Lalamune Zazamune
Lalamune Zazamune | |
![]() "The wonders of Aether are boundless, if you are bold enough to seek them out with a healthy dose of research." | |
Character Information | |
General Information
Lalamune Zazamune, often referred to by friends as "Zaz", is a proud Ten-summer graduate of Sharlayan, having studied the various verses of Aetheric Manipulation and its several disciplines over the course of his venture abroad. He has dabbled and experimented in the multiple arts - Conjury, Thaumaturgy, Arcanima, even going beyond into researching the more advanced practices of Amdapori White, Mhachi Black, Allagan Summoning, Nymian Scholastics, Sharlayan Astronomy, Abanian Red... The minute magician and his verbose self has had quite the escapade in pursuit of his understanding and 'perfection' of such in terms of Aetheric Manipulation.
Across his stay with Sharlayan, he has endured much hardship, in various forms; prejudice, tests, field research, expeditions, excavations, expectations, but they have all served to steel his resolve, and make him the mage he is today. And with his return to Eorzea, he aims to put his talents-turned-skill to good use- by sharing his knowledge, and acting upon it for the betterment of the realm, and its peoples.
Zaz' has an average build for a Lalafellin Scholar - his arms and legs are toned through extensive use, lifting and moving multiple stacks of books across varing amounts of distances repeatedly. However, his core is still left wanting, offering a bit of flabby chubbiness to his stomach area.
Zaz' stands at a modest 2' 10", with a head of jagged, layered verdant hair, and a pair of silvery-white eyes that create the allusion of blindness. Despite his platinum pupils, he is not lacking of the sense - he can still see just fine.
Matching his jade locks, his attire is primarily just as green - the striking shade of Cactuar green typically matching his spectacles and emerald bangs, and favoring the typical set of flowing robes. Though his attire may change based on the disciple he's practicing, and in his casual attire, he chooses to contrast with a striking shade of Dalamud Red instead.
Personality Traits
- Altruist
- Logical
- Pragmatic
- Verbose
- Calculating
- Book-loving
- Protective
- Well-Versed
- Faithful
- Curious
- Unashamed
Zaz' takes his time in newer environments to study the architecture and the other occupants or inhabitants, never making any out-of-line steps until he's sure that he won't draw anyone's ire or offense. Initially, he's a calm-and-calculated sort around newer folks and newer climes, but after enough visits to become familiar, he will acclimate accordingly to make himself comfortable.
When he sets his mind to a task, he often formulates an order of operations, and should others be involved in said order, he will let them know of said planning, and take the most logical route presented to him with the given variables and elements. This may come off to some as cold and emotionless, but in a given situation where focus is paramount and room for error is slim to none, he will made his best effort to ensure that his plans are air-tight, and that celebrations and accusations can wait until after the endeavor.
He speaks with a refined sort of tonality that one might expect from Ishgard, or modern Sharlayan, however he does have a touch of that Ul'Dahni charm and forwardness in his voice when he chooses to drop the usual subtleties and spell something out for someone. He prefers to vary his vernacular, avoiding repetitive words if he can help it.
Philosophy & Ideals
Zaz' will often attempt to take the pragmatic route of non-violence if conflict can be resolved without trading blows, offering to either negotiate terms, or talk the other person down if possible, using his logistical mind and natural Ul'Dahni charm to try and convince the other party that the fight is not worth it. But in times of heated passion, he has a tendency to jump to threats and prepare for Aetheric Retribution.
He tries to see the good in all things, within reason. And his friends are, above all else, the most important things in the world to him, even daring to consider making personal sacrifices for the safety and security of his confidants. But, if reason is out of the question, his reluctance will be set aside for calculated combat.
While normally preferring the comfort of the city walls, as well as the silence and tranquility of his personal space with all of his tomes, Zaz' is ever one to seek out new cultures, new experiences, and learn all he can. This likely stems from his insatiable curiosity of desiring to learn more of the Beast Tribe's variations on traditional magical arts.
Personality Tidbits
- Despite his diminutive size, his voice BOOMS when he demands attention of those around him.
- Far too often does the Scholar attempt to embrace subtlety, which often leads to a string of 'sayings' that still don't connect.
- He is very careful about any and all of his books, valuing knowledge almost as a currency of its own, and he is unkind to those who mistreat books.
- Zaz' has a hard time travelling by boat, unable to find his center of gravity as the ship rocks about to and fro, and threatens to send him, and his lunch, overboard.
- While normally the kind to value his intellect and focus above all else, he is not so self-centered as to find fun to be a 'distractor' from his research - a drink or two every now and again couldn't hurt.
- The Scholar's fortunes during his time in Sharlayan came from an inheritance - now to accrue his daily income, he spends time teaching and training novices at the Adventurer's Guild as a day-job for his 'living'.
- Zaz' has flitted from group to group, looking for a bunch of confidants to truly rely on. And now that he believes he has finally found them, there are no ends he would not go to for any one of them.
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Flaws | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early Life
Lalamune Zazamune was born to a Lalafellin couple - His mother, a retired Gladiator of the Blood Sands, Chechemi Chemi, and his father, an active merchant for the Sapphire Avenue, and an avid supporter of the Immortal Flames, Rarayucha Leleyucha. In his youth, he was an only child, and the world about him was exciting, blissfully ignorant as to the vagaries of Ul'Dah and it's rather dirty backstory. His mother spent most of her time tending to him, treating him with stories of her clashes, and exaggerating the details every so often as to recount the battles in a fable-sense, to keep the young boy's sense of wonder alive. All the while, his father continued to work his mercantile magic, buying and selling to keep the family solid, all while cutting into his own margins to send some support over towards the Immortal Flames during their clash with the Imperials alongside the Adders and the Maelstrom during the war.
The War was never mentioned to Zaz' in his youth, but it became more and more apparent ow involved his father was getting towards supporting his city and his fellow countrymen. One day, Rarayucha set out from his stall on the Sapphire Avenue, told his wife and son that he was off to support the Flames on the front-line proper by establishing a trade route that might ensure more supplies, arms, and armor for the men and women at the front of the Carteneau Flats. Though Chechemi begged him to stay for his son, he simply told her that this was his way of ensuring their future, and with a kiss, he set off.
When Zaz' was 15, the Seventh Umbral Calamity struck the realm, and over the five years that followed in the wake of the travesty, no word came back from the Flats.
His Father, Rarayucha Leleyucha, was gone.
At the age of 20, Zaz' was a proper-grown Lalafellin, though he was still young of mind, and had much to learn. With his late-father's passing, he and his mother were granted an inheritance of his fortunes amassed over his entire mercantile career, and left to them with a note stating that Rarayucha likely knew this would happen sooner-or-later, and hoped the two of them would put the Gil to good use. While his mother was teary-eyed, he refused to succumb to depression, and for all the tending she did for him, it was his turn to tend to her. He took up simple delivery work about the town, not asking questions, and knowing what his work-worth was. He refused to spend so much as a cent of his inheritance money on simple things for the family.
At 22, he made up his mind on what he wanted to do with said inheritance - He wanted to venture beyond, to a place with more to teach him than the Ossuary or Mealvan's Gate. He dared to head out to Sharlayan. Though his mother protested against this, he assured her that it would not be the same as Rarayucha - He was not heading out to some forlorn battlefield in the hopes of aiding in conflict, he was simply seeking a higher education, that he might return more knowledged and better provide for her, and the rest of Ul'Dah. He made a promise that he would do nothing that might endanger himself bodily or otherwise, and with his bags packed, he set out for Sharlayan. With his inheritance to foot the bill for his planned stay and tuition, as well as dormitory costs, class materials, uniform code, and the rest of his necessary expenses, he studied day and night, attended various seminars on the machinations of magic, the balance of the elements, the correlation between the elemental wheel, and the sequence of the Calamities.
While in his pursuit of knowledge and a better grasp on Aether, he cacme across an interesting subject that had him rather hooked, and would drive him to pursue his major - The Lost City of Nym, and the various works that it entailed. The most interesting to him being the Aetheric tactics of the Nymian Scholars, whom worked alongside the Nymian Marines in the ages before even the Sixth Umbral Calamity! But what was most important of all the details, given his recent self-discoveries during his time in Sharlayan, was that the Nymian Scholars of old primarily utilized books for their magic. That was something he could get behind, as he began to hyper-focus his research into Nym, and their rise-and-fall, the remains of their city, The Wanderer's Palace, EVERYTHING he could absorb in terms of knowledge. And all the while, he sent letters back home, writing to his mother about his experiences, his progress, and his reassurances that he's perfectly fine.
However, two Summers before his expected graduation, she stopped writing back. Was it some kind of premonition? Had something happened? He couldn't simply drop everything and leave to check. So, he continued his studies, and after ten straight Summers spent practicing, learning, and proving himself beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Scholar received his degree as a young professor of Aetheric Studies and Manipulation, and earned honorary credentials within Sharlayan's halls. With his education attained and proven, he returned to Eorzea proper, and hie'd to Ul'Dah, to celebrate his successes. But, what he found upon his return would shock him. He had hoped to display to his mother at home his certificate of graduation, however when he approached home, he found a sign stating that the residence was vacant, and being repossessed. He asked about what the meaning of this was, and what happened to the Lalafellin woman living here.
They say the found her hanging from the rafters of her bedroom with a chair laying on the ground right below her.
His mother, Chechemi Cehmi, was gone.
With no more living family to speak of, the Scholar had to forge ahead on his own, with whatever methods he knew were available to him. He enrolled with the Adventurer's Guild in an effort to assist novices and veterans alike. He enlisted with the Immortal Flames, offering strategic angles thanks to his studies of the various Nymian Marine-tactics. But never one to plant his feet, he saddled his Chocobo, Bibliocobo, with tome-filled packs, and sturdy barding, and took to the fields. He roamed the realm, in search of the knowledge that Eorzea herself harbored, from Gridania to Ishgard, and all places between, seeking to spread his own learnings, and gather the teachings of those whom were versed in the native climes of the continent.
Not once did he consider a physical discipline, knowing he was better off with his practiced arts of magic. War simply did not suit him, so he rarely, if ever, took to the Allagan-riddled Carteneau Flats for the Frontline practice, or the rolling fields of the faux-Nhaadam in The Azim Steppe. Instead, he crossed the scorching sands, the creaking boughs, the soaked shores, all in an effort to find the perfect opportunities and evidence to aid him in his true life's goal - to completely, and utterly master the art of Aetheric Manipulation, and become as grand a magus as Archon Louisoix Leveilleur.
Recent Times
Common | Uncommon | |
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Rare | Player Descriptions | |
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These are descriptions of Lily made by other player characters.
Relationship Status Key
- ☀ Loved One
- ❤ In Love
- ✿ Attraction
- § Complicated
- ♫ Friend
- ✔ Good Standing
- ✘ Poor Standing
- ● Neutral
- ✫ Uncertain
- ✞ Deceased
Partner | Close Friends | |
Family and Friends | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
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Description WIP
RP Preferences:
I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike! Walkups are welcome and encouraged. My only three real requests are:
First - That you try to keep OOC and IC interactions separate when possible. I really prefer trying to keep character interactions in-character, and trying to differentiate when I'm talking to your character and *you* is difficult when someone constantly switches between the two without a warning. So trying to use "(( ))" tags when possible for out-of-character questions and concerns is greatly appreciated! -w-/
Second - I welcome almost all backstories and roleplays. If you'd like to do some sort of life-changing collaboration storyline involving Zaz', please clear it with me first so I can think about the story a bit ahead of time and make it an awesome experience for both of us! That being said, I almost never turn down playing a role in your character's development.
Third - Regarding character relationships, while I am okay with Zaz' becoming - slowly - involved with somebody romantically, it would need to be something that would be built up upon many roleplaying sessions. I also want to stress that it would be strictly IC and would have it not bleed into the real world. Please respect that I prefer to keep the boundary in-game and will respond negatively if you try to make it go beyond that. Thank you!
Other Information | Credits | |
Last Updated: June, 2020 |
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |