Little Shark

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 Jhiro'a Moui
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Seventeen
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Jhiro'a, or Little Shark as he is most commonly known, was found floating in the river by a band of Hellsguard Roegadyn making their way through. Mercenaries by trade, originally they had thought the bundle of Miqo'te was unspoiled goods from a shipwreck, but after fishing him out of the water they quickly found out how wrong they were. They were fully prepared to set him back in the water and on his way, but the Miqo'te baby had other ideas and immediately clamped down on the fingers of his future father with his sharp little teeth and refused to let go. This also helped him earn his namesake. Later, the Roegadyn would jokingly say that they were stuck with him, and Shark's life as a Hellsguard began.


Unnaturally tall - something he boasts about to anyone that listens, claiming he's well on his way to being an upstanding member of Hellsguard - Shark is nevertheless scrawny, embarrassingly so. His eyes are an almost luminous yellow, hair a contrasting jet-black to his pale skin, traits inherent in most if not all Keeper Miqo'te. Despite this, he will loudly and vehemently claim to be Roe, and will snap at anyone stating otherwise. He tends to favor reds and all shades of it, enough that he is even willing to pay others to dye articles of clothing for him.


Having grown up around taverns and bars all his life, Shark's picked up on the different mannerisms and dialects - though, admittedly, some of the seedier bits - and most of his speech is littered with swears and vulgarities you wouldn't really expect from a Miqo'te his age. Enthusiastic to a fault, he has no qualms about using underhanded means to get what he wants; this includes using cub eyes at someone, flirting, speaking "properly" and doing favors for people. Though normally rude and vulgar, Shark's been known to put a lid on it when it gets to be too much, particularly around pretty girls and handsome men. Actually, it's those sorts of people that usually put him in a sort of tizzy, even more so when those good looks are coupled with acts of kindness and warmth that leave him stammering and making a quick bolt for the exit.

Funnily enough, he's got a really short fuse and a temper to rival even the surliest Roe, and while it's pretty easy to set him off it's incredibly hard to get him to calm down once he's raring to go. Although Shark lacks any kind of physical prowess that would make his snipes a threat, he does have an extensive supply of aether he has yet to tap into, and inciting his wrath is not recommended unless one is prepared to pay for building damages. Unless of course, you have a hand of attractive faces to send Shark packing.

It isn't a far stretch to see Shark in a crowded tavern or bar, boasting that he can drink everyone under the table -- and surprisingly enough, that's one of the things about him that he's actually good at. It also isn't uncommon to see him skulking around, hood drawn up over his head while he tries to pick out the next willing occupant to buy him a drink.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



  • Brandewine.
  • Spirits.
  • Ale.
  • Being praised.


  • Non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Being treated like a child.
  • Being pathetically weak and lacking physical strength.
  • Getting wet.
  • The rain.


  • Conning people into buying him stuff.
  • Collecting wind-up miniatures.
  • Really good at holding his liquor.


  • Seems to favor cinnamon, and will usually spice all of his meals/drinks with it.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Early Thunder - Adopted Father. Shark will boast of his pa to anyone willing to listen.


Aerostein Epitaph -

Aschnell Grantz -

Eirilys Ithell -

Ethri'a Valnyr - Shark first met Ethri'a at the ruins just south of Camp Bronze Lake. The other Keeper was literally drunk off his ass and, seeing the opportunity to swindle a poor drunkard out of his booze, Shark took to the ever-enjoyable task of drunk-babysitting. After learning the Miqo'te's name -- "Ethy", just to irritate him -- Shark helped him to try and wash his face off to get a bit of sobriety back into his system. Their conversation was short, but one of many; Teld arrived, and Shark left the drunk Miqo'te in his care.

Because of their established connection with Teld're, Shark and Ethri'a found themselves coming together more and more, whether they were aware of it or not. It seemed as though Ethri'a was always at Teld're's side, or Teld're was minutes away from being with Ethri'a. It was a relationship Shark didn't much care about, and so didn't, and went about his business as usual. The relationship between himself and Ethri'a blossomed, slowly; he'd either come across the paladin seated on a bench, staring into space as though waiting - or he would ask for accompaniment somewhere, and Teld would either come along with Ethri'a, or send him in his place. It got to the point Shark actually got used to the other Miqo'te's quietness, and it wasn't until much, much later that he began to wonder over it.

But his curiosity was in vain; Ethri'a either refused to answer or deflected his questions easily, but he did give the younger Keeper sound advice when it mattered. Over time Shark found himself confiding in and even looking up to the paladin, and their time together only increased. Shark would actively seek out Ethri'a and tag along with him, or else ask him to accompany him to places he couldn't get through alone. At one point, he even compared Ethri'a's strength to his pa, who before had stood on such a high pillar so as to be impossible to compare to the adventurers Shark had come across.

Ethri'a, though Shark isn't willing to admit it, is one of the people that can get under his skin without even trying. He finds himself yearning for the older Miqo'te's approval, asking for advice, and worrying over Ethri'a when the situation calls for it. Ethri'a came to him and La Noscea and, though he possessed more coveted strength than Shark could ever hope to achieve, he stayed with him. Even when Shark moved from La Noscea to Coerthas, knowing his was running away from everything, Ethri'a accompanied him. And it's in Coerthas that they make their life now - temporarily, at least - as Shark studies magicks and generally holes himself up away from people. Everyday with Ethri'a is a joy, and something Shark's come to appreciate; even moreso with his budding crush on the Keeper paladin.

But even so, paradise can't last forever. On an excursion into one of the raging blizzards to presumably fetch Shark a few items he'd been lacking, Ethri'a ... never returned. Not for hours, days, or weeks, and Shark has been counting down, flipping between worrying and raging at the fact that the other Miqo'te left him without saying anything. But there's a niggling thought in the back of his mind... because Ethri'a, the knight he's grown so used to seeing and depend on, wouldn't just disappear without warning. So Shark waits... and he hopes.

Gendulf Savage -

J'ehld Tia -

Li'ur Nunh -

Rick Fairchild -

Souhei Teo -

Tahni'sae Farreihm -

Teld're Eska'aldren - "If you kill a hundred of these creatures, your strength will increase a hundredfold." These words were what lured Shark into the Shroud, intent on killing as many kedtraps as he could possibly get his hands on. He was well within the fifty-sixty range when Teld're stumbled upon him and, presumably thinking the Miqo'te needed help (though really, the kedtraps were in Teld's way), began to slaughter all the creatures in his path.

Needless to say, Shark was not pleased. After flinging a few curses and insults in the swordsman's direction, Shark thought he'd at least scared him off. On the contrary, Teld're confessed to finding the other Miqo'te attractive, and when Shark ran Teld pursued him across the forest and pinned him down. From there, their friendship grew; Shark found himself teasing the other Miqo'te endlessly and keeping him company - with the promise of free drinks, who wouldn't? - and they even shared a few trysts here and there.

When the news of Shark's pa reached his ears, Teld was one of the first that sought to bring him out of his depression, an act the Keeper finds himself immensely grateful to him for. Not that he'd admit it out loud, of course. Though they don't talk much anymore - mostly because Shark's under the false assumption Teld considers him more like a possession than a friend - Shark still holds him in esteem and thinks of him often.

Y'tuma Tia -


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


Common Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Moderate Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Rare Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

PC Rumors

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras pellentesque felis mi, et consequat felis ullamcorper quis. Phasellus sed placerat justo. Cras id semper lectus. Suspendisse pulvinar diam eget ante vehicula, at fermentum velit pulvinar. Vivamus rutrum, elit eu pellentesque suscipit, nunc dui ultricies sapien, quis semper lacus elit dapibus augue. Morbi semper metus venenatis quam sodales fermentum. Cras odio nibh, aliquam at porta vel, ultrices ut sem. In id viverra purus. Maecenas malesuada ipsum nec erat egestas, ac ornare ligula tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea