A'carisa Merahk

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A'carisa Merahk
A Childish Huntress with a Warrior's Heart
AcarisaMerahk banner.png

Care for a fight?



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... ah-KAH-ree-sah ME-ra(h)k*

RACE & CLAN... Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te

TRIBE... Antelopes of Merlthor

GENDER... Female

AGE... Early 20s

NAMEDAY... 5th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon


MARITAL STATUS... Part of Tribal Harem

* = (h) represents the unique Miqo'te hissing sound

Other Statistics

FAMILY... Various members of the Antelope Tribe

RESIDENCE... Nomadic (Strait of Merlthor)

OCCUPATION... Huntress

PATRON DEITY... Althyk, the Keeper

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 2 ilms. 108 ponze.

General Information
A'carisa Merahk is a troublesome young member of the Antelopes of Merlthor. Blessed with great strength since her birth and skill in battle through training, her abilities turned her youth a bit too easy, allowing her to not grow up when she should have and others did. A thrillseeker at heart, she struggles to fulfill the expectations now placed upon her as a grown-up member of her tribe.
I do what I'm best at, and that involves kicking your arse!
yellow purple fair, light tan well-toned, busty mocking, haughty, dulcet, fierce
confrontational, bored, careless dextral minor scars on arms and torso usual Miqo'te facial markings light, easy to move
Hair & Eyes
Purple, straight hair frames A'carisa's face. She tends to keep it relatively short and in a layered cut so that it doesn't get in the way. Her eyes are of a piercing yellow colour and always dart around, her glances lingering a bit too long on all the people passing by and around her as she tries to assess their threat and physical prowess.
Physique & Markings
Standing at about average height for a female Seeker, A'carisa doesn't look too intimidating on first glance. On second glance, however, it quickly becomes apparent that A'carisa is a warrior. Her body is well-toned and every move she makes, even on instinct, is deliberate and with a great sense of balance, though they may seem wasteful of energy to those who fight with iron discipline rather than raw talent. Rarely though does she come across as intimidating, as her attitude naturally undermines her presence as a fighter.
Hygiene & Attire
A'carisa bathes a lot and tends to be pretty clean. However, her rigorous workout routines and constant fighting make it more than neccessary, as they often leave her drenched in sweat. Her clothing tends to be made of light cloth and leather, usually dyed to dark shades. It looks somewhat piecemeal at times.
Psychological Profile
A'carisa is a fighter through and through - dedicated, strong-willed and ambitious. She constantly seeks out new challengers to fight and test her skills against, as well as seeking out new fighting styles and techniques.
She is also somewhat of a prankster, less in the sense of practical jokes and more finding joy in confusing and confounding others. Overall, her confrontational attitude and this behaviour can make her a quite unpleasant person to be around when she's in the mood for it.
Both of these pastimes of hers are her way of dealing with the fact that not only does she always seem to have an excess of energy and rarely tires, but also that she has a bad case of the restlessness that plagues many Seekers, boring incredibly easy and looking for a diversion and distraction.
As she grew strong from an early age on, her childhood often lacked conflicts that she wasn't able to resolve by being stronger than others. As such, she never grew up into a responsible adult knowing the value of compromise and thinking before acting. While she has matured into a woman in mannerisms and outlook on life, her behaviour and priorities are often still that of a child, a fact that she often remains oblivious to. Her short temper that tends to unload itself in short, fierce and often violent bursts is just another sign of this.
Despite her childishness, around people she likes she tries to act out the part of a 'cool big sister', to varying degrees of success.
She is also, let's not beat around the bush, not the brightest button that ever shone.
Nowhere does A'carisa put on airs as much as in her way of speaking. Her pride, her false sense of maturity, her confrontational attitude, they call meet and combine here to form a speach pattern that's equal parts mocking, haughty and fierce. That said, her voice is dulcet, mature and not unpleasant to listen to, if one can overlook that she sometimes says things that are anything but those three things.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
A'carisa subscribes fully to the law of the strongest, both in whom she respects and how she sees the world. This does not neccessarily have to mean physical prowess: As she herself is streets smart at best, she can also see great strength is those of keen mind.
● Fighting and other physical contests
● The Sea
● Food (lots of it)
● Lemon juice & spiced rum
● Music
● Airships
● Big Cities
● Rich people
● Winter & Cold
● Kobolds & Elezen
Favourite Pastimes
● Hunting
● Picking fights & playing pranks
● Learning new fighting styles
● Campfire music
● Cooking
● Dedicated - Unyielding towards a cause
● Strong-willed - For better or worse
● Carefree - Uncomplicated and positive
● Spontaneous - Thinking on her feet
● Confident - Aware and proud of what she's good at
● Carelessness - Born of confidence
● Gluttony - A big eater
● Excess of energy - Easily bored
● Prideful - Tends to pick fights
● Short temper - Beware the cat
● Thrillseeking
● Improving her combat skills
● Staving off boredom
● Not disappointing her tribe