Rageant Lacordaire

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Latest activities: Rageant assisted the 4th Combined Brigade and his own House de Bayle in defeating a primal threat in the Sea of Clouds, and earned his knighthood insodoing.

Name: Rageant Lacordaire

Monikers: Ragi'zi; Keeper; Master Jiube

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon

Height 5 fulms 8 ilms

Weight: 183 ponzes

Guardian deity: Althyk Icon.png Althyk, the Keeper


Birth Place: The Black Shroud

Association: House de Bayle, Long Climb Trading Co

Former Association: Black Sun Covenant, Obsidian Coterie

Occupation: Squire

Residence: The Dawn Vigil, Lavender Beds, The Black Shroud


VISAGE: The distinct centerpiece of Rageant's face is the ever-present frown he wears. Smiles seem to come rarely to the Miqo'te, and one might glean from his often distant stare that he has little to smile about indeed. He has but his left eye, as his right is absent or disfigured and concealed by an eye patch, but his remaining eye is striking with a vibrant shade of brown. There is pain in that eye, mixed with something else; something like an intolerance, a loathing for his lot. He has a dark complexion and the face of a Miqo'te in his latest thirties who has aged too quickly, but it is difficult to tell due to the tribal tattoos that adorn his face, camouflaging what may be creases or wrinkles developing.

His face is circled by an oily mane, from his hair which slicks back at nearly neck-length to his scraggly black beard, which is either neatly trimmed and content to grow no further at his chin. He has an angular chin, a somewhat large nose, and large lips; a man of unconventional attractiveness (or none at all by certain measure.) He has two large ears by the standards of his race, and a silver hoop dangles from each one of them.

PHYSIQUE & MARKINGS: As far as members of his species go, Rageant is quite tall but more notable is how broad-shouldered he is, giving him somewhat of a stocky silhouette. He stands at eight-and-sixty ilms thereabouts without count for his long ears, and he holds himself in a formidable posture with his shoulders drawn back and his head held high. His physique is impressive; he is lean and muscular from down at his feet to up as far as his neck, retaining a certain Miqo'te grace but appearing to possess formidable strength that can be leveraged in any posture. A bushy black tail sways behind him, of somewhat exaggerated length just as his ears. While he possesses no bodily tattoos, a mess of scars litters his flesh, most nigh invisible but a prominent pair is one over his heart and another on his abdomen, both vertically aligned as if he'd been cut or pierced by a bladed weapon.

VOICE: Rageant has a fairly deep voice which seems to usher forth from his very breast and out from his lips when he speaks. His dialect is an eclectic combination of Gridanian, Ishgardian, Sharlayan, and something else altogether unfamiliar to the untrained ear.

ATTIRE: Despite the apparent discomfort it might appear to bring, Rageant is armored at nearly all times, often even while exercising. Accordingly he can be heard before he is seen, as his preference is any mixture of plate and chain armor. The exception is a helmet - rare are those adapted to his ears, rarer still those he would suffer to impede his already compromised vision. Instead he wears his eye patch and his earrings and endeavors to protect his head, except when he chooses to wear a helmet during Ishgardian rallies and jousting events to show national pride on behalf of his House. Halonic and Ishgardian iconography are a common sight upon his armor and weaponry, and their clothing was his choice on the rare occasion that he isn't girded for war. His attire is often crudely adapted to permit his tail and ears, modified thusly since few Ishgardians craft their clothing for members of his race. His color preferences black to honor his fallen friends and loved ones, or the earthly golden hue of Althyk, as per his designation granted by Hestia de Bayle.

Being on the road as is often the case, Rageant's hygiene can be in a varied state when opportunities to groom are rare, particularly given as he is to wearing armor and carrying a large battle-axe on his back, an effort that works a welcome sweat upon his brow. When nested by duty or choice, he keeps himself well bathed but avoids perfumes or colognes that offend his senses and only modestly grooms his hair, beard, and the fur of his tail. By necessity he keeps his finger and toe nails clipped - how best to ensure a snug fit within gauntlet and greaves?


Rageant Lacordaire volunteers little and so it is difficult to be certain which facets of his personality define him versus those which enslave him. Most notable is his temper which earned his somewhat of a questionable reputation during his time in Sharlayan and Ishgard alike. He was impatient, impertinent, and sarcastic; he maintained decorum and utilized honorifics as if they stood on uncertain ground like to crumble beneath a tirade of criticism. Age has smoothened his demeanor however; his temper is concealed though perhaps visible through the window of his single, critical eye. As his rage has become tempered, hostility and offense are not easily elicited of him but still he responds poorly to continuous disrespect.

He is intelligent and given to philosophical and scientific discussion, and also eager to learn anything that dwells beyond the boundaries of his own concrete knowledge. This can include anything from martial arts to magitechnology to folk magic though his willingness to learn is often proportionate to his expectation that the individual from which he is given to learn might possess adequate prowess. While he is endowed with wisdom and common sense that is often freely given, the longer he speaks the more nonsensical his ramblings tend to become as he becomes bogged down by the trifles of abstraction.

Rageant will readily claim his appreciation for the utility of violence. He is not eager to face an unworthy foe, and indeed isn't given to sparring for her takes combat far too seriously. In the event he faces a truly threatening beast or foe, he is ruthless, cunning, relentless, fearless, and above all enraptured. Rageant's love for the thrill of combat has matured over the years and he has acquired a precious modicum of self-control and self-awareness. Still, his Beast is strong and difficult to tame, and only by aligning his interests with it can he often keep it in check. Thus, Rageant craves war. Conflict is a hunger he must sate.

Romantically he is a brick wall. Any perceived demonstration of attraction could be dismissed as misunderstanding or misidentification. As an individual he is "all-business," and scarcely indulges in flirtations or even recreation, but for recreation that pertains directly to broadening his knowledge and skills - martial training, study, or recreational reading. Historical volumes and philosophical ruminations seem to be his preference, as well as any practical topic such as manuals of war or medicine.


  • The unknown. Rageant relishes the opportunity to face something new with a bold attitude, and to return with new wisdom and experience.
  • Intellectually simulating topics, such as theology, magick, history, and philosophy.
  • Tradition.
  • Art, music, and general culture as it pertains to Ishgard and Sharlayan.
  • Literature, especially in a well-stocked library.


  • Alcohol.
  • Insufferable accents and speech patterns, particularly if the speaker is loud or petulant.
  • The free-spirited, or those who bear too little responsibility.
  • Those whom act without clearly defined ethics.
  • Hotter climates, particularly Thanalan and Gyr Abania.
  • Linguistic profanity.


  • Rageant is practically minded, preferring things that serve a purpose to interacting with people.
  • He is damn-near humorless and is never seen to laugh.
  • He lives a very ascetic lifestyle, and rarely if ever partakes of confections, alcohol, or companionship. He lives with minimal luxury.
  • Rageant believes in the importance of tradition, though hypocritically fails to honor any Miqo'te traditions from his tribe.


  • His own temper, and what can come of it when left unchecked.
  • Voidsent.
  • Shirking or losing sight of his morals.
  • Becoming too complacent.


  • Martial arts are of great interest to Rageant, who seems obsessed with mastering or integrating new styles into his own. Anything new bears examination.
  • Rageant is a polymath, obsessed with learning as much as possible and putting it to use in his life and moral code.
  • Rageant is very spiritual and will make frequent visit to shrines and altars to the Twelve and offer tribute or prayer.
  • He is learning how to whittle and carve wood into figures and art pieces, but the process is slow-going.


  • Hestia de Bayle has named him Althyk.
  • Rageant often wears black to honor deceased loved ones.
  • He is not Ishgardian, but rather he has taken the name of his spiritual teacher to honor their memory.
  • He kept a morbol for a pet named Calliope, but was forced to slay it when it grew too large and deadly.
  • His favorite beverage is black coffee, and his favorite meat to consume is from rainbow trout in the coldwater rivers flowing from Coerthas into the Black Shroud.
  • He once rode a white-plumed chocobo named Stranger, but it has since passed from age while fending off the cold clime of Coerthas.


Ragi'zi Jiube was born underneath the Shroud to a matriarchal Miqo'te tribe of Keepers of the Moon. He is, true to his namesake, the ninth son of Ragi which is a particularly unusual development, for the mothers of his race rarely bear males unto the world. Indeed, it was said in hushed whispers and within the privacy of yurt that Ragi was cursed to bear no female heir, fecund though she was and eager for the attempt. Ragi'zi was viewed as a veritable final failure, an avatar of disappointment, for as far as he knew she never succeeded in birthing her precious daughter and he was her last attempt. If yet he has a sister, he knows not, for he departed his tribe as a young age. Before such a time he was a hunter who procured sustenance for his kin, as with so many sons it was reasonable to expect that the matriarch Ragi would put them to use. The hunt fostered associations with the outside world, mainly the various hunting clans though not one so prestigious as Centurio, and led him to become an adventurer and escape his undesirable lot as a laborer for a birthplace that did not want him. It wasn't long before that adventuring life led him to the Path of the Twelve.

Ragi'zi held great potential, this much was clear. He was sent to the Sharlayan colony in Dravania to be formally educated. There he became acquainted with two important elements of his life - his thirst for knowledge, and his adoration for a young woman by the name of Willow Evinar. During the few short years he spent among the Sharlayan he studied rigorously and procured reading material from any possible source he could find. He taught himself to read while riding a chocobo so he could become an envoy and ride between settlements, where he would barter between his duties for more material to read. Once he rode to the Observatorium in Coerthas and attempted to trade some tomes of his for theirs own, but they refused - so he instead asked if he might transcribe their tomes, and they agreed. It was two decades later when a fire broke out in the Observatorium and many volumes were lost did he return those transcriptions which he still held, and made himself a friend in Ishgard during a time where those were rare indeed to possess. His studies primarily centered on history, philosophy, theology, and magick most of all. He took up thaumaturgy, arcanism, and even the basic principles of conjury that he might protect himself and his kinsmen. During this time he discovered that he was uniquely suited to the life of a scholar, for his Echo manifested a unique gift - the ability to not merely read one's soul, but to read what the soul leaves behind. Ancient tomes in lost languages and old dialects became open to him, and lost knowledge was his to hoard or to share. His prestige among his peers grew quickly due to this unique advantage, but this conferred greater responsibility. Torn between his duties to himself, to the Path of the Twelve, and to Sharlayan, he needed motivation to push forward - and he found it in the person of Willow Evinar.

Ten years his younger, she was a youth who too possessed the Echo and studied in Sharlayan on behalf of the Path of the Twelve. Among their peers, the two of them remained inseparable until such a time that Ragi'zi's adoration turned to affection. The sentiment however was not mutual, and it became taxing for Ragi'zi to witness her as she was targeted by the advances of younger men - to her, he was as an older brother. He internalized that pain, lingering in Eorzea after Sharlayan abandoned their colony in Dravania as her guardian, a student of Thaliak, and a fellow in the Path of the Twelve. Those days came to an abrupt end after the Battle of Carteneau when they were separated.

The subsequent years are a mysterious black smudge in Ragi'zi's background. He traveled back home to the Shroud when Dravania became less hospitable and built a small shack in the dark depths of the woods, where he lived in isolation with the company of his books, studies, and a brook from which to fish his meals. During that period of isolation he found something that set him on a different path. It was also during this period of time that Ragi'zi first met the traveler Zieg Einherjar. On the road north toward Coerthas, Zieg and Ragi'zi crossed paths in the wilderness and exchanged knowledge, pleasantries, and succor. Ragi'zi even then had an inkling that it wasn't the last he'd seen of that Hyur. In time however news reached him that Willow had indeed survived the Calamity and was in Ul'dah, and so for the first time in five years he ventured south of the Shroud and sought her out. He found her where he least expected.


Ragi'zi packed a number of his most vital implements and personal effects upon the back of his chocobo, Stranger, and rode south to seek out Willow Evinar. Willow, he knew, suffered from an unusual curse which rendered her memories somewhat inconsistent, so his natural fear was that she might struggle alone under such circumstances, or worse, be vulnerable enough to be taken advantage of. His journey took him to Ul'dah where a string of inquiries from an old Ishgardian contact named Perth Driscoll led him to discover that Willow had indeed emerged in Ul'dah... in the company of a sellsword band under command of a woman named Emmette Stringers known as the "Obsidian Coterie." Concerned for her safety and expecting a ragged band of mercenaries, he sought them out for employment and discovered them in a tea house - a lieutenant and a few others but Willow herself most crucial of all. When Ragi'zi took a seat on the opposite side of the table from her and her face not so much as flashed with a hint of recognition, he knew the truth of it. She had forgotten him entirely, but her company was not what he expected.

They were decorated veterans some of them but all of them seemed to be a cut above the scum Ragi'zi expected around Thanalan. With ease Ragi'zi convinced them of his utility as a potential recruit given his prowess with magic and his scholarly wealth of knowledge, and so Stringers applied him to her personal library and to support their infantry in battle with his enchantments, knowledge, skills, and war spells. In his time in their service he discovered that Willow had become both a holistic and magical healer. He broached the topic of their shared past but feared to indulge her too much that he might incite another episode or worse, preclude any hope for a second chance at courting her by informing her of the truth nature of their friendship. Inquiries as to isolation after the Battle of Carteneau further drove him to deceive her, and guilt for this corroded at his soul, twisting him into a bitter and angry man. His resentment took shape many times - he threatened a comrade who advanced upon her, intimidated his superiors subtly and directly, and loosed his terrible magicks upon their foes, leaving naught but ash in their wake. All the death, the violence, the lies coated his heart in dissolving vitriol until finally he conceded to the guilt and begged forgiveness of Willow and offered the truth of her past and his own place in it. Moved by his honesty, their bond deepened and once he had shown her his home in the Shroud their romance began in earnest. The Twelve did not will it would last long, however.

A time came when the Obsidian Coterie's structure was compromised. Emmette Stringers conspicuously disappeared, which rendered Ragi'zi suspicious, and the knight Chlodomer Bavarac took command. He restructured them into a tight knit group funded by an Ishgardian minor noble with foreign interests named Lord Tybalt Beone, and sent one of his trusted lieutenants, a knight named Marianne Delamare, to oversee operations and represent his interests. Ragi'zi had a troubled relationship with Captain Bavarac, who he suspected had benefit too much from Emmette's suspicious disappearance, and Delamare whom he despised and butt heads with often. In time those tensions reached a boiling point, at expense to his beloved most of all.

Their order, now called the Blackguard, became committed to rooting out some Voidsent-associated cult that Rageant questioned the existence and motives of. He would of course take the threat of Voidsent seriously and there were portents to their presence in Thanalan, but the matter struck him as incomplete - as though a crucial detail was eluding their grasp. Suspicions turned inward and the Blackguard became less of a sellsword company and more like an order of inquisitors at each other's throats. Ragi'zi took more than his share of beatings for insubordination and for loosing his temper on the questionable leadership. Before long Willow approached Ragi'zi and spoke of a vision the Echo had bestowed upon her - a vision of her own impending death. She bestowed the details of the vision upon Ragi'zi who promised to prevent their realization, but Willow felt if Hydaelyn had blessed her with such a vision, it was her duty to let it come to pass. Her demise came shortly thereafter when knights sent by the very same Lord Beone assaulted their headquarters, burning it down and excising "cultist influence" from their ranks. They beat Ragi'zi and while he was incapacitated by a rain of their cruel blows, one of them slew Willow before his eyes. He could not have his vengeance there and then and could not even see to the burial of his most beloved, for he had to escape the burning manor ere he succumbed to the smoke and flames himself.

Rage burned within him hotter than the collapsing structure as they escaped into the night, trudging through desert toward Camp Drybone, exhausted and wary of pursuit. Ragi'zi questioned Marianne's presence in their party, insinuating she was indeed responsible for the actions of Beone's knights, and when she made mock of Willow's death and blamed it on him, he attempted to destroy her with a thaumaturge's spell. As he loosed the tremendous frozen spires upon Marianne, Bavarac stabbed him through the heart with his sword and left him for dead upon the road with parting words: "There will be more blood before the end." It would seem he was correct, for miraculously the Twelve saw fit to spare Ragi'zi. His old contact, Perth Discroll, had come to Thanalan in the nick of time and had mended his wounds with her magic, then concealed him and nursed him to health. He did not linger long enough to discover what she sought in return. He had business in the frigid northern reaches of Coerthas, now.

Ragi'zi's northward ascent was impeded by his slow recovery and further so by his tumultuous emotional state, begrieved as he was by Willow's passing and beset by the brutal sight of her murder that night, a recurring ephemeral dream of suffering and helplessness. He had become disillusioned with the use of magic, for he felt it allowed him to dispassionately and impulsively end many lives with too much ease, and yet it did not avail him the opportunity to save the one life that mattered - nor could it have saved him from Bavarac's blade finding his heart. He knew then he had to seek martial training, but where could he go where Beone's men could not trouble him? The answer found him in time when he remembered another who had sought refuge in the frigid lands of Coerthas, one he'd met years prior, and one he knew he could trust if only because of their neutrality in the affairs of politics, the city-states, and even gil. He sought the warrior he'd met in the Shroud, Zieg Einherjar, for refuge, for counsel, and for training.

When they met, Ragi'zi trained day and night, a regimen that broke him apart, rebuilt him, and broke him again. He had never known such hardship and believed fervently that Zieg meant to kill him. Indeed, on the zenith of their training, Zieg offered him a simple ultimatum: "When the sun rises, if you are here, I will kill you." Ragi'zi could not sleep a wink, for he was terrified more than he'd ever been. After losing Willow he imagined fear could not grip him any longer, but Zieg taught him the better of that. Dawn came indeed and they fought one final time. Ragi'zi transcended his limits in an act of desperation for his life and for the first and only time defeated Zieg. Their paths parted, with Zieg offering him a final anecdote or piece of wisdom - Ragi'zi could not tell which.

"In this arrangement, this relationship, someone always dies. Be it master or apprentice, one walks away. Yet here we stand."

With Zieg venturing beyond Coerthas in search of new challenges, Ragi'zi remained and sought to train himself. Without his mentor he felt empty, as if he could take his life no further. He vacillated rapidly between honing his skills and grieving. His shouts echoed throughout Coerthas such that the locals believed those crags haunted. One fateful eve he cast himself from the cliffs of Coerthas to his doom only for a strong gust of wind to thrust him back upon stone, and there he wondered if the Twelve had deigned to spare him - their miserable plaything who he felt they'd tortured enough. His answer came when a man approached from the nearby settlement, a holy man of Ishgard. He identified himself as Father Isarn Lacordaire.


The holy man asked Ragi'zi what ailed him, for the din of his cries, training, and self-punishment had made wary the locals who feared the mysterious traveler in the hills. Ragi'zi told Isarn his tale, and the Father quietly listened to the end, then offered Ragi'zi something no one else could. He did not console Ragi'zi nor did he question his pain. No, the Father chose to share in it. He told Ragi'zi that the Fury had spared him that he may avenge his beloved, that the wind was her breath upon the mountain to drive him from his suicidal impulse and to push his heart in a better direction. He shed tear for Ragi'zi's loss and offered him a bed in a nearby convent where he could warm his skin and bones and find a measure of peace in worshipful labor. What could the moonkeeper do but agree?

There Ragi'zi studied the faith of Ishgard, the Holy See, the struggles in recent history they'd endured, the Dragonsong War, the doctrines and saints and everything he could find, all while Isarn and his disciples shared their wisdom and stories with him. He became sympathetic toward their plight, the instability of their faith, the death of their archbishop, their pain, their sorrow. They wore black to mourn the death of the Holy See, and the Black Sun Covenant was thusly formed. To Ragi'zi, Isarn Lacordaire was not merely a metaphorical holy father, but a true father that he never had. A man wiser than he, with principles, morals, virtues, but most of all, with a beautiful dream of a better world. Ragi'zi had never looked forward - only back and only now. It took a father to teach him to look forward and to sacrifice for a greater good, to be a better man and to love one's neighbor and family as oneself. That wisdom thawed his heart and mended his wounds better than any Cure spell, salve or condolence ever could.

He moved forward with renewed purpose, cobbling armor together, making connections in Ishgard, rekindling scholarly bonds between former colleagues, currying favor with like-minded minor nobles such as the Bayles and the Vaurteforts. He found himself immersed in a vibrant community and a beautiful culture, people hardened by war and alight with faith. Even though he was an outsider, a Miqo'te, the very thing Isarn's movement was wary of, he loved and believed in their cause to the bottom of his heart and shed sweat and blood to defend it. He fought dragonkind and heretics and defended his Father. He delivered sermons at his side and heard the words of the desperate. He helped the unfortunate and needy, the impoverished, even as he straddled poverty himself. He even built a tiny family in finding a morbol seedling in his garden at the convent which he named Calliope and made into a pet, or in his view a child of sorts. For the first time he had found happiness and purpose simultaneously.

Then came the Inquisitors. First they watched from the wings, their veiled eyes critical of Isarn's seemingly seditious message. Then they questioned him, spoke out against him, published criticisms. Then at last, during a vigil for the fallen of the Dragonsong War, they came with blade and spear and arrested Father Lacordaire before Ragi'zi. He was lost without the Father but could not challenge the Halonic Inquisition - the father might get a trial, but Ragi'zi would be cut down and the father made him swear never to spill the blood of their brothers. When the trial came, the father demanded trial by combat. Ragi'zi watched as his prayer beads tangled his blade in its scabbard, preventing the Father from defending himself. As with Ragi'zi's intended plunge from the mountain, he knew it was Halone speaking once more. As one must now live, the other must now die. Once more, someone Ragi'zi loved was cut down before his very eyes, and once more he was helpless to prevent it. He carried the Father from the Tribunal halls, burying him alongside his father in western Coerthas, and continued the Black Sun Covenant's work in defending Ishgard for a short time before he disappeared from the face of Eorzea.

It was nearly two years ere he returned to Ishgard, whereupon he crossed paths with Hestia de Bayle. Recognition overcame him, strong as his memory was, and though it felt as if a veritable lifetime had passed, the knowledge of who stood before him was fresh in his mind. There began their friendship and alliance, for Hestia would name him her Keeper, Althyk, and invited him at last to become a ward of House de Bayle, a citizen and resident of the home he always wanted but could never have.


Blood That Binds

Once upon a time, Rageant went by a different name and was part of a faction in Ishgard known as the Black Sun Covenant. Though there is much to be said for that time, one particular acquaintance he made was with a superannuated dragoon by the name of Arismont Sauveterre. Their interactions were limited short of mutual respect for one another's martial prowess, and when the Father of their covenant died and they went their separate ways, Rageant didn't expect he'd hear the name again. As it turned out, he was wrong. A knight of House de Bayle by the name of Lucius Guicareaux, a fellow dragoon, approached Rageant and asked him about Arismont. His superiors in the order had tasked him with finding the aged lancer's spear and their trail had led them to his wife, Lucrece, whom they interrogated (though Rageant is uncertain what that entailed.) They learned he had ventured east with a man named Garvik, but they knew not where. Rageant knew the name Garvik, and knew of some of Garvik's associates - members of the Long Climb Trading Co, which itself was comprised in its conception largely by the remnants of the Black Sun Covenant, though not Rageant himself. Many of Rageant's records had been inherited by this company, so he thought to find clues as to Arismont's whereabouts in their archives. He arrived at their headquarters in Vylbrand and spoke with Katharina Balk, a high-ranking member, only to discover that those very archives he sought had been taken from them by the owner of the company - none other than Lucrece, who now as Rageant noticed was a member of the House of Vaurtefort. Rageant had somewhat of a troubled history with the Vaurteforts, viewing them as cowards for abandoning the Father in his time of need, as lacking in stability with an emotionally volatile leader who he blamed in part for the Father's death, and as lacking of vision for refusing to make a ward of him (and having chose, instead, a woman who he learned had slaughtered many innocent people) forcing him to abandon Ishgard during a tumultuous time. He resolved then to question Garvik about Arismont's whereabouts to discover he had recently passed, though Katharina was decidedly discreet about the means by which this transpired. Suspicious that Garvik was silenced and the archives ceased to conceal a secret, Rageant decided it best that he speak with Lucius before confronting Lucrece, and to utilize Hestia for the task, for she bore noble heritage and station that might serve better against Lucrece than his own.

Rageant would later come to Lucius's aid in investigating a ravaged caravan in the highlands of Coerthas. There was no sign of the assailants, but the gruesome slaughter was almost too rife with clues; one of the attackers was left for dead which was notably suspicious given the unlikelihood that the caravaneers could elicit casualties. Well-paid was this fallen adversary, but they bore wine as well - an aged vintage that Lucius recognized as being from his family's own vineyards. The connection between this seemingly random attack and Lucius's own findings in previous days pointed to a deadly conspiracy at work. Rageant sampled just how deadly that conspiracy was while inspecting a potential vessel at Limsa Lominsa that could bear them to the east. A mysterious man with a shoddy, forced Imperial accent and disguise awaited him on the top deck of the Goldbow. Their words turned to blade-work as they fought in a thunderstorm until Rageant triumphed and understood the identity of the man before him. Many secrets were then laid bare for him, and those truths spurred him into new action.

With the familiar stranger's words echoing in his head, Rageant joined Lucius and Gaelle in plunging the depths of his family archives, where they found relics of a time before Ishgard and other wondrous sights. When they came upon a vault door, they were beset upon by possessed creatures and forced to defend themselves while Rageant gathered the aether necessary to break his mortal limits and smash the sealed door to pieces with his axe. Inside was a case containing a cursed spear, which seemingly consumed Lucius while Gaelle and Rageant fought to defend him from Arismont (the stranger from the Goldbow) and a Garlean armed with a formidable gunblade. Their struggles were in vain as Lucius seized the cursed spear and vanished without a trace.

The Price of Obsession

There has been a string of unusual postings on the House de Bayle bakery noticeboard - notorious monster postings such as for an aggressive boar raised to enormity by the Sylph named Phaia, which he and Hestia dispatched. The unusual postings are presumably left by a member of the Order of the Twin Adder but curiously Rageant has never caught him in the act. Since many of the postings are too dangerous to be posted on that board, Rageant has decided to gather the able-bodied members of the House to tackle them head-on, in hopes of improving relations between Ishgard and Gridania as well as fulfilling their duties as residents of the Shroud that must protect their home.

One such listing concerned a bandit clan known as the Black Mites who were frequently assailing traders on the road in the North Shroud. Rageant and Hestia led several House members, some uniformed, on a patrol of those roads. In a bold move, the Black Mites attempted to ambush the patrol, confident in their superior numbers, but Hestia's reconnaissance spared the House members from being ambushed and Svana's swordplay made short work of the attackers, with no small sum of assistance from Jacline Kerelle, Cinnabar Prentice, and Bruno Suvois. Many of the bandits were killed and the rest given over to the custody of Gridanian officials, who paid the House for their services.

Another notorious monster notice would come into their midst, this time leading them to slay a creature in the East Shroud that had accounted for the deaths of some great many travelers, adventurers, and livestock. It would come to be that this creature was Calliope - Rageant's own pet morbol that he raised from a seedling, which had evidently gone mad and begun a streak of violence. He and his peers in the House were forced to slay the beast, an act that consumed him with guilt and grief.


Rageant is a member of a cadre of individuals who each represent one of the Twelve, having been inducted by Hestia de Bayle, who represents the Fury. He himself represents Althyk, the Keeper. They are committed to facing any challenge or danger as one, relying on their individual and diverse set of skills and traits to topple any obstacle.

Hestia de Bayle, The Fury.

Rageant met Hestia for the first time during one of the Father Isarn Lacordaire's sermons, though their interactions were sparse. Their friendship began in earnest when he approached her during her vigil in Ishgard and exchanged wisdom and memories with her. She invited him to join her at the Dawn Vigil in the Black Shroud, whereupon he became a squire of House de Bayle in the interest of having a place to stay and a good cause to serve. Ever since they've become close allies, having fought side-by-side and trusting one another with their personal affairs.

Hestia asked Rageant to become a part of her cadre and to take up the mantle of the Keeper, Althyk, which Rageant accepted.

In Hestia, Rageant sees a woman of conviction and strength, someone who will change the world. He feels it is his duty to ensure the change she visits upon it is for the greater good, and so he imparts his wisdom and offers his skills to her and the others of their cadre that they might accomplish great things together. He admires Hestia's simultaneous courage and humility and feels duty-bound to repay her gratitude in elevating him beyond the status of a roaming hedge knight. This sense of debt explains his fierce loyalty to the cause of the cadre, and to its individual members despite their differences.

Wishing to sample Hestia's martial prowess first-hand, Rageant presented Hestia with a notorious monster contract, which the two of them completed in a shower of blood. Rageant would later show his appreciation for Hestia by gifting her with a dark oak rosary depicting the emblems of the Twelve, which he whittled by hand himself. In return, Hestia gave him a gift - an uncirculated gil piece from her former home which possessed great sentimental value to her. Rageant was grateful and indeed deeply moved by the gesture, especially since the origin of the coin is fascinating to him.

Killian de Bayle, The Warden.

Rageant Lacordaire knows Killian through his wife, Hestia. They've had little dealings short of a physical altercation between the two of them when Rageant was attempting to help Killian put his temper in check; or rather, to help him understand the consequences of one that is unchecked. He has attempted to relay the nature of his own struggle with rage to the man but has had little success as far as he can tell. Rageant doesn't particularly like Killian, viewing him as a weak man and a liability, though he has respect for Killian's skills and refined taste having visited his shared home with Hestia. He hopes in time they can forge him into someone more resolute, but for the time being he is content to offer protection and wisdom to the Warden in exchange for his medical expertise when Rageant inevitably makes a grievous miscalculation in battle.
Rageant is continually astounded by the many things Killian can accomplish despite being blind.

Astrelle de Bayle, The Builder.

To Rageant, she is quite mysterious and there is some curiosity regarding what lies beneath the courteous veneer. His dealings with her are sparse but increasingly cordial. If his suspicions are correct, she is like him - practical of mind, devoted to her pursuits, and ultimately isolated from others. His impression of her positive mostly due to an exchange of idle banter they shared during one of the jousting tournaments.

Quarcy Questant, The Scholar.

Having met only a small number of times, Rageant's general impression of Quarcy is doubt and distrust, bordering on pure hatred. He is fully aware that Quarcy is almost certainly a practitioner of black magic, having witnessed his powerful magic first-hand and having a strong guess as to what remains concealed behind their eye patch. To him, such magic exists only to bring death and while Rageant appreciates the application of violence for the greater good, he is skeptical that Quarcy has anything resembling a functional moral compass and doubts even that he can control or develop the practice into something practical and safe. Rageant associates Thaliak with wisdom and so he thinks that if his suspicions regarding Quarcy's practice are the truth, he has grave doubts that the title suits him at all. He keeps his criticisms concealed however, for fear that he might discover that Hestia knows and condones it; something that would harm his perception of her, as well.
Fighting alongside Quarcy and witnessing his restraint with magic has slightly softened Rageant's view, but he distrusts him all the same.

Lawrence Wallace, The Trader.

Rageant lacks any profound relationship with the one they called "Law," but finds him courteous. He is somewhat apprehensive toward the mysterious Elezen due to how quiet he is, but senses some common ground given their mutual commitment to strong morals and duty. By any sense they should get along well, and yet they've never interacted at length.

Aedida Aldricht, The Spinner.

They met during the jousting event for the Ishgardian rally of the grand melee. Rageant rode the lists bearing her favor, though was easily unhorsed. Since they've developed something of a bizarre friendship, with Rageant finding her pleasant and compelling company despite her eccentricity, a quality that Rageant normally lacks patience for. She has a certain appeal to him, reminding him of old friends in the Path of the Twelve from his youthful years. Their interactions are normally interrupted by unforeseen circumstances that have prevented them from getting to know one another at any great depth, and this is made worse by Aedida's tendency toward humorous, lighthearted remarks and Rageant's scarce willingness to indulge in talk about himself. There is something dark beneath the surface, Rageant knows, and as her Althyk he feels compelled to offer his aid should it come to the surface.
Rageant has agreed to train Aedida for combat, on the agreement that she in turn assists him in reprising his alchemical knowledge. The two see it as an opportunity to better get to know one-another, but Rageant is intimidated by the prospect of taking on a pupil, for he views his capabilities in the shadow of his spiritual mentor Isarn and his martial mentor Zieg, and it is difficult for him to imagine that he could measure up to them as a teacher. Aedida has also convinced Rageant that he should ride in the joust once more, having offered her favor in-so-doing, which has led Rageant to consider purchasing a new chocobo companion.

Rageant's first training session ended with the two of them violently at each other's throats, and with Rageant breaking her arm while sustaining some few fierce blows from the woman. He feels no animosity for the conflict whatsoever - in fact, what he feels is sympathy, for he views her as a kindred spirit with an ongoing struggle that he, too, faces every day. The experience has given him an affectionate view for Aedida, like that of a doting sibling.

"You are a disarmingly whimsical little creature aren't you?" -Rageant, to Aedida
Associated Theme: Enderal Soundtrack - Until Dawn

Cinnabar Prentice, The Lover.

Rageant has built a strong bond with Cinnabar, having fought alongside her in terrifying battle conditions and been knighted alongside of her. He views her with respect and admires her prowess at the joust. When Rageant had a moment of weakness due to the death of his morbol Calliope by his own axe and allies, it was she who kept his axe safe until he was ready to wield it once more. And when the 4th Combined Brigade invoked the aid of House de Bayle to resolve the primal threat in the Sea of Clouds, Rageant was ready to fight to the death and have the end he'd longed for in his grieving state - but Cinnabar stayed by his side and aided him in the battle, allowing him to live to see another day. He perhaps feels that he owes Cinnabar his life, or at the very least his enduring respect.

Svana Heart, The Wanderer.

Rageant met Svana Heart during a social gathering organized by Alleria Surlaint of House de Bayle. Initially Rageant found her amicable, but she has become, to him, incomprehensible to a maddening degree which has left him with a sour perspective of her. He does not yet know she has been named for Oschon, but respects her martial prowess having seen it first-hand.


Friend is a term that Rageant Lacordaire uses infrequently, and with strong connotation. Few possess the descriptor by his own reckoning, though in his eyes a comrade is as good as a friend in a pinch if they're competent. Those he calls friends have earned either his respect, his admiration, or his protection - but these often come in threes.

Zieg Einherjar, The Mentor.
Zieg Einherjar is an enigmatic nomad that Rageant met in the Black Shroud long ago. They exchanged wisdom and philosophy and would not meet again until years later when Ragi'zi, desperate and broken from the loss of his beloved, sought martial training in the interest of achieving revenge and properly protecting himself and atoning for being unable to do so for Willow. Zieg reshaped Ragi'zi in a number of ways - he turned him in a deadly force but more importantly he impressed upon Ragi'zi an understanding of the true art of battle. He taught him to embrace and conquer his inner Beast and to embrace fear as a means of survival and motivation to surpass the limits of man. Above all, he taught Ragiz that strength does not beget virtue, but is the virtue. That lesson stuck with Ragiz, and has defined him as a person since.

Zieg departed from Coerthas when he believed he could teach Ragiz no more, but not before giving him a parting gift - a soul crystal with the myriad deeds of Warrior's past inscribed within. Rageant's immense prowess as a Warrior is credited solely and entirely to Zieg Einherjar, and he longs to meet him again and show how he has grown - not to mention to see what has become of an old mentor and a friend.

"Think about the nature of this attack, and the form of the final attack will come to you. If you can't find what it is you're missing, you'll never be able to learn it because I will kill you in the exchange. You have one night to think about it. What is it you are missing in all of this?" -Zieg's final lesson


Rageant is quite disagreeable and so has very few friends. There are still those he maintains cordial relations with as well as those he disagrees with; some few may even be considered rivals.

Arismont Sauveterre

A superannuated Elezen Dragoon that Rageant served alongside of in the Black Sun Covenant, they've fought together and built a mutual respect, though stopped short of a friendship. Rageant has not seen Arismont in years.

Bruno Suvois
The groundskeeper of House de Bayle, Rageant regards him as a misguided but well-intentioned soul who will, if he holds to his convictions, grow into a much greater man than he already is. As he has watched Bruno's disposition improve and his competence broaden, he has come to like the Elezen. During a training session, Rageant brutally defeated Bruno in a spar but regarded the inexperienced fighter as fearless and bearing great potential. Despite Bruno's unconventional manner, Rageant enjoys his company and appreciates his earnest nature.

An associate of Lucius's that Rageant has met, he respects her focus on practical matters, as with Astrelle.


Lucius is a Dragoon and a member of the House de Bayle that Rageant has a cordial relationship with. Lucius petitioned Rageant for assistance in a sensitive mission bestowed upon him by his order. Rageant senses that they'll get along, given that Lucius seems to be a hard man. He is fearful, therefore, that their differing intentions and contradicting goals may leave them ruefully at odds.


Rageant first met Skylar, or rather witnessed her spellwork, while working for the Long Climb Trading Company with the retrieval of stolen manacutters. Rageant found her magickal prowess impressive, reminiscent of his own capabilities turns prior, and given Rageant's enduring memory he recognized her immediately during the 4th Combined Brigade's operation in the Sea of Clouds which they both participated in. They exchanged mild pleasantries (or rather they fondly reminisced about prior acts of violence) and parted ways without incident.

They met again in Ul'dah outside of the Arrzaneth Ossuary. Frustrated by the death of Caliope and having mourned in solitude, Rageant felt compelled to express his darker thoughts and feelings to the woman - a veritable confession disguised as cordial conversation. He was struck by her blasé attitude toward those confessions, but was unable to investigate that phenomenon due to an interruption in their peculiar interaction.

Rageant's feelings toward Skylar are conflicted. A dark and confined part of Rageant is becoming more pronounced due to his solitude and pain, and he takes a perverse comfort in exposing it to someone who he feels may not judge him with harsh awe, someone like Skylar; someone quite unlike his peers in the Cadre. On the other hand, his prevailing inclination is to conceal that aspect of his being as he has always done and to avoid Skylar; the latter case won out in the end when he declined to join her for a drink.

Zike Lancean

A fellow knight of House de Bayle, Rageant respects Ser Zike for having unhorsed him during the Hastilude of the Fury joust and for being a gifted swordsman in his own right. Rageant fought alongside him during the 4th Combined Brigade operation in the Sea of Clouds and was impressed by both his prowess and his courage. Their interactions have been friendly and Rageant wishes to learn some elements of swordplay from Ser Zike, who has himself indicated a desire to spar and impart such wisdom.


Rageant Lacordaire has survived many of his loved ones, but keeps their memory close to his heart.

Willow Evinar, The Beloved

Ragi'zi met young Willow during his tenure with the Path of the Twelve, during which time he became hopelessly infatuated with her. As they carried out their studies and adventures together, he found himself unable to inspire the feelings in mutuality with her and he was forced to endure as she was the subject of attention by various more fitting suitors. Willow suffered from a perplexing condition which caused her to lose stretches of memory seemingly at random which greatly compromised her studies and their friendship, though Ragi'zi committed himself to unearthing information that might combat the challenges of her condition. Around the time of the Battle of Carteneau, Ragi'zi was separated from Willow and though he could not be certain if she were alive, he asked all of the contacts he'd accrued over his years of adventuring and study to keep their ears to the ground and contact him had they found any information.
Ragi'zi did not see her again for close to five turns, when he received information that she was indeed alive and in the company of the Obsidian Coterie, a merchant and sellsword company operating out of Ul'dah. He dropped everything and made the journey south until he tracked her down at a teahouse, where he introduced himself to her and sought employment in the same company that he may remain by her side, protect her, and help her recover from a recent, severe lapse of memory. During that time he opened up to her about their history and his feelings and they became intimately involved. Not a week later did tragedy strike - Willow received a vision of her own demise which came to fruition despite Ragi'zi's best efforts to prevent them, and witnessing her death sent him down a spiral of grief. Ragi'zi claims most of who he was died with Willow and was reborn when he found her parting gift to him, a letter she'd written after accepting her impending death. Though it has been years since her death, Ragi'zi remembers her fondly and though he scarcely sees fit to speak of it, he loves her still.

Associated Music: Lake of Tears - To Blossom Blue

Father Isarn Lacordaire, The Teacher.

After Willow died, Ragi'zi was so possessed by grief that he journeyed to Coerthas on some misbegotten idea he could seek vengeance for those responsible for her fate. There he fell prey to his maddening sadness and threw himself from a mountain only for a gust of wind to push him back to safety. Not long after the Father Isarn Lacordaire found him and nursed his body and mind back to health while instilling in him the faith of Halone. The two shared a profoundly close bond, something akin to father and son. Ragi'zi committed himself to the Father's cause for a better Ishgard to the bitter end, and buried the Father's remains alongside their own father's. Now he honors Isarn's memory by taking his name and attributed any and all of his good works to the Father in hopes that one day, when he joins Isarn in the next world, he can take pride in the gift he gave the world through his teachings which he could be certain had taken nest in the heart of at least one unlikely ally and friend.


MARTIAL PROWESS: Rageant Lacordaire is an exceptionally well-trained Warrior and utilizes his inner beast in battle, though he is reluctant to turn it loose unless the circumstances aptly warrant such a measure. He is greatly skilled with an axe and with unarmed combat, modestly skilled with a sword and a polearm, and is notably a quick learner when exposed to new fighting styles even if they're only marginally similar to the styles he is already proficient with. His marksmanship is lacking due to his compromised depth perception as a consequence of having lost one of his eyes, though he understands basic technique from his tribal origins. Rageant credits his martial prowess to Halone.

MAGICK PROWESS: Having studied magic extensively prior to beginning his martial training, Rageant has a large reservoir of knowledge concerning conjury, thaumaturgy, and arcanism. He is unable to perform incantation or cast any spells however due to having lost his staff and fallen severely out of practice. He has rather intentionally forsaken the use of magick for personal reasons and therefore, while he has great knowledge of its capabilities and the theory behind it, he has no capacity to utilize it whatsoever. That said, he can channel aether exceptionally well if necessary during the heat of battle and has knowledge of a particularly esoteric form of beast tribal ritual magic concerning dreams and hallucinations. Rageant credits his knowledge of magick and its workings to a blessing from Thaliak.

EIDETIC MEMORY: Rageant's most cherished and significant quality is his incredible memory, though it has waned by the years, tarnished with age. Though his memory is far from perfect, he has the ability to remember the content of literature, the shapes of faces, the sounds of voices, melodies from the past, and other similar phenomenon with impressive clarity even years after the fact. Each such recollection weakens the consistency of the memory and so he attempts to live in the moment to preserve what he has. His memory contributes to his ability to very quickly learn skills, trades, and combat styles as his retention is high. Rageant believes his memory is a gift from Althyk.

PHYSICAL TRAITS: Due to having one eye, it's reasonable to assume that Rageant has to rely heavily upon his other senses. As a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon, his nocturnal heritage gives him exceptional hearing and olfactory which compensates somewhat, though in combat he has to rely partially on intuition to track the movements of enemies that favor attacking the guard on his blind-side. He is in the best physical shape of his life and so is very strong, and consequentially very fast; maintaining this physique is a constant commitment for him. His heritage makes him somewhat dexterous and nimble, but he is below average in that regard by Miqo'te standards. He is in good health and can engage in physical activity for protracted periods of time before exhaustion while also rarely becoming sick from illness. His tolerance for pain is very high.

THE ECHO: Rageant Larcordaire is an Echo user, and formerly a member of the Path of the Twelve. He can therefore utilize the gift and has some understanding to its nature and origin. The gift allows him to read ancient texts in lost languages.


Herein lie details about things which Rageant Lacordaire possesses. Most of what he owns is kept on his person or in his quarters at the Dawn Vigil.

Heavy Metal War Axe.png
A wrought iron battle axe with a mythril edge that has been at Rageant's side or upon his back for years. This weapon is tried and tested and he maintains its keen edge well. It is heavy, sharp, and deadly in his hands indeed.

Carborundum Armor of Fending Icon.png
Armor of Althyk
Rageant favors heavy armor. His current favorite set of armor is a suit of ornamental steel plate designed to evoke the image of Althyk, the Keeper. This armor was forged and manufactured by fine artisans owing loyalty to House de Bayle. The armor is a perfect fit and is no easy barrier to penetrate.

Soul of the Warrior Icon with Background.png
Soul of the Warrior
A multi-aspected crystal upon which is carved the myriad deeds of warriors from eras past. Rageant came into possession of this valuable relic after enduring the punishing training regimen imposed upon him by Zieg Einherjar, a veteran warrior. This self-same crystal served Zieg well, and so was passed to his Miqo'te protege.

Silver Earrings Icon.png
Silver earrings
A pair of sterling silver hoops that Rageant always wears on his ears.

Rosary beads
Rosary beads once belonging to the late Father Isarn Lacordaire, handcrafted by him and given to Rageant as a gift.

Gil piece
An exotic, uncirculated gil piece given to Rageant by Hestia as a gift, with great emotional significance to her and, in turn, to him.


  • "He was involved in that group of outspoken ethnonationalists here in Ishgard during the foundation of the republic. Awfully strange place to find a Miqo'te." -Ishgardians
  • "Ragi'zi, you say? I remember him; he visited quite often to peruse our tomes, a student of magic is he. It's been a long while since we've seen him around here." -Thaumaturge's Guild
  • "Ragi'zi Jiube was well-read and studious indeed but had an attitude that made him ill-fit for the scholarly pursuits." -Sharlayan Colonists


  • "I saw him years back in the company of a Midlander woman. I reckon they were involved, if you catch my meaning. Pretty lass, she was." -Thanalan or La Noscea Residents
  • "We used to trade supplies with him. He's a hermit who lived out in the deep reaches of the forest where ordinary men fear to tread. You would want few visitors indeed to make such a place home." -Black Shroud Residents
  • "I don't want to talk about him." -Residents of Garlean Provinces


  • "Rageant is a man of valor and loyalty. Severe as I am, and dedicated to his cause. I hold a great deal of respect for the man, and even more in his wisdom. I could listen to him speak for bells; his words are ever profound. I only pray he finds similar company in myself." — Hestia de Bayle
  • "Oh, the fierce kitten with the big axe. Saw him snap someone in half, once. Don't pull his tail. ...Maybe don't call him 'kitten,' either." — Skylar Steelheart



I'm not using this section of the wiki at the moment so there's nothing here to be said. Sorry for the mess.


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