Andora Cabot

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Andora Cabot
The Hierophant

In the Fury there is purpose.



Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION: An-door-uh Cab-it

NICKNAMES: Sister, Cabot

RACE & CLAN: Hyur - Midlander

GENDER: Female.

AGE: Early 30's.

NAMEDAY: 2nd Sun, 4th Umbral Moon.



Other Statistics

NATIONALITY: Ishgardian.


FAMILY: Unknown.



PATRON DEITY: Worships Halone.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5 fulms, 4 ilms. 105 ponze.


General Information
Andora often blends into any particular setting without drawing much attention to herself. As a trained priest, she often busies herself with work on behalf of the church.
“If I cannot bend Heaven, I will raise Hell.” -Virgil
Hair & Eyes
Dark inky locks tumble just past her shoulders. In contrast, her eyes are a soft, sallow green.
Physique & Markings
She is diminutive for a midlander, standing below average in height and carried on a noticeably weak frame. Her cheeks are sallow and her deep-set eyes encircled by dark rings, which may give the impression she is often exhausted.
Hygiene & Attire
Given her profession Andora is often dressed conservatively in dark robes. She may sometimes be found in light robes, but seldom exposes much of her body or dresses in a way that draws particular attention to herself. Her hygiene is well attended to.
Psychological Profile
INTP. The Architect. Introvert(44%) / Intuitive(38%)/ Thinking(47%)/ Perceiving(31%). INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, or the architect, INTPs have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history. They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to an INTP. This makes it ironic that INTPs’ word should always be taken with a grain of salt – it’s not that they are dishonest, but people with the INTP personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners. This may make them appear unreliable, but in reality no one is more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution than INTPs – just don’t expect punctual progress reports.
Slightly softer than she would like, Andorah's voice does not naturally project well. Her words are colored by a subtle Ishgardian dialect, betraying her heritage.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Andora is typically disinterested in involving herself in the personal problems of others and in that sense, demonstrates a striking tolerance toward others. Whether this is a good or bad trait of hers remains largely situational.
● Rare tomes.
● Snowfall.
● The soft glow of a candle.
● The promise of excitement.
● The Dark.
● Distant travel.
● Rich foods.
● Comforting Presence. There's something about her company that can put people at ease.
● Research. Andora has dedicated much of her life to the pursuit of knowledge.
