are apt to vary depending on IC circumstances.
Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing at most a couple thousand gil. (Varies)
Weapon: Often a sword of some variety, Kiyokage carries one on him at all times, though the type may vary.
Alchemist's Pouch: A heavier leather pouch, padded, that rests on his left leg. Carries several vials of alchemical goods, such as healing potions.
Soulstone Necklace: Worn around his neck, a Dark Knight soulstone on a heavy black iron necklace. Rather secure.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios. Mature themes are not things that make me queasy or scare me off - but understand that there are limits. So long as everyone is having fun, I am willing to continue any rp within reason. If you aren't certain if I'll enjoy a type of rp, feel free to ask before approaching.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ Kiyokage has recently joined the Eldritch Collective - though most would not know this yet.
■ Recently Kiyokage has taken to wearing dark armor with a full helm, and carrying a massive, ominous looking sword.
■ Kiyokage has been asking various merchants for reclaimed scrap of destroyed garlean magitech and steel, ammunition and weaponry especially.
■ Members of the Iriq tribe might remember Kiyokage. It's likely other Xaela tribes might as well, but far more likely if you're Iriq.
■ Garleans who worked at Castrum Centri will recognize Kiyokage as a soldier from there.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Placeholder: Link Title

■ Discord: FloppyDingo#1872


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
Kiyokage divider.png