Zarik Sylvora

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Zarik Nameplate.png

Vital Information


  • Name: Zarik Sylvora (Pronunciation: Zair-ick Sil-vor-uh)
  • Age: 25
  • Race: Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon
  • Gender: Male
  • Namesday: 13th Sun of the Seventh Moon
  • Nationality: Lominsan
  • Current Residence: ?
  • Occupation: Wanderer/mercenary
  • Marital Status: Single
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity


Height: ~5'9"
Weight: ~170 ponz
Body: Very well toned, "adventurer" body. More muscular than average miqo'te men.
Hair: Light blond, streaks of red. Typically short-medium in length.
Eyes: Emerald green
Skin: Dark tan/light brown
Clothing: Zarik wears primarily cloth and leather gear, but goes to great lengths to avoid robes or anything baggy. He prefers clothing that gives mobility, though he will at times wear heavier armor more recently.
Marks: Facial marks on cheeks typical of many miqo'te, tattoo around his eyes (representing wind element), twin tattoos down the entirety of his torso (representing lightning element), upper back ornate leaf shaped tattoo (representing earth element), solar sun shaped tattoo on right shoulder (representing fire element), a crystal shaped tattoo on his left calf (representing ice element), and a swirling vortex tattoo on the base of his right foot (representing water element).


A few years back, Zarik was known to have a very outgoing, impulsive, and emotional personality. This has changed over the years as he's taken a much more serious and almost brooding attitude more often than not, though his old self can sometimes shine through in the right rare situations. His intelligence is relatively low compared to many adventurers, as he didn't have typical schooling. He leans more towards the arts in his passion, especially music and magic.

He's recently become extremely invested in environmental issues, sporting an unexpected love for nature and all it encompasses.


  • Music (songs, instruments, concerts)
  • Magic (primarily elemental type)
  • Environmental issues (animals, etc)
  • Traveling (especially in boats or airships)


  • Intellectual or philosophical conversation
  • Baggy or heavy clothing
  • Wealthy elites, especially his own father.
  • Dragons


  • Swords and rapiers
  • Knowledge and skill with anything pertaining to music
  • Elemental magic


  • Money management
  • Low general education and unable to hold conversation on philosophical, historical, or 'higher learning' topics.
  • Becomes paralyzed with fear when dealing with anything draconic.


Zarik was born to the wealthy Lominsan businessman Luther Sylvora and his wife, Emelia Sylvora. As the second child, after his older brother Jayce, Zarik's memories of his life under this house remain nearly non-existant to him. What he does know is based primarily on his brother's words more than anything.

At the tender age of 6, Zarik and his brother were both kidnapped from their home in Limsa Lominsa. Or at least, that's what the general public and their father believed. In reality, the mother of the boys orchestrated the false kidnapping in order to get her sons away from their abusive father in hopes that they'd have a better life. Emelia did not join the boys, opting to stay with Luther in order to successfully keep him off her sons' trails. The boys were eventually believed to be dead, though they were safely moved to a safe haven in the small La Noscean village known as Swiftperch.

Their new life was radically different than their life at the old Sylvora Penthouse, as the two boys had to learn to fend for themselves quickly. Zarik grew up viewing his older brother in extremely high regard due to him being the only real family he's ever known. The two also were taken care of to some extent by the mercenaries Emelia hired to 'kidnap' them.

Zarik turned to thievery more often than not and frequently landed into trouble with Lominsan law, which eventually prompted Jayce to join the Maelstrom to help make ends meet for the two while attempting to be a positive role model for his younger brother at the same time. Jayce would frequently leave Swiftperch for weeks at a time on missions for the Maelstrom. Eventually, he simply never came back. Consumed with fear for his brother's safety, Zarik set out to look for Jayce and disappeared from Eorzea himself for several years only to recently resurface with a number of drastic changes to his personality, skills, and even his physical appearance...

Zarik's Journey

Zarik would come to experience four more great losses that would come to define his present self. These will be revealed in game prior to being listed here.

Zarik was left alone with his losses. He eventually made the decision to return to Eorzea as he contemplated his next steps and would pay a visit to one of his oldest friends, who seemed to have everything he ever dreamed of...

Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Positive Negative Neutral


Luther Sylvora
Luther Sylvora ( ) | Father | - Head of the powerful Limsan based company, Sylvora Enterprises. Built from his own two hands, Luther manages the business ruthlessly and with little mercy to competitors. Sylvora Enterprises originated as a simple restaurant business over twenty years ago known as Cibus Deorum, which is now just one of the several subsidiaries of the larger company that has connections from Limsa to Ul'dah to Kugane. Luther is often described by outsiders as an underworld mob leader with dangerous connections. Zarik has only a handful of negative memories of his father and hasn't made contact with him, though his disdain for the man remains stronger than ever. Due to Emelia's efforts, Luther still believes Zarik died years ago.

Emelia Sylvora
Emelia Sylvora ( ) | Mother | - Zarik's mother and head of public relations for Sylvora Enterprises. Zarik clearly gets many of his primary physical features (eyes, hair, and skin tone) from his mother, much to his benefit. Emelia is much softer in her demeanor than Luther. It is said that she and Luther remain married primarily out of convenience moreso than love these days, despite originally marrying one another for love. Zarik has few memories of the woman (all strangely positive), though his disdain for her remains strong nonetheless.

Jayce Sylvora
Jayce Sylvora ( ) | Brother | - Zarik's older brother and his hero. A slight contrast from Zarik, he always carried himself with professionalism and perceived experience. He was a master of daggers and also talented in some magic. Always protective of Zarik, Jayce joined the Maelstrom to pave a better future for the duo only to vanish mysteriously without a trace while out on a mission.


A childhood friend Zarik met by chance in his even younger years. They first bonded over their shared love of music. They remained extremely close for a time, until they simply weren't anymore as life took them down drastically different roads.

I have been RPing in XIV since 1.0, and even helped build this very website and its community. As such, my style has had a very long time to develop. I can be strict on some lore related topics, and loose on the more grey areas. Despite my vast experience and involvement in building the community from the ground up, I'm actually quite reserved at first. You will have significantly more success RPing with me if you come to me first, rather than waiting on me. And even then, I may come across as difficult to approach. I apologize for this, and promise I won't bite. If there's an actual barrier to my RPing with your character, I'll be 100% honest at all times. And I will always be professional and polite about it as well. When not RPing, I LOVE talking about RP. Bouncing ideas, talking about character factoids that may never see the day of light in game for whatever reason, etc.

About Me
Other Characters: Kylin Felstar (semi-retired and mostly NPC status now).
Timezone: US Eastern Standard Time.
Discord: Kylin#7037
Lore Adherence

I can be fairly strict on established lore, but will evaluate my position if there are grey areas or believable scenarios. I believe the setting/established lore is important to adhere to, else in game RP would be largely pointless. I also believe in balancing that belief with the stance that RPers need room to let creativity flow. It's all about maintaining a plausible balance.


I am not opposed to RP combat, but prefer to know the individuals on the other end to some extent first. I'm more of a freestyle in my combat stance in that I'm not a huge fan of dice systems designed on pure luck or D&D styled rules (though I'm willing to try it - just please let me know in advance if using such a system). My character has specific skill sets, yours has specific skill sets. We each know our characters well enough to know how a specific situation would play out for them. Trust is important in this category, as is ensuring god moding is kept at bay.


I am 100% in favor of RPing romantic relationships, within reason. It needs to be organic, not forced. In terms of how far I'd go, it really depends on my OOC comfort level with the individual. This can differ from person to person, so please don't take anything personal if I'm not comfortable going too far. While I am not opposed to sexual based RP, it's not something that would come easy with me (and certainly not this character either given how closed off he is). It's also very important to maintain the line between IC and OOC at all times if there's a romantic relationship.

Creative Standards
I believe in realistic high fantasy. Magic is a natural part of this world, and thus should be used creativily within the established lore. Made up magic spells are perfectly ok with me, so long as they don't overdo it (nuclear spells that could level a city, for instance, are too much unless RPed in a very controlled storyline--no singular character should be able to do this on a whim though).
I enjoy reading other character profiles or background stories, and prefer to roleplay with those that have them printed somewhere (though this is not a mandatory requirement for me). Experience has taught me that creating bonds with RPers comes easier this way, as it's easier to find and OOCly work out hooks for characters. Those who take time and energy to create such profiles also have a higher frequency of being more invested and sticking around longer.
I will not roleplay with inplausible characters. Inplausible refers to characters that have zero or contradictory lore support behind them (half/full voidsent, immortal characters, overly high ranking characters such as royalty, aliens/cyborgs, etc.)
I am not a para RPer, though I have nothing against those who are. I believe in game RP should flow quickly and organicly. I believe that long expositions belong in story posts, not in game. My responses will thus frequently be quick and concise. If you do wish to para RP, I only ask that you TRY to scale it back a bit so we can complete the scene in a timely manner.
  • Theme Song: Where are we going from here - Blackmore's Night
  • Real Life Doppleganger: Bernardo Velasco Except with blond hair and green eyes. And miqo'te features I guess? I'm bad at this.
  • Name Origin: Zarik is a character name I used in FFXI for several years and at the time was believed to be original and made up. I would later discover that the name did in fact exist (primarily in the form of 'Zarek') and had a wide range of meanings depending on what civilization it was used it. I've seen it roughly translate to "king," to being used as a demon name, to being used in comics. In Greek, it translates to roughly "God protect the king."
  • Player Info: I started FFXIV back in 2010 and have only had minimal breaks since then. I served as the RPC's admin for four years before passing the torch so I could focus on other things. My first character was known as Castiel Mavanix, who was later renamed to Kylin Felstar via IC happenings. I've also played Elza Ashfen, Freya Mavanix and other minor characters. After concluding most of these stories, Zarik has become my primary character. I've led numerous RP groups in FFXI and FFXIV both over the years as either an officer, leader, or advisor. Among these include Crystalline (FFXI), Ethereal (FFXI), Legacy (FFXI), Stormguard (FFXIV), Avalon (FFXIV), and Outer Heaven (FFXIV). I strove diligently to assist with the foundation of Balmung (formerly Besaid) and later Mateus as well. I am currently retired from all in game leadership roles.