A'shev Mhalikh
A'shev Mhalikh | |
![]() | |
Character Information | |
Full Name | A'shev Mhalikh |
Nickname(s) | Shev |
Race | Miqo'te |
Subrace | Keeper/Seeker Miqo'te mix |
Gender | Male |
Sexual Orientation | Pansexual |
Relationship Status | Married to Kheisa'to Mhalikh |
Nameday | 16th Sun, 2nd Astral Moon (3/16) |
Age | 31 |
Guardian | Halone, the Fury |
Occupation | Mercenary. Former pit fighter. Samurai. |
Family |
General Information
Put your general overview of your character here!
Appearance goes here.
Personality Traits
- Put
- Individual
- Words
- That
- Describe
- Your
- Character's
- Personality
- Or
- Philosophy
- Here
Personality and mannerisms go here.
Philosophy & Ideals
Philosophy and ideals go here.
- Quirks
- Go
- here.
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Flaws | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early Life
Notes about the character's childhood go here.
Notes about the character's adolescence go here.
Notes about the character's adult life go here.
Recent Times
Notes about where your character has been the last few months go here.
Common | Uncommon | |
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Rare | Player Character | |
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Relationship Status Key
- ☀ Loved One
- ❤ In Love
- ✿ Attraction
- § Complicated
- ♫ Friend
- ✔ Good Standing
- ✘ Poor Standing
- ● Neutral
- ✫ Uncertain
- ✞ Deceased
Close Friends | Family | |
Friends | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
Hook Name
Description of hook.
Hook Name
Description of hook.
Hook Name
Description of hook.
Acceptable RP | Unacceptable RP | |
Player Info
I'm Shieke! I'm a Web Developer and have a very busy personal life. I'm usually available in the mid-to-late evening. I love meeting new people and I don't bite (maybe). I also enjoy cats, otters, geckos, cross-stitch, general nerdery, and singing in my nonexistent free time. I look forward to talking with you!
My Policies
I (Mostly) Adhere to Lore
I'm not a lore nazi! For the most part I am a lore-abiding citizen, but there are occasionally situations in which I will bend lore to suit the story's needs. These are typically things that have little or no official lore already established, are vague in their definitions and could possibly be implemented in different ways, or simply things that are heavily theorized, as that is not official lore. If lore is revealed that contradicts a story or character concept that is already out there, I will try my best to fit it into current lore, but that may not always be possible.
I am very good at separating IC (in-character) and OOC (out-of-character). The way that a character of mine is feeling is not necessarily the way that I am feeling, and I will never intentionally color IC interactions with my OOC mood. I expect anyone that I RP with to make an effort to separate IC and OOC to avoid awkwardness or hurt feelings down the line as a result of character interactions.
Communicate, Please
I try to make the RP experience as fun as possible, but there are some times where behind the curtain talk needs to happen. I don't require a lot of frequent updates, but I do expect to be informed if there are plot developments that would affect my character(s) or if there is an OOC reason you need to back off from the RP. I'm a very understanding person, so never be afraid to approach me OOC!
Metagaming and Godmodding are Bad, Mkay
I don't like it, and it could end an RP partnership if it's done to me or my characters. If you don't know what these are, here's a simple definition of both:
- METAGAMING: Using OOC knowledge of a situation to dictate your character's IC actions when your character has no knowledge that would actually cause them to perform said actions. A good example would be a character giving someone directions to a locale that they do not even know exists because the player knows where it is.
- GODMODDING: A player taking control of a character that is not theirs; specifically someone else's PC (player character). This includes a multitude of things. It could be a player's character inflicting a wound on another person's character without permission ("Billy hits Bob, and Bob loses his thumb"). As a general rule, it's not in good taste to control other peoples' characters unless they say it's okay and approve everything that's happening.
Let Our Partnership Be Equal
I'm not interested in a situation where someone just wants a side character for their story. I prefer to have an RP partnership that is equal--maybe one of our characters is more powerful, wealthier, or has more connections than another, but that does not reduce other characters to side character status. Please be respectful of the people around you and know that they're here to share in the experience, too!
OOC Character Info | Links | |
Wiki Info | Credits | |
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.
Last Updated: February 2, 2020 |
Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |