Yappo Rappo

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Yappo Rappo
Infobox Yappo.png
(Pictured: The Man with the Playmobil Goatee)
"Because that popoto, the caterers inform me, has been brined in the deepest and saltiest trench in Eorzea."

Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Plainsfolk
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 30
Marital Status Single
Occupation Inn Manager
Education Mealvaan's Gate (Briefly)
Patron/Faith Oschon
Nameday 22nd Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon


Yappo Rappo (Say it with me: Yap-po Rap-po), a fanatic of The Twelve, though you'd never guess it at a glance - he is an adherent of his patron Oschon with the tell-tale itch for adventure and wanderlust expected of his adherents. Yappo has been many things, letting his zeal and charisma rally people towards inconceivable ventures many a time, though these days seem to be at their end. But once upon a time, he was an inn manager - of the Lion's Rest Inn. He marched the inn workers to the heart of countless zany and dangerous conflicts that no real inn worker should have had to contend with. As manager, he believed adventure was a foregone conclusion. (Albeit one that paid very well, leading him to establish a branch of the Adventurer's Guild and their levemetes within the inn.) Since then, the inn has hit hard times. The cost of adventure was too much, while the pay-off became too little. Their tavern overtook the leves and inn as the bread-winner of the establishment, and the original owner even sold off portions of the hall to Othardian immigrants wishing to turn the inn into a Doman restaurant. Much to Yappo's melancholy - so much so, he found himself out of work and adrift on the streets of Ul'dah, largely by choice rather than simply circumstance. Eventually, he fell afoul of the Brass Blades and was committed to an alienist for an unfortunate addiction to inhalants. Though the mercurial manager has quite the storied past, nobody but he can really sift out the glimmers of truth that lie under every rumor, tale, and nugget of information that once spread by the streets of Ul'dah. Most recently, and thankfully quite true, is that he has triumphantly completed rehabilitation. Where he goes next is up to him.


Even out of work, Yappo believed a person must be physically presentable - and when it comes to that, he at least made the attempt to clean up. All things considered, he succeeded at that even in the midst of transience, but not because he was rugged or handsome or anything like that. It's because everything about him covers up well enough, everybody likes a good plain canvas. The smell of paint-thinner once vanished with scented oils, then he had to resort to freshly discarded fruit peels on the streets in hard times. He has a number of scars from his youth that he kept concealed through a variety of methods - makeup for those shallow lines on his face? No problem, hardly noticeable. That scar on the underside of his chin? He has a goatee over it. Shallow whip scars across the back? Really, who is going to see Yappo without a shirt? (The whip scars are another story entirely, though.)

Of course, Yappo is not the plain canvas he pretends to be. For starters, he is two-and-a-quarter fulm over the average height of a Lalafell, standing at 4 fulms. Such growth is generally an abnormality most common amongst children whose mothers were exposed to levels of ambient aether slightly in excess of healthy standards. Never mind the other health complications to mother and child, Yappo Rappo suffers from self-esteem issues regarding his freakish height and bulky physique.

This self-consciousness forces Yappo to obsessively utilize whatever he can to appear shorter and slimmer at a glance. Posture adjustments, sitting or leaning and turning more often rather than standing straight, flatter shoes, certain clothes and patterns giving the mere illusion of being smaller than he actually is overall. Which, more often than not, actually pads his wardrobe with a variety of outfits. It adds a silver lining to an uncomfortable mode of being.

His casual wardrobe comprises mostly shirts and tunics of varying looseness, with only the most billowy articles of clothing clasped together with whatever's on hand. Yappo also has a fair number of robes and uniforms in custom sizes, being a self-styled academic only as often as his mood sees fit. Yappo's taste is off-the-cuff, let's say - he is a man equal parts eccentric and sentimental, and many of the stranger or mismatched pieces have been handed down or bought for incredibly specific purposes. (Such as, for example, a certain floppy red hat gifted from a close friend, his father's spencer, or a pair of scandalous knickers bought for a Valentione's Day date.)


Expressive. Adaptable. Neurotic. Yappo has many personality flaws - with his crowning flaw being a tendency for incredible, incredible stubbornness and pig-headedness. But otherwise, Yappo tries to be relatively conscientious in his day-to-day. A historically difficult goal to reach given a history of emotional disturbance. His alienist put it in no uncertain terms: Yappo Rappo has an addictive personality, plagued by inhalant and alcohol abuse as well as spree-shopping, informed by a traumatic prior history with Somnus. Add to that survivor's guilt, an abusive relationship in his youth, and unstable lines of work.

Skimming past the bad, however, one can see that Yappo is a deeply empathetic man with skewed morals, an underlying sensitivity and child-like glee. (Sometimes not a good thing, but we're trying to keep positive.) His paternal family comes from artistic and adventurous roots, and he himself has an interest for collecting (puppets, tools, stuffed animals by his own admission), cartography, the stars, and painting, so it's often that you will find him at an easel in his free time.

Leaving positive interpretations behind and moving on to darker pastures, we come to the best example of Yappo's pig-headedness. The man has an obsessive interest in all things magical, despite suffering from birth defects making magical disciplines acutely more dangerous for himself and everyone around him, and what does he do? He forces himself to learn different schools of magic, to pick up pieces from ones he can not find tutelage in, to experiment and put things together. Strictly speaking, it is a wonder that Yappo Rappo has not immolated himself, churned his insides out, and/or wounded anyone grievously in his attempts.

In fact, many people have thought Yappo extremely oblivious, if not callous and malicious, for not noticing outwardly the worrisome outcomes of his mucking around with magic, especially as some of these incidents were explosive. The alienist saw beyond Yappo's facade of obliviousness, noting an intense guilt involving his birth and his mother's health prior to her death driving his recklessness onward.

Yappo Rappo suffers from a complex of aetheric birth defects and imbalances; an exchange between a person's reservoir of aether, which can be synonymous with their life energies, and the ambient environment is natural in order to maintain balance in the body - but in Yappo's case, his capacity for aether is atrophied and his body seeks to constantly correct this, forcing his body to vent out higher-than-average concentrations of elemental aether and voraciously replace it with aether from his surroundings in an unhealthy cycle. Among the effects of this syndrome are a susceptibility to aetheric influence, natural or unnatural, and increased risks of backfiring magic.

Yappo Rappo was aware of these defects, though they had not been competently diagnosed or cataloged by an aetherologist. In fact, he previously disbelieved that these defects were the source of his magical difficulties, and this disbelief was often a source of depression and self-defeat, which may have been the only things saving him from a fiery death via magical accident; plainly, he could not bear the possibility that his family's demise would have been averted had he not been conceived, so he denied these defects and sought to prove that he could perform magic at a competitive level, that he simply hadn't hit upon his strengths.

The good news is that after meeting with an alienist and a proper aetherologist, Yappo Rappo has been making strides into tackling these issues and utilizing his knowledge responsibly.


LIKE. High-repetition exercise

LIKE. Novelty trinkets and intriguing curios

LIKE. Accounting

LIKE. Travel

LIKE. Fruity alcohol




DISLIKE. Discussing his love life


DISLIKE. Slavery

DISLIKE. The Twelveswood

DISLIKE. The smell of brand-new books and glue


STRENGTH. Endurance

STRENGTH. Well-read

STRENGTH. Resourcefulness

STRENGTH. Upper body strength and flexibility


WEAKNESS. Irritability and belligerence

WEAKNESS. Immaturity; stubbornness

WEAKNESS. Aetheric imbalances

WEAKNESS. General over-eagerness, impatience

WEAKNESS. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none

WEAKNESS. Self-doubt

WEAKNESS. Bouts of melancholy


This is a list of the items that Yappo usually keeps on his person, unguarded. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: N/A, 0 days since last incident.

  • ITEM: Pots of Ink: Pots of varying formulas of ink, quill and nubs sold separately.

  • ITEM: Inn Ledgers x3: Presumably containing information pertaining to the Lion's Rest Inn. Seemingly encrypted, though it could just be gibberish.

  • ITEM: Lucky Dagger: A dagger whose edges have been dulled and its tip bronzed. The hilt is inscribed with the word 'Champ'.

  • ITEM: Length of Loose Wire: A very long length of scrap metal garbage found in the depths of Yappo's pocket?

  • ITEM: Saucy News Clipping & Rag Smelling of Paint-Thinner: ???

Humorous Trivia

A tongue-in-cheek exchange of jokes, tangentially related to (and sillier than) rumors. All are blatantly dubious - however, some may be laced with fragments of the truth.

  • Yappo earned his chin scar after he mishandled a crowbar while working in Limsa Lominsa.
  • Did you know? Yappo likes his men like he likes his alcohol; stuffed into a barrel for several moons.
  • Yappo has not had an admirer ever since his last one spontaneously combusted in the middle of the Quicksand.
  • If you listen closely at odd hours, you can hear Yappo talking to the portrait of the Admiral in his office at the Lion's Rest tavern.
  • Yappo has bi-weekly sprees of drunken bartering, thus is the source of the legions of trinkets stashed away in the Lion's Rest basement.
  • He can not muster the strength to bite anybody, because he has a weak lower jaw.
  • Despite needing glasses, Yappo is unbeaten among his colleagues at target shooting.


   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Yappo Rappo is a particularly well-rounded individual. He retains a lot of familiarity with dagger-play from his childhood, and his maneuverability from his less wholesome days as a young adult - to which end he exercises constantly to keep his flexibility and strength up. His four fulm and relatively bulky build belie an interest in scholarly pursuits; on a wide variety of subjects, in matters of both magical theory and practice, and other mundane topics and crafts. Unfortunately, magical pursuits are often reckless and endanger himself and others - not only because Yappo is thick-headed and stubborn, but moreover because Yappo is genetically predisposed to aetheric imbalances in his body, crippling his ability to handle forms of magic popularly described as rigorous or demanding - which most martial forms classify as. (Of course, it hasn't occurred to Yappo that his performance is not the issue, thus perpetuating a cycle of frustration, disappointment, hazard, then regret.)

He is not completely incapable of magic, however. After all, it has been previously mentioned that he is well-rounded, even if it's at the expense of his (and others') well-being. As a ward of Mealvaan's Gate, he was taught the foundations of Arcanima. Of course, after they figured out that Yappo was entirely incapable of forming a Carbuncle or even of bringing down a proper Ruin, they focused on the arithmetic over the magical. The only grace given to him from that kind of schooling was that Yappo did eventually find a talent for mending wounds the hard way - and more importantly a knack with numbers and ledgers.

But when it comes to matters of martial prowess, Yappo is not nearly as hopeless. Small implements and acrobatics are his bread and butter in a fight, giving him both freedom of mobility and a Plan B in the thick of battle when magic has availed him nothing. He is very flashy but limited by his lifestyle as a mere inn manager. Though, it's not as if Yappo has a lot of down-time or chance to 'undo' what has been drilled into him, as his regimen and eagerness to dive headfirst into dangerous work discourages wasting away. Now, some of those encounters occasionally need a more subtle touch, which is where the rest of his 'kit' comes in. Due to his stature and build, a very effective and relatively less noisy way of getting 'the final say' is through the use of his trusty length of wire. Otherwise, hitting someone over the head with a thick ledger is a good, non-lethal alternative.

Trusty Knives

No matter what shape, style, or condition, Yappo always has a different pair of workable knives or daggers on hand. Often, multiples if they're small enough. All over his body. With the exception of his Lucky Dagger, which has been dulled and treated as a memento more than an instrument of battle, (not that it doesn't make it equally as dangerous,) Yappo whets all of his daggers equally and lovingly. It's very stress-relieving.

Piano Wire

Seemingly a thin piece of scrap metal trash, when pulled taut, it becomes a lethal weapon. Especially in the hands of a 4 fulm individual with intense grip and (graceful) leaping power. If your neck doesn't snap first, bleeding out is often the way anybody caught in the Raptor's Wire will go. That said, it is an exceedingly rare occasion that Yappo ever feels the desire or necessity to use it.

Spell Ledger

Similarly to his daggers, Yappo has a bunch of books tucked away on his person - clothes permitting. But he only has one ledger that beats out all the other ledgers - again, no matter the style, thickness, or content, there is always one ledger clipped to his side. It's relatively unknowable whether the contents within any one of these clip-on ledgers correspond to the contents of the other ledgers, but there's one thing that is indeed obvious. The ledgers pack a fucking punch when applied liberally to the face - and they are, of course, called 'spell' ledgers for a reason.

Sheer Magical Will

While not technically a physical, corporeal weapon, Yappo's ignorance and stubbornness make a very wild and dangerous one. In his desperation and frustration, he has practiced - and formally flunked out of - Thaumaturgy, to horrible results. You do not want to mess with a repeat flunk with little to lose. In addition, Yappo's short temper under pressure makes him even more reckless than he already is. It's to everyone's benefit that they get out of the way and watch the fireworks from afar when he pops.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that CHARACTER has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what HE/SHE has been up to.

  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.
  • Opponent Name (Date) : Weapon. Details about the fight.


Yappo Rappo was the youngest of three brothers, all of whom were raised on a family tradition of bucking the traditional - a trait from their father's side of the family; asides never eating local, they eschewed the Plainsfolk's weakness for festivities and merriment, instead favoring discipline and stoicism. Which suited them fine for many a reason that may soon become clear.

The other two brothers were, from eldest to younger, Gepesi Dapesi - Yappo's personal hero growing up; and then Yagefa Poyafa, the over-eager middle child determined to prove himself to everyone. Gepesi and Yagefa were aged 15 and 10 summers respectively when their mother Dasisi Dasi bore Yappo in the year 1549 of the Sixth Astral Era.

Despite the large age gap and the complications of Yappo's birth, the brothers had no qualms helping their parents raise him - as best they could. Something that their father, Yafayel Ofayel, was especially grateful for - but that did not mean that any of them were allowed to be remiss in their duties. Because you see, they were not simple farmers, craftsmen, or scholars; Yappo's lineage stemmed from a long line of Limsan rogues, members of the Upright Thieves who upheld the rapscallion code and were a stye upon the piratical elements of Vylbrand and her surrounding seas - dutifully keeping them in check. At least, this was on their mother's side of the family.

From Yafayel Ofayel's side of the family came cartographers, navigators, explorers. Not a single rogue, but many a dashing sailor. This reputation carried on as recently as the brothers' grandfather, Oredo Laneddo, who was well-established among the privateers and pirates as a drafter of exquisite maps and a Twelves-given gift for navigating the seas. It was a chance encounter along the Indigo Deep that paired Yafayel and Dasisi Dasi together in the first place, actually.

Though, it took many summers for Oredo Laneddo to stomach the pairing; he had an immediate distaste for Dasisi Dasi's father, the rogue Dadasi Adadsi - and the distaste was mutual. The rogue and the navigator bickered from the onset, all while Yafayel dreamed in secret of cavorting with Dasisi and the Upright Thieves. Over time, the two codgers realized that the love between the two was real and pure. Though Oredo Laneddo and Dadasi Adadsi hated each other (for the silliest and pettiest of reasons at that), they would not see their hatred spoil the love they had for their children. They vowed to steer clear of one another and allow the couple a chance to breathe.

And breathe, they did: Yafayel picked up the ropes with the Upright Thieves quick enough - and not long after, the two lovers bore their first child. Five relatively quiet years later, as planned, they bore the second. Five more years probably would have seen the third, had controversy not intervened.

At the time circa 1537, the admiralty was lax in policing a number of Limsan enterprises, leaning upon the rogues to police the waters for them as they always have, rogues who protected ships from the brigands that roamed and pillaged against the code, rogues who had reigned with just cause from the admiralty and many admirals before. But who polices the police? The trouble began when vessels started experiencing a rash of incidents that could be waved away as 'honest mistakes' ranging from missing goods, unwarranted investigations, the brief detention of innocent sailors - typical and seedy enough until one night, an armed raid was conducted by a squad of rogues on a charter ship, The Fourth Hell, under vague premises. The vessel in question hosted Oreddo Laneddo as it embarked from Vylbrand to the Near East. Unsurprisingly, the squad's leader was Dadasi Adadsi.

Normally when the pirate code was broken, the Upright Thieves piled in and meted out justice however they could. Be it a bloody end for the transgressors or no. But when the rot comes from within, the unjust from without can smell it like blood in the water; the Upright Thieves were momentarily compromised by greed and Dadasi Adadsi was complicit. Little wonder that the Raid of The Fourth Hell ended up drawing nearby vessels into battle; the raid was loud, sloppy and the ship's cargo was enough to break even. It was the perfect opportunity for brigands and pirates to get a step ahead of their fellows.

By the end of the night, the raid had become the fifth-worst commercial bloodbath in the former admiral's career; as befits a nation of pirates, the list of commercial disasters were long and gruesome, and no doubt a factor in the next admiral's rise in 1561, and likely later in his successor Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn's decision to seek the authority of Chief Admiral. (A feat she has yet to achieve to this day, yet great strives have been made.)

The casualties resulting from that night did not end there either, again typical of such incidents; begetting ripples whose motion won't die out. Oredo Laneddo survived the raid, as did a token portion of The Fourth Hell's crew - and the Upright Thieves' reputation had been publically compromised by a 'dangerous turn-coat'. Dadasi Adadsi's crew scattered to the winds as fugitives, leaving their 'leader' to stand for trial and execution. An execution served by his very son-in-law, Yafayel, one who had become dear to grizzled old rogue. It is said that Dadasi's death was carried out coldly and efficiently, though his final words were queer and coded: "Blame not the sharpy, shush went the scarpers - not for measures, but treasure."

It was a matter of public record that Dadasi Adadsi spat on the concept of piratical folktale; things such as rumors of buried treasures and mysterious last words, Yafayel would later explain to his kids, but Didasi's final say amounted to childish gloating: my men are gone and you'll never find 'em, because they didn't sell the goods for money, but for whores.

True to his word, without a paper trail or witnesses, few of his co-conspirators were ever found. Shaken by the events, Oredo Laneddo withdrew from Vylbrand and fled to Ishgard, a city-state relatively less paranoid of stowaways under carriages, (the answer to anybody obviously not of Ishgardian citizenry would be prejudice - it was fitting for these people to just waste away as Brume-rats, or simply be cut down when they caused trouble,) where he eked out a living with his cartography.

About twelve years after Dadasi's death, Yappo was born. Born quite large for a newborn Lalafell, he was nonetheless a tad frail for his early years - moreover, there were fears his mother would not live past the birth. Though she survived yet, fierce as she was, Yappo was raised believing she was never quite as vigorous as before he was born. Regardless, he was also raised on cautionary tales like those of his grandparents' feud and other things aside - but Yappo always held that particularly sordid history as his favorite of these many cautionary tales.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Mother’s Name, mother. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.

Father’s Name, father. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER's Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam..

Sibling’s Name, sibling. ( ??? )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: ”Quote goes here.”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that CHARACTER has interacted with enough or in such a way for HIM/HER to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on CHARACTER, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... DATE.

* An asterisks denotes that CHARACTER doesn't know the individual's true name.

Character Name, short descriptor. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to CHARACTER. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

  • "Rumor goes here." -- Rumor Author.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of CHARACTER that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of CHARACTER, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim.

  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.
  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.
  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam. Aliquam maximus nulla id congue imperdiet. Curabitur nisi elit, scelerisque mattis diam ac, blandit congue eros. Curabitur molestie lacus sed vestibulum euismod. Praesent aliquam lorem lacus, egestas vestibulum ante commodo ut. Ut nisl arcu, vestibulum ac vehicula at, aliquet et elit. Nam molestie interdum massa ac pharetra.


Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.


Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying to or just being really skeevy in general. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:


Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.


Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.
Summary of thing to keep in mind. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo.


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This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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