Rickeman Bran
Rickeman Bran | |
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Character Information | |
Full Name | Rickeman Bran |
Nickname(s) | Nicknames |
Race | Hyur |
Subrace | Midlander |
Gender | Male |
Sexual Orientation | ??? |
Relationship Status | ??? |
Nameday | 24th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon |
Age | 46 |
Guardian | The Twelve (You can link to sections of this) |
Birthplace | ??? |
Tribe | ??? |
Occupation | Black mage/Void mage/mercenary |
Family | ??? |
General Information
Bran can and has been described as a somewhat... unsettling person to be around. He speaks little, and makes appearances even less. He rarely expresses emotion either verbally or physically, and almost always seems either uncomfortable, or half-asleep. There is no in-between.
Despite his age, Bran has unusually youthful features, save for some few grey hairs amidst light brown. His eyes are heavy-lidded and green, the left differing slightly in shade as well as having a slightly cloudy look to it. Likewise, his vision on that side is poor. Beneath his admittedly silly high-collared mage's coat, he's covered in scars of all kinds, though the most apparent are the burns which span across his torso and arms. The palms of his hands are covered in the same burns, and he is missing two fingers on his left; a seemingly recent injury.
Personality Traits
- Quiet
- Anti-social
- Serious
- Intimidating
- Anxious
- Direct
- Unobservant
- Cautious
- Somewhat caring
- Fuckin' stupid
- Asparagus
Like his speech patterns, Bran's movements and mannerisms are stilted and robotic. He has a habit of going entirely stock still, and taking long pauses between words. Perhaps to think, perhaps to unnerve.
Philosophy & Ideals
It's somewhat difficult to pinpoint exactly what Bran considers right or wrong, but in general, he holds the belief that all people should be held equally. His goals, however, are his own to know.
- Stupid outfit
- His outfit
- He's got a funny outfit
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Flaws | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early life
Bran's documented history begins somewhere in his late twenties, when he'd become more notorious as a mage and mercenary. He'd taken up many jobs during this time, most of which involved destroying buildings or large settlements. He went entirely silent for several years afterwards; assumed dead, or in hiding. Activities began to pick up once more in his mid thirties, becoming more violent and frequent, as well as becoming far more unpredictable. It's unclear if these actions were taken as a mercenary, or for other reasons, but he's managed to elude the law since this time fairly well; beyond a few close calls, of course.
Recent Times
Some few moons prior, Bran stumbled upon and rescued and old friend, Raih'ir Karnha, nursing him back to health and assisting him in establishing the Court of Thieves; an organization focused on ending slavery and creating a new nation from the ground up, built upon the belief that all men should be allowed a fair and equal chance.
Several moons after Raih'ir had recovered and begun to establish his new group, Bran was attacked, mangled, and nearly killed by a hunter seeking a mage other than himself, but who spared no mercy for the hyur regardless. He lost two of his fingers and almost his life, though was nursed back to health by a kindly healer; a friend of Raih'ir's who had heard his plea for help before he'd lost consciousness. He stayed with her for some several moons more, recovering from his injuries, and drunk on vindictive fury.
As fate would have it, he would encounter his attacker again, and put an end to the man. One might assume so, anyway, but Bran is both not very smart, and not very predictable.
The Court, meanwhile, existed for some moons as a small but formidable force, comprised merely of Bran himself and Raih'ir, as well as a few others. It quickly began to grow and prosper with the guidance and support of Rhaya'li, a freedom fighter from Thavnair and successful businessman in his own right.
The once rag-tag group has since grown into a society of its own, Bran becoming a member of the Leadership as the head of magic.
Common | Uncommon | |
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Rare | Player Character | |
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These are rumors made by other characters. They are color coded for common, uncommon, or rare.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Relationship Status Key
- ☀ Loved One
- ❤ In Love
- ✿ Attraction
- § Complicated
- ♫ Friend
- ✔ Good Standing
- ✘ Poor Standing
- ● Neutral
- ✫ Uncertain
- ✞ Deceased
Close Friends | Family | |
Friends | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
Bran often practices Void magic alongside his black magic, and his aether is thus tainted and sickly. It's difficult to see his true aether beneath it all.
Black mage
Self explanatory.
Bran is wanted under several names, though Rickeman Bran would be the most common in Eorzea.
Acceptable RP | Unacceptable RP | |
Player Info
hello! i go by the names binneo/bran/hillectant/marl... kinda whatever suits the moment, and i've been roleplaying for likely around... 6 years or so. bran is a relatively old character and thus is kinda messy, but he's one of my favorites and i really enjoy getting to play him. i go by he/him pronouns and i do art that i post on twitter.com/hillectant or hillectant.tumblr.com! that's it for personal stuff !
My Policies
I have some pretty severe trauma involving and surrounding animal death. Thus, I do not like to roleplay anything relating to it; this goes both ways, of course, as I politely ask that my partner refrains from doing so in our plots.
I don't ERP in any way shape or form on any of my characters. I don't disapprove of it, but I'm asexual and pretty sex-repulsed, so I prefer to stay away from it.
I am very chill when it comes to most kinds of injuries and fights with my characters. Deadass, if you want to walk up to Bran and clock him, please feel free. Just roll beforehand to see if it lands! I only draw the line when it comes to permanent injuries, such as amputation. I'd prefer to discuss that OOC, but I'm not entirely against it.
OOC Character Info | Links | |
Wiki Info | Credits | |
This wiki page is updated as the character's story changes.
Last Updated: December 18, 2018 |
Please leave the credits section intact! Many people work very hard on their themes; please do not disrespect them!
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |