Garnet Rayn

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 Garnet Rayn
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship None
Age 17
Marital Status Single
Occupation Magitek/Airship Mechanic
Height/Weight 5'2 / 110 lb
Orientation Straight
Relatives Seneca Pyrrhus (Father, Deceased)

Pearl Rayn (Mother, Deceased) Obsidian Rayn (Maternal Uncle, Deceased)

Jet Rayn-Polaali (son)


Basic Info


■ Fluffy/Soft things
■ Being warm
■ Good food
■ Airships
■ Magitek


■ Scary things
■ Wasted food
■ Being forced to do something


Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Vice(s): Food, Sleep
Favorite Food: Boiled Eggs
Favorite Drink: Water
Favorite Color: Sunset Red

Appearance & Personality

Garnet is a small, tan woman with light blue hair that's been faded by the sun and deep green eyes. She's a bit curvy despite her height. Unknown to most, under her bangs she hides a Garlean 3rd eye though, with it hidden, most assume from her size she's a Midlander Hyur.



Garnet was just a baby when her and her father were killed in a conflict between Garlean forces and local rebels. Her mother, a conjurer, was unable to live with the loss. So she gave her life to give Garnet back hers. Just under a year old, Garnet was taken in by her maternal uncle, Obsidian. Obby, as Garnet affectionately called him, was the captain of an air ship. Just a shipping vessel, they spent most of their time safely out of the local conflicts and in the sky. Garnet was raised by her uncle and his crew. They were all very protective of her; it was like living with an army of fathers. They always told her to stay away from men, taught her to fight and protect herself while making sure she had useful skills. She found as a young child that she enjoyed the warmth of the engine room and so she spent most of her time there. She learned out to maintain, upgrade and rework an airship and it's parts. Not only was it a great talent for her but it would come to save her in the future.


When Garnet was 14 her uncle got his hands on a magitek bit. He wasn't sure what to do with it but it was still operational and dangerous so he dismantled it as best he could and let it sit. Unbeknownst to Obsidian, Garnet began to sneak into his work area and toy with the bit. After only a few months, Garnet had reassembled the bit into a working state but she had de-weaponized it. She had it so that the bit would follow her around. Her uncle, so impressed, let her keep it and encouraged her to play with and learn more about magitek. She could tell that her was scared by it all a little but she didn't know why until the night her uncle sent her away. Word had spread of her ingenuity and skill with re-purposing magitek and she had become a target, not just by Garlean forces but by rebels as well. To protect her from it all, Obsidian sent Garnet away to Eorzea. In a land of adventurers and refugees, he figured she could take care of herself enough to blend in. He told her before she left about her parents. It was the first time he'd ever talked about them. Obsidian told her that her father was a magitek engineer and her mother a conjurer. The two had met, fallen in love and died in conflict. He worried her talent would draw her to conflict as well and so, before she left, he had her promise to put her safety first. She promised him. Not long after Garnet left, Obsidian's ship was shot out of the sky by Garlean forces. There were no survives.



Garnet has recently joined an Free Company! Though she's nervous, she hopes to make plenty of new friends.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ She's an orphan, wandering on her own.
■ "Girl doesn't know how to take a complement." -badly beaten, anonymous marauder
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"She might look innocent and defenseless, but don't make the mistake of underestimating her. She definitely knows how to fight." -Pyha'to Polaali
"Oh! Uh...her. Between us, I am quite scared of her... I pray I am never trapped in a room with her. I fear I would leave the room with my whole body misaligned!" -Clover Covey
"Miss Garnet is a sensitive and slightly unpredictable young woman. She is a tinkerer of magitechnology but seems easily upset by the topic of its military application. Having upset her once I have resolved to steer clear of the topic in the future, and would ask that you please do the same, lest you cause her any unwarranted distress." -Lilia Lia
"While Anadl seems prone to hysteria, I'm sure it's steeped in good reason which is none of my business so long as it doesn't affect her work." - J'maaira Tuhl
"Still so young, for what's she's doing. It's good to start young, yeah? But it hasn't been easy on her. I just hope she ends up alright." - Gwannes Oskwell


Romantic Interest Sexual Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Pyha'to Polaali - One of the first people she met in Eorzea, Garnet saved Pyha'to from a target he'd been hunting. Since then the two have exchanged letters and spent some time together. Though Garnet is not in love with him, she's not interested in him exclusively in a sexual way. In fact, it's not even the primary way she's interested in him. She's more interested in being close to him than anything else. She just enjoys his company yet it's unclear to what degree.

Sapphire Silkencoat - A young Lalafell boy whom refers to Garnet as "Big sis". That feeling is rather mutual considering Garnet regard him as a younger brother of sorts. She becomes very protective and motherly around Sapphire, more so than she actual does her own son. She tries to be for Sapphire what she though her mom would have been like, a habit she's been trying to break, trying her best to just be herself.

Jikam Constans - A rather eccentric and perceptive man, Jikam has become yet another member of Garnet's "family". She regards him as an older brother of sorts though, unlike with Sapphire, she doesn't refer to him as 'brother'. The two are very close but they don't get to see each other as much as Garnet would like.

Locke Fairwind - A mysterious medic whose become something of Garnet's personal nurse. For some reason, whenever Garnet ends up getting hurt while working, Locke is always there to bandage her up. She's not entirely sure how she feels about Locke, but she sees him as someone she can trust and go to for help.

Shatterblade Calithos - A dagger wielding man from a far and unkown land. Garnet trusts him, always finding him honest. He's been following her around ever since the spoke to each other at her free company's tavern night.

Aelius corinthius - "Ael" has he insists people call him is a passive aggressive, easily made jealous, child of a man. He's constantly lying to everyone and Garnet's gotten good at knowing if he's blatantly lying. Even though she suspects she knows what's really going on with him, she has a deep seeded want to trust him. So much so, it will most likely be her downfall. Yet she's hesitant with him, unsure when he's telling the truth and even more untrusting of his actions, especially his actions towards her.