Anaguma Kenesa

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Wiki Templates: Skill stats window utilised from Fancy Template and layout inspired by Rixo and Nanagi's template. Heavy and transformative edits have been made by the author.

This template and the contained information therein is not to be used or replicated in any capacity without express permission from the author. I can be reached on Discord; It's Naga#5417

Anaguma Kenesa
The Renegade
"Tradition ain't remembered as a jar of ashes, 'tis a burnin' flame you need 'ta keep alive."
core profile

COMMON NAME : Anaguma Kenesa

IMPERIAL NAME : Aetius Ferrum

RACE/CLAN : Mongrel (Hybrid of Far Eastern Hyur/Garlean)

AGE : Twenty and six summers

HEIGHT : Five fulm and seven ilm

BUILD : Athletic

NAMEDATE : 15th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon, 1553 (Mar 15)

PATRON DEITY : Llymlaen Icon.png Llymlaen, the Navigator


EPITHET : Anaguma the Renegade

TITLES : Master Ferrum, aan, Lord of the Kenesa Clan

BIRTHPLACE : Aboard a refugee vessel on the Rhotano Sea

NATIONALITY : Limsa Lominsa


MARITAL STATUS : Married to Tessa Kenesa, née Kells

OCCUPATION :  Fisherman/Contractor/Shinobi*

ALIGNMENT : True Neutral


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.

FACE CLAIM : Not applicable, face is as presently displayed.

VOICE CLAIM : Joe Dempsie as Gendry Baratheon (Game of Thrones), and Ardbert (Final Fantasy XIV). Anaguma's voice will change slightly when speaking the Doman language, it would sound like Joe attempting an authentic Eastern accent.

5.0 SPOILER : Anaguma speaks.

NOTABLE MARKINGS : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.

Mark of the Red Colts. . . The dark red tattoo on Anaguma's right cheekbone is shaped like an ornate dagger, very similar in design to the Red Misericordes he wields today. It was the emblem of the Red Colts, a small gang of young cutthroats that lurked in Limsa Lominsa's Lower Decks in the years leading up to the Seventh Umbral Calamity. Of the dozen or so members whom once wore the mark, only four now remain. See the RP Hooks/OOC Info tab for more information.
Ferrum Family Traits . . Anaguma's eyes are like the frozen landscape of Garlemald itself, as is immediately telling with all claiming direct relations to the Ferrum family. Receiving a glare from him can be understandably intimidating despite his unassuming build, a chill of ice with a hidden fire beneath. The Ferrum family are also known for their pale blonde hair, though Anaguma has mostly taken after his mother in this regard, much to his relief.

CLOTHING : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ligula ex, placerat ut arcu sed, aliquam faucibus neque. Nullam quis elementum risus. Donec eget lorem eu lacus malesuada faucibus. Donec bibendum lacinia interdum. Fusce faucibus eget enim sit amet tincidunt. Suspendisse eros nunc, ultrices sit amet tincidunt et, sagittis et neque. Integer malesuada libero pellentesque, luctus ante ut, imperdiet lectus. Curabitur vitae consequat lectus, et volutpat dui. Praesent sodales tortor ut turpis interdum tincidunt.


  • Gil, and valuable trinkets.
  • Ocean fishing.
  • Magitek devices.


  • Marmots.
  • Being lectured.
  • Vegetables.


  • Prefers to be self-sufficient in almost everything he does.
  • Catching and then preparing various wavekin for a meal.
  • Highly unorthodox in his methods, but clever.


  • Impulsive, sometimes recklessly so.
  • Inherent dependence on his daughter and Tessa Kenesa.
  • His social skills leave much to be desired around unfamiliar people.


  • Losing his family.
  • His past catching up to him, namely the Empire.
  • Soulkin.


  • Anaguma is fluent in Thieves' Cant and incorporates it into his regular speech, though it varies depending on who he is speaking to.
  • When heavily intoxicated and his wife is present, Anaguma will put "the moves" on her as if they've never met before.
  • He grins and flicks an ear cuff with his thumb to show off. But when threatening someone, he drags a thumb down the length of his tattoo, much like one might do so across their throat.

Combat Skills & Abilities
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   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Averse to the traditional guerilla tactics of his shinobi brethren, Anaguma prefers the more rough and tumble approach of Limsa Lominsa. To help him accomplish this, his chosen arms are his Red Misericordes, their blades forged with high steel in the necessary curvature required for parrying and acrobatics.

When pushed, the thin limbal rings in Anaguma's eyes will burn a bright crimson. But as of recently when pushed to his absolute limit, a third eye akin to a Garlean's will appear on his forehead in this same light. A purely symbolic representation of both enlightenment to the shinobi arts, and a mockery of his true ancestry.

Anaguma's use of ninjutsu, along with the crimson glow in his eyes, also contains a unique characteristic. As the hand seals are performed the magical arithmetic in each gesture churns and reshapes the ambient aether, creating a strong smell of either ozone or petrichor.

In terms of skill, Anaguma is a jonin-level ninja and thus can be placed into the same class as others of his kind. Yugiri Mistwalker, Karasu Kanshi, and Oboro Torioi to name those most notable.

High steel kris.png
Red Misericordes
A product of Naldiq & Vymelli's, specially forged using high steel. Purposed for duelling, as opposed to assassination.
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Throwing Knives
Sheathed in the forearms of his gauntlets are several throwing stabbers.
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Otonabe's Soul
A mysterious heirloom passed down throughout eras. Said to have first originated from Shinobi-no-sato during the time of Sasuke.
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Smoke & Flash Bombs
A shinobi's escape tools. Anaguma has crafted his own, but using local Lominsan ingredients...predominantly black powder.
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Thieves Tools
Contains a few files, lockpicks, a small mirror, a pair of narrow-bladed scissors, a pair of pliers, and a screwdriver.
Limit Break
Second Wind red.png
Last Rebellion
An all-or-nothing triple manoeuvre of individual ninjutsu coming together in a single, overwhelming attack.
The Kenesa Clan
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Red textiles from the Far East adorn a Kenesa clansmen's clothing.

The Kenesa Clan's history is entirely encompassed within the days leading up to The Battle of Ghimlyt Dark. Anaguma, wounded from his encounter with Xanatyr Blacke, stumbled and took shelter within Specula Imperatoris, hidden from the Eorzean Alliance as their supply lines mobilised. With only a small campfire as company come nightfall, did Anaguma properly acknowledge his ancestry and form the Kenesa Clan. Not to attain power or oppose evil, but simply to protect his family. Non-traditional and homegrown are what best identify the clan, a simple atonement for shunning away one's heritage over a petty grudge. One could argue that it is simply an ordinary family doing their best to raise a child. And while technically correct, the people within it are no less than extraordinary individuals.

With possession of the soul crystal called Otonabe's Soul can the Kenesa Clan trace its origins three hundred years to the era of Sasuke, the legendary progenitor to all Doman shinobi. It is believed Otonabe was a student of Sasuke, and the crystal's creator.

The sigil of the Kenesa clan, the Ke character of the Doman alphabet.

CLOTHING: Unlike those more notable groups such as the Fuma, Iga, and Nagae clans, the Kenesa Clan does not adopt an official uniform for itself. Instead the clan embraces its grassroots origins by making do with one's current possessions and sense of self. So whether it be cloth, leather, or plated armour, a member of the clan simply adorns their current wear with a red tapestry of Far Eastern textiles.

SIGIL: The Kenesa Clan adopts the Ke character of the Doman alphabet, the first syllable of Kenesa. Depending on the person, it can be interpreted that the character symbolises a parent and child, or perhaps a master and student. The four red markings flickering around the Ke represent the clan's four tenets, their use of red adornments, their four signature mudra, and Far Eastern magicks.


  1. Fortresses and castra offer little protection, your enemy knows you're in there.
  2. Be armed and ready for anything, but conceal your intentions.
  3. Strike the shepherd, and his flock scatters.
  4. Your identity is your greatest strength, but you win through your actions.


Signature Techniques
Jonetsudan (lit. Ardour Bullet)
A red sphere of unaspected aether, similar in form and function to both a Rasengan and Spirit Ball.
Second Wind red.png
Otonabe Kihakusen (lit. Ancestor's Spirit Flash)
Seemingly a fusion of Huton and Second Wind techniques, where one's own aether empowers the user.
Kage Sanmiittaiken (lit. Shadow Trinity Fist)
An iteration of a Bunshin technique but the user divides themselves into three beings, instead of two.
Seikatsu Mizu (lit. Life Water)
A variation of the Meisui technique, manipulating the land's water in some limited capacity.
1552, 2nd Umbral Moon: Doma's Last Stand
Built into natural rock with openings fashioned in the shape of a full moon, this series of colossal portals regulate traffic upon the One River.

Since 1528 of the Sixth Astral Era, the Garlean warmachine had swept across the eastern continent, twenty-four years of subjugation to most, and utter obliteration to defiant. It was now that the Empire stood at the crux of total conquest of Othard, their final target now lay before them across the One River; Doma itself.

With no land for their troops to traverse, the Empire swiftly brought upon the might of their aerial division to cross threshold of the Dairyu Moon Gates. Dozens of magitek juggernauts approached the the city-state from on high, ready to land entire squads of ground forces behind enemy lines. One after the other, any and all craft that approached simply plummeted from the sky, those aboard either perished in an ensuing fireball, or in the deep depths of the One River. Imperial command scrambled upon witnessing their devastating losses, but none could properly determine the causality with little more than the panicked screams of a doomed craft’s final transmission. Unbeknownst to their foe were there no hidden munitions or mechanical failure, but a collaborative effort of Doma’s geomancers and shinobi had won the day. By supplanting themselves along the length of the Moon Gates, a consecutive application of ninjutsu and geomancy disrupted the very aether currents of the area. It was the inability to sustain flight that had caused all of the approaching craft to rapidly lose altitude.

Following the failure of an airborne invasion, imperial forces were quick to commission a new forward base in Yanxia; Castrum Fluminis, to be the Empire's new spearhead into the city-state. As sentries spotted large-scale construction in the distance, any celebrations within Doma fell silent. The invasion had became a war of attrition, and it was only a matter of time before they found themselves at the mercy of Garlemald. Anticipating an opportunistic retaliation from Doma, several manipuli were split from the cohort and despatched to the surrounding settlements around the Fluminis site. One of these manipulus, stationed two malms to the west and occupying a riverside hamlet named Ashi, was a force one-hundred strong led by Atticus quo Ferrum. A young centurio, Atticus was the firstborn of four children to Magnus fae Ferrum, a praefectus whose estate saw exponential growth in recent years upon their discovery of underground ceruleum aquifers. Successfully applying to privatise the resource, the Ferrum family was granted a noble status in the Empire in which Atticus promptly seized in order to marry Aeliana Soranus, who bore him a daughter named Aurelia in 1551.

Atticus as a military man was ruthless and efficient, a model officer in the eyes of his superiors. However when away from their gaze did his decorum deviate, his arrogance often surfaced and he succumbed to complacent behaviour once he grew comfortable with his station. His breaches of military conduct ranged from mild transgressions involving alcohol during active command, to far more serious crimes of taking women in annexed territories against their will. And in Ashi was this no different, Atticus had taken a liking a fisherwoman named Homura Kenesa.

Within the Dairyu Moon Gates, shinobi scouts reported the occupation of Ashi and other hamlets along the One River. Doma could not afford to await her doom, the time to act was now and only halt the Fluminis project, but to evacuate those still held in Yanxia. Outnumbered and outgunned, the liberation of imperial-occupied settlements required the use of infiltration and guerilla warfare, and thus fell to the shinobi clans. Doman forces outside of the capital were tasked to sanction and provision any seaworthy vessel they were able and moor them at the One River delta, ready for evacuation.

The last ditch effort for Doma’s freedom had truly begun.

1552, 3rd Umbral Moon: The Battle of Ashi
Established twenty-five years ago as an advance post for the invasion of Doma, the castrum served for a time afterwards as an administrative center for the Imperial occupation. As repairs on Doma Castle progressed, its occupants relocated to the city, abandoning it to nature.


1553, 2nd Astral Moon: The Journey West






1572: The Seventh Umbral Calamity


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Close friend
Romantic Feelings
❣ Physical Attraction
ღ Former lover
Positive standing
Neutral standing
Negative standing
? Uncertain

Tessa Kenesa, The White Witch.
An unlikely spouse for a person of Anaguma's breed, and someone he so vehemently despised for a time. "Tessa" is the woman he can't live without, and the mother of his daughter. Though the nature of their personalities can spiral their relationship out of control at times, everything Anaguma does, he does so for Tessa.
NPC : Genevieve Ephiny Rei Kenesa, Infant daughter.
"Eva" is the daughter of Anaguma and Tessa. The girl has her father's crystal blue eyes, and her mother's vibrant blonde hair. The nature of her birth hints she may be gifted, though Anaguma's priority is to raise her the way he never was. Something he was denied but longed for in his childhood.
Aurelia quo Ferrum, Half Sister.
The only legitimate child of Atticus and the commanding officer of the House Ferrum military cohort. She met her younger brother once only, and feels incredibly slighted that her father seems to favour a scornful, illegitimate bastard child rather than his own daughter.
NPC : Atticus sas Ferrum, Father.
In his lowest moments Atticus is the man whom Anaguma holds responsible for everything that has ever gone wrong in his life. The noble Garlean has tried numerous times to build a rapport with his estranged son, though even in the best of times Anaguma reluctant to accept his offers.

NPC : Xanatyr Blacke, Necromancer.
A Highlander Hyur whom ran the The Ala Mhigo Home for Women and Girls out of his own estate, a refuge for women affected by the Imperial annexure of Gyr Abania. For years the charity was but a front to lure in the meek and siphon the life out of them. Wanting to see the man brought to justice, Tessa Kenesa dispatched Anaguma and her ward, Ephiny Zora, to confront the necromancer and eliminate him. The pair succeeded, however Ephiny and several dozen of Xanatyr's victims perished. The sole survivor among them a girl of thirteen summers.
Dovienya Cuenn, Rose. ?
text text text . . .
Marcus Feral, Captain. ?
text text text . . .
Ahzra'li Lhomi, Lhomi. ?
text text text . . .
Common rumours & quotes

  • "Those sorts from the Far East all 'ave dark 'air an' dark eyes, all except one of 'em. He ain't like the rest, one look from 'im makes me uneasy..." - A purveyor of bowse.
  • "If yer in the market fer a haul a' blue octopus, young 'Naguma's yer man. Lad's one a' the few good at catchin' 'em, and sells 'em cheaper than the other lackwits." - Local fishmonger.
  • "Makes me sick, that one. Not only 'im, but 'is wife's just as bad! Dey fink dey so damn 'ttractive, walkin' 'round Limsa like we's gonna worship 'em or somefing! Dey's got some nerve... - A commoner, likely rather ugly.
  • "Sir, I understand your concern, but according to our records that particular gang disbanded soon after the signing of the Galadion Accord. We assure you there is nothing to fear from our longshoreman, as for the tattoo still remaining on his face...I imagine 'tis just hard to remove. If you deem my response as unsatisfactory, please direct your complaint to the front desk of Mealvaan's Gate." - R'baharra, Mealvaan's Gate.

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "Alright Jimothy, let's recap on your testimony here...You and "the lads" began to harass a man in the Drowning Wench. Not wanting "a piece of the Billhookers," the man left but you all followed him outside, correct? Alright here is where I struggle to follow...You all surrounded him and demanded his Gil and belongings, otherwise he'd end up bloodied on the cobblestones. From there he...split himself into triplets, of which instead beat and mugged all eight of you, and thanked the Billhookers donation to the Lady of the Wind? Listen Jimothy, you and the lads must've downed enough ale to see three people, and in the throes of alcoholism stumbled to Anchor Point where one of you had the merry idea of donating your purses to the Navigator. And of course, what night would be complete without beating each other senseless, eh? That's a sennight in the cells for each of you." - Yellowjacket Sergeant.

Players rumours & quotes


Other Media


What Makes a Good Man?
Artist: The Heavy
Context: Character theme
Burn Bright
Artist: The Heavy
Context: alt. character theme

Come With Me Now
Artist: KONGOS
Context: Old character theme

Plot Hooks
Anaguma is almost exclusively found in Limsa Lominsa, but will often travel to the settlements of Aleport and the Moraby Drydocks. He will not leave Vylbrand unless there is a need to, so potential gateways for an RP scenario include but are not limited to:

COMMON: Mealvaan's Gate Anaguma is often hired by the Arcanists Guild to act as a labourer to load/unload the ships that go to and from the city-state. Your character could be a sailor, a fellow employee, an arcanist, or simply a bystander.
COMMON: Lominsa's Lower Decks The dagger tattoo on Anaguma's cheek represents the mark of the Red Colts, a pre-Calamity Lower Decks gang consisting of roughly a dozen teenagers, their claim to fame being loitering and petty theft. Perhaps your character will recognise the mark. If not, Anaguma can also be found here conducting business with the Fisherman's Guild.
UNCOMMON: From the Far East With his ice blue eyes and brown-blonde hair, Anaguma's name is the only thing that insinuates he has Far Eastern ancestry. However certain characters may recognise the subtle tells that may give away his identity as shinobi.
RARE: Hiding from Garlemald A communication from Garlemald has been broadcast to all imperial forces currently stationed in Aldenard and Vylbrand. "Tribunis Angusticlavius Atticus sas Ferrum to all Imperial channels and Castra. Anaguma Kenesa; mid-twenties, five and seven tall, blue eyes, brown-blonde hair, dagger to be apprehended and submitted to the closest Castrum in proximity to his whereabouts for immediate extradition to the Capital. He is not expected to surrender, approximately 50% chance of either fight and flight. Lethal force is strictly forbidden and personally guarantees the remainder of your promising career in Castrum Ferrum's Black Cells. Out."

Important Notes for Prospective RP Partners
I follow a strict but fair code of conduct, it's important that roleplay needs to be somewhat consistent between two parties to ensure a quality and fun experience.
Other characters: Aurelia quo Ferrum is my WIP alt.
Combat: This depends on the characters, but I typically follow the honour system when fighting another character that shares combat expertise. If your character cannot fight and there is a scenario involving combat, I reserve my right to swap to freeform. I will play him as arrogant and patronising to justify why he may lose fights he would normally win, to explain the randomness of dice rolls. See the Combat tab for more info.
Lore is law: A lore-strict character and lore-free character just don't work properly. I can understand the world of FFXIV is somewhat lazily written and I sympathise with those whom have a particular fantasy they want to play out. But we need to adhere to the rules of this universe as it is the one constant that our characters share, no matter how different their lives are. On that note I do enjoy clever lore bending, and filling in any missing pieces. Honest mistakes or lack of knowledge are perfectly okay and I'm happy to assist you in course correction, I've been there.
Creative standards: It's good to have some form of source material available, whether it be an RPC like this one, a Carrd, or a Tumblr page. I have put a lot of love and effort into my characters, and I prefer to RP with like-minded players. Be prepared to back up key plot points, and remember that all actions have consequences. I detest those that blatantly rip off other characters and storylines.
Writing standards: Please put some thought and effort into what you post, and make use of proper grammar. Please don't be verbose unless there is a need for it. I typically post only two or three sentences to keep smooth and engaging roleplay.
Acceptable Themes: I am good for most mature and dark themes, but please ask before extremes such as erotic themes or disfigurement. I will not roleplay death, or anything involving minors.

My timezone is GMT+10:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time, and I can be reached on Discord; It's Naga#5417