Tatsuko Naeuri

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 Tatsuko Naeuri
Tatsuko Free.jpg

Gender Female
Race Au'ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship None
Age Unknown
Occupation Refugee, Wanderer
Orientation Probably Hetero
Marital Status Single
Alignment Neutral Good


Tatsuko Naeuri (Pronunciation: Tots-u-ko Nah-eh-oo-re), has no memory of her family or where she was from. Even her name is something she's fairly certain she made up. General translation for her name is "Dragon Girl Seed Farmer", a very basic Raen styled name. The girl tends to be very shy, almost withdrawn, but for those who can coax her out of her shell she can be quick to smile with a quirky sense of humor.


Short and slender, even for an Au'ra, Tatsuko looks as if a good strong wind would blow her over. Despite her frail looking frame, strong muscle tone belies a hidden strength much greater than what one might expect. It's difficult to gauge her true height as she tends to purposely make herself appear as small as possible.

Black hair frames a heart-shaped face and pointed chin. While usually cut short, lately Tatsuko has taken to letting it grow longer. Her skin is quite pale, almost translucent, covered in white scales that shimmer with a pearly opalescence. Her most distinguishing features are perhaps her eyes, one the color of amethyst, the other a deep green, both with pale blue limbral rings.


Tatsuko comes off as painfully shy, often doing everything she can to not be noticed when in a crowd. She tends to be so quiet as to be easily forgotten. Those willing to take the time to really get to know her, however, will find a bright young lady of extreme innocence. It is these people who are treated to her smiles and laughter, both which reveal her more light-hearted nature.

Though it might seem as if she isn't paying attention to what's going on around her, those who have gotten to know her will find she is actually quite observant, able to remember odd details most failed to notice. It is perhaps this attention to detail that helps her when it comes to learning new things, often picking up the basics of a new task after only being shown once.

Strangely, the girl can also be quite stubborn, especially when it comes to debts. She hates owing them. Tatsuko will often do all she can to ensure a debt is repaid as soon as possible.


Learning Tatsuko loves to learn new things. Though she can pick up on the basics quickly, mastering a skill takes time and she's been more than willing to put in the effort. As a result, she has quite the mish-mash of skill sets.

Reading Much of what Tatsuko knows of the world and even herself has come from reading books. There is one in particular that she treasures almost above all else.

Technology Though she rarely speaks of her past, something in her background has given her mad mechanic skills. She rarely has a chance to use them, but when she does she's been known to zone out for hours while doing her thing.

People Watching Despite her shyness, Tatsuko loves to watch people. She's been known to sit for hours just watching people pass by on the street.

Cute Things Tatsuko has been more often than not drawn to anything cute and fuzzy, like chocobos. She might claim that they scare her, but in reality she'd love nothing more than to own her own cute furry anime horde.


Attention Tatsuko does ok one on one, but when more than one person is paying attention to her, she tends to retreat into her shell.

Mean People Though she's come across more than one mean person in her life, Tatsuko doesn't much enjoy dealing with them and will find ways to quickly leave if confronted with them.

Conflict If there's one thing that will make Tatsuko shrink into herself the quickest, it's conflict.

Owing Debts Tatsuko hates owing people a major debt, going so far as to follow people for days if she has to until she can repay them.


Loyal Though it might take her a while to warm up to someone, or for someone to break through her walls, she is loyal to a fault to anyone who has earned her friendship.

Intelligent Tatsuko is highly intelligent, able to pick up on things quickly. She is very book smart, often remembering what she has read word for word.

Kind Despite her near crippling shyness, Tatsuko is often kind to strangers who seem down on their own luck.

Trustworthy Perhaps due to her shyness, Tatsuko isn't the type to gossip. She also isn't the type to talk about things people have asked her to keep to herself.


Shy Her shyness makes her difficult to approach and talk to. It's also made her socially awkward to the point where she isn't sure what she's supposed to do in most social situations.

Innocent Saying she's innocent is almost an understatement. The girl has clearly never heard the "birds and bees" speech, and any hints toward the topic only earn a blank stare from her. While endearing, it can also get her into deep trouble from predators willing to take advantage of a girl who clearly has no idea what they're talking her into doing.

Inexperienced Though highly intelligent, all of her knowledge comes from books. She lacks any real world experience in most things, and is definitely lacking in street smarts.

Stubborn Though usually willing to go with the flow, when her stubbornness kicks in, she can be difficult at best.


This is a list of the items that CHARACTER currently is keeping on THEIR person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 10/07/2016

  • Mysterious Book: There is a book Tatsuko keeps with her almost at all times. If she doesn't have it with her, it's probably somewhere she considers safe. The book's cover is plain, and the text worn, making it difficult to tell what it's about. Is it a journal? A photo album? Or simply a favored story?

  • Goggles: Tatsuko is always wearing a pair of goggles, either on her head or around her neck like a necklace. It is perhaps the one item she would never leave laying about, even if she thinks the place is safe enough for her book.

  • School Uniform: Issued by the Haurchefant School of Knightly Pursuits the uniform represents the life Tatsuko has always wanted; the freedom to be herself while immersing herself in the learning of new things.


Face Claim: [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].

Body Claim: [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].

Voice Claim: [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].


Tatsuko has had no formal combat training. She has recently been taught the basics of archery, but her aim leaves something to be desired. Mostly, if she has to join a fight, she'll flail about and throw random objects in the hopes of at least being distracting.

Wild Flailing

Tatsuko is very good at flailing about and being in just all the wrong places to be as annoying as possible. Unfortunately, this tends to come at a high cost to her as vastly more experienced combatants are rarely amused and have no qualms about putting her in her place.

Bow and Arrow

Keesa, her current traveling companion, decided she needed to learn to defend herself and has taught her the art of archery. While she was able to pick up the basics quickly enough, she still needs to work on her aim. At the very least, she's gotten to where Keesa no longer needs to prepare to dodge a random arrow every time she draws.

Garlean Captain's Revolver

A left over from her recent encounter with a group of Garleans, Tatsuko has figured out how to use the weapon and is slightly more accurate with it than she is the bow.


Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that CHARACTER has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what HE/SHE has been up to.

  • Captain Adalric Caelinus : His own revolver During a battle to rescue her from the Garlean captain, Keesa managed to disarm the man but quickly found himself in a precarious position. Tatsuko picked up the discarded weapon and used it to defend her friend.


Tatsuko doesn't speak of her past very often. What little of it she does talk about references time spent among the Garleans, though it's rarely anything positive. More often than not, when questioned about her past she is evasive or simply says she doesn't remember.


After being injured in a fall, Tatsuko was rescued by a passing Miqo'te who healed her wounds. He also paid her bill at the clinic she ended up spending the night at due to her injuries. Feeling herself to be in debt to him, she insisted on doing something to repay him. At first Keesa was reluctant, but he eventually accepted. A series of seemingly random events led them to being a pair of wanted criminals in Western Coerthas and now the pair has decided to travel to Sharlyan in search of a better life.

Ironically, while the pair made it to the ruins of Sharlyan their journey brought them right back to Coerthas by way of joining a new school. Even more strange, Tatsuko and her traveling companion managed to score the highest in their respective fields of academia and combat ability as to be named Prefects for the first school year of the Haurchefant School of Knightly Pursuits. While it remains to be seen if they will retain their titles into the second year, Tatsuko has enjoyed the challenge of adopting to the student lifestyle.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Unknown mother. ( )
Tatsuko’s Thoughts: "Maybe I'll meet her someday, but she's probably dead."

Tatsuko has no memory of her mother.

Unknown, father. ( )
Tatsuko's Thoughts: "He's probably dead too."

Tatsuko has no memory of her father.

Unknown, sibling. ( )
Tatsuko’s Thoughts: ”It might be neat to have siblings...”

If Tatsuko has any siblings, she has never met them nor has any memory of them.


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that CHARACTER has interacted with enough or in such a way for HIM/HER to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on CHARACTER, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!

Last Update... DATE.

* An asterisks denotes that CHARACTER doesn't know the individual's true name.

Keesa Lugandal, Traveling Companion, Mentor, Friend.. ( 🔒 )
Tatsuko’s Thoughts: "No one has ever been this nice to me before..."

A timely rescue prevented Tatsuko from a cold and painful end thanks to Keesa's healing skills. Though their travels haven't been the smoothest, they've brought the two together closer than Tatsuko has allowed anyone to be. He's become her best friend and mentor.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to CHARACTER. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • ""Oh by Halone, look, it's -them-! You know, those two thieves the Temple Knights have been looking for!" -- Mildreth the Lazy Milk Maid.

  • "If you ask me, that girl is just another Dravanian..." -- Random Temple Knight.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "She's nice, and a hard worker. Increased business here more than any other wench I've hired, but don't tell no one I said that!" -- Helga

  • "Innocent doesn't even begin to cover it, but damn she's adorable. Reminds me of my kid sister." -- Tenebrox the Houseless.

  • "I wonder when those two are going to get married?" -- Everyone Who Knows Them

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Think she could be a Garlean spy? Supposedly she's from that area." -- Bleeding Stone

  • "I swear, I saw her crawl in and out of that guy's window like it was nothing! She's a witch, I tell ya, a witch!" -- Panicked Citizen.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of CHARACTER that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of CHARACTER, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Tatsuko is painfully shy, but very approachable. If you're looking for help on reasons to approach, look no further!

  • Family: Tatsuko has no idea who her family is, or if any of them are still alive. If you'd like to be a relation, we can work something out.
  • Bounty Hunter: There are several parties currently looking for Tatsuko, perhaps your character has been hired by one of them?
  • Traveler: Ever since meeting up wtih Keesa Lugandal, Tatsuko has been traveling. Perhaps your character comes across her in their own travels?
  • Side Character: If you've in need of some extra bodies for your RP, let me know. I can fill in as a random nobody.


I've been roleplaying for a long time in various forms, from table top to forum to MMO. I rather enjoy the creative outlet it gives me and am willing to go just about anywhere the RP happens to go. That said, I do keep a very distinct line between myself and my character. For instance, and this is a big one, if my character happens to be dating someone's I certainly don't believe that I am dating that player. Conversely, if my character dislikes someone, that doesn't mean that I dislike them. I know these are usually unspoken rules, but I've come across way too many folks who blur that line, so I like to be firm about it upfront.

Overall, I like to think I'm pretty easy going and drama free, though I am human so sometimes I do let my emotions get the better of me. Just know that if I cross a line, simply talking to me is the best way to work things out. I can't fix a problem if I don't know it's a problem. ^^


RP Status means IC I do enjoy the game as a whole, so I'm not always in character. Since they gave us this handy new RP status, I've decided to use it to denote when I'm in character or not.
This Bio is kept intentionally vague I've kept her bio intentionally vague due to some old habits I've picked up on the forums. Partially, this allows for her story to expand to include other player characters, but it's also to help prevent accidental metagaming of the character.
I go with the flow of the RP I consider RP characters to be their own entities in a way. A good RPer can breath life into a character enough to make it almost a real living, breathing person. As such, I tend to allow Tatsuko's story to develop in line with her IC experiences, no matter where that RP may happen to go.


Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying to or just being really skeevy in general. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular:


Character Breaking I like my RP to make sense, so while I do tend to go with the flow, if the RP starts feeling forces I won't continue it. I'm not going to just do things for the sake of doing them.
eRP for the sake of eRP While this kind of goes along with the above, I feel it deserves it's own entry just to be clear on the subject. Unless it makes sense for the characters to be getting it on, I just won't do it. Even then, I tend to either describe the event tastefully or simply fade to black.
Permanent Death Unless I plan to permanently retire the character, I won't allow her to just simply die.


Permanent Injury If in the course of RP, she is injured, I don't mind that injury being permanent. Could be interesting.
Captivity I don't mind playing the captive, so long as it isn't forever. It gets boring RPing being in a cage after a while.
Enslavement If it makes sense for her to end up enslaved, I'll go with it. Just try to keep it tasteful.
Torture Again, if it makes sense for it to happen, I'll go with it. Once more, I simply ask that you keep it tasteful.


Random Link... [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].
Random Link... [WWW.URL.COM Link Text].

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