Styrnbryda Hylmwym
 "And what about you?"
Mythril Skin
Place of Birth
Vesper Bay
Llymlaen, the Navigator
26th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Marital Status
Traveler, Novice information trader
Basic Info
Please note the following are commonly-known or easily observed traits in any public/social setting:
- ■ Conversation
- ■ Studying others
- ■ Ice cream, particularly rolanberry
- ■ Limsa
- ■ Information Trade
- ■ Peaceful, no fighting times
- ■ Flowers, especially pink ones
- ■ Fur coats
- ■ Incompetence
- ■ Untrustworthy customers
- ■ Cooking
- ■ Information Trading
- ■ Asking meaningless questions
- ■ Looking for new friends
Appearance & Personality
- Appearance:
Styrnbryda is a rather tall Hellsguard, wearing her moon colored hair short. There's always a star mark on her face, matching greatly with her aqua eyes. Her type of dress suits her residence in Ul'dah; lots of skin revealed and very light colored. She's often seen in a shirt that matches her hair, which always seems to be slightly revealing.
Her accent is interesting, being described as "Limsan with a flair of Ul'dah."
- Personality:
Styrnbryda is a quiet individual, easily classified as shy. Her voice is soft, never rising above a normal level. She often tries to avoid talking of herself, and loves to know of others. Every so often, her silence masks her as she looks around, looking rather suspicious...
Rumors may be greatly exaggerated or flat out untrue. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the PC section!
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
- ■ "The moon lass? Naw, she won' open up t' ya."
- ■ "Info? That Hellsguard right there. She's got tons in her notebook."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- ■ "Ya' see 'er tattoo? Looked like it was from the Reavers or shite.."
- ■ "Did you hear? She's all smitten for some Xaela. They say he's on of 'em scary ones too."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- ■ "Pff-Styrnbryda? Her pops is Hylmbylda. Yeah, THAT Hylmbylda. Pirate captain who sold out his men."
- ■ "You e' 'ear whot she does with all that info? I 'eard she blackmails the Brass Blades, gets 'em to do dirty work."
◢ PC Rumors (Add some and sign your character's name!)
- ■ (Feel free to add your own!)
- ♥ Romantic Attraction ♥ Family ● Friends
- ● Neutral ● Not Trusted ! Enemies
- ● Gilawafe Archimtirios - A rather curious Roegadyn, she's concerned that she constantly offends him. She sees him as a trustworthy man, but can't help but think he looks familiar...
- ● Serris Le'omend - This almond haired miqo'te has caught Styrn's attention. She finds the nature she covers up in rather curious, and would like to know more about the woman. Even if she's afraid of losing her head.
RP Hooks
You might know Styrnbryda if...
- You are active currently within Limsa Lominsa:
- She's often seen within or around the Drowning Wench.
- She takes occasional walks around the Lower Decks, near the Docks
- You are currently within Ul'dah:
- She will hang out near the market, listening to idle chatter
- Layout created by Bancroft Gairn and adjusted by Nai Ruahki.