Chokho Viqqoh

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 Chokho Viqqoh
"There's a time and a place for subtlety... This is neither."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship N/A
Place of birth Othard
Age 26
Weight "Whoa, who's asking?!"

Chokho Viqqoh is a character born from a desire of whimsy. Typically playing stoic and strong characters, I wanted to play someone who was able to truly and honestly enjoy the world while being relatively helpless (at first). As time went on I realized that a thuggish adrenaline-jockey would be boring, and the character became a philosopher. Now, she takes the world with a lightness of heart and an unusual depth of intelligence.
Her masked intelligence also comes into play with a desire to turn some tropes on their side. She has a hidden power that she does not fully understand. Instead of this running her life as is the case with most stories that start this way, she very quickly learned what she can and can't do without setting it off. Now she takes a very careful approach in trying to better understanding herself.

I'm very interested in pursuing a mentor/student relationship in philosophy, or certain classes, as well as expanding the Viqqoh family in game. Let me know if you'd like to work something out!

Basic Info

Chokho is a fun-loving hedonist that has the-... let's call it a distinction, of being generally incompetent when it comes to combat in an adventurer's world. Her quick smile and loud laugh do not come from a vapid lack of weight however. Instead, Chokho follows philosophy closely resembling nihilism. She believes she has seen the world for what it is, and knows there is no deeper meaning. And if all we have is what we make up, why not make up something that everyone can enjoy?
She's also a liar by trade. Her intentions and actions are so heavily obfuscated, it's nigh-impossible to tell what her goals are. But in the end she's relatively harmless, so Eorzea is not about to loose sleep over whatever game she's playing.
You can generally assume any knowledge here is NOT something easily accessible on an IC level! Chokho dedicates a lot of time and effort into concealing information about herself, by whatever means necessary.


Bad Jokes


Harm's way


Vice(s): Yes
Favorite Food: Chooclate
Favorite Drink: Wine

Appearance & Personality

Chokho looks like her appearance and acts like her personality.
Ok, but really.
Chokho stands just a touch taller than most other miqo'te. By far her most striking features are her incredibly dark skin and her tiger face-paint. Combined with her deep red eyes and pronounced canines, Chokho cuts an intimidating image.
Fortunately, that's where Chokho's intimidation ends. She's unmistakably non-threatening in the way she flirts and continually bounces around with a constant, playful energy. Her constant laughter and quick smile is more than enough to put most people at ease. Chokho's has an insatiable appetite for play and has no shame in cracking bad jokes or impishly teasing. If it wasn't for her lithe body - and her frequent flaunting of it - she could very easily be mistaken as entirely childish.

Weight of Viqqoh

Viqqoh is a common name in Eorzea. Perhaps you've heard it before? That's likely because it's an often recommended name from moon keeper name generators - but forget about that. We can come up with a better reason than that!
A name is passed down to each child by keeper's tradition. Some of these names can be traced as far back as the First Astral Era. Viqqoh (alongside Luna and Jinjahl) is one such powerful name. The jungles of Othard house a large sect of the name Viqqoh. Through power pushed through guile, they've claim to be the original holders of the name before it spread to Eorzea.
The name carries deliberate power and pride to its members, but it's expanse has not been entirely mapped out! Chokho's family is deliberately open ended in some parts to allow other players to take up the roles if they desire. If the idea interests you, contact me! There are already two members of the family in play, though the other player a secret for the time being.


1551 - 1561

Chokho Viqqoh was born in the jungles of Othard to a large and powerful family. One of last children that her mother had, Chokho would have eventually grown up to be a powerful mage or skilled hunter like her many brothers and sisters, if not for an unusual illness.
Chokho was born pale and weak, and she would stay this way for her entire childhood. Local conjurers had never seen a sickness such and this and they were only able to surmise that some part of the girl, on an aetheric level, was "missing". There was a hole in her being that could be filled by no magic. Without a cure, Chokho was cursed to an eternal shortness of breath and frail form. She was not given long to live.
The girl was lucky in one thing: her mother. Chokho's mother was a powerful woman and matriarch to the clan. When the conjurers said there was nothing they could do, she told them to find someone better. When no one was found with an answer she liked, she took matters into her own hands. Even though the Viqqoh clan was founded on pride and power, its stern hunters and arguably ruthless mages rallied around one of their own. Through spells, foreign medicines, and more supplies than she could ever hope to reply, Chokho would live. She would never have the strength of her peers and could rarely muster the energy to leave her home, but she would live.
Her life was painful, but not without joy. While the majority of the clan could spare little time from their tasks, Chokho had the regular company of two other members who were deemed equally non-vital: her brother Xau'to and her father Hawu'a. Xau'to, a scoundrel by trade, was a frequent source of company and always had a trick up his sleeve or a story to tell to keep the sick child company. Any childhood Chokho has she owes to her sibling's affection. While her father often took to the road for the sake of the clan, he was never the less a pillar of stability for a life teetering so close to death. One of the most influential gestures he ever did was paint Chokho's face in the stripes she still wears today. Reminiscent of a tiger native to their home, Hawu'a was quick to remind Chokho how strong tigers are and how much she is like them.
While Chokho did not contribute to her tribe as much as the others, her sisters found her at least bearable. It certainly helped that for what she lacked in body she made up for in mind. With little to do outside her brother's company, Chokho sharpened her mind with whatever books her father brought home. Her insatiable appetite for knowledge was mostly a squandered gift on the amazonian family, but her stories and legends made her entertaining enough to not be considered a complete burden.
1562 - 1572


0 - 5





Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"What a lush! I don't think there's anything more she cares about than a stiff drink and a stiffer bedfellow!"
"Not a care in the world, that one. A good enough way to live, I suppose."
"Gets her kicks from foolin' around and lyin'... not right, I'll tell ya."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"For all the noise she raises, I don't see her making much trouble."
"Not as bad as she makes herself out to be. She might just have a heart yet. Hah!"
"In three different cities I've heard her laugh that she's from 'somewhere else.' So where in the seven hells can it be?"
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I don't know what you think Chokho Viqqoh is, but I promise you she is no miqo'te."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)

(Add your own if you know Chokho!))

"Cho's got a heart. What she doesn't have is a plethora of good jokes." - Kage Kiryuu
"A beautiful face, a quick wit, and a boldness to her heart. What more could anyone want of a woman?" - Delial Grimsong
"Cho is like a force of nature, but I'm not sure if she cares little for others, or too much" - Natalie Mcbeef


Romantic Interest     Interest      Good Standing     Watching

Salem Nuhn - Chokho's first friend on arrival to Ul'dah, Salem's relaxed attitude and shared love of play instantly made him one of her best friends. A little heartbreak here and there isn't going to stop that.
Nazeru Auronas - Though she's not about to admit it, Chokho's formed something of a relationship with her dashing friend. Excessive pampering and chocolate helps her overlook how this goes against her free-spirited approach to life.
Marrow Ochi - Marrow's power represents what Chokho believes can be Eorzea's saving grace, and the one thing to give her a spark of hope in her nihilism. She is constantly disappointing when Marrow fails to take care of herself, and unable to stop from feeling motherly when she can.
Kage Kiryuu - Met through Salem, Chokho knows very little about the lalafell. But what she does know, she likes! She's always happy to talk, and help him with his goals in whatever small way she can - even if she doesn't agree with them.
Natalie Mcbeef - Although Natalie offered Chokho a linkshell that now connects her with most of her friends, Chokho is wary of her. She'll often state she feels Natalie is narrow-minded or boring, but the truth is Chokho is just jealous of the attention she gets.
Alexaria Whiteraven - Like many contacts, Chokho was first drawn to Alexaria due to tight pants. Once all attempts to get into them fell flat, Chokho was surprised to find that Alex kept such a sharp, philosophical mind. She now delights in talking to the woman about deeper thoughts and the workings of the mind and spirit, instead of the flesh.
Ennara Calian - Met initially through Alexaria, Chokho has come to trust Ennara deeply after the highlander helped her out of a bad spot. Ennara is one of the few that Chokho knows will always help her... and keep a secret.
C'kayah Tia - Interesting enough to watch, but nothing more. Kayah HAS to be up to something as far as she's concerned, but she doesn't know what. He's good looking and well mannered though, so that's enough.
Arky Mosuke - Affectionately dubbed "Charmer", Chokho delights in Arky's gentlemanly manner. She's pegged him as someone with a secret, and is unwilling to invest more trust until more light comes to the situation.
U'zhan Tia - Even though they're not terribly close, Chokho likes U'zhan. He swings by to tease her a little or joke around, and then goes on to take care of his own matters. No fuss, no complications, no problem.
Araswel Dakwhil - Chokho desperately wants to like the other moon keeper, but she has no idea how to. She's hyper-competent in all combat and completely unrelatable. After being told not to flirt with her, Chokho feels she's out of options.
Delial Grimsong - Even though she knows next to nothing of the woman, Chokho is smitten. Between her alluring voice and regal poise, Chokho pursues this beauty without any idea what she'd do if she caught it.


[Placeholder! Going to put the songs that inspire Chokho, as well as the sort of things she sings in character]


Template credit goes to Bancroft Gairn... Seriously just copy/pasted 90% of this. Dude's amazing.